HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 02/99335 �N OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Ncil Killens DATE� Junc 22, 1999. Manager of Tmnsporlution REPORT NUMBER; TR 02-99 SUBJECT: Bench Advertising Agrcement with Crcntive Ouldoor Advertising RECOMMENDATION: That Report TR-02-99 rcgurding a bench advcAising Agrecmcnt wilh Crcativc Outdoor Advertising be rcceived; und that Council of ►he Corpomtion of thc Town of Pickcring approvc u bylaw tn cxccutc thc Agrcemcnt substantivcly in the fortn auuchcJ hcreto for u fivc (5) ycur icmi commencing on July I, 1999 and expiring on June 30, 2004 with u rene���al option for an additionul lhrce (3) ycar icrm commencing July I, 2004 und Icrtninnting on lunc 30, 2007 proviJing that Crcntivc Ouldoor AJvertising has mel all of Ihc conlractunl obligations containeJ in the Agnemcnt. ORIGIN: Resolution of Council #31199, AUTFIORITY: Seclion 308, pamgmph 3 of thc Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Upon execution of ihe Agreement, Crcntive Outdoor Advertising will pay the Town of Pickering n fixed fea of One Hundrcd Eighty (5180.00) Dollors per installed advertising unit, per nnnum. Payments will be rcceived in advancc, quarterly in monthly post-dated cheques. Effective Janunry l, 2000, quarterly puyments will be based on no Icss thnt thirty (30) units, or n minimum of Four Hundred FiRy (5450) Dollars per month regardlcss of the tolnl number of advertising units insWlled at any point throughout the rcmaining term of the Agrcemcnt. Shuuid the Town rcnew the Agrcemcnt far an aJditionnl period of thrce (3) ycurs, lhe Town will rcccive u fixed fee of Two HunJrcd (5200.00) Dollars per installed advertising unit such thnt the �p� payment will bc Five Hundred (5500) Dollars per manth regardless of the total numbcr of advcAising units instnlicd at any point throughout the rencwai temi of thc Agrcemcnt. 3��eporttoCouncil TR02-99 � Dntc; June22, 1999. Subject: Mediacom Transit Shelter Advcrtising Contract Gxtension Pogc 2 Anticiputed Revenuc Summarv Conlmct Tenn: Ycar 1 ending lune 30, 2000 .................................. S 5,400 Year 2 ending lune 30, 2001 .................................. S 5,400 Ycnr 3 ending ]unc 30, 2002 .................................. S 5,400 Yeur 4 ending June 30, 2003 .................................. S 5,400 Ycur 5 ending Junc 30, 2004 .................................. S 5,400 Optionnl Renewnl Tertn: Ycnr 6 ending Junc 30, 2005 .................................. S 6,000 Yeur 7 ending lune 30, 2006 .................................. S 6,000 Ycnr 8 cnding June 30, 2000 .................................. 6 000 Totul Revenue: $45,000 EXECUTIVH SUMMARY: At n regular meeting of Council on Diarch I, 1999, Council of the Tawn of Pickering passed Resolution M31/99 "lhat Creative Ouldoor AJvertising tx nwardeJ a five year coNract for thc right to scll udvcrtising spacc on transit henchcs in Ihc To«�n of Pickcring undcr tcrms anJ conditions cstublishcJ in Rcqucst for Pro�wsul RFI' • G- 98". In their proposal that preceded Ihe contract nwarJ. Crcativc OutJoor Advertising hnd reyucstcd thnt the Town consider u rencwal periad of thrcc ycars pra��iJing thut COA has met ol) of thc contmctual o6ligutions during thc initiul fivc (5) ycnr temi of thc Agrccmcnt. This was in responsc lo wording in RPP - G- 98 which hnd providcd un opporlunily for nll biddcrs lo proposc contmctunl �crtns in excess of five (5) yenrs for considcrntion by the'Pawn. In ncgotintions that followed thc contmct award, it wus dcicrmincJ that a thrcc (3) ycnr rcncwal perioJ would bc nppropriate under Ihe conditior. Ihat COA has met nll of their contractual o6ligntions during the fivc (5) ycar tcrm of the Agrcement. The Tutim of Pickcring has rctaineJ Ihc contmctual right to provide COA with six (6) months written noticc in thc event �hat thc Town docs not intcnd to provide n renewnl option for an ndditional thme (3) ycnr tcrtn. 