HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 003/98� � .18 � �N OF p� ^O � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wyger DATE: Jnnuary 7, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUME3GR: L 003/98 SUBJECT: Strect Name Changes - Vurious Strects - File; W2306 (29, 33, 34, 35) RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to change the names of the following strects as indicnted: Current Strect Name Pronosed Slrcel Name Appleview Road Droakshirc Square Meple Avenue �airvicw Avenuc Lnmour Roud Otonabcc Drivc Kingston Road (Also Mcrritton Road known as Old Kingston Rond und Sheppard Avc.) ORIGIN: Rcqucst from Public Works and Plnnning Departmcnts. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act R.S,O. 1990, Chaplcr MAS, Section 210.1 I L FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Advertising Cosls (Community Page) Nil Public Works Instnllation of Ncw Signngc $400.00 BACKdROUND: In order to provide for the proper integrntion of the follow•ing streets with ndjocent pinns of subdivision nnd strcct pnttems, it is nccessnry to ennct a by-law to chunge nwnes of certain strcets or portions thercof us follows; Current Strcct Proposed Sireet Name Le¢al Description Appleview Roud Brookshirc Square Appleview Roud, Plan 1051, Pickering Part Hogarih Sireet Vnlley Ridge Crescent Muple Avenue, Plen M-90, Pickering Lnmour Road Otonabec Drive Otonnbee Driva, Plan 40M•1643, Pickcring Kingston Road Mcrtitton Road Part Lot 25, Rangc 3 B.F.C., Pickcring i;� z ;; W 1 ^�•:• Sh -� . . . � � }3a �si, � ., . . 9�T€� .: r . . . . !?�!3 A4 _ . , ' S.A?i4y . , . �Y� n� , '�fi � ' . . . � .. a, � �t � ,� t � . . , . .. .. . ' . . .. , : . , __. E .. �.' . _ RepoA to Council lanuary 7,1998 19 L003/98 Pegc 2 Plensa nutc thnt notice of the Town's intcntion to changc the nemes of the streets hos been forwnrded to ull residents affected and there has been no objcctions. Notice wns pinced in the local newspapers on December 24,1997 for four consecutive weeks. • ATfACHMENTS: 1. Locution Mappings/Sitc Sketches (4) 2. Dmft By-luws (4) i� ,_�, Penny W JEP:Ic Attachments Copy: Town Clcrk Direclor of Planning DirectorofPu6lic Works Fire Chicf Firc Prevcntion Officcr Devclopmcnt Control Supervisor Operntians Supervisor Trn�c and Wuste Mnnngement Coordinator $ �.` ,, (, �+ _` � �'. ;,`' ,,. �' a, ,� ., �. :'r _ _,�. i . . ..-. _ . , �. � u ����u � GLENANNA ROAD GABLEHURST i CRESCENT SUBJECT STREET ^ APPLEVIEW ROAD BONITA AVENUE � � � � � w > W J d � Q � w z � cn Q Y � O � o v, � m �— Z W U � W W � � 2 � Q W 2 ;.I � � I I � own;,of Plckortnp Legal De� ree ame anges 'pe lbwn of Pickering - Appleview Roed to Brookshire BERVICES DEPARTMENT - w23oe (29,33�34,35) �+�; , �{ �-' : r � � ., a'�`,��s`' T s,t'.�. , • � _ Q O � T�e7bwnotPlckerin street Namo Changes I B - Maple Avenue to Fairview AVnnue l�EQALrSERVICE3 DEPARTMENT - riie� w23o6 (29,3s,sa,3s) ' ��� � :. ��f -.' '� .: � � . . �}{ � � � �;Si �'�P• .� �� � .. � - .. . . � . . . . . C� � z � � w � SQ. FINCH > � 0 w w m Q Z >O O MBERLEA \ ST C��' �CFO i �1 �� k� S ��,� �: �w� , ,�� ,��� t`�'" ,t ,�. P�ok�'rinb ` r w w � Y Q (n C� I � AVENUE � 0 � SUBJEC ' STREET NIPISS LAMOUR ROAD U� ��/� � � w � w z Q � , Q ' Z ' � ; ROAD , �a Street Name Chanqea - Lamour Road to Otonabee Drive � dENT - Piles W2306 (29�33�34�35) � _ . S .: `:; . . . .. 'yXa,'�., . The Town otPicker(ng -�I(ingeton�xoaa �to�Merritton Road I.EGAL SEiiVICES DEPARTMENT - File: W2306. (29,33,34,35) , �. . . .. : : • ► � . • .