HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 10/98' f j -� �g �. .. � ; �Npp� ' . ..,. .� : . . ~ REPURT TO COUNCIL EROM: Everett Buntsmn DATE: Octubcr 19, 1998 Diactor of Pnrks & Fncilities REPORT NUMBER; PF 10-98 SUB]ECI': A Plan for Phasing & Financing for renovations und addition to East Shore Communiry Centrc - File: PF5000 RECOMMENDATTON: Thnt Report PF 10/98 rcgurding the East Shore Community Centrc be rcceived und thnt: I. the recammended phazing schedule for construction und rcnovations nt thc East Shorc Communiry Centre be udopted (attnchments 1& 2); 2. the project cost of 5600,UI6.00 ac shown in the cost from Daiton Engineering & Constniction Limited, Project Managcrs bc npprovcd; 3. funding in Ihe amounl of up lo S700,000.00 be providcd by the issuance of debentures, if requircd, by lhe Rcgion o( Durham for a tcrtn up lo but not cxceeding twenry (20) years be approved, wilh thc balancc lo bc charged lo the General Fund; and 4. thc npproprinte officials of lhe Town of Pickcring be givcn nulhorily lo givic effccl thereto. ORIGIN; Council Resolution f1114/98 and q157/98 AUTE{ORITY: Resolution of Council FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1998 - �350,000.00 1999 - 5350,000.00 Totul $700,000.00 (includes Professional Fees) The Dircctor of Finance ond Trcasurer of the Town of Pickering, in uccordance with provincinl rogulntions, certifies that ezpenditures contnined in the recommendcd approvnls cnn be financed by the issuunce of debentures, if rcquired, for a tertn of up to 20 years and is within thc updatcd Debt nnd Finuncial Obligntion Limit. Any debt lssued will result in annuai mpnyment costs appenring in future Curtent Budgcls in thc amount of approximately 577,000.00 per year wilh a fifteen (IS) year term at 7 percent. Financing costs in the cstimated umount of 59,000,00 will be included in thc 1999 budgcts, f � � . Report to Councii PFl0.9g sS ubjecl:A Plen For Phasing & Financing for reno4utions and adJition to East Shore Cammunlry Ccntro � �. . `. . . H{ � �� Date: September30, �9�8 Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Depnrtment of Pnrks & Fucilities in cooperation with the vnrious consultunts has estnblished n possible design, tendering und construction schedule us per Councii Resoiwion HI !4/98 (copy attached). A Council Resolution is required to procced with this project ns per the ubove recommendation. BACKGROUND: The East Shore Community Centre renovation nnd addition wns approved in principal by Council Resolulion Ht 14/98 (copy nitached) subjecl to approval of phasing nnd finnncing pinn. Subsequenlly, Council Resolution NI57/98 (copy altached) approved the hiring of consullunts to prepare working druwings, tenders, etc, nnd providc cost eslimntcs und construclion schedules. This resulted in an npproved cosl of $100,000.00 which is now included in the overnll project cost and funding proposal. Cost eslimates and conslruction schedules arc auacheJ (attachments I& 2 respectively). Thc schedule is also n pha5ing plan rcpresents Ihe orcler of constniction in a cost effective manner as preparcd by Dalton Engincering & Conslruction, Projcct Managcrs. ATTACHMENTS: I.& 2. Constmction Schcdules 3. ResolutionNlld/9R 4. Rcsolutionif157/98 Approved / Endorsed By: vealt Bu mn Director of Pnrks & Facilities EB:mld Attuchments Copy: Generul Mnnuger Recommonded for the considemtion of PickeringTown ouncil . es J. inn, eneral n er ���" � /I�—°— Gillis Paterson Director of Finance and Trcasurcr ';lr ' . � � � . � � . �v � .