HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDT 01/00_ , Ot'.0 ��,�yO�P/���. � ... .. . . . . . ~ ° REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Interdepnrtmenlal Team DATE: March 27, 2000 Westem Brnnch Librury and Communiry Centre REPORT NUMBER: [DT-Ol/00 SUBJECT: Tender for Westem Hranch Library nnd Communiry Centre Tend;r No. T-2/2000 RECOMMENDATION: That Report IDT-1/00 regsvding the Westem Branch Li6rary und Community Centre be received by Council nnd that; 1. Tender #T-2/2000 submitted by M, l. Dixon Construction Limitcd in the amount of S2,868,598, including nct G.S.T., bc approved; 2. The total project cost of 53,497,721 inciuding Ihc tcndcr umount nnd other associated costs bc npprovcd; 3. (a) Dcbt finnncing in thc amount of $1,414,221, to bc finunced intcmally, for a period not cxcceding 10 years, nt u rote of 7 per cent, bc nppmved nnd the Treusurer bc nulhorizcd to undcrlake uny nccessary nctions in this rcgnrd; (b) Finnncing nnd rcpayment charges of npproximately $202,000 bc inciuded in thc Mnuai Current Budgct for thc Ciry of Pickering. 4. The appropriatc oflicials at thc Ciry of Pickering be givcn euthoriry to give effect thereto; ORIGIN: . Resolution #183/99, pazscd Octaber 4, 1999 AUTHORITY: 2000 Capital Budgct FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: L Tendered Amounb .�..e�.,...�„m.u.....�,..�..,�...,�.,.� Construction f2,?85,046 � G.S.T. (7%) �.�..,�'�'�'e..�.�,� f 194.953 � �.S.T.rcbnte(4%) ������„ff lll,qpl�� TotalAmount f2.868,598 2� . A�roved Souree of Funds: PriorYearo; ; f1.2b5,500�� , ' 1999, .�,..«..�.,...�=.m..'e"�' f 818,000 ' Future: RceommendeNon3(a)ebow f1,414,221 Total A roved ' . f3,49),721' r r ._ , t.. ... . . ., �, . . ... _, . , x _ ., . ��'� . , . _ .. , . ._ � . . . .. .. . . . . . . Ropod lo Councii IDT,1/�00 Date; March 27, 2000 02� SubjceL Tcndcr for Weatom Brnnch Library and Communiry Centrc Pago: 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: (coottnued) 3 . . . • Fctimnfed Pmier.t Cnstine Summnrvt - Conswction f2.785.046 .,�.�.�,»,,,���m..� ,,.� ProfessionalFees E 203,698 ��.-= �.�-=—x–���z Conlingency Items �������� E 167,102 Disbursements � S 10.000 Fumiturc & Equipment � ���y, �� NS 230�000 � ���SubToial � 53,395,846 � d.S,T. �������•�•��A,�SR237,709���� G.S.T. rebatc �M ������uM 3 ��S 135.834 � Totai Proiect Cost� ���E3.497T721 yN� 4. Projal Cosu (ortt/undt�)Approved Funds 0 When Council approved Report IDT 04-99 upproximately $1,307,000 of expenditures remained to be financed. With thc calling of tcnders und continuing refinement of estimates this has increased to SI,414,22L Long tcrtn financing appcars to bc the only option availublc at this time. Pending a revicw of our ovemll financiul position later this yenr, it is recommcnded that this financing be conducted intcmnlly, Fegardless of thc means of financing chosen, it will mean an additionai S202,000 will bc included in the Annual Currcnt Budget Budget of thc City for 2001 and cach yeaz thercaRcr until Ihc loan is repaid in 2010. The summary of the financial position of Cnis project, as was included in the 2000 Cnpitnl Budgetforinfortnation purposcs,is nnachcd. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: The Westem Branch Library and Communiry Centre Project wns upproved by Councii in ndopting the recommendatians oC Report IDT 04-99, Resolution 11183/99, copy attached, on October 4, 1999. Council approved n total cost of $3,391,415. In lhe same repoR ndditionnl financing saurces were npprovcd leaving the balance to be detecmincd and approved in this report. Tcndcrs havc becn receivcd nnd the total project wst is now cstimated to be 53,497,721. The Interdcpurtmeninl Team recommends proceeding with the low bid submitted by M. ), Dixon Construction Limited. BACKGROUND: Based on thc direction approved by Council in Resolution #183/99, pnssed on Octoba 4, 1999, the Manager of Supply and Services placcd advertisements regarding thc tender in the Duily Commercial News, News AdveRiser Community Page as well os the City's website, Eight companies were pre-qualified to peAicipato and picked up tendering documents for n non-refundeble fce of 5100,00 per set of which acven attcnded thc mandatory aite visiL Fivc (5) companies bid on the project and tcnders were opcned on Wednesday, Merch 15, 2000. Purchasing Policies and proceduros Item 9.22(h) provides that where therc aro incomect . axtensions or mispleced dximals, tho bid may bo coirected. Unit priccs shall bo used to ; correct.axtensions: Purohesing Policlea end Proceduna Item.9,27(e) pcmiits that sll dcpoeit� other then Uie low Uueo bidder� ehall bo rctumed. ,. ��: s� r « 1 � c -i 1 �- l.. r % � F'..ri� ,. . , i.'. �� .. '.kahi-� �.....— ..P�._1�.. .. e v:��.., .L .. a .. . t. , r, . r .i^ ., it . ..r . . . .� , _- . . .. . . �' �2$ �' Report to Council IDT-1/•00 "� Data March 27, 2000' SubJect: Trndor for Watom Branch Library ond Communiry Centro Page: 3 '6UMMARY (PST lacluded, GST Included) Stephen Tceplc, Architect has confinned that M. J. Dixon Construction Limited, the low bidder, have satisfied the tender requircments and is qualified to underiake this project. M. J. Dixon Construction Limited have not perfomicd any previous work for the City of Pickcring. Refercnccs havc becn checked and azc determined to be satisfactory. Stephen Teeple's nnalysis, outlined in the attnched Ictter, identifics n net building construcfon cost of S2,307,046. This amount reAects a building conswction cost of SI34,13 per squarc foot which is consistcnt with our provious wst estimutes nnd industry cxpectations for community buildings of this type. 