HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 007/98!'? . , O�N OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wyger DATE: lanuary I5, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: 1, 007/98 SUBJECT: Sveet Neme Chnnges - Lnmour Road to Otonabee Drive - File: W2306 (33) RECOMMENDATION: Report provided for information purposes. ORIGIN: 1. Rcport lo Council L 3/98, dated January 7, 1998. 2. Letter Gom resident affectcd by sircet name chunge. AUTHORITY: Municipai Act R.S.O. 1990, Chnpter M.45, Scction 210.11 I. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Advcrtising Costs (Community Poge) N�� Public Works Inslallation of Ncw Signa6� SI00.00 BACKGROUND: At the time Ihis nrca was initiAlly being dcvcloped, it was not aNicipalcd thnt thc roads within thc individual plans of subdivisions �vould cvcnlually form onc strcct, thcrcforc cach plun had its own street nome. Tfuough the processing of the various plans of subdivision in this nrea, the final road pattem was revised � thal Otonabee Drive und Lamour Road would conncct thereby fortning onc strcct extending from Ambcrlca RoAd through to Napanec Rond. It thcn becume apparent that onc of the two strcet nnmes would huve to be chnnged. In an elTort to minimiu thc impact on tho community, it was decided that I,amour Rond would be the obvious choice for change ns thcrc were only two lots Gonting thereon and Otonnbee had several lots fronting it. On October 2!, 1997, Council pussed Rcsolution 340/96, item 4 of which uuthoriud thc To�m Solicitor to commcncc the process of changing the name of Lamour Road to Otonabcc Drive. The two owncrs rcsiding on I.amour Rond hnve bcen notified of thc Town's inicntion to rcname Lemour 10 Otonubee. Onc rcsident is objecting to the nnme change bccause they prcfer thc nume Lamour to Otonabee, the olhcr rcsidcnt hes indicated Ihat they arc rclicved lhnl ihe To�m is finelly changing the nemo officially as thcy havc fbund that therc have bcen problcros in the past with people bcing eble lo locnte iheir homa ,� , ' Report to Council L007/98 - Janunry 15,1998 Page 2 Notwithstanding the objecUon of one resident to thc renaming of Lamour to Otonabec, the chenge should be effectcd for safery reusons, It is also the mosl effecdve way lo wrtcct the situadon from an edminlstrative perspectivo. � ATTACHMENTS: 1. Locution Mapping/Site Sketch, 2. Letter from both residents on Lemour Road. DB:Ijm Attachments Copy: Generel Manager .� , � ./� Penny Wy� _ �, ;�. ' ,� , �.; . C� � z � � w � sQ. FINCH W > � 0 w w m Q z )o 0 MBERLEA T�\ '�, RC EN WW � Y Q � � I � AVENUE � Q 0 � SUBJEC STREET NiPiss LAMOUR ROAD G�� ��� w w z Q a Q Z ROAD The'IbwnotPlckering 6traet Name chanyee - Lemout Aona to Atonabee Drive LEGAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT - F�1e� W2306(33) E