HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 08/99• 43 ��OF� ,�O � REP4RT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsme DATE: August 3,1999 Dircctor of Pazks and Fncilities REPORT NUMBER: PF 08-99 SUBJECT: Parks nnd Fucilities - Wcst Shorc Community Centre • Gingerbreud Co-opemtive Nursery School (Pickering) Inc. -File LSI000 RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should be enoctcd to authorizc thc exccution of n Licence Agrcemcnt to permit thc Gingerbrend Co•operntive Nursery School (Pickering) Inc. to continue lo operote u co-opemtive nursery school in the West Shore Community Ccntrc from Septemlxr 7, 1999 to lune 30, �002. ORIGIN: Approval of thc Director of Pnrks und Pacilities for rcncwal of lhc Liccnce Agrecment. AUTHORITY: 1. Municlpnf �cf, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45, s.191 (I). 2. Commuriify Recrenfion Cenrres Art, R.S.O. 1990, aC.22, s,2. FINANC[AL IMPLICATIONS: Revenucs: 1999 - 4 months (Scptembcr - Decembcr) Q 5288/monlh 51,152 2000 - 6 months (January -]unc) Qa S288Imonth �,�Z$ 2000 - 4 months (Scptember - Decembcr) Q S304/month 1,2 � 6 2001- 6 months (Jnnuary -]unc) Q 5304/month ��gz4 2001- 4 months (September - Decembcr) Q 5320/manth i,ZB� 2002 - 6 months panunry - June) Qa 5320/month �._,.920 59,120 BACKGROUND: For thc past several years, Gingerbread Co-operntive Nursery School (Pickcring) Inc. have uscd the West Shore Communiry Ccntre for the purpose of opernting a co•opemtive nursery school. Each year Council have nuthoriud the execution of n Licence Agrcement for this purpose, for the term September to June (being the school scason), with the monthly Licence fcc bcing de►ermined on thc basis of a per child mte and the numbcr of children enrolled. 'fhe originel premise of pertnitting the operution of the Gingcrbread Co-operative Nursery School in West Shore Community Centre was that thcrc would be no cosls bome by thc To�m. The Director of Pnrks & Fucililies rccommcnds the renewnl of this Licence Agrccment subjcct to the following: �: ' 94 : _ Report to Council PF 08•99 Date: August 3,1999 Subjcet: Gingerbread Co-operativc Nursery School , Page: 2 Recommendations: I. Thet the muximum enrollmeni be 16 children; 2. Thnt thc mle per month per student be; 1999 - 2000 518.00 2000 - 2001 519.00 2001- 2002 520.00 3. Thnt the Gingerbreud Co-Opemtive Nursery School bc required to pay for 10 months which is ihe school scazon; Gnactment of the attachcd dm(t by-law will authorize the exccution of n renewul Agrcement which forms Schedule A thereto. The form of the agrcement is substuntially in accordancc wilh ptut ugrcements nnd rc0ecls Recommendntions I, 2 nnd 3 outlincd by the Dircctor of Parks nnd Pacilities. ATTACHMF:NTS: 1. Dmft by-luw wilh proposed Agrcemenl utmched as Schcdule A. DB:br I Attachmcnts � Copy: Chicf Administmtivc OlTiccr Direcror of Finance & Trensurer Recommendcd for the wnsideralion of Pickcring Town Council �_ � ��X)' „ i s J. Quinn hief dmimsts tive // Officcr ,,, , }, APPROV �D D : •v rctt E3unt mn, Director of Parks and fncilitics THE CORPORATION OF TH8 TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW N0. 5539/99 Betng a bydaw to aufhorJze fhe executton oj a Ltcence Agreement between The Corporation oj the Town oj Ptckering and rhe Ginger6read Co•operative Nursery Schoo! (Pickerin� lnc. respec�ing �he ure oj the West Shore Community Centre (Sepfember 7, 1999 to June 30, 2001J. 45 ,i i, ' � ; WHEREAS, the Town owns and eperates a communiry centre known as the West Shore Community ( Centro in the Fairport Community in the Town of Pickering; and jWEiEREAS, the Gingerbread Co•operativc Nursery School (Pickering) [nc, operates a cu-ope�ative nursery school and wishes to use the Wcst Shore Community Centre, and associutcd facilities, for the i pucposes of such operation; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of thc Carporation of thc Town of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS ' FOLLOWS: � l. The Mayar and Clerk are hereby nuthorizcd lo execute an Agreement, in the form nttached hcreto � as Schedule A, behveen The Co�poration of ihe Town of Pickering and the Gingerbread Co- ;I operative Nursery School (Pickering) Inc., respecling the usc of Ihe West Shorc Community ' Centre for the period September 7, 1999 to June 30, 2002. BY-LAW rcad a first, second and third time and finally pazsed this 3rd day of Auqus t, 1999 . Wayne Arthure, Mayor Bruca Teylor, Clerk 46 •Ttns nateeen�xr BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINd hercin calicd the "Town" • - and - OF THE FIRST PART, GINGERBREAD CO-UPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL (PICKERIN(31 INC herein called thr. "Town" OF THE SECOND PART. � WHEREAS, the Town owns nnd operatas a communiry cenhe Imown us the West Share Community Centre in the i Fnirport Community