+ . . • . � . � . .. � • .IITTAC�M��t�on��wcnoN uMiTen' �TTACHMENTN��O �1140 Cartt�B�ld Awnw, ToroMo, Ontuio MiB 1Ef Td�phaM: (!06) 7lN1l6 Fuc:�106)141•f132 � 2 • Bulldinp : E�n plclurinp Communityr f�ntn Ovmv : Town M Pick�rinp Louqon: Livupool Rd., Plck�rinp D�b : �wytt�tot islmcUon M�nayement Fee Iition r 1 Story AddHlon..1500SF iov�Uon n BovAlnp Clubhouse n Bawllnp Deck r EnGOSed Vestibule nbh Exlstlnfl MeeUnp Raoms ambly Room yen RenovaUom � Slonqe ro DIslAbutlon, Order 8 Insleli Conduk ro Tnns(ortner, O�der 3 Instatl ConduH ro DfstrlbuUon, Swilch Over ro Transfortner Swilch Ovar Wo�k Parldnp Lot Aroa strucclon Managemenl Fee idon � 1 Story Additlon.,1500SF ovatlon n Bawlinp Clubhouse n Bowlinp Oeck Enclosed Vestibule ntsh Existlnp Meetinp Rooms imbly Room �en Renovations Storage n DlstAhulion, Order 3 Install Canduit n Transfortner, ONer 8 Install Conduit n Distribulion, Swilch Over n Trensfortner Switch Over Work Parkinp Lol Area 38,129 54,123.87 S1 352,847 550,441 S1C 547,773 sq 52,800 � 37,SB3 549,29p i5 519,970 31 58,112.9� 51,829.45 5287 555,2�4 550,441 s7,; 53,�99 5108,150 524,975 58,82J 512,500 I � 510,747,77 5112,891 5108, 51 51 .ti . ATTACHMeN'fa � roREppRTNp�p/�8 i• IlVTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM �'� CLERK'S DEPARTMENT DA1'E: Octaber21,1998 T0: • E. Buntsma, Dircetor of Pazks 8c Facilitiw FROM: Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Please be advised that the Council o: the Town of Pickering passed Re�olution NI14/98 at a Regular Council Meeting of June 22, 1998. Tdat t6e report af thc Eut Shore Communiry Ceatre Bu(ld(ng Committa be recetved for intormation; and That the rceommendatton� contained in the report be endoned; �nd That a plan for phae(ng ind financing 6e brought buk to Council for tinal approval; and That budget approval be given in order that worWng dnwing� and �pecification� can be dnwo up And tenden prep�rcd; and That the �rchitectunl and engineertng Qrm of Stone, Kohn, McQuire, Vogt, Architecu 6e retained to complef� the recommended assignmenf. Thie reso i is sent t you for your information. ruce Taylor, Town Clerk _ : i , i . . �, 1tc.� i{e�`4.i� � . . �r>.����, - ; �„�� t �r, �'� �r Y,���a � � } r�w j'� �r`S a ?r & � . �IL:7��� , � ��+. s� � I ' � . ii'a Y°,j�" . . �"'4� � . . _ . _ .. . . � . � ATTACHMENTq � TORE/�O�Td Fla� 64 IlVTER-DEPAF.TMENTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S DEPARTMENT DA'fE: Oetober 21,1998 T0: • E. Bunuma, D'vector of Perk� 8c Facilitiw FAOM: Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Please be advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering passed Raolution N157/98 at a Reguler Council Meeting of August 4, 1998. In t6e Direetor of Park� and Facilitia Report PF 0&98 it i� rccommended lh�t Council approve entering into contracb for the following amounb witd: 1. Stooq Kohn, MtQuire, Vogt ' 539,000 2. Stmcoe Engineerfng 530,000 3. Dalton Enginariag and Construetion Limited 521,000 And that the Rnancing of e:penditura fn the �mount of 590,000 for contncb and S10,000 for dUburoemenb through the t��uance of debentura be approved; and Thot tde Dircetor of Finance and Treaeurer be cuthorized to �mend the annual npayment Ifmit rapecting long-term debt and finonci�l obligatione; �nd That atimated di�bunement� in the amount of SI0,000 a� dacribed in Report PF OS-98 be approved;and That Councti authorize the e:ecuHon of ail neca�ary documenb to bring efkct hereto. This re olution is t to you for your infortnation. Brucc Taylor, Town Clerk I , i :? z�;3 �t �� 54r �� a.�.s�4 4 x' �,,��t'�E'} '� f , r � � �n�Ix.3�'�' �i � . , .. .