HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 10/99,� � , . 139 ,;;:_` ... . ��NOFp . .. � . - . . � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: '1'homns J. Quinn DATE: Septembcr 7,1999 Chief Administrative 0fficer REPORT NUMDER: CAU 10-99 SUBJECT: Ontario Power Generntion - Pickering Nucicnr Genemting Stntion "A" Restart - Federnl Environmental Assessment Peer Revicw Tcnm - File: UT 3510 RECOMMENDAT'IONS: . - . . 1. That Reporl to Council CAO 10-99, rcgarding the hiring by the Town of a peer ceview tenm to oversee Ontnrio Power Gcnerntion's environmentnl ossessment be rcceived by Council. 2. Thut Council: �Councll to aclect efther (a) or (b)� (u) Accept the proposal Gom ICouncll lo eelecl nrono�all Io conduct an indepcndent pecr revicw of Ontnrio Power Gcncmtion's cnvironmcntal asscssment; � (b) Select for inlerview, lhe following tcams: ICouncil to aelect tcam�l ; which interviews shuil bc conducteJ by n Sclection Committee made up of the following members of council: ICouncil to aelect memhenl 7he Selection Committee shnll hnve thc nuthoriry lo accept onc af the proposuls from amongst the intcrviewed tenms. 3. That Ontnrio Powet Genemtion be rcqucsted to confirtn in writing Uiut it agrees to fund thc proposnl for nn independent peer revicw tenm as acccpted by Town Council, in ncwrdance with the funding specificntions outlined in thnt tenm's proposal to the Town. 4. Thut u copy of this Report be fonverded to tlie Atomic Energy Cantrol Board for their infortnatian. ORI(3IN: At the July 20, 1999, lhe Oninrio Power denerntian (OPd) advised Town Council that it is prepazed to consider n proposnl for the hiring of an independent pcer reviewcr to oversee the environmental assessment process thnt OPd has been rcquired to conduct wiih respect to lhe restart of PNOS "A". By way of Council Resolution #148/99, Town Council accepted OPd's offer. All'I'HdRITY: Munlcipal Act, RS.0,1990 'i,��.iteporttoCouncilCA0,10-9D . • � � • � � •��- �Septembcr7;1999 OPO - Restart of PNaS "A ; ��• Environmentnl Assessmenl Par Review Team File: UT 3510 pege Z FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; Subject to OPG's ecceptence of Town Council's proposal, there will be no financial implications to ihe Town with the hiring an independent peer review team to oversee OPG's environmental assessment for the restuct of PN4S "A". EXECUI'!VE SUMMARY: Ontario Power Generntion (OP6) is required by the Atomic Energy Convol Board to perfortn n federnl environmental assessment under Uie Canadian Envlronmen�al Assessment Ac! as n condition of restarting the four "A" renctors at the Pickering Nucleer Genereting Stntion. OPG has advised it will consider a proposal from Town Council for hiring an independent review tenm to oversee the process, and provide advise and guidnnce ta Uie Town. Stuff have obtnined proposals from a number of qunlified firms and organi�ntions interested in undetinking lhis�work. The proposnls are outlined in this Repori to�Cotmcil (see Appendix # I). As well, additional relevant detnils, extracted Gam the proposnls, were compiled and an infortnation pncknge hav been fonvarded to Council under separule cover (sce infortnntion pnckage on "Independenl Peer Review Submissions" fonvarded under separate cover). In