HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 6/99. i Y g �. . O�a OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: January 20, 1999 'fo�m Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 6-99 SUBIECT: Independent Consullant to Monitor Ontario Hydro Economic Impact Study RECOMMENDATION: That the proposal submitted by Jack Gartley Consulting dated ]enuary 18, 1999 to act as ihc Independent Consultant for the Town to monitor lhe Economic Impact Study of the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Generating Stations by Ontario Hydra be accepted subject to confirmalion that Ontario Hydra will pay the costs of the Independent Consultant as set out in the proposai. ORIGIN: Commitment made by Carl Andognini in letter dated October 22, 1998 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FlNANC[AL IMPL[CATIONS: Cost of Independent Consultrnt lo be maximum of 520,000 to be o�'set by funding from Onlario Hydro. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To accept the ofTer made by Ced Andognini, Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear OfTcer, Ontario Hydro, dated October 22, 1998 to pay for an Indepr.�dent Consuhant to monitor ihe progress of the Economic Impact Study of the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Generating Stations by Ontario Hydro. BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter from Carl Andognini, Executive Vica President and Chief Nuclear Ofl9cer, Ontario Hydro, dated October 22, 1998, confirming that Ontario Hydro will ba undertaking an Economic Impact Study of the Pickering and Darlington Nuclear Generating Stations and oftering to pay a reasonable amount of money for ihe Town to rctain an Independrnt Consultant to monitor the progress of t�ie Study. .,../2 ; ..z.. 99 Also attached to this Report is a proposal submitted by Jack Gartley Consulting to act as that Independent Consultant at a maximum cost of S20,000. I would recommend that Counci) accept this proposal subject to conRrmation from Carl Mdognini that Ontario Hydro will pay the costs of the Independent Consultent. I understand that Ontaria Hydro hopes to commence this Swdy some time in February, iherefore, there is some urgency in having our Independent Consultant in place. A7"fACI-IMENTS: I. Letter from Carl Mdognini dated October 22, 1998 2. Proposel from ]ack Gnriley Consulling dated lanuary I8, 1999 Prepared By: rucc Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Pickering To�m Council � �xo T omas l. ' n, ChiefAdministrative OfTcer . , ' ama�ar+vd� , !�`r.. . .. �►RA��M�TOw�onr�=.�-'�; �"a „ ��a ��. � a c.d �neet�r�r, E.wnn. vk. vrwa�r md qiid N�rN�f 011le� October2Z, 1998 ��/. : ^ ';�;� i ,/ }�, ',�� Mayor Wayne Anhun ' � � '� Pickering Civic Complex l : � � °`� ' / 1 'llu Esplanade � r'' � t�;" Pickering, Oatario ��1 LlV 6K7 _ Dc�ar Mayor Arthuc-, r.iwnanu I���1 sn•2oC� Fu µtl� 6Y24l71 C�OUIU (�f 0) SIO�l7 I went w take this oppoRunity W thanlc you for youc commenu la�t night at the Pickering Publlc Meeting. We will continue ta wark togethu witlt the Town of Pickering and �eep an open dialogue.with the communiry especially as we loo� to the ttstaR of Pickering A Unit�. ,, We were pleased to have the opportuniry to provide the community with assurana of the . safe opemtion of aur pient end example� of improvemenu to date. [ am confident that you witl see continued