1719 it]�iII�►L�I The principle itcros wntnined in thc Agrcement with Crcntive Outdoor Advcrtising incluJc: I. The coniract will be for a five (5) year tertn commencing on July 1, 1999 und expiring an Junc 30, 2004 with a renewal option for un additional thrce (3) ycar tcrm commcncing July 1, 2004 nnd tertninnting on June 30, 2007 providing thnt COA hns met all of the contmcumi obligatians contained in the Agreement. 2. Creative Outdoor Advertising proposes to instnll thirty (30) advcrtising transit bcnchcs anJ thirty (30) non•advertising transit bcnches at locations agrcenble ta 77ic To�m during thc first yenr of the contracL Additional advertising and non•advertising units will be ndded during thc second and subsequcnt ycurs of tiie contrnct, to a maximum of cighly-five (85) udvcrtising tmnsit benches and eighry-five (85) non•advcrtising transit benchcs during thc full tcrm of thc Agrecmcnt. f Rcport to Council TR 02-99 Dutc: Junc 22, I 999. � 3 r� Subject: Mediocom Trnnsit Sholtcr Advcrtising Contruct Extcnsion Pngc 3 3, Advcdising b�nches will bc placed only in industrial ar commcrcinl arcas or in residcntial arcns wherc rcvcrse frontages exisL Placement of the bcnches shall bc in such a mnnncr so as not to obscure signs, bus stops or interfcre with Ihe visibility or ciTcctivcness of advcrlising on tmnsit shelters. 4. Crcntive Outdoor AJveRising will provide snow removal al times of normnl maintcnance, or us soon as possible nDcr n snow storm. 5. Crcative Outdoar Advertising will provide nnd mnintain wastc recepmcics ut nll adveAi:;ing benches. 6, As additionnl securiry for the performance of the Agrcement, COA ngrecs to providc Ihc Town with an irrcvocnblc Lcttcr of Credit in thc nmount of �ivc Thousnnd (55,000.00) Dollars. 7. Thc Town of Pickering ngrees that COA shall have ihc exclusivc right to supply ndvcrtising on the units approved by the Agreement. 8. COA ngrces to remoee nny ndecrtising which is deemed to bc objectionnblc wilhin tcn (10) dnys of notification by thc Town. 9. WA agrecs to provide 10% of ihc availablc advcrtising faccs for usc by thc 'I'own frec of chnrgc fnr pu6lic scn�icc mcssagc aJvchising. ATTACHMENTS: 1, Proposcd Conlrnct Agrccmcnt wilh Crcntivc Outdoar AJvcrlising, 2. Council Resolution N 31/99 Prcpared By: Ncil Kilicns, Mnnager of Tmnsporintion Copy: Dircctor of Finnnce Town Solicitor , U �,..d If. . . ' .. . . � . . .' . .. .. 33a 'I'I IL CORPORA7'IbN 01� 9'lilt'1'OPlN 01' PI kt'ItlNCt ; �AW NO Deing a bylaw to excculc lhe A6rcemcnl wllh Crcntivo Oulduur , Advcrlising substantivcly in tl�c form ntlachcd hcrolo, for a fivc (5) year lerm commencing on luly I, 1999 and expidng on 1w�c 70, 2004 with n rencwal option for an addilional thrcc (3) ycnr tcrm . commcneing July 1, 2U04 and lcmiinaling on Junc 70, 2007 providing that Creutivc Ouldoor Advcrtising I�as mcl all of thc contrnclual obligu�ions contnincd in Ihc Agrcciricnl, � 1lHEREAS Plckering Council has previously upproved Resolulion ll)I/99 awarding C�entive Ouldoor Advcrlising wilh exclusivc righls lo supply nnd inslnll lrnnsil benches wilh ndvcrUsing; NOW TIiEItEFORE Tk1E COUNCIL Or 'I'lIC CORI�OItA7'tON 01� 7'lIC TOWN Or PICKERINQ HGREBY ENACTS AS �OLLOWS: L Tlmt lhe Mayor and Clerk of thc Town of Pickcring bc aulhoriud lo exccule