'fhis compnres fnvourably to reccnt City communiry fucility construclion projects. It is thereforc rccommended that the bid submitted by M. ]. Dixon Construction Limitcd be considercd and approved for this projecl. The amount of this bid, aficr netting thc G.S.T. robalc, is 52,868,598. Thc Pickering Library Board endorsed this rccommendation at thc March 23, 2000 Boazd Mccting. Thc Health & Safety Palicy to bc uscd by this comp�ny, and the CAD7 form issucd by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, havc ull been : eviewed by tha Safety & Trnining Coordinntor and the Superintcndcnt of Facilities II and an� decmed to be acceptable. ATTACHMENTS: 1, Supply & Srnice memornndum dnted March 15, 2000 2. Record of Trnders opened and checked 3. Recommendntion Gom Stephen Teeple, Architect Incarporeted. 4. Resolution #123/99 5. 2000 Capitnl Budget Infortnation — Westem Branch Library and Communiry Crntrc 6. Location Map Approved by: Appro � a_� Linda Linton Everctt Bun a, CEO, Pickcring Public Library Dircctor, Op mergency Scrviccs � � Gillie'A. Pateraon ' Stcphenl�teyno s, : , �' Director, Corporate Services & Treasurcr Division tTce , Culmro & Rccrcadon SR:fh, _ Copy. Chief Adminfetretive OfTicer, ecommended for lhe considcratton of Pickeri� iry Council Chiaf Huflding ORlcial � �i ' . ,;• ' Manager, Suppty & 3eryicea _ 2 _�. ., . . z . . , z, .- S . , . . _.__:�e�w�.e _ ....� .�_. .�r.. ^,CG.�. ^�'�' , �'.' ,� - .._{._ .,�� .. .. . . . . . . . . ,1� - ; � � .. . . � . : ' ' Supply and Services 029 Inter-Office Memorandum Ta Evereri untsma Diredor f Operallons and Emarpency &ervices HMENT q —L TO REPORT ti� �/G� Dah: Match 15, 2000 BubJect: Tender for Wsstsm Branch U6�ary and Communiry Centro, Tender No. T— 2/II000 Tenders have been received for the above projea. An adveAisement wes placed In the Dally Commercial News, News Adverliser CommunHy Page as well as Ihe City's websNe. Eight companies were prequalitled lo partidpate and plcked up lendedn0 documenis for a norrrefundable fee of S1o0.00 per set or whlch seven ettended the mandalary site visit. Five (5) companies have bld on the proJed. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the tender opening Is afleched. Purchasing poliGes and procedures Item 9.22(h) provides thal where Ihere are Incorred exlenslons or misplaced deGmals, the bW may be correqed. UNt pdces shell bo used to cortect e�Aenslons. Purchasinp Pollcies end Proeedures Item 9.27.(a) pertnNs thel all deposlW olher then the low lhree bidders shall be retumed. However, all Ove lenders hevo been telained at this time. Please retum adginel tendednp documenls to Supaly 3 Services. Summary (PST InGuded, GST Include� CompenY � �;; Toul,j�ndaed -; Mer;Gleut�Qo� : i Aie�uM Cheek'; M.J. Oixon Conslrudlon Llmiled S2,BB0,000.00 52,980,000.00 Latka ConslNdion 3 Menagemem 53,220,700.00 53,220,700.00 OerrConslructlonLimiled t3,293,500.00 53,283,500.00 Ceim Construdlon Ud. 53,405,810,00 t3,405,810.00 Tasls Coniredars Inc. 53,�2�,000.00 53,�2�,000.00 Harbddge 8 Cross Llmlted NO BID RECEIVED MoAlock Conslrudlon NO BID RECEIVED Pursuanl to Informetlon lo Bidders ilem 20 (a) a copy of the Health and Sefety policy to be used on Ihls proJed; end (b) a copy of the current CAD 7 fortn issued by Workplece Safety 6 Insurance Board. Is to be requested of the low Mdder bv the archHed, Teeple Architeds Inc., for revlew dudnp ihe evaluation atepe of this tender