improvement in che funue as we move back to a"worid cles� pedocmer". A� I announced lest aight, Ontario Hydro will undertake aa Economic Review of the Impac� of the Nuclear Facilides in the rcgion of Dur6em aad the host commuaide� of Pickering and Clarington. Ontario Hydro offrn to the Town of Pickering, a�asonable amount of money to pay for an wdependent coroultant who can monitor the progress of the Economic Unpact Study. OHN ha� designated Pat 0'Brien a� our contact for the study. He can be rcached at 905•839-1 I51— Ext 5966. I looN fonvard to �eceiving yaur proposal for an independeot roviow including the cosn. Again, thank you to you and your council memben for taking �he time to attend aur Public Meeting lazt night " Cazl do ' Execudve Vice Prdident 8t Chief Nucleaz Offica ce. P.0'Bden . • R. Strickert . ii , , 1 { V, . . .... .. . . d� .. . .� �.r�. � � � .. . . li � . . . � .. - . ... . � ii . . . . . .. . . . rf .. , _ . . � . . � . � � . . �`� . .. . .. . . . . ' 1 , racn : Jack cAaner caa�.�ri�� FKt ia. : roa ew> s?�: Jan. �9 l?33 t1:0�11 a� JACK GARTLEY CONSUL T/NG � �Z MUNICIPAL FINANCE 18 Glen Dhu Orive Tol. Na (905)668•8J20 IM�ilby, ON Fax No. (905)668•0002 L1R 1H8 E•mai�: jlbp�sprinl.w January 18, 19:i9 Mr. Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk The Corporalion of lhe Town of Pickenng One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Dear eruce Ro: Proposal to Act as an Indepundent Consultant for the Town to Monitor the applicable Ontario Hydro Economic Impact Study I enjoyed working as a consultant lo Gil Paterson and his staff in lhe Towii's Finance Dep�rtment, periodically, dunng 1998 I Irust my employment proved to be beneflcial to Ihem. The pos�ibility of working for Ihe Town again as an independenl con9ullant to monitor the applicable Onlano Hydro Economic Impect Study would be equally challenging lo me. As requested, please consider Ihis letter and atlachmenls as rny proposal lor ihis undaiiakinfl. I ant(cipate thal I would need to spend approximately 30 man days on Ihis praject. Thiswouldinclude: . preparing for and attendmg meelings with Ihe main consultant, hosted by Onlario Hydro as well as maetings wilh Ihe Town Coun:il • undertaking research and holding d(scusefons with other persons stlend�ng meetinge ot consultant which are necessary lo allow me to complele my work fo everyGne's satisfaction ji ,, � ,, '` � � FFQ1 : JACK GARTLEY CQSIITI�IG FrOtlq. ;?0; 6r,6 °,9?2 � Jdn. �0 1�l�3 11:02H1 P3 �17L Mr. Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Page 2 January 18, 1999 My estimate of lhe cost to lhe To�vn of employmg me in lhis endeavour would be in lhe range oi $16,o001u $20,000. Details on the dralt termc ot roference for Ihe independent consultant, the main consultant lo be hired by Ontario Hydro, my time and costs on Ihe project, and my background in r6ialion to Ihe pro�ect are included for your further consideratlon as altachmenls 1 l0 5 inclusive, respectively. Please cantact me if you have any queslions or if you have any commenls you would Iike to make. Your consideration lo this malter would be apprecialed. Yours sincerely Jack Ga y Jlg,lb Altachments 1, � , : FROM :; JACK CFRTLEY tOftSI.1.TItIG FrY< fq. : 4p5 6b5 5?22 Jan. l8 t999 pg;;�p1 PJ � 1. �3 Atlachmenl 1 DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE tor THE RETENT�ON BY THE TOWN OF PICKERING OF AN INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT to Monitor tha Progress ot a Conaultant Hired by Ontario Hydro to Untlertake an Economic Review of the Impact of Qhe Nuclear FacillUes in the Region ot Uufiam, and More Parttcularly, • the Host Communities of Ptckerinp and Clarington Ttmeframe oi Studv Il is understood that the ECOnomic Review Is anticipeted lo slart around February 1. 