HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR 01/981,1C,► ���FP � � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; Baba Gnjadhursingh DATE: Octobcr 2, 1998 Director of Human Resources REPORT NUMDER: HR 01•98 SUBJECT: Revicw of Employee Code of Conduct Policy. RECOMMENDA7'ION: That Report HR 01•98 recommending nmendments to the @mployce Code of Conduct be rcccived, nnd Ihat Council npprove the nmendments to thc Gmployec Codc of Conduct Policy as contnined hercin. ORIGIN: Council dircctivc. AUTFIURlTY: (u) The bfunlcipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45, Scction 102 (b) Council Resolution N422/97. FINANCIAL IMPLICAI'IONS: Not applicoblc. EXECUTIVB SUMMARY: The Employce Codc of Conduct Policy wus cndorscd by Council on Octobcr 14, 1997, and has becn in existcnce for almost one ycnr. Consistcnt wilh Council's dircction, this rcport contnins rccommendcd nmcndmcnts to ihe Codc. Thcsc amendments nrc based on conccros and comments expresscd by cmployccs during thc workshops presenled by thc Humnn Resources Depnrtment, nnd for the most purt, will s�:rve to clarify thosc nreas of thc Code which some stnff viewed as being uncicur. DACKGROUND: On October 14, 1997, Council passed Resolution N422/97 udopting the Gmploycc Code of Conduct Policy tu developed by n Council npproved staff team comprised of the To�m Solicitor; one representntive from CUPE, Local 129; onc reprcsentntive from the Pickcring Professiunal Fircfighters' Associution and one union exempt reprcsentutivc (occupying a position falling under paygradc IS). Resolution N422/97 further requircd the Dircctor of Humnn Resourccs to evuluutc thc Employcc Code of Conduct in wnjunction with thc stnf'f tenm within onc ycar of its implementation, Cor thc purpose of providing wriucn recommendations to Council respccting nny changcs to the Codc as mny be requircd. INTRODUCTION: Thc Employce Codc of Conduct Pclicy wns introduced as n visiblc nnd formal slutcmcnt of thc intended vnlucs and bchaviorai standnrds the Corporation cxpc�s its cmployccs to tollow, when Report to Cowcil HR 01-98 Oclobcr 2, 1998 Review of Employec Code of Conduct Policy Pnge 2 1`� 9 denling with ethicnl dccision-making situations i,c. acceptance of gifls, fnvuurs, usc of carporatc essets, conflict of interests and deu!ing wilh confidentinl informnifon, amongst other issues. To ensure that ull employees, upon hira, nre nppriscd of the Corporntion's cxpccwtions, n copy of this documcnt hus becn included in thc Towit's new employcc oricntation pnckugc. 1MPLEMENTATION: following Council's npproval of thc Code on October 14, 1997, in uccordnncc wilh Council's dircclive, thc Town Clcrk providcd capies of thc document to all Community und RcsidcnCs Associations. As well, the Humnn Resources Depnrtment conductcd u scrics of workshops to communicnte lhe new Code to slutT. Up to June 24, 1998, a tolal of 19 workshops werc made availnblc and 213 employecs attendcd; howevcr, thcsc warkshops wcrc inlerrupted due to thc fnct thnt thc Safety nnd'fraining Coordinutor has bcen off work for meJicnl rcosons since July 2l, 1998. ASSESSMENT APPROACH: A list of comments and concems exprcssed by stnll' during the workshops wem kept and reviewed with the Town Solicitor for the purpose of preparing this repod. In gencml terms, the following rcpresents thc morc mcaningful nnd salicnt issucs anJ concems thot wcre brought forward by stufF. Conflict of Interest (Scction 03 - Attachment 3) Thcre wcrc gcneml discussions but no specific concems wcrc mised. No nmcndments arc recommended. Gifis and Ocnefits (Seclion 04 - Attachment 3) Thc major issue for stnfT scemcd Io bc n perceivcd gray arca whcrc the rules or principlcs defining right and wrong conduct pertaining lo �he ucceptunce of gi(ts nnd benefits needed clnrification. Othcrs fclt thnt thcrc was u nccd lo imposc and cnforcc rulcs morc faidy and impsvtinlly so thnt thcrc is � morc cquilnblc distribution amongst staff, of gifis and tokens usuolly reccived around Christmns timc. An amcndment plucing "an approximnte vnluc of 525.00 or Icss" to dcfine more clecrly whal is considcred to bc un acccptublc limit on individual gitis or tokcns of npprcciotion is recommended. It is furiher rccommenJed that the Code is modified ta placc responsibility on the depMment hcnd to ensurc that giRs nnd tokcns of apprecintion arc shnred nmongst departmcnwl staff in an approprintc manncr. Confidentiul Infortnation (Section OS - Attachmcnt 3) Slaff scemed to undcrstand this pariiculur scction of the Code; howevcr, the concem seemcd to focus on the issue of guaranteeing lhe confidentinlity of stnff reporting contrnvcntions of thc Code to their supervisors. Since duc process cntitles n person acwsed of wrong doing to know what he/she is accused of, as well as the nnme of the accuser, it is not possiblc to guarnntce such confidentielity. As such, no nmendments to this scction of thc Codc are rccommended. Incomputible Employment (Section 06 - Attachment 3) Stnfl� wunted ciurification on whethcr volunteer work was considcrcd to be u violution of the Code e�id clnrificution on who policcs thc Code. It wos expinincd that voluntcer work could in fact constitute n violation of the Code if such work was incompntiblc with thc proper dischargc of an employec's ofticial dutics, or if it rendcrcd the employee unnblc to properly dischnrgc his on c�r employment obligntions to thc Corporntion. Thc Code wos further amended to rcflcct this, nnd to assign thc responsibility of administering thc Codc to all department hcnds and supervisors (as outlined in Section 02,03). Report to Council HR O1-98 Octobcr 2, 1996 14 O Review of Employca Code of Conduct Policy Pnge 3 Public Relntions and Press Relenscs (Section 07 - Attachmcnt 3) Some stuff felt that thcy nppeur to be less ihan professionul when thcy arc not pertnitted to spcak to the medio on factual, straight-fonvnrd issues that nre not controversial, It was felt, howevcr, thnt ihis responsibility should bcst rcmuin with thc General Mnnngcr and departmont heads. Accordingly, this section was umended to rellect this. Hirin� of Relutives (Section 08 - Attachment 3) On the basis of lheir commcnts, employees appear to be ambivulent in thcir vicw on hirin� of relatives. Some expressed concems about the fuct