nn Agrccnunt for tmnsit bcuch inslallations, advcrlising anJ moinlenancc wilh Crcntivc OulJoor Advcrtlsing subslantivcly in Ihe form allachcd I�crclo, � DY•LAW rend n first, second aad lldrd litnc and finully pnssed Iliis 281h duy ufJunc,1998, . Waync Arlhurs, Mayor Drucc Taylor, Clerk �.' It ;. � � � � � � i`t. '. , �� s;l � 339 THIS Agrcemcnt MADET}IIS DAY Or 1999, DE'fWGCN: ' THE CORPORATION 0� THE TOWN Of PICKERINO (hcrcinallcr cnlled "7'lu Town") Of TIIE fIRST PAR'f -unJ- TFIG DBNCII PRCSS LTD, cnrrying on business undcr thc firm nnme und slylc of "CIZEATIVE OUTDOOR ADVGRTISING" (hereinnDer cnllcd "COA") Or TFIG SGCOND PART WIIGREAS COA is engagcd in "out•of-liomc" advcdising on Slrcclscnping amcnitics and sclling spacc Ihcrcin for thc purpose of advertising goods anJ scrvices; AND WFIGRGAS Scclion 308, paragroph 3 of lhc Municipal Act provides Ihnt municipal corporalions mny pass by-laws pcmiilling nny person, undcr such condilions us may bc agrced upon, to placc, construct, inslall, roaintain and usc objccls in, on, or ovcr sidcwalks and I�igl�ways undcr its jurisdiclion; NOW, 'C[ICRBFORG, IN CONSIDGRA'I'ION Uf Ilic swn nf SI OAO ('I'cn Dollnrs) rcccipt of which is hcreby ncknowlcdgcd, nnd in considcration of tl�c tnutunl covcnanls hcrcinallcr contaiucJ, thc pnrlics do hcrc6y agrcc us follows: � I. (n)'I'hc'I'own agrccs lo pcmiil COA to placc a mnximum of cighty-livc (85) advcrtising amenitics anJ u maximum of cighty (RS) non•ndvcrlising amcnilics on thc untmvcicd porlions of thc public Itigl�wnys in Ilu'I'own of 1'ickcring for a period of ftvc (5) ycnrs commencing July I, 1999 and tcnuinating on Junc 30, 2004 subjccl lo lhc tcrms anJ conditions hcrcinalicr stateJ. (b) Providing Ihal COA hns mct all of thc conlmctual obliguliuns hcreinnllcr canlaincd, lhc Town will providc to COA n rcncwnl oplion for an addilionnl thrce (3) ycar � term commencing July I, 2004 nnd temiinating an lunc 30, 2007, (c) T'hc Town of Pickcring will providc COA wilh onc (I) ywr wriltcn noticc in thc cvenl that thc'fown does nol intcnd lo proviJe a renewal oplion for an adJilionnl threc (3) year tcnn commcncing July i, 2004 and tenninating on Junc 30, 2007. (d) COA acknowlcdges nnd ugrces tliat for evcry ndvertising amenily in pince on propcny under ti�e jurisdiction of ihe Town, qicy shull, nt the Town's rcqucst, place n minimum of onc (I ) non•advedising mnenily on pmperty under thc Jurisdiction of tlic Town. 5tylc nnd Dcaign, Arca llcfinilion, Plncemcnt Cuidcl(ncs 2, (n)'I'hc �arlics ogrcc lhnl Ihc slylc, color and dcsign of Ihc amenilics rcfcrrcd lo (n Clausc I nrc to be approvcd by lhc Mnnogcr of Pickcring'I'mnsil, or his dcsignutc, Qenerully, howcvcr, the slyle and dcsign nf thc nmenities rcfcrrcd to in Clause 1 arc as depicicd by COA ns "strcetscapc modulur uails wilh irash rcccplucics", ' 340 2 (b) Thc partics agrcc that euch of lhc amenilics will bc crccicd on property locatcd in thc Town of Pickcring. The inslailation of amcnitics is to bc corticd out so os nol to crcale ha�nrds to utilities or Pickering Transit or the Town and shnll cnsure the safely of pcdcstrians and lhe safe movement of vehicles. Each locotion will be approved by Ihc Managcr or his dcsignnlc. (c) Il is acknowledged by lhe pndics Ihnt the umenilics will bc placcd only in industrial or commcrcial nrcos or in residential arens whcre rcverse frontages cxist. Revcrse froninges ure to bc defined as lhose residenlinl propertics nbWting nn orlcriul toad wilhoul acccss to lhnt artcrinl rond. It is also acknowledged by Ihe purlies lhat in sdcclion of cacli loculion, considcmtion will bc given to tBe convenicnce of tlw public. It is Curllier acknowlcJgcd thnt thc placcmcnt of Ihc bcnclus shall bc in sucli u mauncr so us nut to obscutc signs, bus stops or intcrfcrc with lhc visibility or effcctivcncss ol'aJvcrtising m: lransit shcltcrs. (d) It is acknowledged by Ihe partics that thc plucement of the mncnities slmll be ut the discretion of the Mnnagcr, or his designatc and thnt COA may later bc rcquircd by thc Mnnnger to rcmovc an amcnily. 