HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 12/99:� : t .n� O(12 �N OF p� . ' . . . , . . . � � • REPORT TO COUNCIL � FROM: Thomm J. Quinn DATE: October 19, 1999 Chief Administrative 0(ficer REPORT NUMBER: CAO 12-99 SUBJECT: Ontario Power Genemtion — Pickering Nucleur Genernting 5tation - Environmental Assessment Peer Review Team - Terms of Reference - File: UT 3510 RECOMMENDAT'ION: I. Thnt Report to Council CAO 12-99, regnrding the Tetms of Reference from the University of Toronto / McMaster Peer Revicw Tenm, be receivcd. 2. 'fhat the Terms of Refercnre attached to Report to Council CAO 12-99, bc nccepted by Council nnd that the Ontario Powcr Gencration be requcsted to confirm it agrces to fund the proposnl as set out in ►he Terms of Refercnce. 3. That the appropriata officials of the Town oC Pickcring be authorized to enter into any required agreements wilh the Ontario Power Gcneration and Ihc Pecr Revicw Tcam. 4. That n copy of this Report be fonvurded to thc Onmrio Pa�r•cr Gcneralion, lhc Pcer Revie�v Tenm and thc Atomic Encrgy Control Doard. ORIGIN: Resolution fl178/99, Item H4, Council Meeting of Scptember 21, 1999. "Thaf On�ario Power Genera�lon and lhe Universlry oJTorw��o /,b1aLlasler Teum n�uline rlre Terms ojRejerence, defermine �heir tivork plan and reporl back �o Cou�icil jar ca f rmutlon. " AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 • �INANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There nre no financial implicutions to the Town with the ucceptunce of this Report. The Ontario Power Genemtion hns indicated it is prepnred to reimburse the Town for the rensor.��le cost of a Peer Review Tenm. The attached Tertns of Reference indicates the cost of a Peer Review Team to be npproximetely b93,600 plus disbursements of S5,000. We understand that OPG believes these cosis to be reasonable. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; On Oc►ober 14, 1999, Town staff inet with OP(3 smft; Dr. Duncan Moffett of aolder Associates Ltd. (lead EA wnsultant to OPG) and Drs. Nick nn1� Cerolyn Eyles of the University of Toronto / McMester Peer Review Teum, Tho purpose of lhc mceting was to devclop n Tertns of Reference for the Peer Rev3ew as dirccted by Council Resolutioh k 178/99. . The atmched Terms of Refercnce wero prcpared following the October 14 meeting, und are provided for Council's considerntion. ;, , : '� Report to Council CAO 12•99 • Date; Octolxr 19, 1999 5ubject: Ontario Po���er Genemtion - Pickedng Nucicor Genernting Station - Environmental Assessment Peer Revlew Tcam - Tcrms oF Refercncc . File; UT 3510 Paga 2 BACKGROUND: Council accepted nn offer made on July 20, 1999, from Mr. Carl Andognini, Chiaf Nuclear Officer, OPG, to consider u proposal from the Town to hire a Peer Review Tenm for the Environntentnl Assessment to be conducted prior to the restnrt of PNGS -"A". On September 21, 1999, through Resolution #178/99, Council recommended n proposul from ihe University of Toronto / McMnster Temm �nd asked that a meeting bc held benveen thut team and OPG, to outline the Tertns of Reference nnd u work plun. In a subsequent letter from Mr. Carl Andagnini, OPO ncknowledged the selection made by Council nnd ugreed to n mceting with the Town nnd Peer Review Team to finaliu the T'erms of Reference, The meeting wns held on October 14, 1999. At the October 14 mecting, agreement was reached on the Terms of Refcrence (sce Atlachment ki). The Tertns of Reference for the Peer Review Tenm, divides the �eork into six primary tusks, These tnsks, timelines und responsibilities are summarized below: TASK DETAIL RESPONSIDILITY Taek ql 1. Golder Associates to bricf the Peer Review Team / OPG (Within I to 2 weeks of the Pcer Pcer Revicw Team on a�ork done (Goldcr Associates Ltd.) / To«n. ReviewTeamhiring) todute. 