thnt the Code discournges the hiring of immedinte femily or relativcs in dircct repoAing relationships (i.e. where nn individunl hns the nuthoriry to directly conVol thc nctivities or work nssignments of unother cmployec as in u supervisodsubcrdinate relntionship, in0uence the typc and nnture of work assignments or working conditions, revie�v or npprove performuncc reviews and sninry ndjustments, administer disciplinnry action nnd rccommend or approve hiring or firing of nn employec). In contrasl, others fclt thut thc definition of immediale relntive in the Code should be cxpanded to include nieces and nephews. It is recommended that the esscntinl meaning nnd intent of this section of the Codc rcmnin as it currcntly stands. Politicul Activitics (Section 09 - Altuchment 3) Although Ihcrc wcre some gcncrnl discussions around ihis topic, stuff had very few concems. Thcrc was an inquiry as to whcthcr it �vus acccptablc for cmployccs, undcr thc Code, to participntc in politicnl cnmpaigns in othcr municipalitics, Thc conscnsus was thnt it was permissiblc as lons as it wus outsidc of working haurs and it did not involvc the usc af Town's property, This nolwithstnnding, thc only nmcndmenl madc to ihis section uf thc Code was to clurify thut stnff, nt senior manngcmcnt Icvcls, wcrc discoumgcd from becoming involvcd in Town ojPickerfng municipal clection campaigns only. Town PropcAy (Scction 010 - Attachmcnt 3) Essentially, discussions rcgarding this scction of thc Codc focuscd on stnff wunting clurification on the use of Town computers. Thcy wcre udvised lhal use of any Town property for the purposc of genemting personal income would bc rcgurded as a violntion of the Code. It was clarified that employees are generally entitled to use computers for personai reasons during brcuks, lunch time nnd aftcr work, as long ns such usc is consisicnt with thc Guidclincs und Procedures put out by the Infortnalion Syslems Division nnd approvcd by the Gencrnl Manngcr. No amendmcnts to this section of lhc Codc arc recommended. Personal Business (Section 011 - Attachment 3) There were discussions of a genernl nature but stniThnd no concem with this pnriiculur section of thc Codc; consequcntly, no changes tvc recommended. Lon� Distnnce Telephone Calls (Seclion 012 - Atinchment 3) Currently the Codc smtes thut, "Long distancc tclephonc cnlls shall bc placed by nuthoriud stafT only." Some cmployees were unclear as to which stafi members arc aurhorized to pincc long distanee telephane cnlls. The Corporation hos ncver conferrcd this authority to specific individuals on a fortnal bosis, but instend, relied on nn impiicit undcrstnnding depending on thc individual's naturc of work und Icvel of position. Since ell stafT urc rcquircd now to use thcir calling cards whcm m�king personal cnlis at work, this hns bccome a non-issuc; thcrcfore, it is recommcnded thnt this scntence bc deleted since thc rcmainder of this section still makcs it cicur to employecs thut they are rcsponsible Cor the cost of nll personal lang distnncc calis mndc through tha Town's tclephone systcm. Report to Cauncil HR O1-98 October 2, 1998 Revicw of Employcc Code of Conduct Policy Puuc 4 1 t� � Illagal Drutt and Alcohol Use (Seclian 013 - Altachmenl 3) Sta(f were purticularly concemed us to whether the consumptian of alcuhol during lunch breaks constiwted n vialetion of the Code. The Codc was amended to clnrify the fact thut consumption oP nlcohol off work premises during nn unpnid lunch brenk is not a ground fot discipline, us long ns thc employee is not impnired upon retum to work, or work perFommnce is not adverscly nffected, ot ihe snfcty of others is not compromised as n result. Thc Code wns nmendcd, however, to encourugc employecs to refmin Gom the use of nlcohol whilc on unpaid lunch and rest brcuks, and consider as n gcneml principle, thnt in a public orgnnimtion any evidcnce of nlcohol consumption has the potential to ullect thc Corpomtiods public image detrimentally. Dress Code (Section 014 - Atlachment 3) Slaft'wrtnted a definition es to whnt is "appropriate" dress under the Code. It wns felt that steff who nre unclenr about what clothing is acceptnble should consult with thcir respectivc depnnmcnt head. The Code currently rcquires only thosc cmployecs who perform their dutics in public view to wenr identification nnd unifarms issued by the Town. This scction wr�s nmended to establish a principle that all cmployecs must wear identificntion ond unifortns pravided by thc Town while on duty, regnrdless of whclher thcy perfortn thcir duties in public view or not. Enforcement (Section 015 - Altachment 3) Stuff rnised some issues with resExct to the rype and dcgrce of disciplinary nction which muy be tuken ngninst an employee for violutions urdcr thc Code. It wns clnrificd that any misconducl under thc Code would bc subject to ihc snmc proccss ns wilh nny othcr misconJuct i.c. thcrc would bc a full investigution nnd thc dcgrce of disciplinary aclion would bc decidcd upon bascd on the results of thc invcslignlion nnd Ihc cmployce's cmployment recard. Any action tnken would be subject ro thc rcquircments of collectivc agrecments whcrc relevanl. This section of lhe Codc was amcndcd lo placc responsibiliry on szrpervlsory stnff as wcll as manngcrs nnd department hends to udminislcr the Codc. Milcagc Allownncc (Scction 016 • Attnchmcnt 3) Inquiries regarding thc revocntion of emplayccs' drivcr's licenses wcre raiscd; howevcr, thc outcome of such n situntion is not conlcmpintcJ by thc CoJe and this issuc is more nppropriately deult with elscwhere. No amcndmcnts arc recammcnded. Severability (Section 017 - Att�chmcnt 3) No amendments nre rccommended, CONCLUSION: At a meeting on August 31, 1998, the stafT tcum comprised in the manncr directed by Council reviewed and concurred with ilie amendments being recommcnded to Council. Thesc atnendments are not intended to alter the substantive principles of the Code os thcy exist, but arc meant to clurify those arcus where stulTmquired more definitive cxplanations. Creating a Code of Conduct which formnlly statcs the primary valucs nnd ethicnl rules thc Corporation expects its employces to follow rcduces ambiguity for employces, and perhaps, mny bc even instrumental in mising the ethical stnndards of thc