HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 03/99� ��OFp � �; REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everctt Buntsma DATE: February 3,1999 Dircctor of Pnrks & Facilities REPORT NUMBER; PF 03 - 99 SUB]ECT: Shane Cobum - Lease Agreement wilh Pickering Driving Range - Lease Renewal - File: L1000 RECOMMBNDATION: Councii should puss u Resolulion authorizing the rencwal oF the Icase agreement with Shnna Cobum for the 1239 ucre parcel of Innds locnted on Brock Road (being Part of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickcring), at u yearly renlal ratc of 517,500 payable in twclve equal monthly installments of S 1,456.33. ORIGIN: Lcitcr from Shanc Cobum AUTHORITY: Municipal Ac�, R.S,0.1990, chaptcr M.45, subscclion 191(1). FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: Gross rent per ycar (17,500 per ycar x 3 ycars) $52,500 and realry taxes (umount to be determincd) BACKGROUND: For the pasl sixteen years, Shane Cobum, has used lhe 12.39 ucre parcel of lands located on Brock Road (being Part of Lot 19, Concession 3, Pickering), for lhe purpose of opernting a driving rangc. Shane i;obum has requested cancellation of hia existing leuse which would huve cxpired December 31,1999 end has requested a change in the wording of Seclian #7 Clause N2 to allow him to assign the lease to future operelors of the Pickering Driving Range. The attached lease has honourcd these rcquests but haa maintained the necessary approval by the Town of any sub-let or assignmenl of the Icase. Further, the lense has been extended to December 31, 2001, as wc do not cnviaion a municipal need far tho property in the immediale Poture. Atta.hed is thc nxoseary by-law authorizing thc exccution of thc Leoso Agreement fortning Sohedulo A thercto, � • � Report to Council PF 03 - 99 Dutc: Februnry 3, 1999 Subject: Lenr,: Agreement with Pickering Driving • Pnge: 2 Renga — Shanc Cobum ATTACHMENTS: ' 1. Letter from Mr. Shnne Cobum 2. Localion Map Prepnred & Approved b . crett Buntsmu Director of Pnrks & Fucilities Recommcnded far thc considcration of Pickcring Town Council _ � � '�� 'fliomas J, Qu , Ch A islrativc fficcr i _. ... .. . . ... �i�::. .- . . . � . . .. . . . . .. .