1999 and that il 3hould take approximately three months lo cample�v, e.g., April 30, 1999. Meetinas with the Main Consultant Eight all-day meetings are expecled to take placo with the consultant and other Interested parlies. Meetinas bv Independent Consultant wifh Town Council it is predicled that there will be three meetings with Ihe Town Council lasting approximelely one hour each. Discussions with Otherinterested Parties It Is understood that it is Ihe Town Council's �ntenl to allow the independent consulfant to carry out his duties in Ihe most beneficfal manner ensunng that Ihe Tuwn's (nlereets are protecled. Representatfves of Clarington and the Region may attend meetings with the consultant hosted by Ontario Hydro and items ot mutual interest and concerns related to the progress of Ihe Sfudy will be discussed wilh these representotives, if appropriate. I � � ' �on :. Jaac cswner ca�t,uu� Fasc �a. : Qo; r'xe s?.a ta�. ie i5� oe::�.ua � , , �� z�4 , D�ait Tertna ot Reierence — Paqe 2 It Is sntic(pated Ihat meetlngs with Onterio Hydro representatives witl be required to review and clarify results of lracking efforts by the two nuclear facflfties undertaken In the past. This tracking wvuld relale to the cosls and expenditures that have been mainlained wfiich would assist in understanding tha basic economic benefits of heving these facilities located in lhe host communities. Deliverables At the first maeting lvith Council, the (ndependern consullant would provide a pretiminary presentalion on his/her expeclatians of the results of the Study. Af lhe second meeling that would be hetd approximate�y half way lhrough the Study, Ihe independent consultant would bring Council up lo dala on Ihe sfatus of the Sludy, At the final meeting, the indopendent consullant would be reqwred to present the findings of the Sludy and lo pive hismer views on the accuracy and lhe soundness of these tindings. { �. . 1: ` 1 , , •"' < , i�.i`:4 . . . ;. . 4 .., . . , ? . ' . . . . . , . � � FI?OM :.JACK GARTLEY COrEALTING . FfOfID. : 905 666 59� lan. 18 1939 O8:'EiM P6 � � �t �l5 ' Attachmenl2 6mnomle Jmp�n Aun�m�nt of Meyvin� ��d D�rlin�bn C��.ndn� Suqon, OrJt Tersw of A�f�nna YLLm�et� To undauica o itudy io Id�ntlly �h� «oeemk Imp�eu of Onnrio Hydro'i Piekenn� uid Darlln�tan fxEUUu on hait cocununmu �na We Re{ton of Du�nun. H�aklmY44= Allhay! th� tt�tlam Awe trtdltlon�llr tr�ckd eosu irtd eipendl�ura (n �n eflo� ro andet�hnd tM bw aonomie benefit of � fuil(da, � mare deullad �nd comphh�ndv� �tudy U tequind to {denrily �hdr tLli aonomk impKr. pvar dr lat two �wn, N�r A� ban eonurn expr.ued by aakeholder aoupr n�d t!w Town of PlCimcin� �bovt fM imprcts d tM Plok�rin{ stuion oa N� e0comu�dry. In tha NowtnbK 1997 nwnielptl ebctlon. ralJea4 eadorµA � pl�blieite wllin� Pot m rnvirpnmmt�! wufmrnt; uid �he AICD, t1 pan o! tu Ileenw eoedluon�, mquaud w���roM,,�n�i ye��� tnfOrto�tlaa. An Ind.p.ndrm ecoeomk u,e.�mm� ord,e �unoar Ma,la prow �u �nedw wpami elem«� la d.