Ihis Report, steff hns providcd Council wilh two options: u) Accepting one of the pecr revicw tcums on the basis of the submitted proposals; or b) Sclecling two or more lenms for inlcrview by a Selcction Committce oppointed by Council Gom amangst mcmbers of council. The Selection Committec would havc thc authoriry to ucccpt onc of thc proposals from thc teams interviewed. Staff also recammend thnt Cauncil rcquest ihnt OPG confirm in writing thut it is prepared to provida lhe Town with adequnlc funding for the peer rcview team selected by Council, in accordance with thc funding spccifications outlined thnt tcum's proposnl. BACK(3ROUND; In June 1999, the Atomic Energy Control Donrd (AECB) advised the Onlnrio Power Generntion (OPG) lhnt a federul environmental assessmcnt was required pursuant to the Canadlan Envlronmenla( Assessment Ac! (CEM) for lhc restarl of PNGS "A". At the Council meeting of ]uly 20, 1999, AECB staff provided infortnation on lhe environmentul nssessment process lhnt is being required, including oppodunities nvailable for the Town and community groups to providc input to that process. At lha same meetin�, Mr, Cnrl Andognini, Executivc Vice President and Chief Nuclear Otiicer, OPG, sdvised thnt OPd is prepered to consider u fortnnl proposal from the Town to fund nn independent peer reviewer to oversee and provide advise to the Town on OPG's environmenlal essessment. Town Council nccepted OPG's offer (Council Resolution # 148/99). Staff hns since rcquested proposuls from a number of qualified firms experienced with environmentei essessments, that may be interested in acting as peer roviewers. Firms currcntly under contract to OPa were not considercd eligible for this assignment. Report to Council CA010•99 - . . _ , .. . ,. . _ , Saptembcr 7,1999 141� OPO • Restart of PNGS "A - Emirontnantal Assessmant Pcer Rcvicw Team Filc: UT 3510 Pegc 3 Proposals hnve been received from six firms / orguniwtions, es follows (listed in alphabeticul order): • Acres and Associeted Gnvironmentai Limited • A(3RA F.nrlh and Environmental Limited • Beak Intemationai Incocporated • Dilion Consulting Ltd. • SNGLavalin Engineers & Conswctors Inc. • Universities Of Toronto / McMaster All firms / organizations appear lo be cupable of acting as independent peer reviewers. To ussist in computing lhe six proposals, stuff has provided infortnation in Appendix #! on campany profile; tesun members experience; nuclenr project experience; previaus work wilh OPG, AECL or AECB; public consulmtion process; und fee schedule. As well, to ossist Cauncil•im m�king n decision on the independent pcer-review tenm, below is u brief summnry of each team's experience with the federnl environmenWl ussessment process, knowledge of the Cunadian nuclear industry, nnd previous work with OPG or Oninrio Hydro. a) Expericncc with fedcml environmenlnl assessment process: • @� - Ms. Key Ashwood • AGRA - Dr. Dnvid Simms • en - Mr. PAUI Rennick, Mr, Rodncy Norlhcy • Aillon - Ms. Luuric Brucc, Mr. Don McKimian; Mr. Jim Hnrbeli • SNC-Lavulin - Mr. Mnrt Lupp, Mr. RobcA Power • Universilics Of Toronto / McMosicr - Dr. Carolyn Gylcs b) Knowledge of Canadian nuclenr industry: • c s• Dr. Kam Wong • AGRA - Mr. Peler Rostem, Dr. D. Lush, Dc R Hart • @� • Mr, Paul Rennick • Dillon - Mr. Robert Popplc • SNGLnvulin - Dr. Alex Duchnen, Dr. Lynn McCa»hy • Universities Of Toronto / McMoslcr - Dr. Nick Gylcs, Dr. David Chetda, Dr. John Harvey c) Previous work with or for OPG / Ontnrio Hydro: • �- Dr, Kam Wong wns employed for 13 years at Pickering Genernting Station • G�t - Mr. Peter Rostem was involved with projecis with OPG�at Darlington nnd Bruce sites • �- Beak hos underinken projecis wilh OPG at both Darlington and Bruce Sites • pj�14p - Mr. Popple hos experience with Ontnrio Hydro thut included operations technical suppoA and cammissioning of CANDU stations • SNC•Lavnlin - Dr.'s Buchnea and McCnrthy, and Mr. Robert Power have undertaken projects with OPG at both Pickering and Bruce sites • Universities OFToronto / McMaster - Dr. Nick Eyles wos the Peer Reviewer for the Community Working Group that purticipated in OPd's biophysical review of PNdS in 1998 ! It should slso be noted that in undertaking this assignment, all of the leoms ere prepured to mcet : on es as-rcquired bnsis with Town Council and staff, as tvell as with members of the public and interested wmmuniry groups and organizutions, ,� 142. Re,�n�oco�,�ii.cnodD-99 Scptember7; i999 r,<, , OPO • Rostart of PNOS "A ` Environmental Assessment Peer Rcvlew Teem =i- Filo, UT 3510 Page 4 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Appendix #I — Summary Tnble of Pecr Revlew Teum Submissians Prepured By: Approved / Endorsed By: 1 eidt Th . Quinn P ect Co-ordinator Chief Administrutive Officcr i Thomos Mel mub� Director, Corpor e Projecls and {�y \ JGRjgr Attuchment Copy: Dimctor, Carpomtc Projecis and Policy Project Co-ordinntor Recommended for Ihe considerntion of Pickering Town Council ,i . � �� omns J, Qui , Chie Adminis ' e 0 �cer e 0 w � � y A F=� 3 m m � a 0 0 � �� � �� ���� � � � � � � � ��.. � .s � s o .��� �. . m.s ���� � .�8.��� ������ ���� �, _ ��..� d Z � �� �� � � ���jjQ���� �'�°��+y` � ���y��' ��� � � Z QQ� o 0 2` �P ,G01 �e� �9�p6�� ,0C���.SR{���Ia�QO1�UfC0W FiSa� 05Ut�R 1- .5• • • � • • • • '� Q � � `oy� `oy� S o �u� � y S 10 � � O N D 01 C1. y u� �' .S YI �j C C C 9�C Vl .. p$ � S)t.+ v N�$ �.. i� .. � C C i� � � C C n�r�� �a� °�3�cq���cq����QC�cq �°°�� CQa�� ��rrm. `—pcC�CenE�C� ���Zc� �2,,�£ wa ����Q•a°_ymrne� t�$y�c c• � w'a3'S'vc�� g ��cN�� �°���� ���� ��weub°rnm�a�i5 {° COm°c� tnoE a m{aU m5• • � a��'r'$'c � � m . �, 6J yyyy �cp rn � � J � C $ � C � N � �°'mv � 02 � 8�; �o�� g�g rn�-�« ��y`� c� $c������q °cEry •��°�� ,�co9� F�sYt� • °c�fl1�fl'�S99A•Z°�5��id'' ��'g� �€�Eb °'mN �c���`���'��-!� v� mern �C v �cm 2� c c O1crncC��°$�c ^� g�b°c �g,�r�� o��; ��e�eve=eg�..��"�$' y°' �9 o�� � S '�Sv>.5'sa9 °-%�a �C �i�i�'e � ��Qj; .wc 5�9� Sna�i dmw�°wu�.5��'u��i� •-y��� O�cB�i h-nt o. . . . . � �a3 °g� � `m g � � a ��i� .� �`o� .Qt�fi Q�m �q�� '6 c� � � w�� v 4�T'%�V� ec ��c�'c .���.�$�� �°gss � �9=a�`8,e`s �t��g ?$ ay��y 4���r�y .5��.5�gL°��•��p �'Dr� �w � 99yyjj�� c c � 19 0 YU�N�L� ��CN64j .�� �OW���p� �'� ��� ���•-_�� �; �}� �z3 �.,���� 5��;�� $'���5'� me������ ���•��v mv g=�����.����.�s�� �8m8 m .4 9 a�Ra m. . . � 5 °c m � � �� o �tl ro �� rn � cQ yc�� �� tB' �a c �. �a �m ���� v �€ �a€v ���������`m8 Z o,�r: rn ;�� ���°'� •��������.�� Q��.� �°��0 9�e�yes es��e�s�. 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