HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 03/9904? �NOFp� ,�0 � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds Director of Culture and Recmation SUBIECT: - loinls'N Things Inc. - Amending Leuse Agreemcnt - Filc: C03000 DATG: Septembcr 7, 1999 REPORT NUMBGR; CR 03-99 RECOMMENDAT(ON: A byInw should be enacicd to authorizc thc exccution of an amending Icusc ogrcement pursuant to which Joinls 'N Things will be pertnittcd to coNinue to opernle n wdlness clinic ut the Pickering Recreation Complex. ORIGIN; I . RFP 4-98 2. Rcsolution IC6/98, Item 7 AU'THORITY: M�mlclpai Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.302, scction 191, FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Revenues- 1999 - 5 months Q 2380/month Sl 1,900 2000 -12 months (u� 2380/month 26,560 2001- 7 months � 2380/month 16,660 557,120 EXECUT[VE SUMMARY: Not applicablc. , �, , � � ' Repor� to Council CR 03•99 Subject: Joints'N Things Inc. Date: September 7, 1999 OQ,? Pagc 2 DACKGROUND: On7une 15, 1998, Council ennctcd Rcsolution #106/98 authorizing thc execution of a Lc,�sc Agreement to allow Joints'N Things to Iease spnce at the 1'ickcring Recrention Complcx for a wellness clinic. Thc Leusc was for n tcrtn of one year with the option of up to four successivc one year rcnewal periods. Enactment of the dmft byInw uttachcd will nuthorizc thr, cxecution of un nmending Icnsc ngrcement to be prcparcd in a form ncceptable to the Town Solicilor in consultation with the nppropriute To�m Depnrtments nnd in wnjunclion wilh the tcrtns of rcference set aut in R�P 4- 98 nnd existing Town pmctices. The amending lensc ugrccmcnt rellccts a changc in thc Term nnd thc Dase Rent. The term of thc agrcement is extended from a one ycar tcrm to a two ycur tcrm �vith Joints 'N Things provided wilh thc option of onc nd�itional two ycar tcrtn. Joints 'N Things havc identified thnt in their first ycnr of operatiun thcy did nol mcet Iheir anticipated revenue projection, which crcated financiui hardship to Iheir opemtion. Joints `N Things did pay all annuul rcntal cxpenses ($33,600) for thc usc of spacc at thc Pickcring Rccrcation Complex. loinls `N Things havc rcqucstcd n rcduction of 55,040 in Ihc aunual basc rcnt. Thc basc rcnl of 528,560 per annum is rcficctcd in thc amendeJ Icasc agrccmcnt to Icuse thc spacc (upproximatcly 1400 squnrc fceQ at thc Pickcring Rccrcation Complcx. ATTACHMENTS: I. Drnft Dy-law. 2. Resolution 106198, Item 7. Preparcd and A �' Stephcn nol Dirwtar of Culture & Recrcation SR:br Atmchments Copy: ChiefAdministmtive0fiicer Direclor of Parks & Pncililies • Dircctor of Finuncc & Trcasuret Town Solicitor ��nxna�mnramrermm�cam��noa . . �'44 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINa BY-LAW N0. �. Qeing n by!ow to aiilhorize dic renetival oJ , an Agree»ienr jor die leuse ojspacc nr d�e Plckering Recrcaflon Camplex jor a irellneas cllnlc. WHEREAS, on lune I5, 1998, Council passcd Resolution 106198, item 7 of which uccepled the proposal to RFP a-98 submitted by Joints'N Things Inc, for construction and lease of spnce nt thc Pickering Recreation Complex for a�vellness clinic; AND 14EIEREAS, pursuant to thm Resolution a Lcase Agrcement ���as entered into between Joints'N Things Inc, und the To�en; AND WHEREAS, the Tcrtn of that Agrcement has now expircd nnd the panics are desirous of renewing the Lense far a hco•ycar period; NOW T}IEREFORE, thc Council of thc Corporation of The Toan of Pickcring HCREDY ENACTS AS �OLLOWS: • I. The Mayor and Clcrk arc hereby auihoritcd lo exccutc a rcnewal Lcasc Agrcement, bct�eeen The Cor�oration ol' ihe 'fu�cn ol' Pirkering and Joints'� Things Inc. for u two ywr perioJ in Ihc fom� altnchcd hcrcto as Schedulc A. BY-Lr1W rcad 1 first, sccond and thirJ timc nnd linally passcd this ? 1`� da}• of Septcmbcr 1999. Wayne Arthurs, Muyor i Bruce Taylor, Clerk I � I � : I� s. f� ' ,�. q ,� r . ,. . . r; • ( � ������ �4i •' � JUN 1 ' 19 _ 9a D ` : . TaWN OF PICKERINO OEPT. pF INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MFMOR�c9W�3'[91VPECREanoN CLERK'S`DEPARTMENT DATE: June 17,1998 .�Steve Reynolds, Director of Culture & Recreation ✓ • Penny Wyger, Town Solicitor • Gil Paterson, Director of Finance . Vera Felgemacher-JefFrey, Manager of Supply & Services F ROM: Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk I ce be advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering passed Raolution N106/98, Item N7 ai :legular Council Meeting of June 15, 1998. Thnt the proposnl, in reply to RFP 4-58, submitted by Joinb'N Things Ina far the canstruction and lease of �pnce for n Weilnas Clinic at the Pickering Recreution Comples be occepted; nnd Thnt Town Council nuthorize stnff to negotinte a contrnct with Joints'N Thing� Inc. for the constructton nnd lense of spoce for a Wellness Clin(c at the Pickering Recrention Complex; nnd Thnt a by-Inw be prepnred for tlie esecution of a Licence Agreement between Jo(nts'N Things Inc. and the Town to construct nnd lense a Wellness Clinic at the Picke�ing Recrention Cample:. rcsolution is sent to you for your information. /� �� � . Hruce Taylor, Town Clerk ce • T.J. Quinn, General Manager �, , ,' �. • �