orgunizntion. Report to Council HR Ol •98 Octobcr 2,1998 � ���Review of Employec Codc of Conduct Policy Pngo 5 ATTACHMENTS; 1. Council Resolution M422/97 (Attnchmcnt 1) 2. Codc of Conduct (axisting) (Attnchment 2) 3. Codc of Conduct (amended) (Attuchment 3) (Pleasc notc that thc recommended changes to tha existing Codc are shown in bofd !!a!!cs in order to facilitate Council's review of'such changcs. As well, the amended document has been pleced in thc ncw formet now used far all Town policies.) Prepared Dy: ,� . Babn u rsingh Director of Human Resources Bd;eh: Attuchments Copy: Genernl Mnnuger Recommcnded for the considemtion of Pickering Town Council Tho ]. Quinn, G crul M cr I43 'irr"a�+taTN-L��r�ol• 94 .. �o�N oF p�c�- Z � � �9 H ��� � w ' It1:SOLU'i'ION OF COUNCIL #422/97 UATE: OCPOIlE11 id. 1997 d10VEU UY: Cum�cillor livnn SECONUED lil': Cowirillor Senis Thot Council: (a) adopt tha Employce Codc of ConJuct as devclopeJ by Ihc Council npprovcd sta0'tcam; (b) adopt thc Cowicil Codc of Praclicc in ihe lorm attaclicd hcrclu with thc following amendments: i) Section 3(e) is amended by ndding die follawing sentence: "Work for charilics, including fundraising, shall not wnslitutc a violatiun of thc Council CoJe of Prac�ice." ii) Seclion I is amendcd by adding Subscclion (c) lu proviJe n definilion of "Incompalible' as outlined in thc M11unicipal Conflicl of Inlcresl Acl. iii) Seclion 13 is amendeJ by deleting nll wording and replacing il with 'Tor furlher review by Council". (c) direct the Director of Human Resources to consull wilh Ihe members of the stnmteam comprised of a rcpresenlutive Gom C.U.P.E, Local I29, the I'ickcring Firefightcrs' Associalion, excmpt stafT(bclow salary gradc I S) and Ihe Town Soliciror, and to repon back in writing to Council, in one ycar, to provide nn evalualion of Ihe Employee Code of Conduct and to recommend any chenges that mny be requircd to be made to that Code; and (d) direct the Town's Clerk lo distribute copies of the Cade of Conduct and tlie Council Code of Practice to local communiry associalians and lo mnkc copics avnilable tu persons doing business with the Town and to the general public, upon rcqucst. {SienedllVm�nc Artliur� CARIt1ED MAYOII ��:�. � � � ATTAipY�NT N�{.9n ���'�P1' 9 � 144 - ��� �� � EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT Octobcr 14,1997 � { � �` .A� I 1 k � � �- � i � u�� r TOWN OF PICKERING , 1 � � EMPLOYEE CODB OF CONDUCT PREAMBLE Govemment service is e public wst that imposes the rcsponsibility of edvancing public service while conserving pubiic rcsources, funds end meteriele, and one that rcquircs its employea to perform their duties in a manner Ihat will withstand public scrutiny. Employees of the Corporetion of the TOwn of Pickering shall conduct themselves in a menner which shal) not be conswed to discredit the Town in any wey. Town employees must be independtnt, impartial and responsible to the public in carrying out their duties. The employee is ultimately rcsponsible and accountable Cor using good judgment in the course of the exercise of their duties. This Code of Conduct has been developed to provide assistance to all employees in performing their civic duties including ogents and other individuals doing business on behalf of the Town. IC conduct occurs which violates this Code, the individual or work group concemed will be subject to rcview and possible disciplinary action. 1. CONFLIGTS OF INTEREST A conflict may exist where the employee could dircctly influence the decision mede in the course of perfomiing his or her job duties and elso wherc he or she could indircctly iniluence lhe decision through exorting pecsonal influence over the decision•maker. Employees shnll not place themselves in a position wherc they are under obligation to any person who might benefit from special consideration or favor on their part ar where he or she could gain personel benefit, dircctly or indircctly, from any agrcement or contrnct wilh the Town ebout which they could iniluence decisions or affect the outcome. Emplayees shall not gain personal benefit, or pertnit others to benefit from the access to informetion ecquircd in their ofticial capaciry which is not ganeraily available to Ihe public through ordinary and proper channels. Employees should avoid situations where on employee's personal intercsts conflict with his or her duties end rcsponsibilities as an employee of the Town. For the purposes of this Code, en employee's personal intaests shall include the personnl intercsu of the employee, his or her spouse (including a common law spouse) and his or her minor childrcn. 7'he onus shell be on an employee to inform his or her supervisor if a situation comes btforo the employee.in which the employee's personul intorcst is nr may be involved. A conflict of intercst can exist whether or not a pecuniary edvantage has been or may have been confemd on the amployee. Employees sholl not sell goods, muterials or services to the Town. An excoption may be made with the approvn) of the Town's Generel Monoger, provided the opportunity is made available on un equal basis to other employoes.. During lhc course of their dutics, cmployees shall not rc&r businoss to Mombcrs of Pickcring Council or to lhc Councillor's immediotc family, (For thc purposc of this � , � . , ' j t '� �: �: { � 1'i�.4 . . . . . . . . � . .. . .. ' 146 policy, immediate fnmlly ehall mcan husbund, wifc, including common law spouu. childrcn including foster or step chlldrcn). 