HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 01/99i►�, 2Q �0�� O� P� F REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Stephen Reynolds DATE: March I,1999 Dircctor of Culturc & Recrcation RGPORT NUMBER: CR 01-99 SUDJECT: Pickering Recrcation Complex - Pottery Studio - Licence Agreemenl - Pile: CAO10001RTC01-99 RECOMMENDATION: A by-Inw be enucted authorizing the execution of n Licencc Agrccment, for a two year Icrm between Jeun Timms nnd Drian Joseph to permil the continuation of the private operatian of instruclional popery programs presently bcing providcd to Ihe public nl thc Pickcring Rccrention Complex. ORIGIN; 1. Lelter from Gay and I3ob Liddell dated January I5, 1999 reyucsting lcmiination of existing licencc ugrccmcnt. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R,S.0.,1990, Chaptcr M302, Scclion 191. FINANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: Opernting Revcnuc 1999 8 months Q 5700.00 $5600 2000 12 months n $700.00 $8400 2001 4 months n $700.00 $2800 $16,800 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not npplicablc DACKGROUND: On Jnnuury I5, 1999 the Depnrlment of Culture and Recrealion receivcd n Iettcr from Gay and Bob Liddell ndvising of their intention to terminnic Iheir licence agrccment of thc pottcry sluJio "The Tuming PoinP' at the Pickering Recrcation Complex. Thc Tuming Point Pottcry Swdio has bcen in operntion ut the Pickering Recrcation Compiex since Seplember 7, 1993, On 5cptembcr 6, 1997, the Town cntcrcd into u rencwal liccncc agrcement with (3ny und Do6 LiJdell for a further term of lwo ycurs. That agrccment was � � � Report ta Council CR- O1-99 Datc: March I, 1999 Z9 Subject: Pickcring Rccrcation Complcx Liccncc Agrccmcnt Pnge 2 subject to n cancellution provision upon thrcc months notice. Gay and (iob Liddcll havc givcn such noticc and they will thercforc be vncating the prcmises on April 30, 1999. The Director of Culture & Recrcution has bcen npprouched by individuols inlcrestcJ in Icasing thc snme spacc far the purpose of conlinuing lhe potlery studio operation and arc willing to entcr into the approprintc liccnsc �vith thc Town. The Depariment rccommends thut a new agrecment be initiated with Jean Timms und IIrinn Joseph to cnsure the operation can continuc without interruplion. 'Pown Council's authori�ntion of a new licence ngreement at Ihis timc will nllow for a smoolh transition betwcen the Tuming Point and the new company. @nactment of the drnR by-law attached hcreto will uuthoriu thc execution of such an Agrecmcnt, to be prepnred in n form acceptable lo thc Tawn Solicitot in consultntion with ihe nppropriate To�m dcpartments and existing Town pmctices. Wc would recommcnd thut the ngrcement be gmntcd for a icrtn of bvo years nt a rcntal mtc of $700 per month. ATTACHMENTS: L Lettcr from Gay nnd pob Giddcll 2. Dmft By-I.nw Prepnred and A ��y Stcphen R s, Dircctor of Culturc & Rccrcnlion SR:th: Attachments Copy: ChicfAdministmtivcOfficcr Dircctor of Pnrks & Pncililies Mnnngcr of Legal Scrviccs Recommcnded for the considemtion of Pickcring 'fown Council � / �rc�(2 , o as 1. Qu n, Chicf ministrnti OFfice 3t� THG CORPO(iAT10N Of THG TOWN 0� PICKERIN(i - f3Y-LAW N0. Bcing n by-law lo aWhorize Ihc execution of a Liccnce Agrccment bctween Jcan Timms und Drian loseph and thc Corporution of thc Town of Pickering rcspecting the operotion oF the pottery studio at the Pickering Recrcation Complcx from May 1,199910 April 30, 2001, WHEREAS, pursunnt to subsection 207(58) of thc dfuniclpa/ Acl, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, thc Council oF the Corporation of the Town of Pickering mny pass by-lua•s for the operntion and mnnngement of placcs of recrcation und similar buildings; AND WHEREAS, ihc Pickcring Rccrcation Complex is u place of recrcntion conlaining a pottery studio therein; AND WHEREAS, Jcan Timms und Drian Joscph, wish to cntcr into thc snid l.iccncc Agrccmenl for u tcrtn of two years; NOW THERGFORG T(iG COUNCIL Of TIiC: CORPORA'I'ION OP "PIII: 'I'OWN OI' PICKERING HGREDY GNACTS AS i'OLLOWS: I. Thc Mayor and Clcrk ure hcreby uutharizcJ to excculc u l.iccucc Agrecmcnt in u fi�rm satisfuclory to thc Town Salicilor anJ thc Corporutinn of thc 'I'own of I'ickcring respccting thc operation of thc poucry sluJio at thc Pickcring Rccrcalion Complcx from May 1, 199910 April 30, 2001. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time nnd finnlly passcd this dny of , 1999 �j,t ' Wayne Arlhurs, Muyor ;i. ��, Orucc Tuylor, Clcrk '.� �' , AITIYCHMEN i L. i O iiEPORTN�O�' 9'9 U �. The Tuming Point 1867 Valley Farm Rd. S. Pickcring, LIV 3Y7 To: Stcvc Reynolds Depnrtment of Culture and Recreation � To�m of Pickering ! n. I5, 1999 Dear Steve; _ Pcrtinent to our recent meeting, we arc formaliy advising you that we intend to end our lense of the pottery studio as of Apri130�', 1999. We would like to thunk The Town of Pickering Cor its continued support nnd encoumgement over the years. We would also like to offer our support in finding a new leasee for the pottery smdio. The wonderful support oFthe staff at ihe Pickerin� Recreation Complex and Town; the exceptional pottery studio faciliry; and the goodwill and reputation of The Tuming Poin� will all combinc to ensure thut thc pottcry studio will conlinue to meet community needs in the Cuture. There is a high degree oC loyalty of studcnts and fnmilies, schools and communiry organirations thut will continue to support thc pottcry studio and Recreation Complex. Thnnk you for your nttention to this matter. Sinccrcly, Gay & Dob Liddcll � ., � ' u' � 1� I �.�Ci����i� � l t�"� j . � _.l � . .. .� � .. . y; S. . . . . .;, . . .':�. .. . . .��� . � . � �f: t �: 5 ' ;' 7' ,,5� � - . . >': . . . Y ' � _ . � 5... ' I '•. . ti �� . . . . � . . . � ( f . >�t . - . 0. i "� . . l . � i+; . � ... � p . / . . . ; � .. . . . . ' �'. . . . ' �'.: � . . . �. t . ' ' . � ` +`� 1 3 ` . ! f t ; � �. � •t{ � = 1 } Y�,l . � ' ) � : . � �_ i �{ � � . .. ( . %! ' { J {...1, � f.� � . � �t � }�� } ��E � . . . A• ? \ 1�� f t� ' • , , � Y } f � . irtil i i.i , . . . . . . . ` ��, ,?.� . . . .. .. .. . ��.: .�� � . _-- -