3. Tlic parties agree lhat forlinvilli nllcr dic exccution of thi; Agrcemcnl, COA will diligcnAy nnd ns soon iis possiblc localc mid inslull thc mncuitics rol'crzcJ lo in Clnusc I, 4. It is undcrstood by thc'Cown that any and all cnginccring or Jruwings arc wnfidcntial nnd mny not bc distributed or madc availablc to any party olhcr Ihan Ihc inlendcJ rccipicnt und Ihc Town. Itnsc Instullul(on 5. COA ngrccs whcncvcr rcqucslec: by Ilic Munagcr lo inslall, at ihcir own expcnse, wncrcle pnds as a bnsc for uny amcnily which is crecled undcr Iliis Agrccmcnt. Rcyucsl� for Removnl G. COA acknowlcdgcs and ngrecs thal Ihc Munagcr shnll havc lhc right, upon reasonnble notice lo all parlics, In mder dic removnl or rclocation of nny nmcnity, crccicd upon roads or highwnys in thc Town nnd Ihc Monugcr shall hnvc lhc right, upon rcnsonablc noticc lo COA, lu ordcr llic rcmovnl or rclocalion of any amcnily crccicd upun roaJs or highways within lhc jurisdiclion of the'fown. llm sidcwnik or boulevnrd shall bc reslorcd to thc condition it was in immcdintcly prior ta Ihc instnllalion of thc amenity. Such removal or relocntion anJ restorntion shull bc al no cxpcnse to thc'fown and all such cosls ossaciatcd tl�erein shall be bome nnd pnid by COA, provided diut the Mnnogcr in cxercising such righl, shnll do so rcasonnbly. Mnintennncc, Itcuction Requirements 7. (a) COA agrces to mointain ull of thcir umcnities undcr lhis Agrcemcnt iu good rcpuir, to keep them clenn and Gce of dcbris nnd grnfiiti nnd to rcpince nmenilics at the rcqucst of the Town, nt the cnlire expense of COA. (b) COA agrees to conlinuously maintain adequntc protection for all Ihcir work from damoge und to protcct thc propcdy of Oic Town from injury or loss, (c) COA agrces during ihc construclion or instnllntion of the said umeniNes to kap Ihe location in u cicun anJ orderly condit(on and rcmovc n1I wustc and unusablc matcrial from the IocaUon upon Ihc completion of thc construction or insloilalion or as rcquircd by the Mnnngca . 341 (d)'fl�c Manogcr may providc wriUcn nolificnlion lo CUA thnl uny nnunily rcquircs rcbular nmintcnancc and COA shali, as soon as rcnsonably possiblc, anJ not lutcr Ihun 48 hours niler thc giving of such noticc, undcdakc qic malnlenoncc rcquircd. (e) The Munuger mny provide written notificalfon to COA thnt any amcnily ou t6e roaJ rcquircs cmergency mainlcnnnce if ils condilion is such ihut it rcndcrs n scrious Jangcr to Ihc public. In such an avcnt, COA ns soon as possiblc and williin no lulcr Ihan 24 hours nfter Ihe giving of the notice, repair nnd make safc Ihc amenity at COA's own expcnsc nnd to tlie satisfnetion of the Munager, (� When inslnlling or mainlaining umcnilics, COA shnll obidc by nll rcyuircmcnts of lhc 7'own und Ihc Rcgion of Durham wilh respcct lo parking and strcct uccupnncy. 