HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 11/99: . 64 .. .�. . ��OF��� � � . . � . . , �p � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsmu DATE: August 3,1999 Director of Purks & Facilitics REPORTNUMBER: PF 1I-99 SUBJECT; Ptuks nnd Facilitics - Clnremont Community Centrc - Cluremont Co-Operntivc Nurscry School Inc. - Filc: LI000 RECOMMENDATION: A by-luw should be enacted to authorizc thc execution of n Liccncc Agrcemcnt pursuunt to which Claremont Co-Operativc Nurscry School Inc, will bc permitted to continuc to operAtc a co- opcmtivc nurscry school in thc Clarcmont Community Ccntrc fur a muximum of fivc mornings per wecl:, from Septembcr 6, 1999 to Junc 28, 2002 (from Septembcr to Junc in cuch ycar anly). ORIGIN: Approvnl from Dircctor of Purks & Pacilities. AUTHORITY; l. Mimtcipal Acf, R.S.O, 1990, c.M.45, s.191(I). 2. Cammtmlry Recreatlon Centres Acl, R.S,O. 1990, c.C.22, s.2. FMANCIAL IMPI,ICATIONS: Revenues: 1999 - 4 months Q 5175/month S 700 2000 - 6 months Q S 175/month 1,050 2000 - 4 months (a� E 190/month 760 2001 • 6 months aQ 5190/month 1,140 2001 - 4 months (a� b210/month 840 2002 - 6 months Q 5210/month 1,260 as,�so BACKGROUND: For the past severul years, Claremont Ca•Operative Nursery School Inc. have used the Claremont Communiry Centre for the purpose of operaling a co•opemtive nurseq� school. Each ycnr Council have authoriud the execution of an Agreement for this purpose, for thc tertn Scptember to June, (being the schoal senson) with the monthly licence fec bcing detcrtnined by Council. The above rntcs reflect u suggeslcd minor incrcas� in fees over the term of the Agrcement. Report`to Cow�cll PF I I-99 Dutc: August 3,1999 65 _ Subject, Clsremont Communiry Centrc Claremont Co•Operntive Nursery School Inc. Page: 2 Enaclment of the attnched dmR by-law will authoriu thc cxccution of a renewnl Agrcement which forms Schedule A thercta. Tl�e form of the Agrecment is substnntinlly in accordance with pnst agrcements. Before Council enacts the by-law Lhey should be uware that although the Nurscry School is now in complience with pnst Agrcements, the Dcpartment of Pnrks & Fncilities did have somc considerable difficulty collecting for the final five months of the Agrcement. Notwithstanding, the Pepariment of Pnrks & Pncilities is preparcd to recommend lo Council lhnl the Agreement be rencwed with this group provided nll paymenis are rcceived promptly und the Agreements are properly executed und rctumed by September 1, 1999. ATTACHMENTS: Draft by-Inw with proposcd Agreement atwched ns ScheJulc A. Prepnred by: Approved 6y: / �Leonard nter crelt Uunt ma Superintendent of Facilities I Director of 1'arks R Facililics EB:mld Attnchmeats Copy: ChiefAdministrativeOfficer Dircclor of Finance & Trcasurer Pickering Town Council I �„ � c� . ) � omas J. Qu m, C iief Aclnau 's rativ Offtcer . _ �`�� � ,, � _ _ • , 'i; �� _ � - �. � ��';; 66 f,i,,` THE CORPORATION 0� TY,3 TOtiVN OF PICKERINd i d �: i, BY•LAWNO, 559�'� 99 , �, �, � i � Ueing a bylaw fo aufhorize Ihc execurlon oj u Ltcence Agreement 6ehveen Thc Corporallon oj �he Town oj Pickering and Ciarenio�il Ca Operallve Nursery School b�c, respect6ig die i�se ojlhe Claremon/ Comntunity Cenfre (Sepfeiu6cr 6, /999 ro Junc 28, 2002). WHEREAS the Town owns and opemtes a community cenlre known as the Claremont Communiry Centre in the hamlet of Cluremont in the Town of Pickering; aud WHEREAS thc Claremonl Co•Operative Nurscry Schaol Inc, opernlcs a cu•operalivc nurscry school and wishcs lo usc the Clarcmonl Community Ccntrc, nnd associatcd facililics, for thc purposes of such operalion; NOW THERE�ORE, the Council of thc Corpomtion of thc Town of 1'ickcring HEREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Muyor nnd Clerk are hcreby authoriud to cxecute nn Agrccmcnt, in lhe form attached hcrcto as Schcdulc A, bchvecn Thc Corporotion of thc Town of Pickering ond Clnremunl Co•Opernlivc Nurscry School Inc., respccling Ihc use of thc Claremont � Communily Ccntre fcr the period Septcmbcr G, 1999 l0 lune 28, 2002, inclusive. DY-LAW read n first, second nnd lhird time and finally passed this 3rd dny ofAugust, 1999. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Hrucc Taylor, Clcrk THIS AaREBMENT made thls 3rd day of August 1999, s� E3ETWEEN. �: THE CORI'ORATION 01� THG TOWN 0� PICKGRING herein called the "Town" - nnd - CLAREMONT CO-OPGRATIVE NURSGRY SCI IOOL INC. heroin cnllcd Ihc "Schoal" OP TI IE fIRST PART, Of TIIG SGCOND PART. WHEREAS Ihe Town owns and operntes a community cenire known as Ihe Cinrcmont Communily Ccnlre in the hnmlet af Clarcmont in Ihc Town of Pickering; und WHEREAS the School operates e co•operative nursery school and is dcsirous of using Ihe Cinremont Community Ccntrc, and associalcJ fucililics, for Ihc purpose of such operation, nnd WHEREAS lhc Tmvn is prcparcd lo gmnt o liccncc to thc school lo permil it to usc Ihc Clnrcmoul Cauununity Ccnlre, nnd nssocinlcd facilitics for such purposc pursumri to ccdnin condilions hcrcinnitcr scl oul; NOW THERErORG, TIIIS AGRGGMENT W17NGSSGTII, Iliat in considcralion of otlicr gooJ and vnlunblc consideratfon and thc sum of One Thousand, Seven HunJrcd nnd �(Ily dollnrs (51.750) paynblc by thc School to ihe Town in tcn paymenls of Onc Hundrcd and Sevcnly five dollars (5175) for qic Isl ycnr; Onc TliousanJ, Nfne Hundred dollnrs (SI,900) pnyublc by Uic School lo thc Town in Icn pnymcnts of Onc I lundred and Nincly Jollars (5190) for Ihe 2nd year, anJ Two Thousond, Onc liundrcd dollnrs (52,100) pnyablc by Ihe Scl�ool to Ihe Town in Icn pnymenls of Two Hundred and Trn dollars (5210) for thc 3rd ycar, onc paymcnt bcing Juc un Ihc firsl Jay of wch of Scptcmbcr, Octobcr, Novomber and Dccembcr, and lanunry, Pebruary, March, April, May onJ Junc, during Ihc term hercof, thc Pnrlics hcrcto covenant, promisc and agrec cach with tlw o�her a� follows: I, � Tlie School sl�oll: (n) providc nnd pay for al) personncl, cquipmcnt mid supplics far thc parposc of Ils opcmtlan of Ihc co- opcmtivc nurscry school; (b) kcep thc Town frce from nny costs originating from thc opernlion of Ihc co-opernlive nurscry sc600l; (c) ensure thnt its operations conclude by I2;00 p.m, duily to fncflilalc thc use of Ihe Communily Centre, nnd associatcd facililics, for olher purposcs; (d) indemnify Ilic Town for any costs, claims or dameges rcsulling Gom eny loss, dnmogc or injury (includiug loss oF life) to any person ar propcAy at any lime on tltc pranises or comprising Ihe prcmiscs uscd by Ihc Sdiool, howcvcr such loss, damugc or injury may occur; (e) provide ut ils cxpcnse, and keep in force during the term hereof, for Ihc benefit of thc School and Ihe Town, (a) gencrol linbility insurancc in respecl of injury to or dcnth of one or morc persons, or property damagc, in nn amounl nol less Ilinn S I,000,000; ond (b) (nsurance egainst loss or damagc by fire in respccl of nll 'fown•owned property compris(ng Ihc Clercmonl Community Centre end nssocieled facflities in Ihe nmount of SI,000,000 end cortaining ihe standard cxlcnded perils endorsemenls, nom(ng qic Town as co•insurcd; nnd (Q provide pos4datcd ri�equcs, payeblc lo Ihc Tawn, in thc amount sct oW abovc, wllh thc executcd copics of th(s Agreemenl. � • � �sa 2. 'fhe School shull ba allowcd lo usa lhe Cleremont Commun(ly Cenlro, and associnlcd facflitfca, for Ihc purpose of opernling o caopcmtivo nursory achool ae fullows. Fiva mornings per week -(days to ba determincd by mutunl agrecment betwccn Ihc parlics). 3. The Town shall: (o) ollow ihc School to use thc Cluremont Communily Centre, ond assucintcd fucilities, for Ihc purpose of operaling a co-opcmtive nurscry school as follows: 8,30 a.m, to 12:00 p.m., local lime, from September 6, 1999 to Junc 28, 2002, inclusivc. (b) provide Ilie necessnry eleclrical power, hcnt end otlicr ulilities, subject lo the provisious of scclion hereof; (c) providc the School with an cquipmcnt stomgc cupboard of ndequute size; (d} provide Ihe School with a kitchenelte facility for the purpose of providing lighl snncks fnr School slaff and children; nnd (c) 6avc tlie powcr, through Ihc Town's staff, to dircct �hc School's slnff whcn n situntiom m�y cnusc dnmugc to Ihc Commmiity Ccntrc prcmiscs. 4. (a) Thc Icnn of Ihis Agrccment shnll bc from Scplcmbcr G, 199910 Junc 26, 2002. (b) Eilhcr Parly to tliis Agrecmenl moy tcrminalc Ihis Agrccmcul nt nny �imc duriug Ihc tcnn I�crcof upon 70 days writicn nolicc to 16c alhcr. 5. The Town's abligntions pursannl to piis agrecment shnll bc depcndcnt upon Ihc nvailability of satisfaclory facilities during the tcrm hcrcoL 71w Sclwol slinll not hold ihe Town responsible for, and Il�c Town shnll nol be linblc to Ilro School in any mnnncr for, thc lack of satisfactory facililics resulling from thc Town's inobility to providc semc as a result of ncls of God, mechnnical failurc or othcr circumslnnccs bcyonJ Ihc Tuwn's control. 6. This Agrcement nnd cvcrylhfng cantaincd hcrcin shull not bc assignnblc by cithcr Pndy nnd shall cnure to thc bcncfit of unJ bc binJing upon Ihc Pnrtics hcreto, IN W17NESS WHERGOf Ihc PaAics hcrelo havc hercunlo aflixed Iheir respcctivc Corporalc Scnls nttcstcd to by Ihe hands of thcir aullmrizcd officcrs. SIGNED, SEALGD AND DGLIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0� PICKGRING Wayne Arthuro, Mayar druce Taylor, Clcrk CLARBMONT CO.OPERATIVG NURS6RY SCf I�OL INC. aiwi I2