�aminina �he full imp�ec of d�� �ayon, 1AIs q pu�kululy Impaunt wleA . dw pounA� n�u¢c ot PIelc�dn� ti Oeurio Hydro wk: ord �D�tw uc�4nw+dln� ot t4u� lmpuu to iulify eoneuni � pul ol aur aypio� xNuholdm rclaebaa Pm�m, In rddluen, u a retult of tceen� prorindil uoeedmmu m 7}r Muq[t1p11 Act d(ktln� muNdpal pvemmeae �wears �nd euwon, ihe Town ol Pfclrsdn� will no lan�er roialn boR aommunlrY D�Y�u in Ibu of tuM (P141 Rom Otf wio Hydro uid taden! d�pwnenu ind ptovlxltl minitqu. A�lMr, mw �m�,,., �u� a mra«a �o wa ro�iond qov�mm�nc To m�ke up ma �hortfill, tl�e ToMn of Pickenn� pwad � rtwdon u In Octobw 17' nuedn� co undaukr � p,.umi�u�, n�n �w would uc ouc �riow ro" eabuet � ewdy cf cJr rapble ud inuapbt� bnaeflu to the Town ot PieluAat af eha PiekMn� Nuelw rJ�n�ndn� Sutton. 1ha rcpert b due in tlx wwka' prt+e ond i� Intead�d to be the bui� lor unie� Uantr (ow �o qloa Piakenn� ;VUCIeu to con4a:� operufau In tAe communny. Under Vu le��on, fuch :Icenu� rtuy oeJy be pafsib!c if �Aas (t � nejulre ewnomk tenetlt to uu Town, �� The n�ed for �Ea etudy � eWo-fela: �;1 � ne�a (ot � rnponu b queationi �tked by :he Town af 1'ktatn� u w�«eno;nte imp�u ol Ne Piekenn� fuiliry on �Ae Tor�, d�a a � ,_�4<i � .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .'. ... . . . .. � � . . � . � . � . t ;. .. � . . ,e�. . .. � � . � . .. ,. � � . � � . yfi ..f .. . � � ., ' .t . .i � :..... .. .. . . . . - . .. . ' _. _ — .— FR011 :, JACK GfiRTLE'f COtISU.TI��i . FAX �q. :?OS tiEei 59?3 lan. l8 1999 08:;;fN P7 t f1 �. f.) tM nad f0� s 6w�d�r ft�dy la NJy un0�nund �M �eor.omie co�inbuuai wu aur f�e�Iiuu and �mpior�a muee ca m. Ix�! aommunitiu u+e we Res�oa of Dure�m. W11La11l+ A rpoR dut wlll bt prorid�d �o tM Tow� af Pie�Kin' ue tAe Rc�wn of Uuham on Ne �eonomle imp�e� o! uu uurd lu��c mewrty In uu tepon; i�, lhe Pftltetint �nd Dallnnon NueMu W neeaun� 9taUonz '�Tb npon WU wrve u a eml� !a wakins WIiS �A� To�rn �nd tNa 0.epon in helpin� th�m mat �a�u ot thctr need� and help On�nrto Hydro. hwt eommunida i�d cAe Re�ion, md �av�mmen� a{�nc;u undersund �hs eontr;budoe Nu OHN't balitta ruke w tllo lad oeC re�ion�l aanomlu. �� Tha ttudy will idandfy �A; �he aonomie impu4 of Ne on+0luj openJOne oJ Piekertng Nuabat 6S, on the Tovn of PiekMn{ �nd tde Re on of Du�hun i IuNn� tlw laetl impaa on O�e�wy WEfcby� srA Aju, ied m � c For tni� part of �M uWytll, �I» tdQy will inClad� N� uu�m�pt o(tD� rutut of Piekarie� A aad wy �eoeomia No�lk� of rhe raw .e�vilir. k Mlll atso e.+�wae �e lon�•rsrm imyaeu an N� loal Nd npon� eeonoraia wi�ha+i a Pickuie� � ruuut, pnJJy. u wlll ideodfr cde eeonomk imp�ey ,u«ivad+l�h au aKOma�!uionins of tM Woka{n� tKUlty. G 41CJ�on. �M Rudy will ida+tlty (B) ou eeatamlc Impau ol:he oaQoln� opuadmu of Dvilapufn Nuelur G.S. on rhe Re�:en o! Durham incivain� �a Ixsl Imp�cu on �h� Tovm� ef A)u, WEltby�nd ;afn on, O Hy etuoinin� ih� mmbined twultt of (Ai 4t0 (B). t!a sady will identify Ne aonomie impxn ot �h� Wekedny �nd Dulm�can luillGa on ho�t eommumtlu �nd �he Retion uf Darhtm. SOOal� The uudy will identi(y, 5u� wl;l no: De limlted �o, iAe (o!low:n� i�epacu: �D�oYromt (A)•the dGm, iodtreet ud mduc.d enpioynwnt �ywunE from �he on`oir.