HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 06/00cr, - 1/� , �r V4`! G\�OFp/� F�� � i'�� FROM: i: ' • REPORT TO COUNCIL Richazd W. Holbom Division Head Municipal Property and Engineering DATE: February 18, 20pp REPORT NUMBER: MPE OG•00 SUBJECT': Through Highway Designations — Various Highways Registered Plans of Subdivison 40M-1510, 40M-1526, 40M-1535 and 40M-1642 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That a by-law be enacted to amend By-law 2366/87 thereby designating certain sections of Major Oaks Road, Blue Ridge Crcscent and Wildwood Crescent as Through Highways. ORIGIN: Request of the City's Legal Department to implcment nIl of the necessary traffc control mensures within thc above noted registcred plans of subdivision prior to the plans being recommended Cor assumption. AUTHOR[TY: Highrvay Tra�c Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaplcr H.B. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The manufacture und installation oC nine (9) rcgulatory Stop Signs costing approximutely $500.00 can bc accommodated within the yeaz 2000 Roads Operating Budget, 2320-2409 Highway Aids. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: A number of intcrsections within Registercd Plans of Subdivision 40M-151Q 40M-1526, 40M- 1535 and 40M-1642, now fortning part of the Brock Ridge Neighbourhood, atill mmain under the control of the right-of-way tule. This lowest fortn of control with no officinl rcgulutory postings provides suitaolo guidance on most occasions but periodically, however, can croate collision hnzards when motoriats do not yield or stop giving right-of-way to the first vehicle rntering the intersection. As a means to better �clariCy "right-of-way" betwccn vehicles cntcring thc uncontrollal intrnectiona along Major Oaks Road, Bluc Rldge Crescent and Wildwoud Crcscent, it is ` recommrnded lhet By-lsw 236G/87 be ILAher amrndcd thcreby daignating specific secdons of j _ r ; l . Y t E � � � �;5 _n_ � �,. . ,. . �"it' Siftr��''-�� . .� i ..,.... 3iyf.���