HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 27/00'} „ . _- � Ct� a� � s � ' REPORT TO CC�UNCIL i'ROM: Gillis A. Putcrson DATE: Dccembcr I, 2000 Dircctor, Corporntc Services k Treasurer • REPORT NUMBER: CS 27•00 SUBJECT: Section 442/443 of ►he Municipal Act — Adjustment to Tnxes RECOMMENDATION; That Report CS 27-00 of the Director, Corporatc Services nnd Treasurer bc received and that the write-off of taxes due to change in assessment as provided undcr Section 442 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, be npproved. [�I�Lt1I�A Dircctor, Corparatc Scrviccs & Trcasurcr AUTHORITY: Thc Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amcndcJ, Scction 442. FINANCIAL iMPL[CATIONS: If upproveJ, the wrile-ofF of taxes ns contained in Ihis report represcnts u gross wst of $2G,091.1 l, with a nct cost to thc Cily of approximatcly $G,G00, thc balancc bcing charged back to thc Region of Durham and thc School Boards. Pickcring's shnrc of thc cost will bc chazged to the 2000 Current Budgct allocation undcr Gcncral Govcmment - Provision for Uncollecmblc Taxcs. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicablc BACKGROUND: The rcduction oCtn�ces duc to firc, demolitio�, exemplion, assessmcnt change or error is Provided for undcr Section 442 of thc Municipal Act. Write-offs of this nnturc nre considercd nortnal in thc conduct of busincss tnz meintenunce. Thc tux write-otTs peitnining to 1997 are Cor the Busineas Occupnncy Tax, and urc 6eing wriltcn off bccausc lhese businesscs no longer cxist. �' Y 't F ,._. . .. ... �4 .. , . � r -3 - . .. if,.� . l. . , , , . . ., . . ,, �,� .w _� _ � Report to Council CS 27-00 Irf Dale: Deccmber 1, 2000 �%0 ; �: 5ubject: Section 442/443 af the Municipul Act - Adjus'imants to Tnxca Page 2 ' ;,. , ATCACHMENTS, i ` I. Section 442 Adjustment to Tnxes Daled Decembcr 5, 2000 Prepared By: A.pproved/Endorsed By: (/!Le c-G�'`' � M¢ ene Van Riesen, � �-'�illis A. Putcrson, Coordinnwr, Tnxution Services Diisctor, Corporate Scrvices & Treasurcr �, GAP:vw Attachment . Recommended for the consideration of Pickcring City Council �`�'•, ,. � a .� oa. 1 omas 1. i nn, hicf Admi� f•ativc f(icer +'� ;i �', _ ,, � i�. I� i,,�. - ;; , 4, . _ . . . .. � . k . . . ,� . . . . : � . . . � .. . - . . � � . .. . � . ', �t . � . _ . . . . . I: .'t . . . 'e ' . .. . . _ d, ;�i-. . . . . 1 .. . . i=k .. . .. . . . � ii�- �; �: . . ` l,`` . . � � : . � i' 4 l i �;4, j` � � � '� :,�. � � t �, _ �+ 4 y '��� , ,�t ` ... r' y ,4( r a` .. _ a _. .� . i�_.__ -.r �. �L��v:., j . ., ._� . . _ . ' oaur�,i�aiy�roox:x�rn+ cilvoFricn�au+o ATTACHMENT#�TOREPORT#,�'S��-oo � 71 � � BECTION4ltAWUBTAtENTBTOTA%ES Dec�rM�rl,1000 NAME� REASONFORAOIUBTMENT YEAR CODB ROLLNUMBER MIWNf MORRIB,ORANT 8C80LDTOCITY BIOIOM MANAOEMENT HOU9E DEMOLI8HE0 � INOVESTINCTRUBTEE A89ESEMENTCLCRICALERROR INOVEBTINCTRU9TEE A89E88MENTCLEpICALFRROR MAR9HALLHOME9 ASSESSMENTCLERICALERROR CITY OF PICKEWN6 NOW E7(EMPT CI7Y OF PICKERINO NOW E%EMPT HOLLINOHR MARION HOUSE OEMOLISHEO . PUBLIC WORlf9 CANADA 9HOULD BE PAYMENT IN LIEU LEWI9,THOMA9 HOU9E�EMOLI9HE0 CAMPITEW�FNEO A9SESSMEMCLERICALERROR FEAVER,OU� BUSINE99ClOSED WAONER,MIKFIJOHN BUSINES9ClOSEO WAONER MIKEIJONN BUSINE89 CL09E0 NEnREVIC, MINA 9USINE99 CLOSED PULL AUTO LTD BUSINES9 CLOSED FULL AUTO LTD BUSINE99 CLOSED HAOERMAN, PATRICU BUS�NES! 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