call. The archNed Is la edvise if acceplaWe in wrllinp lo you, along with other related comments and e recommendallon on this proJed. The archited should elso revlew carefully all submiltal Informetlon besed on tendednp Inslrudions. II the arohited notices any Infradlons or Informelion missinp durinp the eveluation, please conted me as soon as possible. Please review or�glnal lenders and relum. lp�yQg responses to the foilowing items In your Repo�t to Coundl: (a) if items (a) �hrouph (d) noted above, are accepteble; (b) any pasl work expedence with M.J. Dlxon Construdion Llmited InGuding work localion; (c) withoW past work experlence, if reference Uformation is acceplaWe; (� a work locatlon map; (e) the approprlate account number(s) to which Ihis work is to be charped; (q Ihe budpet amount(s) asslgned thereto; (0) Treasurer's conOrtnetlon of fundinp; (h) related depadmentel approveis; m any reason(s) why Ihe low Nd ot M.J. Dixon consiruaian umited Is not acceplaWe; and � related commenls speGOc to the projed. I tmst you will communlcale with Unda Linton, CEO, Pickadrp PuWic Librery end forwaN Infortnetlon to her as requlred. If you ulre fudher Informallon, pieese feel free to conled me. � Vere A, F pemache�JeHroy Maneper o! Supply 6 8ervices ` Copy for. 011 Peleraon, Dlrodorot Corporcte 8arvicee, Trouuro� �+', t�me:rtin000 - ` � ; � / Y�: :_ � V � �� � fl T � � I � t .� � y ? '- / . � .�"2: 4�. } ..i r . ,,, ��� .YY .� '� } f � a . . � , . . - . - - . � .. . .. .+P-s.�. . . . �. i �a7. � .-.. .. . . . . . . :; { 030 ' � � � � � ; � $� �: �: s �� � P � i1�,� if. � �H � �- i � � ' � � � � �u: � � � ����� � � � � $ � �� � '� x ��'���'��4�� a. � H4 +} �4� `� Pt�i`( �`�t� .. � � � � �Y.1i�'�T ffi � , . . .. � � . kfl.ri.'Sy.tY�-'��° C �H��s ( . . . �- . . . . . i i�.i.v?Y n�fti `C . . . . ' . � � �Y � �� ��'��� � $ � � � � � � Z a a 0 � o $ o � �R �� 5� m � nA 2 3 � � \ O i ,s� i" � �?�ys�'„ m� �i � t � 0 0 0 � o L� I� is � °� � � � . . . . � �, "� f d �Sr§ � �.` � . � . s ��n �4� \ . � - � i�`a��� � � . .�!c},�S�,a''?�:_ � .. . . �'�'�,� R�''�,�� � � � � s,t� �� z' � . . � . ' �tss' ��' � . . . _ . i� ��i - ° -. �ii N ix��''��sQ � . . . ���pyO.W . . . . . �i�,� Y �� R . . . .. S.: ,. . f .. .. - .. . 5.M . . .. l a N � N � � , . N � . � t �'. + � ':� t 1' 1 1 � _{ 1 j, � .� � A ' �` � >t - i � 1 _ Sc . j . . f , � . V �, . , r+�1+1 ..- `, r. r. . ,. , � r . f � -� . �� . . � ,. . . .4 . �' ... i . � �..- �. , t . . � t g 5 S -i � � � � ti > � � � � � � Z � Z � 031 � R � r i � .�, � �1 � � � L � � � 7 � ��j � � � ' � � " � � o 0 K . � � � � � � ��::. �t � �Y��' b $� ; � i��: } }EtJ F -�- r � � �rk �y� I • !� �; v� � E`ti �� M. rt � � i l� L � f t� �: i +, :� Z � C N < << < o � � �� � � � � � o � < < `;m � a� � 3 �' � n o � Im � n � �� �� �� e' I� I� � I� �� �� Z A 2 W� (�S ' N°(?1' W � � N�t N � � D � D O � � � U1 � 8 � � � o�° I tl i8 I� -a V O � T °. Z (� z o � z �._°.� y O , � a N � o Q Z m n�S rn� � � Z � � � �i �� o z �� � � m � � N a m g 0 3 o p � � N S N r � w ZC �L � � � 3 � �� � R � � ly . � � � �� .'