2. GtFTS AND BENEFITS (n order to prcserve the imege and integriry of the Town, rcceipt oF business giks is discourrged; however, the Town rccognizes that moderate hospitaliry is an accepted , courtesy of e business rolationship. Recipienu should hot allow themseives to reach a position whercby they might be or might be doemed by others to have been influenced in making a business decision as a consequence of accepting such hospitaliry. The Frcquency and scale of hospitaliry accepted should not be grcatcr than what wauld be pertnined to be claimed at a business exponse in the normal course of one's job, An employee should not seek or aecept any gifts, donations, cash, benofits or favars from any person or organization whose business oc financiai intercsts may be impacted in any fashion by the employee in tho course of the exercise of the employee's Town duties. For the purposey of this Code, gifts also include without limitation, services, promotional prcmiums and discounts. Small tokens of appreciation provided on a depactmental basis wili not constitute a violation of this code. 3. �UNFIDENTIAL INFORMAT(ON Employees sheil not pertnit any penon, other than those who are approprietely aod legally entitled thercto, to inspect or have access to infortnatian, papen or documenu which are conftdentiel. Where an cmployce is unsurc of the status of infarmation, before mnking any rclease he or she shall diuuts �t with his or her Manoger. Perticular care should be exercised in rcleasing information relating to the following matters: � (i) items under litigation (includin.; mattcrs beforc �he Ontario Municipal Board and other Tribunals); (ii) personnel matters; (iii) infortnation provided� by suppliers for evaluations which might be useful to competitors; (iv) infortnation which infringes on the right to privacy of others; (v) sources of complaina ebout a variery af mattors in which the identiry of the complainant is given in confidence; (vi) items under nogotiation penoining to rcal cstatc maners; 2 , ` � , . � t ,, (vii) informotion supplied in suppart of Iicense applicatione, whero such informaiio 1 Q 7 is not patt of the public documentallon; and (viip schedulea of pricee in controct lenden. Manegen will ensurc that employees arc aware of confidcntial informntion held in their departments which may not be divulged. • Employees should rofer rcquests for confidentiel infonnatian to the Town Clerk. Farmal procedurcs am in place in accordance �yith the Municipal Frcedom of (nfocmation and Protection of Privecy Act which govem situetious where the public request inFortnation that is rcgerded as confidentiel by the Town. ' 4. JNCOMPATTBLE EMPLOYMENT No emplayee shall engege in, or accept private employment, ot rcnder servi:es for private intercsts whea such employment or service is incompatible with the proper discharge of hie or her afEicial Toum duties, or would tend to impair hie or her independcnce of Judgment or action, in the performance of his or her official duties, 5. PUBLIC RELATiONS AND PRESS RELEASES Employee- shall veat each contnct with the public with diplomacy, tact and objectiviry and shell rccognize that such contacts affect the Town's public image. Employees aro encouraged to rcfer to the Town's General Mnnager any contacts from the media which do not deal with infotmatian in the public damain, but which rcquest opinions or comments on policy, procedurc�, legal or other metters. Prcss rcleases and communications on the Town's web site on the Internet must be pre- epproved by the General Manager or the Mayor, or the authorized corporate reprcsentative, as the case mny be. This policy is not intended to rcstrict the ability of employees to express an opinion on general intercst matten, wherc the employee makes it clear that he or she is commenting as a private citizen and not in his or her capaciry u a Town employee. 6. HIRING OF RELATIVES The Town discoumges the hiring of immediate family or immediate relatives of cmployees in situations where the related employees would be in a dircct rcponing relationship. In generoi, the fact ihot a potential employee is rclated to an existing employee or to a Member of Council neither prejudices nor advances that person's hiring prospecu, (For the purpose of this policy immadiate relatives shall mean parents, brothen, sisters, including foster or step, parents•in•law, brothers•in•law, sisters-in-law, _ � � i : � � , , u ,�`, , , :,�F , ��� � ��3 r t , � �47` � ' � `�' , ��iz c ;, � �1�� t} f 4 + � �� . � ,r �yr�-- �.� � a � i:, x � yt>t y 47?a�{; � 'Y } . � } . . , . 7 f t . �}��G� t ~ d },. , ., .. . . .. . . , . � . � . ' �gsa 4. �:, �� �r ��a sons•in•low, daughtcn•(n�law, gmndparcnu, grandchildrcn or �ny other rclative living with an employee). 7. POLITfCAL ACTIVITIES Employees shali not engage in any political activiry, federal, provincial, ar municipal during working houn. Employees shall not utilize Town asseu, resources, or propercy (including Town uniforms or any part of a Town unifoim) for this purpose, without the prior wrinen euthorization of Council. No campaign related activities shall wke place on civic property without the prior exprcssed authorization of Council. ' Employees, especially those at the senior management level are discauraged Crom direct or active involvoment in municipal election campaigns. During municipal elections, employees should ensure that any involvement in a municipal election campaign shall not adversely effect their duties as employees with the Town of Pickering. Employees may exercise their civic right to run for public office subject to compliance wilh the applicable legisiation. S. TOWN PROPERTY Each employee who has carc or custody of Town property must onsurc that it is properly secured and that controls are in place, are ussd and arc not being circumvented. Town property includes cash, cheques, valuable documents, inventories, supplies and equipment. Hmployees shell rcport any inadequacies in, or problems in complying•wi[h existing safekeeping errangemenis immediately te iheir Department Hwd. All employees must rcport any allegations of fraud or theft immediately to their Department Head in writing, with a copy to �he General Menager. All employees must use Town property only to the extent necessary to carry out assigned duties. Town property shall not be used by employees for petsonal use or financial gain uniess prior approval is ucurcd from the employee's Department Head, in writing and unless such use wkes place during the employee's brcaks or after business haurs. Town properry must not be used by employees for the purposes of finnncially benefiting, either themselves or anyone usociatcd with them, Both confidential infortnation available to Town employees by vinue of their employment and Town fncilities, asseu and supplies constitute Town property, Employees shall not use Town propeny, equipment, supplies or services including compu[er sofl�varc and oiher intellectual property for activities not associated with the discharge aF ofiiciol duties without the prior approvoi of