8. Snow removnl Gom nnJ around Ihc nmcnilics will be perfonneJ by COA nt titncs of normal maintenancc, ns set out in Clausc 7(mQ ubove, ns soon ns possible nlicr a snow storm or as soon as requircd by thc Town at Ihc direction af Ihc Managcr. Wnafc Rcccptacics 9. ".7ic parlies ngree that COA is to provide onc wns�c rcceplucic anJ retain its owncrship per silc whcrc an ndvcrtising bcncl� is installcd. COA is lo mainluin cach rcccptadc in n proper and workmnnlikc mamicr nnd to bc solcly rcsponsiblc for Ihe removal of gnrbage from these wnstc receptacics nnJ, lo this cxlent, tBe provisions regarding maintcnancc nnJ Iinbilily in this Agrecmenl apply. Advertising Itfgl�t+, Nuturc and htunicipul Avnilabilily 10. (a) 77ic'1'own of Pickcring ngrccs thul COA shnll hnvc tlw cxclusivc riglri lo supply ndvcrtising on thc �mits approvcJ by Ihis Agmcmcnl for Ihc tcnn of this Agrccmcnt. (b) COA covcnunls and ngrccs nol lo pcnnit Ihc advcrtising of lo6acco rclateJ or nlcohol rclalcd producls in nny advcrtisiog fncc insinllcJ in thc'Ibwn of 1'ickcring, furlhcr, COA covcnnnls and ngrces nul lo post or permit la bc poslcd nny nJvcrliscmcnl which is not, in Ihc opinion of thc Manngcr, of a rcputablc rhnractcr nnd appcmm�cc nnd which is frce Gom vulgnrity ar inJccent suggestion of nny kind or violnlcs Ihc Canadian Code of Advcrlising SlanJurds, anJ lhc laws of CanaJa anJ thc I'rovincc of Oninrio. COA covcnanls nnd ugrces that thc dccision ol'Ihc Manager in Ihis regard is linnl. (c) Advcrtising ndvocating thc cundiJncy, or mm�c of a polilical cunJidalc(s) sccking fcdcral, Provincial or Municipal officc i., proliibiled, (d) In aJdition lo Ihc mnllcrs contnined in Clausc 10 (b•c), COA agrccs lo rcnwvc any advcrlising which is decmed to bc o6jcclionnble wilhin tcn (10) dnys of thc receipl of an objcclion, fniling which Ihc'Pown of I'ickcring wiU rcmovc such uJvcrtising nl Ihc cxpcnsc of COA. (c) COA agrecs lo make availnblc to Pickering Tmnsit upon nincty (90) days written notice 10%af Ihe available ndverlising fnces on lhe amenities covered under Ihis Agreement during any monlh for use by the Tawn Gee ofchurge for public scrvice messnge ndvcrtising. The Town will be responsible for lhe cost of designing, proJuoing and supplying to COA thcir own public scrvicc messagc ndvcrtising. COA will be responsiblc for inslallntion and removal of �hc ndvcrtising, (Q COA shall be responsible for obta(ning Gnm thc 7'own of Pickcring, prior lo installution, all sitc spccific npprovals including any silc spccific npprov¢Is rcquired by Ihc Town of Pickcring or thc Rcgion of Durhnm, 342 N Revenuc I I. (a) Upon execution of the Agrcemcni, Crcative Outdoor Advcrlising agrccs lo puy thc Town of Pickcring n fixcd fcc of Onc I IunJrcd Eighty (S I BU.00) Dallnrs per inslallcJ ndvcrtising unit, per annum. Said puyments will bc rcccivcd in aJvoncc, quancrly in monlhly post-dutcd chcyucs. (b) Commcncinglanuary i, 2000, qunrlerly paymcnls will bc bascd on no Icss Iliat thirty (30) udyertising units, orn minimum oC�our Flundrcd I�illy (5450) Dollurs per montli, notwithstanding thc lolal numbcr of advcrtising units instalicd at any point throughout Ihc rcmnining temi of tl�c AgrccmcnL , (c) 5houlJ Ihc'Ibwn rcncw Ihc Agrccmcnl fur nn nddilimi�l period uf thrcc O) ycurs, thc'Pown will rcccive a fixcJ fcc of Two llundrcd (5200.00) Do�lnrs per instnllcd udverlising unit, per nnnum, such thot the minimum tnonthly paymenl will be fivc HunJrcJ (5500) Dollurs per monqi rcgordlcss of thc total numbcr of ndvcdising wiits inslallcJ nt uny point lhroughout thc renewnl tcrm of thc Agrccmcnl. (c) In Ihe cvcnt Ihat any defaull in pnymcnt of the anmunls set Wrih iu paragrnph I I continucs for n period of morc Ihan lhirty (30) days u(lcr wriltcn dcmanJ for pnyment hns bccn madc upon COA ut thc aJJrcss notcd hcrcin, thc To�vn may cicct lo Icrminnlc this Agrccmcnt anJ rcmovc all ndvcrlising carJs Gom thc advcrtisin6 umcnilics �vithoul furtl�cr nolice to COA. ProJuct Uwncrsbip 12. ►t is ngrccJ tlinl any products providcd undcr Ihis A6rccmcnl will rcmain lhc property oCCOA nnd on Ihc tcrminutiun uf Ihis Agrccmcnt, may lx rcmovcd hy COA or olhcnvisc disposcJ of at Ihcir expcusc, providcd thnl COA shnU furlhcr bc responsiblc for restoring at thcir cxpcnsc nny �rlion of Ihc public highway thcrcby nOccicd lo Ihc sntisfnclion of thc Manogcr. 