. :�V � . . . . � . . �� ,� • � =i: ua�ty7oo 1r� loslo rAI 41e eYe Yros,ZBeeLe',1RCetiscrs tNc i ' 032 �: Teeple Architec'ts' IQOO=/00] � 0 Merch2e,2000 � ATTACHMENTq�tORiPOATMJ�-/�d • Mr. Stephen Reynolda Div[slon Head, Culture & Recreation CityofPickoring . Ono tho fieplanade Pickering, ON Ll V GK7 • • SIIMINGSTR[[TWCSTfYIT[700TOROIITO�CAN�MMSVIN� L�IAlf0.0!!� f.416�00.Rp! LM�MNpNN�hson Deu Mr. Roynolde: RE: Teader revfew, Wutera Branc6 Ltbrary and Cammnnitq Cenhq Plekcriue Our ProJect No. 98-101 We havo revicwed the teadms recoived Menh 15,100D for lhe project dcscribed above, anJ provide the following raommcndation nnd wmmen�nry. Tha lowwt tendor wae aubmittcd by M.7. Dixon Construction Limited, and appeero to bc completc incluaive of lhe appropriato agreanent to band and contitmation of innurance. We have iev3ewed the teferencea of M.1. Dixon Conshuclion Limited and find them to bc eeecptable. Accardingly, we recommead thnt the bid nf M.J. Dixon Conshuction I.imltcd be acceptcd. The tender eppeare to have rsulted in a compotittve bfA, which is generally conaistrnt with our cost catimale provided to you in Septemba, 1999. The total estimated project cost, edjusted lo incotporalo tha lowwt londtr prica, is: . Tolel eonehuction tonder price 52,785,046 Contingwcy � 6% 167,102 Profossional t«s Q6.9% 203,698 DlabureunenW 10,000 Fumiture 8c Eauioment 230.000 • Subtotal 3,395,846 GST (n13% 101.875 Total ProJect Cost 53,497,721 � . . �ssautcf . ShDh�nT��PI� w,eMn,YSUn.,oµrn�K � � CMrylAfkl�wnw.wu�n,an � . . . .. Paut HimmoM wro. oM � � � JaOl�lfowa�w�... .. .. - . . ChAtR�dlp+nw.w.w � + i t t 1 a e : � -'+, k � .; `'� �'.i . i :?� : � `�_ r'� '. -�t� � t i: tir � 3 r:�' y � 1-. . i r-��� �* ' � �7 -� � � ��� �� t - � r f.S:'�*t,. �i,�.'i ta �r�,3* _.�..�... ... ����r._.�i.t..,SY�,;' . �.f::. ty... ..� ., t. �. �:t.1 , ,.. .. .. � „... . ., -• uaitoioo itgp io=1n�• vex'tie eoe lios 78seu� Aac9lzscra iwc �uooinw • ' 033 ATTACHMEN7 q�_ i c, ,t_,Oft7 rtj�'�//ap A fiatha eaelyele of ihe wnstrucdon tendu pticc, with ihe coiu epportioaed eccording ' to aur coat conaulcuda leteet caUmatea, dwctibes a not buildtnQ comWction wat of• Totalnettenderpdce 52,785,046 . • � Sicc dcvelopment worka 450,000 • , Demolition ofextet(ne eWeturee 28.000 Net buildlna eomtruclicn coat 2,30?,046 Th?s amount re0ata a buil�(ng conatruetian coet of 5134,13 per R', wyieli ie eonsiatnn� with our previous allmatas and indusay acpectatlons far communiry buildings of thls type. Any axpected iacreoae to building costs due to iniletion Lvvo been midgated tivough atratcgies euch ne making the plm morc effieiml, which hs� tssuited in eomc reduction in gross erea Area reducdons were applicd to noa•esei�ed spaces on1y, and th(e effoR hne not resulled in aay deu�aac it tha net funelionai floar erca in Ihe library or comRimity arcas. 