the employee's DepaRment Hwd, J �, � , ' t �= � � � } r� , _ ._ _ _.... --. _ . __ . __ __ __ . r 9. ��9 All amployea aro rcspansible to ensurc �hat Town property in the employeo'e control is not taken or convorted for personvi gain and must roport any instances or suspicions of fraud or theft to tha Department Head immediately, Employees must �ssume full rosponsibfliry far their penonal property brought onto Town ProP�rtY.. No employee shnll meke financial gain fram the use or sale of Town•developed computer programs, technological innovations or other patentable items, either while in the employment of the Town, or therwfter. All such properry is and shall remain the exclusive properry of the Town. Employees shall rcfrain from making penonal telephone calls during business houn, If a personal call must be placed, the employee shall be expected to be as brief es possible. Employees shall discourage callers who contnct them at work on matters not rclated to Town business, which shall also include personal visitations. 10. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALLS Long distance telephone calls shall be placed by authorized personnel only. Penonal long distance calls shali not be undenaken at the Tawn's expense, Emplo,yees shall rcimbune the Town for lang distance and o�her charges arising from personal calls made through the To�m's telephone system. 11. DRUG AND ALCUHOL USE Employees shall abide by applicable Jaws and rcgulations governing the possession and use of alcohol and drugs. The illegel use, sale, purchase, transfer or possession of alcohol or any rcsaicled or conuolled drug, narcatic or any other substance while on Town prcmisea, or durirtg working haun is prohihited end will result in discipline or dismissal as appropriate. Employees shall not anend to their position's responsibilities and duties while under the iniluence of alcohol or illegal dcugs. To addrcss employer/employee liabilities associated with due diligence responsibility atound workplace safery, it is never permissible for employees to attend to ►heir position's rcsponsibilities and dmies while impaired as a result of the influence of any alcohnl ar drug, illicit or othenvise. l2. DRESS CODE Employees arc expected to dress, at ali times, in a m�nner thot is appropriatc to the work bcing pe�fortned, Office staff arc expected io dress at �II timcs in u monncr that prcsents 5 � , � _. __. _.__ �_. .._ - ----- . � 1'50 an accoptabla and professional corpomte imoge. Employces who usually perfortn work in public view shall wear idcntiflcation and full unifortns as provided by the Town. (J. ENFORCEMEN� The observance of this Code of Conduct constitutes a condition of employment. Any employee who faiis to act in accordance with tho provislons of this Code will be subject io appropriate disciplinary action including tecmination df employment. The Corporation's expectations of iu employees in each af lhese arcas is outlined in this Code. If an employee is in doubt about any of the metters set out hercin, or if the particulat situation is nat covercd here, the employee must ask his or her Department Head for azsistance in the interprctation of thc policy. A supervisor who is of the opinion thet an employee is breaching the Code should bring this brcach to the attention of the Deparunent Head as soon as possible A Department Head, or Manager having direct knowlcdge of a br:ach of this Code shall bring the infortnation immediately to the attention of the employee. • My employee who hes reeson to believe that a Manager or Supervisor is committing a brcach of this Code shall approach the Department Head in confidence. Any employee who has rcason to believe that the Departmont Head is committing a breach of this Code shall approach the General Manager in confidence. Any employee who haz reuson to believe that the General Manager is committing a brcach of lhis Code shall approach the Mayor in confidence. All employees shail rccaive a copy of U�is Code, All new employees shall cead and subscribe in writing to this Code prior to commencing their duties. 14. MILEAGE ALLOWANCE , Employees who rcceive mileage allowance from the Town and employeos rcquired to operate Town vehicles must immediately disclose to the General Manager any suspension of the employee's drivers licence and eny conviction of the employee rcgarding driving rclated o(fcnces purouant to the Highway Traffic Act or the Criminal Code. ' 15. SEVERAB(LiTY The provisions of this Code of �onduct arc sever�ble and if any provision, section or word is held invalid or illogal, such invalidiry or illegaliry shall not affect or impair any of the rcmaining provisions, sectians or words. 6 I. � . '. ., � � _ �,d,� ��o�r�.���airr��/-9p � TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE 151 POLICY STA7F.MENT.• The Town of Plckedng requlres !ts employees to conduct themselves !n a professlonal and ethlcal manner whlle carrying out the!► clvlc dudes. Thls Code o/ Conduc! is a vlslbfe and formal statement of the Intended values and 6ehavloural standards fhe Town expects !ts employees, end !ts agents or contractors to follow when conducdng Town's buslness. 1/ conduct occurs whlch violetes thls Code, the employee or work group concemed wlll 6e subJect to revlew and possible dlsclpllnary acdon. In the case of an agent or contractor, ferminaUon o/ fhe servke conhact or servlce agreement may occur. POLICY OBJECT/VE: 7he obJective o/ thls pollcyls to: 1. EstabNsh a set ol6ehavioural guldellnes for employees to lollow ln various sltuaGons whlch may lnvolve ethical declslons. 2. Protect Town property and lmege, 3. Malntaln approprlate working standards. 4. Promote a hlgh standard of pro/esslonallsm amongst staH. ' �; • � � :_? ti . ;�. 152 ��� � _ i; � ' TOWN POLICY/PROCEDUFtE GENERAL: 01 DeflnlUons: 01.01 01.02 01.03 Immedlate Family •. A husband, wlfe, !nc/uding common law spouse, chlldren lncluding foster or step chlldren, of an emp/oyee. lmmedlate RelaUves •. The parents, brothers, sisters, Including foster or step, perents•!n•law, brothers-!n•law, slsters•!n•law, sons•In-law, daughters•!n•law, grandperents, grandchlldren or any othe►re/aUve Iiving wlth an employee. Personal /nteresb - An employee's personal lnterests shall lnclude the persortal Interests of the employee, hls or her spouse (lncluding common lew spauseJ and hls or her minor chlldren. � is • ;� . h, � � ����. �. � � � ',7� 1 . f� f '�'' a � F < ,� `.. . . . �� � � '� r "., P "+� 4 g�t _' i � ,l �'. ' . ` t � �� 5 � x � - ��.3 'rf� •# ,- l � r �`S � t� Y 5: tt �� � t; � � ��f�Jt��� a� � J � � � � r. .: � ti�E3�t.