�. � : i. • �Y•LAW NO. Betng a by-la�v m c/range fhe name ojApplevlew Road ro Brnokshlre Square, Plon /OSI, Plckering. WHEREAS, pursuant to section 210.1 I 1 of �he Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the council of a loeal municipulity may pass by-laws fot giving numes to or chunging the nnmes of highways on public propeny; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporntion of tha Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: � l. Appleview Road, Pickering is hereby renamed Brookshire Square. BY-LAW rend a first, second and third time and finnlly passed ihis 19th day of January,1998. , TC�. � i ; ... .�.:.i , ...` �. i:,t i.. .....7 L......_ �7• � .. File: Wll06�29,77,74J5) . Waync Anhurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk t �� � ' v;Yf r Y { ; r' � t ._r �.z.,..._ ., .. .. . . . {. ., � . . � THE CORPORATION OF THE TONRJ OF PIGKE IN4 � 5 BY•LAW NO. Being a by-law fo change fhe name ojMaple Avenue m FalrviewAvenue, PlanM•90, PJckering WHEREAS, pursuant t�� section 210.111 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the council of u local municipnlity mny pass bylaws for giving nnmes to or changing the names of highways on public property; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Cocporntion of the Town of Pickering HEREI3Y ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Meple Avenue, Plan M-90, Pickering is hereby renamed Fnirview Avenue. BY•LAW read u first, secand and third lime and finally passed this 19th Jny of Janunry,1998. 9 T0:'; `! C F �:..:._:,.•..� Wnyne Anhurs, Mayor I''.J �.. � .. ..J � . i Bmce Taylor, Clerk � �. Fue: w��o611v,7),3eas) . II . � . . � � � � . . II � . �� . . � . . . � � � ':-` y r i'x4 - - , \�� . . �, 1'� � . ,. ��ir*k�j � �^5 � — � . - .. . , ,:.; 26 • ,, , THE CORPORAT(ON OF TH TOWN OF PI KE ►N p�Y-LAW NO. Being a by-la�v lo change rhe name ojLamour Roud to O�onabee Drive, Plan dOM-l6J3, Pickering. WHEREAS, pursuant to section 210.111 of the Municipnl Act, R.S.O. 1990, chepter M.45, the council of a Iocal municipnliry may pass bylaws for giving names to or changing the names of highways on public properry; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY F:NACTS AS FOLLOWS: i. Lumour Road, Plon 40M• 1643, Pickering is hercby renumed Otonnbee Drive. 0 8Y-LAW rend a first, second and third time and finally passr.d this 19�h day oClanunry, 1998, Tr.,�.�.� Gr. �:=_ : ;; .3 Wnyne Arthurs, Mnyor i:: �.. .. . Bruce Taylor, Clerk ' ;I�L G:'rT. . Fite: W2J06�29,7),I1.77) i � . � . . .. . .. . . .. � c' ; . ��. � :. .',.:. � �� � � � � .a. .. . . .. �' ' � :.�. n�. , . : . . �' . �-. ,::- iYh;.� . � i r � r . 27 THF CORPORATION OF TH . TO\;�"� OF PIGKFRIN � ' BY-LAW N0. Being a by-fativ fo change lhe name oJ Kingslon Road (also known as 0!d Kingslon Road anJ Sheppard Avenue) lo Merrt�ton Road, Par� Lot IS, Range 3 B.F.C, Pickertng. WHEREAS, pursunnc to section 210.1 I I of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. t990, chapter M.45, the council of a local municipality mny pass by-laws for giving names to or changing the nnmes of highways on public property; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Carporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; I. Kingston Road (also known as Old Kingston Itoad and Sheppard Avenue) Part Lot 25, Rnnge 3 E3.F.C., Pickering is hereby renamed Merritton Road. 1 ' BY-LAW read a first, second and third time nnd finally passed this 19�h day of January,1998. TO^r.•t C - r:;:-.' :} Wuyne Arthurs, Mnyor �._... ..i Bruce Tuylor, Clerk Fue: wi�o��:va�aaas� I �� r , , ;; �''