'I'�e rcquinmenu ettributebl� lo doveloping on this aite tcprcawt a eigniticant pottion of tP overall wats, and heve Incredaed from Ihe gen�ral assumpdons made during �he deeign developmrnl alaga in 1999. SigniQcant wet i+suee with this site iaelude thn particutar olatrlcal ead otha eavieing amngements, foundation dcaign requiremrnts azleing out oCthe sofl repon, larga per�Ing areas, and an nddiQonal access to Old Forca� Road. Morc exteattve eitc development works heve elao reeulted Itom iha reyuireme�us and tccommondations of authoritiee having jutiulieUon, uul includo a garbage storega fucility, fencing, addidonal sitc lighting, and e�tpanded aiteworka Gonting Kingnon Rd. Yours wly. Teeple Archltects lnc. �U� �� Slaphm Teeple, OAA, FRATC usowiu SGpAmTUpM eta,w�n.rxan.aMnuc . CMryIAtMln�onats.�n.uu � � � PwiH+mmond�u�a.oiu ' Jdflstleu�.�,ww�. � � � . ChAiR�EiQ�nru,wa. � I r }, � t j t ;r � t t ` �- <�. �: � r ' r � i -.. �� � � t I� SF� t . 3� ! ._ .� � j ; 3 �� � i �:, l ._ � r,� t , y �t c ltz �.: # .. i:. rlyr, . i� { S� �� �k. f4 W .r � � 4S #Fg��' #y �).} �7.t ” �."`�.`x`'_ ...is_�7'r t_,.,.r... x. ».�;��.t;r?:.,��.ic�...,.t....'—°,i'r:..;'�t� ..'±s�,_��. F�ra.�:�`d u,�..s� .. ._ ' . . _ �'RACHMEN7a� Tu �tNO►ti �� 03d .�tiT.-�a INTEIIi DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM CLERK'S �F�� �v�+, , . ULI V 0 IyJ9 i1Le �+C ' DATE: Ockober7,1999 AoE�� u�;�_: _._ __.....r. �,�,r� �a`�... r,nc -. . . .. -;�... _ . VRN�('��l f: '�. .. ._�•�I�:: 1 lG�^t T0: . Steve Rcynolds, Director of Culturc & Recreat • Linda Linton, (Acting) Chief Executive Officer • Qil Paterson, Director of Finauce & Treasurer FROM: . Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Pkase bc advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering passect ResoluNon H183199, Ihm N2 at the Council Meeting of October 4th,1999, as follows: That Report IDT 04-99 be received by Council md thah 1. That Uu prcsentation by Stephcn Tceple, Architect on the Westem Library and Communiry Centrc be reccivcd. 2. 1'hnt stefl'be directed to procccd with design end wnstruction drawings for 1�,000 sq. ft. L'brary, piw I,S00 sq. ft. corrununity room.plus 6,100 sq. tL comwmity centrc (total 17,600 sq. ft.) 3. Ttiat thc folbwing souras of financing bc approved: (e) thc ptoceeds &om the sak of thc Rouge Hill Librnry, currcnqy estimated at 5350,000, be epptied to the fimncing of the totel cost of ihc Wcstem Librnry an! Community Ceatrc; (b) treagfers from tLe Development Charges Reserve Funds: L'brary Facilitic.a S 36,000 Major Recreation Fucilities Seniors 50,000 Community CenVes 220,000 ParlcLu�d Devebpment 162,000 � ,. ; {� _ , _ ; � � �- 1 , ' ' �' ' ` � i- ir � � +�� t f t 7 , , ,t � � �t y _ 1 1 �_ r � �-7, t ���� � � � � a � "„+ r .. t � � � I '' 1 +e� � . � t. �, x x l a r , +'N � ' j F � # r4- t �eli � i f � � i� � � .. S� l�bfi �: t1� � �S h v:,'.''n �.: �.., b t�.,.;i.;,a .Fx�f�,���'..,�.:-jz�.r�i,...i ��`�.f.,,i�r.�.�C�3f.���'r,�1._7..'�:f .t.. ... ., . .. . ; _ : _ 2 _ AITACHMp�ra,�. To ��ra.IPZ��dO •4. That Mancing in the emount of SI,257,900 be epproved with tLe wura of .: 8nenciag to be repodal on by tho Directar of Fine►ice and Treeaucer et the time of tlie 2000 Budget dch'beretions but aot leter then when tLe tendcr for �his projcct is submiqed to Cnuncil for coasidaation . 