� s `� o �� i . .�r/�. � ... � . . . Y.'F�.�nK ° t�r��� ,�, y � � .F�j;'�xy -F�) "�� x ., 4 . �'�au�s ��:_ 13 �r:: ; f . . ' �r�t ��+� k ; r • �:�{ $ �a�.�"� i Z ,. '� s�� y 'y ;��.��'+��s {' ,.i ' ' . . .. _ ��.R4'�S 4�� N ���1."`0.! 1.. . a.� . . � . . . . �,,a'� 153 � TOWN PQLICYIPROCEDURE Approval: Date Originated: Polic Number: October 14, 1997 Cl�nl�cauon: HUR Reteronce: D�te Revfsed: . C�t�pory: 050 SubJect 002 Polfcy Title: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 02 ResponslblllNes: 02.01 Councll to: Approve any emendments to fh/s pollcy. 02.02 General Manager fo: Approve leaves o/ absence for employees requesHng Ume oH when running for poliUcal oHJce. 02.03 Deparfinent Head/Supervlsor to: (aJ Ensuro that fhe pollcy is adhered fo through demonstrat�d pracGces of Town emp/oyees. (b) Recommend changes to the pollcy as approprlafe. (cJ Set an example for all employees by approprJate attire and professlonal behaviourat all Umes. (a� Ensure fhat proper clothing and uniforms are avafla6le and are used by varlous Town staH. � � � `�t ,, �a� � 154 � TOWN POLICYIPROCEDURE 03 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: A confllct may ex(st where the employee could directly influence the decision made in the course of performing his or her job duties and aiso where he or she could indirectly InOuence tho decision through exert(ng personal influence over the decision•maker. Employees shall not place themselves (n a posiqon where they are under obligation to any person who might benefit Bom spec(al consfderatian or favor on their part ar where he or she could gain personal benefit, d(rectiy or indirectly, from any agreement or contract with the Town about which they could (nfluence decisions or affect the autcome. Employees shall not galn personal benefit, or permit others to benefit from the access to iniormation acqu(red in their oKcial capacity which is not generally avaflable to the public through ordinary and proper channels. � Employees should avofd situations where an employee's personal interests con(lict with his or her duties and responsibilitfes as an employee of the Town. The onus shall be on an employee to (nfortn his or her supervisor if a situation comes before the employee in which lhe employee's personal fnterest is or may be involved. A conflict of fnterest can exist whether ar not a pecuniary advantage has been or may have been conterred an the employee. Employees shall not sell goods, materials or services to the Town. An exception may be made with the approval of the Town's General Manager, provided the opportunity is made available on an equal basis to other employees. During lhe course oi their duties, employees shali not refer business to Members of Pickering Council or to the Councillor's immed(ate famfly. � i , e+"� . � 155 TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE 04 GIFTS AND BENEFITS: In order to preserve the fmage and integrity of the Town, recefpt of business gifts is discouraged; however, lhe Town recognizes that moderate hospitality is an accepted courtesy of a business relationshfp. Recipients should not allow themselves to reach a position whereby they might be or mfght be deemed by others to have been influenced in making a business dec(sion as a consequence of accepting such hospitality. The frequency and scale of hospitality accepted should not be greater than what would be permitted to be claimed as a busfness expense fn the normai course of one's job. An employee should not seek or accept any gifts, donatfons, cash, benefits or favars from any person or organizallon whose business or financfal interests may be fmpacted in any fashion by the employee in the course af the exercise of !he employee's Town duties. Far the purposes of this Code, gifts also includo without limitation, servfces, promotional premiums and dlscounts. Small tokens of appreciation provided on an Indlvidual basis having an approximate value ol 525.00 or less, will not constitute a violation of this code. Where ever reasonably posslble the Department Head shall ensure that tokens o/ appreciation are shared amongst the Depariment !n an approprlafe manner determined by them. �'. , 1 � 0 �, a 1�i6 � TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Date Origlnated: Polic Number: October 14, 1997 cia..incauon: HUR Reference: Date Reviaed: . Category: 050 SubJeet: 005 Policy TiUe: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 05 Emplayees shall not permit any person, olher lhan those who are apprapriately and legally entitled thereto, to fnspect or have access to informalfon, papers or documents which �re confidential. Where an employee is unsure of the status oF information, before making any reiease he or she shall discuss it with his or her Manager. Particular care should be exercised (n releasfng information relating lo lhe following matters: (i) items under litigation ((ncluding matters befare the Ontario Municipal Board ancl olher Tribunals); (ii) personnel matters; (ifi) (nformation provided by suppliers for evalualions which might be useful to competilors; (iv) fnformaqon which infringes an the right to privacy of others; (v) sources of complafnts about a variety of matters in which the idenlity of the complainant is given in confidence; (vl) items under negotiation pertaining to real estate matte� , (vil) infortnation supplied in support of license applfcations, where such information is not part oi lhe public documentation; and (viii) schedules of prices in contract tenders. 