13. COA will hnvc thc righl lo advcrlising lxuch anJ lrash contnincrs cxclusivily ul all lrmisit stops wilhin thcjurisdiction of I'ickcring't'ransit. 14, COA mny nol assign its righls ur nbligalious ur.dcr Ihis Agrcemcnl, or porliuns Ihcrcol; wilhoul Ihc prior wrillcn conscnl uf Ihc'Pown of Pickcring. Itrench nnd Nallcc I5. (a) !f COA ncglccls or fails lo carry out or to comply wilh nny of Ihc tcrms, covcnnnts, undcrtakings or conditions of Ihc Agrccment exccpt for Ihosc contnincd in paragmph 1 I hcrcin, thc Mnnagcr may aflcr I�aving given wrilicn notice lo COA of such dcfault nnd which dcfaull wav not corn;cicd lo lhc satisfnction of Ihc'I'uwn of Pickcring, within tlirce (3) duys of Ihe dclivcry of such wriucn notice, tenninate this Agrcemcnt by giving nincly (90) duys notice in writing by dclivcring or causing such nalicc lo bc Jclivcrcd to COA or by scnding or causing such noticc to bc scnl by ordinnry prepaid mnil lo COA. Upon such notice havins been so dclivercd or senl, COA sholl fodhwitl� nl thcir entirc expensc remove nll of Iheir omenitics Gom all public hiEhwnys in tlic 9'own. Tl�is Agrecment shall bc decmed to be lcmdnaled on the dny specified on the nolice, (b) Thc partics hcreto furthcr ngrcc lhat nll noticcs, dcntands and rcqucsts lu writing may bc dclivcrcd or mniled by ordinary prepaid mnil, nnd servicc in this mnttcr is c�'ective on Ihc 3rd duy u(lcr such document is mailcd, ond shall bc adJressed as follows: � L Manugcr Pickcring Transit Onc The Esplanadc Pickcring, Onlnrio LIV 6K7 II. CreativcOuldoorAdvcrlising 2402 Slouvillc Rond Gormley, Ontario � LOH IGO Insolvency 343 16. Il is furthcr agrceJ thnt should COA bcromc insolvenl, bunkrupt or mukc un umhoriud nssignmcnt or compromisc to Ihcir crcdilors anJ bc unublc to perform Ihcir dutics unJcr lhis Agrccment, thc Town muy in addilian to and wiqiaut prcjudicc lo its olhcr luwfid righls and rcmcdics, forlhwith lorminalc Ihis Agrccmcnl hy writicn nolicc und thc lime limit sct forlh in Clause IS(a) of this Agreemcnt shall be wnivcJ. Indemnfites 17. (a) COA slinll be responsible for ony and all dumngcs, or claims for dwnogcs for injuries or accidcnts done or cnused by it or its cmployers or cmrimctors, or resulling Gom thc prosewtion of Ihe work, or of any malcrials, paint or machinery uscd hcrcon on c�rcin or which may happen by rcason hcrcof, or urising from uny fnilurc, ncglcct or omfssion an lheir pad, or on tl�e part of nny of lheir cmployccs ar contmclnrs, to do ur perform miy or all of lhe sevcral octs or Ihings rcquircJ to bc donc by il or thcm undcr and by this Agrecment. COA covenanls nnd agrccs to hold Ihc lbwn harmicss and inJemnificJ for oll such dumnges nnd claims for damagc; nnJ in case COA's fuilurc, negiccl or oroission lo obscrvc nnd perform fnilhfufly nnd striclly, all thc provisions of this Agrccmenl , Ihc Managcr may, lhirly (30) days aller hnving given nolicc in writing of such failurc, ncgicct or omission, tnkc such stcps, pracure such nmtcrial, itcros, lrucks nnd wurkcrs nnd do such work or things us ihc Manngcr ntay dccm ndvisablc loward currying out nnd enlbrcing Ihc same and muy, lo thc extcnt of tlu costs Ihcrcof, changc Ihesc costs back ro be peiJ by COA and mny recovcr such cosls in nny