5. Tfwt thc appropriato officials of tho Town of Pickering bo givcn autl�ority to give effect Wento. This resolution is sent to you for your infottnatioa Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk cc. T.J. Quim, Chief AdminisUaGve 016ccr • I 4 1 Ik �:,� �� .- . � . f a. S � - 1.:: I � .:{� > l i { i A u ? i � � � i t .l d . 4 � T1 -- �� `�q t ' 1 . t �S � .r�.`. , . ., f t�rt� .. . ."v. �,.:. f,'��,,.'� ..,-�s:, v.a .....'�SC.f..s.._ .,.., 5-�,,., ... '� .. �S t;' . . � 1 - . . � .. oqs � 4 . �n�w�ru S ro�aosra�� o , . � � . � . ,vn � wv.,�„ ' � � . . . . �h � ToW � � � E�tlna�dRaJ�CtCal• � � NailA00 - • .. � �� � . t0,000 7,000 11,E9D � ' . .� AtuatlmdMtlrnWdN���W� � N.i20.i00 NM1.l00 f.1.7itA00 ' (. . Fc*tl oal Ydudn tlr foloM6p �Mmab: mWn�UoM1 A�nWUon, tM� OwUopmMt, MNW� ud �qulpmML � �. � . � � PnrkwN�earowd Fundina I � �o9ecw�aww�,nm��ewue s�oo.00a . tou�e�n eoo.ex . . tooeewp�i �ys,4s! i,�eeaao ' , I 11f1 Anorov�l . Ceunc111L_ol�Jon HIS:. � ROC��M 0001 tlM � I IW 01 tlM Rap� M Bfuldl 730�000 ' . ' D�wbpnNMLh+rW+•LbryYF�WIMa M�000 ' . Ombp�M CnuY�c . . . I SuYa� 60.000 � Comrn. CM4e� �. t10.000 . PrWMdwbpnwMl4tawFUnd . � tEt.000 . . � tu6ToW FMa�Miptona� _ tA51.600 �,7t.000 7.OL�.S00 ' /Yu�r4pWibMAOprond � ii1Ll90 {L41tI� 11�i4L10C I . • � . •� I . I: I, ' . I. ' I� ., I � ' , . : I " �� Nppowaqooub�wa�4moo i . I . 4. � { : i ��,{ !F / S -r } l+ F, � F { ( T :I � ,. i ? �. } � S 4 ., � r; � f 5 s �l t� F�' f : �' .. .. { � d n ��e r r t � i . . s )^ c � 1 l ,y d, t l;,� .� �;� < �:a (t�" 4-1� �r 4 t,7�e��„xi��its �$���j[ � �"!`i�-+ ta� '�1p � iF f .: , � +' � �t ,..x„ Y � .. t v y� k�� ,e � 4.P�F.ik r�,%'`t-��..,,r•t �'xCti �cs rtr .. if ' :. ' y, � i i/ '+� ; �. ��t t„ 5�r if � 3x � �a �' �' ��'z�a.,;�.r,���.s'�:�.fas.h`ftltd.i?'.�f�:d����r:�;.�iiL?Sri �.Yat�6}l�i��=�;tua.-._}.t .i:�,���Kxa2;ts,...,r. ...,.;;!,. • ' • ArrAC►,rot�v� ;� �TO 037 �ATN�fp6 »N •w�mµ wwcxco�ewMrncortw. • ti.«,»rw�a. • . 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LhayFatilM� � � fJE,000 p�,ppQ . 1�Wa Wonukn F�dNln ' � � � �� 60.OU0 IOA00 � �+ uo,000 � P+rMWdD�vuopm�MwwmFud •• fe2,o00 ' ti� , Praad� km IM uM o11M Raq�lY Bnr� _ 9SO.00O 760A00 � Eu6TobltlffApp�ovW f750.000 {16l.000 . :0 it1t,000 ?OTALFUNWNOAPpROVED' '. � • ,..� . r 16 a,�,,,.dyewawd��.moo f, � � 4'� -' � _ : t i t� _, S .�� + 5 i 1 f � a� . � i � r s . 3 ',f ' t'� {}� � t.x �.kr � � r} � l: � x �. n fiN.- � ��: .. k nefi: � � : t � K1 r � �.� a. t ,x � � . :� sr�4� rq t'u a r � � � �. »�- f� � � .7'�� � � 2. � w* { � + ! �r 3 z . r �{ � � � ����ti � S �� �� i }, y7 � � t"�` FT f�t� �� ��,��� � 4s tb� n S ! � .� �e � yy +t r.X K K �[ { ,��,t, � J�i y; �' } ra �L�.r{, � v4! y�*e•.•`'�i "Y. r ��+a�,. � . � ,..� ..4 .., . . . d�3id'..s....il.l.� .... ai..: f t.ilt...._.usj.,w» .�,..h�tafi,�t4�z:7...<1,.. �t'„_._ F .. . �4..._. Szn _ ..Y , _ i i .