0 � i s 1(i � . .. - � . . - .. -- . . . . . _ . ;Y Y . . . � � � . .. � . • '�: �: � . . . . . � . +�� ~t. ! _ . _ . � . � . �a� � TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE 157� Approvst: Date Originated: Polic Number: October 14, 1987 chninauon: HUR Reference: Date Reviaed: . C�tepory: O50 SubJeeL• 005 Polfcy TIUe: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 05 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: (CanNnued) Managers w(I� ensure that empioyees are aware of confidentlai information held in their depa�tments which may not be divulged. Employees should refer requests for confidential information to the Town Clerk. Formal procedures are in place (n accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Informat(on and Protection of.Privacy Act which govem situations where the pubtic request iniormation lhat (s regarded as confidential by the Town. : , _ :� , .���, � � � � ' I �'. � � .. �� � . �.i- � � . 158 ��'"'� � TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE OB INCOMPATIBLE EMPLOYMENT: No employee shal� engage in, or accept private employmenUvolunteer work, or render serv(ces for private interesls when such employment or volunteer service, is incompatibie with the proper discharge of hfs or her o�cial Town dulfes, or would tend to impair his or her independence of judgment or action, in lhe performance of his or her official duties. � � �` �, �. i' ' ,,, i, � . �� � �,a� � 1�9 • TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE 07 PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PRESS RELEASES: Employees shall treat each contact with ihe public with diplomacy, tact and objectiv(ty and ahall recognize that such cantacts atfect the Town's public fmage. Employees are encouraged to refer to the Town's General Manager any contacts from the media which request opinions ar comments on policy, procedures, legal policy, procedures, legal or other matters. Any other medla contacts should be relerred to the employee's Department Head. Press releases and communications on the Town's web sfte on the Internet must be pre-approved by the General Manager or the Mayor, or the authorized corporate representative, as the case may be. This pol(cy fs not intended to restrict the ability of employees to express an opinion on general interest matters, where the employee makes it clear that he or she is comment(ng as a private ciUzen and not fn hfs or her capacity as a Town employee. ,I �, , 160 �'"� TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Date Originated: Polic Number: OCfobet 14, 1997 Claulfieotlon: HUR Raference: Date Revised: - Cotepory: O50 SubJeet: 008 Policy T(tle: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 08 HIRING OF RELATIVES: The Town conslders the hiring of immediate family or fmmediate relatives of employees to be Jnapproprlate in situalions where the related employees would be in a direct reporting relationship. In general, the fact that a potential employee is related to an exisNng empioyee or to a Member of Council neither prejudices nor advances that person's hiring prospects. ,` �. . . +4�'.. . . !. ' . � r t r �y a F t 1 t t .1, ..i : � � ; 7 f � ) .� � t 4�l�rt�g, ]� y _ � �` 4 �' � id Sr ts�``1� � - ` ' . � �� � �. � �.�ii Y,rTtr4: y i ,7 � � f : . 1 F. t . .. � . �1%.M, �3,}�, �� �, � �Fk�. d a t� 7 � � � _. " , . - - . . . , . . a���+�fi�i,�.'M.'i �".'rY..-.I::+�'+�4.{tu.�. :' x�t..tT 1-..� G.��.��..�; . r ��,a� TOWN POLICYIPR�:�EDURE 1�1 Approvai: Date Origfnated: Polic Number: OCtObef 14, 1987 Clusltiullon: HUR Referenco: Date Revised: . c.aeoy: asa SubJeet• 009 Policy TIUe: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 09 POLITICALACTIVITIES: Employees shall not engage in any political activity, federal, provincia�, or municipal during working haurs. Employees shall not utilize Town assets, resources, or property (including Town uniforms or any part of a Town uniform) for this purpose, without the prior written authorization of Council. No campaign related activities shall take place on civic property without the prior expressed authorization of Council, Employees, especially lhose at lhe senior management Ievei are discouraged from d(rect or aclive involvement in Town o/P7ckering munfcfpal e�ection campaigns. During municipal elections, employees should ensure that any involvement in a municipai election campaign shall not adversely aHect their duties as employees with the Town of Pickering. Employees may exercise their civic right to run for public office subject to compliance with the applicable legislation. I ` �.� 162 f'��� � TOWN POLIC'Y/PROCEDURE Approval: Date Oripina+.ed: Polic Number: October 1A, 1997 c�.umcauon: HUR Reference: Date Revlsed: _ C�tepory: O50 SubJocG 010 Poltcy TiGe: EMPLOYEE COUE OF CONDUCT 010 T0IMJPROPERTY: Each employee who has care or custody of Town praperty must ensure that it is properly secured and that controls are fn place, are used and are noi being circumvented. Town prope�ty includes cash, cheques, valuable documents, Inventories, supplies and equipment. Employees shall report any inadequacies in, or problems in complying with existing safekeeping arrangements immediately to their Deparlment Head. All employees must report any allegations of fraud or theft immediately to their Department Head in writing, with a copy to the General Manager. All employees must use Town property only to lhe extent necessary to carry out assigned duties. Town property shall not be used by employees for personai use or financial gain unless prior approval is secured (rom the employee's Department Head, in writing and unless such use takes place during the employee's breaks or after business hours. Town property must not be used by employees for the pu�poses of financially benefiting, either themselves or anyone associated with them. Both confidential information availabie to Town employees by virtue of their employment and Town facilities, assets and supplies constitate Town property. Employees shall not use Town property, equipment, supplies or services including computer software and other intellectual property for activities not associated with the discharge of o�cial duties wilhout the prior approval o( the employee's Deparlment Head. All employees are responsible to ensure that Town property in the employee's control is not taken or converted for personal gain and must report any instances or suspicions oi fraud or theft to lhe Departmenl Head immediately. 