court ofcmnpctentjorisdiction us n Jcbt Juc nnd owing by COA lo Ihc Town. (b) COA covcnnnts nnd agrccs tu from timc lo limc und al nU timcs hcrcn(lcr wcll anJ Iruly savc, dcfcnd nnd kccp Imrmlcss and fully indcmnify lhc'1'own nnd all of Ihcir oflicers, scrvanls or agcnls, from anJ agninst all nclions, suits, claims, licns, mtd dcmanJs which may bc brought againsl or madc upan Ihc'I'own, Ihcir olTiccrs, scrvnnls, or agcnts nnd of, from and ngainst all loss, costs, chargcs, dumagcs and expcnscs which may be pnid, suslnincJ or incurtcd by thc Town, lhcir olticcrs, or servants by rcason of, or on uccounl of, or in conscqucncc of thc cxccution and perfomiance of thc contmcl work, or thc non- exccption or imperfccl cxcculion of thc conlrnct work or thc supply or non-supply of thc work or olhcnvisc by renson of or nrising out of the right to occupy pnds of the public highwnys hcreby gmnted and COA wiU pay to lBc 7'own or any of thcir ofticcrs, scrvants or agcnls, on dcmond, as the casc mny bc, which may bc paid, suslaincd or insurcd by lhc suils, claims, licns, cxcculions or dcmands nnd all monics pnid or pnyabic by tlic Town or such officers, scrvants, or agents in settlement or in dischurgc thcrcof or on nccount, thercof and that in default of such payment nll loss, cosls, changes, damagcs anJ expenses and nll monics so paid ar puynblc by the Town or such officcrs, servnnts, or ngents may or may bc recovercd from CO A in nny Court af emnpetent Jurisdiclion us monies paid at COA's rcquesl and COA hercby authorizc and empowcr tlie Town or thereatter U�eir solicilors for the lime bcing to scltic or compromisc as lhe Town or their solicilors may dccm cxpcdir.nl, any aclions, suils, clnims, liens, executions or demnnds which may be brought agninst or mudc upon lhc'fown, Ihcir olTiccrs, scrvunls, or ugenis by rcason of, or on uccounl of or in performancc oF Ihc Agreement and the performance of qie Agrccmenl or thc non-cxecution or imperfcct cxcculion of thc contrnct work nnd Il�c supply or non•supply of Ihc canlmct work or oll�envise by rcason of or urising out of or as n result of tl�is Agrcement or thc permission to occupy pnds of Uic highwnys hcreby givcn. ■II j... .. . . . . � . . , ' ' . �;�4,� 'e . (c) In addition to nnd wilhout lim(ting nny oPlhc other indcmnificnlian obHgations of COA pursuant ta lhls Agreement, COA covennnts to (ndemnify and save hnrmless lhc Town from nny'und all claims, linbilitles; danmges, cosls, axpenses, auils or acqons, or othcr procecdings by whomsoever made, sustnined; brought or proseculcd in any manncr resuiting from any claim mluting lo Ihe piuccment or removnl of advcdisemrnl(s) on any wasle reccplucle or nmcnity nnd to inventions, copyrighls, tmdemnrks, palcnts, inJuslrial � designs und righls Ihereto uscd in thc work dona or in the advedising placed on Ihc wuslc receptacles and nmenities provided thnt COA shull hnve no oblignllon of indcmnity hcrcundcr with rcspcct lo uny aJvr.rliscmcnl supplicJ lo COA by lhc'Ibwn Insurancc 18. (a) COA ogrces lo procurc on� mninlnin for Il�c dumlion of lhis Agn:cmcnl, linbilily insurnnce reintiva to each amenily instnlled and ngrces thnt the insumncc shnll nnme ll�e Town of Pickcring os named insured equal lo or in excess of the following minimum requirements nnd COA futlher agrces to file with the Town a copy of Ihc ccrlificnle of Linbility Insurnnce evidencing such requircments. The Linbility insurnnce policy sliall: L hnve a limit of linbilily of nat Icss thnn fIVE MILLION DOLLARS (55,000,000.00) for any one occurcence or accidenl for all cinims arising out of personnl injurics (including