2. Peer Review Team to revicw nnd comment an OPG's public � Consultalion Plan. 3. Peer Rcview Team to review issues and commcnt to thc Town and OPG on OPG's approach to the Community Working Group's 160+issues. Ta�k k2 Peer Review Team to revicw and Peer Revicw Tcam / Town, (Oclober und November 1999� comment lo the Town on AECB's dralt Scoping Document. Twk q3 Peer Review Team to review and Peer Review Tcam / OPG (Late October, 1999 to Janunry, comment on OPG's Working / Town. 2000) Drafls and Final EA Screening Re rt. Task q4 Pcer Review Team to revie�v :md Peer Review Team / Town. (Mnrch 2000 to April 2000) comment to the Town on the �nal EA Report rcleased by AECB steff: Ta�k NS Peer Review Team to assist the Peer Review Peam / Town. (Midyear2000) Town with e submission on thc EA to the AECB Board. TwkN6 I. Peer Review Team to Peer Review Team / OPO (Ongoingactivirythroughoutthe participata in rcgular update /Town. EA procese) meotings with OPG and the Town. 2, Peer Rev(ew Tenm to monitor OPa ongoing public evenb / consullation proceas, 3. Peer Review Teem to provide � monthly statu� rcports to the Town. ona � � � , . ' .. . . . � . . �Q(�� RepOrttoCouncil CA012-99 Dute: October19.1999 Subjectt Ontario Power arnemtion — Pickering Nucleur (3cnemQng Station • Environmentul Assessment Peer Rcview Team • Terms oF Reference _ • File; UT 3510 Pagc 3 ATTACHMENT: .1. Tenns of Referencc, submitted by University of Toronto / McMaster Peer Review Teum nnd duted October 18, 1999. Prepnred By: Approved / Endorsed By: C/(/ � � ,.% Gordo eidt Th J, Q�fnn Profe Co•ordinntor ChicfAdministrativcOfficer � Thomns E. e y k Director, Corpo te Projecls an icy lGRygr Attachment Copy: .Director, Corpomte Projects und Policy Project Co-ardinator Recammended for ihc consideration of Pickering Town Council . '� � .. i � .y�' " ns J. Q' n, Chi Admin tive Ofiic r y*' iit t-' i. � . ., � . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ' . . � . . � . � ;� , -,� ,•� � � � p�5 �� �� � � � A1TACiN'16�ITM'sT0 �OIITM�D iL _ y'� Ftom; Dr. N. Eyles ?i 4993 Canso Drive � Claremont ON L1Y lA8 : Tel/Fax;905-649-2544 eyles�scar.utoronto,ca October 20,1999 Attention: Gordon Reidt / Tom Melymuk The CorporaHon of the Town of Pickering . Fax:905-420•7G18 Duncan Moffat Golder Assaiates Kurt Johaneen Ontado Power Generation • Subject: Federal Environmental Assessment-Pickering "A" Return to Service Request (or Proposal•Independent Review Team File: UT 3000 Proposed Work Program for Peer Revtew Team and Schedule. Following consultaHon with and ad��ice received in a joint meeting with representaHves of the Town of Pickering, OI'G and Colder Associales, we have identified 6 major Tasks for the Peer Revicw Team. The Hming and reporting deadlines for cach task are driven by the EA Process timetable being established by the AECB and is thus subject to possible change. The tasks are outlined in chronological order below with the excepNon of Task 6 which idenHfies regular ongoing acti��iNes throughout the duraHon of the EA. Task ]: FarrttirarlseNon Worlshop. An immediate need is to familiarise Pcer Revicw Team members with the work of the Consultants hired by OI'C to conduct the EA. Tlils is best achieved at a one day workshop where individual consultants responsible for each sub-discipline within the EA (e.g., hydrogeology, aquatic enviroiunent, radiation environment etc.,) will review their tivork and progress to date for the information of the Peer Review Team. TliLs workshop should be convened as early as possible in October > ; '� , , �, , o�� , 1999. As part of thts iniHal task, the Peer Review Team will provide written comments on; a) the Draft Plan for Public and Stakeholder ConsultaHon and Communication prepared by OPG's F.A Team and; b) the praess by H�hich the more than 160 issues identified during the eadier Pickering Environmental Review, are to be addressed In detaU by OI'G's EA Team. These commenLs will be provided to the Town of Pickedng with a copy to OPG. Task 2 Revtew of AECB's Draft Scope of EA when released as cunendy expected in late October 1999, and submission of wriHen comments to Towr.. Task 3: Revtew OPG's working drafts and Final Report of the Pickering A Retum to Service EA Screening Report faussing on scope, praess, thoroughrtess and quality of methods and praedures, and the soundness conclusions with regud to the (ollowing areas; a) the Project Description, b) DescripHon of ExisHng Em•ironmental CondiHons, and c) PotenHal Environmental Effects and MitigaHon. This review will encompass criNcal consideraHon of the full range of organic/inorganic