0 . � .. . . � . , � � . � . . . � • 1 � 3i;� • , b� t �'� L - �. . � � . �k � .. � . � � . . . � . . � 1 I : ��� � 1�3 TOWN POLICYIPROCEDURE 010 TOVVN PROPERTY: (Continued) Employees must assume full responsibility for the(r personal praperty brought onto Town property. No employee shall make financial gain from the use or sale af Town-deve�oped computer programs, technological innovations or other patentable items, either while in the employment of the Town, or thereafter, All such property fs and shall remain the exclus(ve property of the Town. f 1 - i ' . �. • �i�, ;. � 164 � TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Date Originated: Polic Number: October 14, 1997 cl�s.lnc.eon: HUR Reterence: Date Revised: , . Catepory: O50 SubJact: Q�� Pollcy Tttle: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 011 PERSONAL BUSINESS: Empioyees shall reirain from making personal telephone calls during business hou�s. If a personal call must be piaced, the employee shall be expected to be as brlef as possible. Employees shall discourage ,allers who contact them at work on matters not related to Town business, wh(ch shall also include personal visitalions. � , _ i;. � � , a a � TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE 1 �� Approval: Date Originated: Pottc Number: October 14, 1997 Clauifluuon: HUR Reterence: Date Revlaed: . Catagory: O50 SubJact: 012 Policy Tide: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 012 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALLS: Personal long distance calls shall not be undertaken at lhe Town's expense. Employees shall reimburse the Town far long d(stance and other charges arising from personal calis made through the Town's telephone system. I , �i; . �'" ��'� � TOWN POLICYIPROCEDURE Approval: Date ONginatad: Polic Number: October 14, 1997 CIu�I11c�Gon: � HUR Reference: Date Reviaed: C�tepory: 050 SubJsct: 013 Policy TIU�: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 013 ILLEQAL DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE: Employees shall abide by applicable laws and regulationa governing the possession and use of alcohol and drugs. The illegal use, sale, purchase, transfer or possession of aicohal or any restricted or conlrolled d�ug, narcotic or any other substance while on Town premises, or during working hours is prohibited. Employees shall not attend to their positfon's responsibilities and dut(es while under the influence ot alcohol or illagal drogs. To address employer/employee liabilitios associated with due dil(gence respansibility around workplace satety, it is never permissib�e for employees to attend to their posiNon's responsibilities and duties while impa(red as a result of the influence of any alcohal or drug, III(cit or athervvise. Whlle fhe Town of Pickering cannot enforce a6sNnence from alcoholic 6everages during unpald lunch and rest breaks, employees are encouraged to refraln from sucb use especlally !/ thelr work lnvolves operaUon of motorized vehlcles, equlpment or other machlnery. As a general princ(ple, employees In our pu611c servlce must conslder that any evfdence of alcohol'consumptlon may deWmentally aHect the Town's publlc lmage. �, : -� � :i3 . � . . � . . . .. t � � TOWN POLICYIPROCEDURE ��� Approval: Date Orlginated: Palic Number: October 14, 1997 ca..�nauon: HUR Reference: Date Revtsed: , C�tepory: 050 SubJeet: 014 Pollcy TiUe: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 014 DRESS CODE: Employees are expected to dress, at all times, in a manner lhat (s appropriate to lhe work being performed. Office staff are expected to dress at all times fn a manner that presents an acceptable and professional corporate fmage. Employees who usually perfarm wo�k in public view shall wear identification. Employoes who are lssued wlth uniforms 6y the Town shall wear full unlforms at all Hmes during the course of the!► work day. � 1" i _ ;, 1R8 �''�� � TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Date Originated: Polic Number: OctObef 14, 1997 Cla�tllicadon: HUR Reference: Oate Revised: . C�tagory: 050 SubJeet: 015 Policy Title: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 015 ENFORCEMENT: The observance of this Code of Conduct constitutes a condition of employment. Any employee who fafls to act in accordance with the prov(sions of thfs Code will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action fncluding termfnation of empioyment. The Corporation's expectations of its employees in each of ihese areas is outlined in th(s Code. If an employee is in doubt about any of the matters set out herein, or if the particular situatfon is not covered here, the employee must ask his or her Department Head for assfstance in the interpretation of the policy. A Department Head, Manager or Supervlsar having direct knowledge of a breach of this Code shall bring the information fmmediately to the attention oi the employee. Any employea who has reason to believe that a Manager or Supervisor is commitling a breach of lhis Code shall approach lhe Department Head in confidence. Any employee who has reason to believe that the Department Head is committing a breach of this Code shall approach the General Manager in confidence. Any employee who has reason to believe that the General Manager is committ(ng a breach of this Code shall approach the Mayor in confidence. All employees shall receive a copy ot this Code. All new employees shall read and subscribe in wriling to this Code prior to commencing the(r dul(es. �, i; ,' ' �r'�a�y � 69 TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE Approval: Date Or(gfnated: Polic Number: October 14, 1997 Cludfiatlon: HuR Reference: Date Revised: • Category: 050 SubJeet• 018 Policy TiUe: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT 016 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE: Employees who recefve mileage allowance from the Town and employees required to operate town vehfcles must immediately disclose to the General Manager any suspension of lhe employee's drivers licence and any convict(on of the employee regarding driving related oHences pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act or the C�iminal Code. i .. t � i A -:e - Ss� • �. �'O r� TOWN POLICY/PROCEDURE 017 SEVERABILITY: The provisions of this Code af Conduct are severable and if any provision, section or word ls held invalid or illegal, such invalidity or illegality shall not affect or impair any of the remafning provisions, sections or words. . . . . ' . . � i. .`, , � ; _ �; . 0 •. N