� openiion nf tM PlekMns A we 8�nuoni uiamin� � �cY�dnS A suian. ipe �twn•ier� . rmployamM wxlu�e wia� � roron et Piekmn� n, th� lou o! lan���ertn employrt;en� uwciYea wl� iAt non.ru�,u� of Pickenn� A, u;d the iuu of empioy,;um v:ociuea WItA tA� dccomrr�utaur,t of Pu�adn� NuctaaG.S. i. _ . ' fFOM :�IACK GARTLEI' CCtISL1LTIIG F�Uf Iq. ; 905 r'66 ;92<^ Jan, 18 1339 Og:;;k7 FA (8)•th� ditsec. lndinel �nd Induccd employmmt tYwlUnf from Uw an�o�o( cpotwon of ��"� Dalla�toa Nw•�e�r O,J. �0W ��i �4d8p�edtns fA)•th� moaey �peut Ey wc Pick�rinp A�nd 8 mdca� babladl� ud rcjlondir tw thelr on�oc�� o�entlon Y�umin� � P(ekuin� A rowvt th� monay +prut by Onttlo �Y� �� taally u�d ropondly on ihe niurt c( Nckedn� A, �6e lou tn lael �od nd�� oPuWar parclwln� if ideco ii ao Plckeln� A na.it, u�d the unounc ol dl�pou6la Pdawy a�d wcanduy Iacmw �twe(ued v1N Pkkarin� employon �nd rhe'u f+�� (� �►dW wd w:�qwl Plckario� A) �od sh� �mouat of local ud rcpood �Pa►Qlej woaiwd wIW Ontuio Hydro amployw aad dKlr hmllla Uvina In tE� Town o(Plokerinl� tod t!M iw otd(�po�t6ta incoar �od loc4 wd ro�icm! ipeadipa waime �cn m. �,�,,,�;L�,,,i�i,r a�s a.s. �}rlf� mowy �peat by rhe Derlln�on ewlon bah laelly iad rcponeUy falq oapin� °Pr+u� +nd �he �a�ount of diipw�blr w�ona auoci�md wi�h Dulin�mn aeployw �ad theh fmdllu md th� ruuluot unoust olloul �nQ npond fpecsdio�, Pepubtlou aed Antdeaa (A3�he tohl oumbar o!P[ckerin7 eroDlcYees �na raulnnt popul�don rufdln{ in ihe �1�+ ��+h�m and cp�clflc�ly sqldio� In pickmin�, pfp�w�, W�iltyy� �od A)u, �nd ta t1u C(ry of Stuborou�h. •the outaber of Oaterio Hydro nmploya�,.�clndlaP �i�oao fiom Pickain� huetou U.9.. u�d rolaed poputasion �td;no m �Ae rown atPlckain� •the Iou of �mploY� u�d populWon uracl�ad �.ith the non•cnun of Plckerfng A •t4e Ioer of emplaYeq uW populWon auoeiued wlt6 the deca4aJulonin� of Pickttint C' 9, (8)•the tou! oumperpf pali�� emP�QYou �nd �er�lunt populuion :aiding !n the Re�loa oPDurhua �od �p�ciRW�y r�Id1oQ In Clulnamn. ,�u, and avh�thy. Mualdpall7aaac� (A}IL� +mouM ol PIL utd ennu wotittsd �rith th� Pickuin� A+nd 9 eudoat pud ro tM 7ocvo ot Pldmdn� y hon commwiry �nd m �he Re�lan o! Durqun by p�terio HY�. Gld�r�l joreenamnt 6tptttrmnu, ud Onwlo provituid ministtia� �nd eay c��° ��u Q6a°'t'+i0C1a°'d w��� +aon•rMUtt of Plokain� A �nd the d�nKadoalo� of YklcaleR p.9. -tE� uaauns of tWt wxiwd wiW Wcketln� emploreea aud Weir fuailla pdd to Rhe %wa et Ple�, md Oeh.w� R�hi�br. uul �u wd th� CI o(Se . tmauet of tuu ayoetu� Mi�h �l rnhc Onur{o H ry �0��6 m4 t6e �° �PbY� n�ldln` in No Town I . j FRU1 � JiiCl� GARTLEY fpPISILTIfIG FitK �q, :?OS i�» 59?2 Jan. l9 1999 03: y,�1 p9 �. nH � Pklurin� uid pdd to the Town. �nd c6uuu la Nsre �mounta u�ociued w;� t aon• ' rairt af Pktqiq� A �nd the decoromlulonins u( Pickeciot 0.9. '� �arbu of EiriauKe in Na Tawo ot Plctrna� �ad in Ocluw� vVhltby, aad Aj� Wooial�d rrld� dl Ontuio Hydro �mployw� �qd their faniUa talC(n� in tbo �ommudda �ad tM nluW u:a pdd w t�:sunteipditia.nd cb�c�ro ro dsu number bMW aa1 me:�•nitut of Plcke�{s� A md �h� ditommLUonin� olPidur{n� O.S. (8)�+roount cf PII� �cd gnnu walr�d Mim Dvlln�ta� Nutiea OS. pdd m �i� a t6o bon eommunlry aad Uti Re{ian of DuAum by On4tio HyQco� Gdan! t�7mect Crp�q� tnd Oatalo provloeul m1ai�Mu •dr �monnt ot tun u�ai.ad wi�h DuGapou employ�u �nd U»ir fatllltet pald ro Ma Tmrn� of Ciuin�«y A�u. ud a'NtD�, �d�a pvm� ol builnatq ia rhe Toweu of d�riojton, AJaa, r�d Wliltby a�wclued wl�h D.ru„poa eraoloyw wa tAeir Gmiva. Mnddyd 3at(ta aa! FulUtlr (Ai'd� IOOnOf010 impku on munidp�l wrvkn md t.riUtia lnciudfa� nenaila� hcWtlM� Propmty