HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 44/99' 136 O�N OF p�� �' � CONFIDENTIAL REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jane Burton DATE: Novcmber 16, 1999 Town 5olicitor REPORTNUMBER: L44/99 SUBJECT: K�rsten Smith (Fnrrell, Knren and Gmnt) - Purt of Block 24, Plun 40M• 1538, Pickcring (Purls 1 I, 12, 13 und I5, Plnn 40R-17151—The Remnnnt Pnrcel) - Filc: D9605 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc enacted to nuthoriu thc acquisition by Ihc Town of thnt pnrt of �lock 24, Plun 40M-1538, dcsignatcd us Part 12, Plan 40R-17151. ORIGIN: Durham Land Division Committcc Dccisions LD13519G•LD13819G. AUTHORITY: Municipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr M.45, scclions 191 and 297. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A. BACKGROUND: On Oclobcr 10, 1996, Victotinn Homes Inc. (Karsten Smith) enlercd into un agreement with lhe Town for lhe developmenl of 5 lots in the Clnremont nrcu. One of the conditinns of lhnt agreemcnt wns thnt the Owner convey to the Town a strip of land nl the renc� of four of the newly creatcd lots (Parts 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9) for open spnce•ha7nrd lunds. At that time, the Town wns not prepared to aceept u convcynnce of lhe extension of the open space•hawrd lands (PeA 12) th�ougli the 5'" lot (remnnnt parcel) us u conveynnce af ihis pnrt would huve crcntcd a natumi sevcrunce bctwecn Part 11 nnd Part 13, leaving the Part i l Iwid� Inndlocked. An casement was conveycd to llie'fown ovcr the Part 12 Ituids far the purposcs of maintaining thc wntercourse nnd for stormwnler mnnngcment purposes. The remnant pareel of Innd (Pans I I, 12, 13 nnd 15) was sold to Grant und Karcn �arrcll, Prior to thc closing, the parties entcrcd into nn Option Agrcement which, amnng other things, providcd for the rcconvcyancc of thc Part 11 nnd 12 lunds, if requcsted. Thc dccision to cxcrcise Ihis option would bc buscd on whethcr or not Karstcn Smilh was succrv�ful in ncquiring thc lands edjaccnt to thc PaA i l lands (Part 4, Plan 40R-18149) from thc �cdcml Govcrnmcnt. Re{wrt to Council L44/99 November 16,1999 , 5ubject: Karsten Smith (Fnrmll, Kurcn and GranQ Pegc 2 1��7 Karsten Smith has now ucquired the Part 4 lands from thc Federul Govemment, is secking to exercise the tetms of thc Option Agrcemcnt and is requcsting that thc Town ncccpt thc convcyance of thc Part 12 lands. If the Town accepts this convcyancc nnd owncrship of Pnrt I 1 is consistent wilh the ownership of the Pari 4 lands, the two parcels would automatically merge, climinating the concem of Part ] i bccominglandlocked. As the Town docs require the portion of Innd to complete the con6gumtion of thc Open Space H��uud Lands, the Directoq Planning and Development concurs with this acquisition provided the conveyance is mnde in a manner satisfactory to the Town Solicitor nnd nt no wst to the Town. ATTACHMENTS: i. Location Map. :. Sitc Sketch. 3. Draft bylaw, Preparcd By: Approved / Cndorsed Dy; C� Denise yc Janc Burton ,�`f DD:Ijm � j� Attacfimcnis Copy: ChiefAdministrntivcOfliccr Dircctor, Planning & Dcvelopmcnt Recommended for the considemtion of Pickcring Town Council �' „ c � ��L mns J. Q nn, hie ninistrnt ve Officer � � � � , . ' � ' . " . u ,. � " -* � . �i . . '• � � . ,. !. � �. t/ 13� ATTACHMENT q�_ CO ��EPORT u I. yt{�'j�j ATTACHMENTI��70nEP0AT 1 4 7 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINO BY•LAW N0. Being a 6wlativ fo aulhorize rhe acquisilion oJfhal par� oJBlock 14, Plan dOM-1538, deslgna�ed as Part !2, Plan 40R•/7/SI jor open spacc-Irazard lands. WHEREAS, pursuant to section 191 nnd 297 (I) (b) of the Municipal Act, R.S.Q. 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of The Corpomtion of the To�m of Pickering may pass by-laH�s for acquiring lands; end NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKGRING HF.RGBY-�AlACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, The Corporution of chc Town of Pickcring shull acquirc from Kurcn and Grant �urrcll, thnt part of [ilock 24, Plan 40M-IS)8, designatcd os Part 12, Plnn 40R-17151 for nominal considemtion for open space•ha�ard lands nnd such acquisition shall bc in a manner salisfaclory to Ihc Town Sulicitor. . BY•LAW rcnd n first, sccond and third timc and finally passcd this 20th dny of Dccembcr,1999. Waync Arihurs, Mayor DNCC TAylor, Clcrk D9605 � � . . .