denth) ond dnmagc to Ihc property of otlicrs and Ihc nmounl of such liability insurance shall 6e Incrcascd nt thc rcqucst af the Town based an rcnsonoblc grounds uccepta6le to COA; 11. be comprehensive Liability Insumncc covcring all operations und linbility assumed under lhis Agreemenl; lll. not contain any cxclusions or limitations in respcct af slioring unJerpinning, razing or dcmolition of nny building or stivcWrc, collapsc of nny structurc or subsidcncc of nny properly, strucWrc or land Gom any causc; IV. be endorscd lo providc thnt thc policy will not bc ollcrcd, canccicd, ur nllowcd lo Inpse without Ihirly (30) dnys prior noticc la thc Town of Pickcring; V, contain a cross•linbilily clnusc ' 18, (b) COA shull bc responsiblc for deJuctiblc amounls (which iunowils slmll bc mutually salisfactary lo COA and lhc Town of 1'ickcring) undcr thc policics. AJditlonul Sccurily 19. As aJdilionnl sccurily for lhc perfomtnncc of this Abrcemcnl, COA ugrces lo provide to the Town, upon execulion af ihis Agrcement, an irrevocnble Letter of Credit in the amount of Civc Thousand (55,000.00) Doliurs of lawful moncy af Cnnoda, whicli Lcttcr Of Crcdit or n rcploccmcnt lhercofsholl be maintnined in full forec and effcct until Junc30,2004. Agrecment Definitfon 20. This Agrccment constilutes the entirc Agreement between thc parlics to ihis Agrecment and superscdcs any prior Agrcemcnls anJ underslanJings, oml or writtcn, including without limilntion, the originui ngreemcnt, betwecn the partics with respcct to thc subject mnttcr hereof, , II 21 � This Agrcement muy be excculcd in any, number of couiilcrparls and al I such countcrparts shnll for all purposcs constitulc onc Agrcemcnt. rs` _ ' , � 345 IN WI'fNESS WHER60� thc partics hcrcto hnva hcraunto scl Ihcir hnnds und swls. CXGCU7'CD ut Pickcring, Onlnrio tl�is Jny of , 1999 SIONED, SL'ALCD AND DELtVERBD In thc prcscncc nf : 'I'hc Corpon�lion of lhc'fown or I'ickcriug Mnyor Waync Arthurs l3rucc Tuylor, 1'own Cicrk Gxcculcd al Ihis dny of ,1999 'I'I IG UGNCI I PRGSS LTD. � i�A '� �,.'. .. . .. , . .�� 74�. �.�, .. ATTA�INV�(Tt a TQ A�OAT R ..�� � � . .,;?.....' ;';' ', ".,, : s, � ;. . � ,INT�R-DEPARTMENTAL M�MORANDUM ��r i,, A• % �p•:� , . . ' `� � ! � ' ,'�, CLERK'S DEPARTMENT . :ti.., �,.�� ,: . : y ,: ��,,;'.: : . , � ;; DATE `:`S ('Mdich 3 1999 ':•'. , , ' . . 't 1 �;?;' � � � � . . , .TO: . �;, .. • �,Neii Killens, Manager of Transit � • • � � • .� : Ve�a Felgemacher-JefCrcy, Manager of Supply & Services •;` Gil Paterson, Director of Finance and Trcasuror . . FROM: • Bruce Teylor, Town Clerk Please bc advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering passed Rcsolul(ou H3l/99, ltem 114 at a Regular Council Mceting of March I, 1999. That.Crentivc Ouldoor Adverlising be nwnrJed n five yrnr coulrnct for thc right to sell ndvertieing apnce on trnnsit benches in !he Town of Pickering under terros nnd . condtUons esln6lidieJ fn Request for P�oposnl RFP - G•98. This resolulion is sent to yau for your informalion. ,�-! � cg�or Town Clerk . ' .. , , Y.� �'-� . � � ' "� � T,J. Qumn, ChicfAdmmistrative 0(fcer p CKE I OTRANSIT t r � ' • RECEIYED: ,, . . 'r FlIENO» } � � ABEY.70: '}:: p Co ' . . .. . . Tpµ,WWOpEN SERVICE � ' DAT�M6LLY8T CLEHNITYPILi . . . . - ppEMiqN96UP. OPERAtOPS � . � �NBpECfpp � DARAOE &Tf.FF . .. :�'��. - .•. .' � BP.[EIIVICES .._..._— . . . ' f ��.��.r � .. � .. . �_, � . . 74 �;,� � i r., , . . �.,�., r . I � : '. ' ;i' '� ia i • ' `''j ;: � :�' t. , i �;s , �:�� , •' :Y;. _ ,i .';i: �� ;:� . • : ,( .•�� . 4i �� �`� � � . � � i�; . . . �L . . ' • ' . . �. i: ;� . Y, , i� j� �� �r�� . �, j