valum� end Aed�h and uhcy reivku In rheTown ot Plckmfo� �nd ihe [le�lan of DurLen te�u)tiao fmm the oa�oin� opa�don o(Ihe Picketl7t� A�nd S NWooi, tde non•nttut o( Walcetin� A. uid ILt d�cammiutooind of the Plcltetity tKUiry, (B�� �notnlc imp�eq an usunieipil tmieu +od fuilidee ia ihe Town of Cluin jca� +iad tEa Re�fon af Du:Aun cmalHna from �ho on�oin� apvuia of Dulla{ton Nucieu a,s. Odur Imp+cu may bc identilted throu�hout the cmu+e of tAe �roay. � A coasnitant wld be mquiced ro ondr.akc Qle fcuey. ,1 douilW work�lu wi0 be P�� � P� of �6e eoav�a. 'lhe OFL`I pfopet m�oa�tt w01 be Pat 0'Bdai. 'Ifia tponar w�W 6e 71� � Tha roport �h�l bn t(ndiz�d �ad daiivaed to Om+uto HyC�+o an J�nwuy I S� t999. , . `' f �` fF;OM : JACK GARTLEY COPSU.TI�IG � F0.K Iq. : 9CI5 b6ei ;9:2� Jon. IB 1999 Q9: 2i11 Pl0 fng Attachmenl 3 �STIMATED TIME TO BE 3PE�T ON PROJECT BY INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT It is anHcipated that Ihe workload of Ihe independenl consullant would be allocated as follows� 1. Gensral Meetfnas with Main Cansuitant Hoated bv Ontario Hvdro - actual attendance at meelings - estimated preparafion time 2. Meetinas with Town Council 8.0 days 8.0 davs 16.0 days - actual atlendance at meetings (three times at ane hour each) 0.5 days - estimated preparalion Gme 3,0 davs �.5 days �. Discusslons with Representatfves from Ontario Hvdro, Clarinqton. and Durfiam, it rcquired - items o( mulual inlerest a�d concern related lo lhe progress of the Study 1.0 day 4. Research bv Independent Consultant - review and comment cn vrorkplan of main consultant - revlew and commenl on documenlation provided by Ontario Hydro (historic trecking of cosls and expenses on economic benefits to host municipalities) - olher research (revlew olher reporls made available by Ontario Hydro, e g., annual reports, news releases, etc. 2.0 days 3.0 days 4 5 davs 9.5 days Total 30.0 days j; , � ; RI �, J�:K CfRiL6f C0�5l.�TI1JG FK�t ID. : 905 b6e .923 lan. l8 1949 09i;?it1 PII 110 Atlachment 4 ESTIMATED COSTS OF HIRINd JACK GARTLEY OF JACK GARTLEY CONSULTIN(i TO UN�ERTAKE THE TA9K OF AN INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT FOR THE ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY Cost af preparing for and attending meelinp9 uf Council and Ihose of the main consultanl hired by Onta �o Hydro, as required $140lhour Cost af research needed to review documentation provided by Ontar(o Hydro, mein consultanl, and others, as required $ 65lhour Cost of word processing, faxes, telephones, and traveling, as requlred Adual cost It is anticipated that Jack Gartley would be employed approximately 30 man days on this project over Ihe length of the Study period of three months. This would consist of 19.5 man days oxpended on preparing for and allendfng meetings and 10.5 man days expended on research and related matters. in tolal, it Is estimated Ihat the cost of employing Jack Gartley on this projed could range irom $16,000 lo 520,000, depending on accuracy of estimales of numbers oi meetings, etc. � �: ,, - FFOM : JACK GfRT�EY COfFJATItIG ' Fk�f �q. :?OS ee6 ;?» Jan. le t9?9 0g:3�i PI? . .f .i 1 Attachment 5 JACK GARTLEY CONSULTING IS A SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP THAT IS AN UNINCORPORATEb BUSINESS WHICH IS OWNED BY JqCK GARTLEY Professional Exoertence: Approximalely 30 years at a seniof capacity employed by ihe