in the Town of Pickering; and � WHEREAS, the School operntas a co-aperative nursery school and is desirous of using the West Shore Community � Centre and associated facilities, for the purposc of such operalion; nnd � WFiEREAS, the To�m is prcpared to grant a licence to fhe school ta pertnit it lo use the Wat Shore Communiry Cenhe and ussociated facilities, for such purpose pursuant ro certain conditions hereinafter sat ouh I NOW THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENf WI7NESSETH that in consideration of other good and valuable considerntion nnd the sum of Two'[}iousand, Eight Hundrcd and Eighry dollars (52,880) (bascd on SI8.00 per child for 16 children) for the Ist yenr. Tlvice TliousanJ and Forty dollars (S),040) (based on SI9.Q0 per child for 16 children) for i the 2nd year, und Tlvee Thousand, Two Ilundrcd dollars (53,200) (based on 520,00 per child for 16 children) for the 3rd year, one paymrnt being due on the Ist day of cach of September, October, Novembcr and Dcccm6er, Jnnunry, February, ' March, April, May and lune, during the tetm hereof, Ihe Purties hercto covrnent, pramise and agrec aach with the other as follows; 1. The School shnll be nllowed to usc the West Shoro Community Ccntre nnd associated facilities, for Ihe purpose of i opemting a co•operative nursery school us f�llows: t Monday to Friday, inclusive • 8:J0 o.m. to 12:70 p.m., local time, from Scptember 7, 1999 to lune 30, 2002, inclusive. 2. The Sch�ol shall: (a) provide nnd pny for all parsonnel, equipment and supplies for the purpost of its opemtion of the ca- operative nursary schoal; (b) keep the Town frce Gom uny costs originating from the operation of the co•operative nursery school; (c) ensure that its operations conclude by 1230 p.m., local time, daily, to facilitate the usc of the Community Crntre nnd associated facilities, for other purpeses; (d) indemnify the Town for eny costs, cleims or damages resulting from eny lass, damage or injury (including loss of I(fe) lo eny person or property at any time on the prcmises or comprising thc premisce used by the School, however such loss, damage or injury mey occur; (e) provide et its expense, and keep in force during the term hareof, for the brnafit of the Schooi and the Tawn, (a) grneral liability insurence in rcspect of injury W or deeth of one or more persons, or property damage, in an amount not lea� than SI,000,000; end @) inaurance egeinet lose m damage by fue in respect of ell Town-0wned propeity comprising the Weet Shorc Community Ccntre nnd wsociated fecilitiea in the emowt of S1,000,000 and containing thc etandazd extrnded perila rndorsemrnu, neming thc Town ae co-insurcd; end provide trn poat-dated chequea, peyeble to the Town, in the emount eet out above, with ihe executed copies ollhie Agreemrnt, ' 3. •.'[he Town shnlL• 4 7 I (a) allow the School to use ihe �'est Shore Commwity Crntre nnd associeted facilitiea, for ;he purpoae of ! operating e caoperaNve nursery school ns follown: i Monday to Fdday, inclusive - 8;30 a.m. to 12:)0 p.m„ locel time, from September 7, 1999 to June 70, 2002, ' (b) provide the necessary electricul powa, heat end ather utililies, subject to the provisiuns of section 5, ! hereof; ' (c) provide ihe School with equipment sto�age cupbaards of adequate size; (d) pro:�de the School with a kitchenste facility for the pwpo;a of providing light snacks for School staU � end childrcn; and i i (e) have the power, through the Toan's statf, to dircct Ihe School's staff whrn a situation may cnuse damage i ro the Community Centre prcmius. 4. 5. 6. (a) The tertn of this Agreemrnt shall be Gom September 7,1999 ro June 30, 2002. ,i i (b) Eilher Party to this Agr:ement may tertninute Ihis Agreement at any time during the tertn hereof upon 30 � days written notice to the other. The Town's obligations pursunnt to thie Agreement shall be dependent upon the avnilebility of salisfactory ' facilities during the tetm hereof. The School shall not hold the'fown rasponsible for, and thc To�m shall not be liable to the School in any manner for, the Inck of satisfactary f¢cilities resulting from the Town's inability m provide same as a rcsull of acts of God, mechanical failure or other circumstances beyond the Town's control. This Agrtemcnl and everything contained hertin shall not bc nssignable by either party and shall enurc to the benefit of and bc binding upon �hc Parties hereto. IN W[TTIESS WHEREOF, the Parties hercin h¢ve hereunto uffiaed thair corpomte scals, attested to by their officcrs duly authorized in thet behalf. ' SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED j 7'HE COftPORATION OF TFIE TOWN OF PICKERING Filr.Rl/al .. � -. � � Wayne Mhurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk (iINGERBREAD CO.OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL (PICKER[NG) INC. Z