and radiogenic contaminants produced by PNGS, their on site sources, on site and offsite pathways through surrounding geological, hydrogeological and aqueous/gaseous environments, the nature of receptors in those em�ironments and the short term and long term cumulative cffects on receptors. Written comments to be submitted to the Town of Pickering, with a copy to OPG. Time frame for this Task is expected to be benveen late October 1999 to Januazy 2000. Task 4: Revteru of Final EA Report when r�leased by AECB currently expected in late March 2000 and provide written comments to Tuwn. Task 5: Provide advtce anr! nsststnrrce regarding preparatiun of To���n's submission to an AECB Board MeeHng expected In mid-2000. Task 6. O�igoi�ig nctivtty. This task is multifaceted and extcnJs throughout the duraHon of the EA. SpecUic acHviHes are; -Attend regulaz mont}ily meeNngs behveen re�resentati�•es of the Town of Pickering, OPG and their consultants, with the purpose of monitoring and commenHng on the conduct of the EA and early reporNng of any issues of immediate concem. This acHvity represents a key element of the work of the Peer Revie�r Team and is specffically designed to allow scientific comment and input at an early stage of the Consultant's work and EA praess. -Monitor OCC's public consultallon praess by attending public evenb and meeNngs and provide any requested advice to the Town for msponse to enquiries that the ', -� , . �• _ � �y . . . � . � . � . . .. . . . Ol1 I : public may direct to the Town or I'eer Feview Team regazding the EA scope, praess and � issues. . _ -Provide monfhly status reports on progress to the Town of Pickering. Proposed Peer Revlew Procedure: It is anHcipated that the following rules of praedure will apply: -The Peer Review Praess will be managed by the Town of Pickering. -The Town will be represented at alt meeHngs behveen the Peer Review Team and OPG's EA Team. -The primary contact for the Town of Pickering H111 be Gordon Reidt and Tom Melymuk. -7'he primary contact for the OPG/EA Team will be Kurt Johansen, OI'G Project Manager of the Pickering'A' Environmental Assessment Proposed Eees for Services, Peer Review Team members µ�ll be retained at standard professional consulHng rates of 5100 per hour. A detailed log of hours expended on the project will be maintained by all Team Members and fonvarded as a mont}ily invoice to the Town of Pickering, A working day is taken as 8 hours. EsHmnled msfs for ench Tnsk Task 1; Peer Review Team (9 experts) for 1 da}' ��'orkshop 514,d00 and 1 day for review and comment (Task la,b); Task 2: 1 day per membcr to re��iew and suUmit comment; 5 7,200 Task 3: d days review and prepuaHon of K�ritten comments; 528,800 Task 4: 2 days review and preparaHon of written comments; 51�1,400 Task 5: 1 day per member, S 7,200 Task 6: 0.5 day per member per month for 6 months; 521,600 Totnl: 593,600 Nole: All travelling expenses, report preparallon costs, photaopving, telephone and fax clwrges on a rtessage basis or Nme-unit-basis appertaining to the Em�ironmental Assessment will be charged as a separate item and included with monthly int�oices. These costs are esHmated at 55000. Total esHmated costs: 598,600 ,: � i � • �f 7 i ! ?c? .,. (.e . : .. .v., „.... , � ... . .. � . . � . �. �� . � - . :, _. ` � � s;. ` �,�g ry: r , :t { 2. �� � �� Nofe; It is emphasised that this is an advance esHmate only based on current identification of tasks as of 19th October 1999, and is, therefore, subject to possible change. Any� further techntcal assistance, review and advice sought from the Peer Review Team, if required outside that identified above, or arising as a result of a changed time frame, scope of the EA, or any unforeseen circurtutance, wili be identified immediately to the Town of Pickering. ' N. Eyles Ph.D., D.Sc. Team Leader ;: � � . � - � r �• ? �: , �;. � , � �^1 �� a i ii -, ft i�`�� 'f i T . . c iC 'F J f t t [ �` i ( {r �A I 1�• 5 * l .� _ - . ess � t - ,� �.s'1 ,� . a f t � � x N * '. �').f F 2 ' j � J � -t t ( � _ i _. . � t � 1 r t � y?, � x� 3 � i: � �'- t,. FY 9 v� �v � t ai . ,�t �.�,..»e . �4n.r`+�:.,.. .,, i5�..c'ct' ..,-...� .,.. �,.. . , ., ..r , . , a , ... .. ..