Regional Municipatlty of Durham as Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer (24 years) and Ihe Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Inlergovemmenlal AHairs (6 years), Sfnce retirement (rom Ihe Region in July 31, 1997, worked as a consultant to the Finance Departmenl of the Town of Pickering periotlically belween January 1998 and November 1990. rofesFtonal Quaiifications: Certified Menagement Accounlant (CMA) Designatinn from the Assocfatlon of Munfcipal Clerks and Treasurers of Onlario (AMCT) Certificate (ram Ihe Sociely of Management Accounlanle of Onlario -- Management Development Course dealing with organizatfonal behaviour, general management, and economics Profossional Membershias: Member AMO (Associallon of Municipalities of Onlano) Fiscal Policy Commitlee (1982-1991) Membef AMO Sub-Committee on Lot Leviee and Front•end Financinp (1983- 1989) Member AMO Sub-Committee on Unconditional Granls (1992-1988) Member AMO Response Team on SARC Report "TronsiUons" Member AMO Response Team on PMSSR (Report of the Provincial/Municipal Sor,ial Services Review) Member of AMO Board of Directors as Chairman of the Municipal Finance Officers Association of Onlnrio (1985-1989) Elected to AMO 8oard of Directors in 1989, 1990, and 1991 I � j. �. FppM i JNCK GARi1,EY i.OfSLITIfIG F� Iq. : 9k15 EG6.5?s� Jan. t8 l993 63;JpF11 pl; �iLL Summarv of Relavant Expe�ienco� Wttile with Ihe Reglon of Durham, Mr. Garlley supervised Ihe preparation of wrilten submissions and made numeroua oral presentations lo thn representatives ot the two major Unfled States' bond rating houses that eventually resulled in the Regien and ils constituent area municipalities being awarded a TriDle A credit raHna. This raNng has been suslained from 1989 lo the present lfine. Mr. Garlley actively coordinaled with staf( and counci� members a re-engineering pro�ect for the Corporation Ihat took a fresh look at how services to ils taxpayers were delivered. This resulted in significant sevings in costs w(thout lowering the level oi services (1990 and 1997). 1Nhile employed with lhe Ontario Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Inte�govemmental Affairs, Mr. Gartley vras responsible for Ihe Mini�lry's fleltl program providing advice and assistance to Municipal Treasurers, Auditors, and Councilors on all areas of municipal ftnancial management. One of his specific responaibilities was lo assist in lhia setup of new Regions in Ihe early 1970's. Another responsibflily was to act as the initiating force behind the `Locat Governme�t Managemenl ProJect' sponsored by the Province and involving Ihe School of Businesa at Quean's University and Project Municipalitfes. Designed to develop netler municipal management, lhis project was Implemented in the Regional Municipalily oi Niagara and the Ciqes of London, St. Catharines, and Odavra. While employed as a consullant with the Finance Department for Ihe 7ovm of Pickering, Mr. Gartley worked on a number of projects for Mr. G A. Palerson, Treasurer. These prajects included an impact study on Ihe loss in PIL payments lo lhe Town from Ontario Hydro (paid lo the Region In 1998) and a financial contral policy aHecling ell deparlmenls of Ihe Town, which is still In progress. .; ,.. , • . w, � �, �- � � � y ��.� . . -.. .. .� � - : � . ' .. � :,. . � .k7r �` ��. . . . .'.' ...! -" !..:: � �..: ..' . _..,. ..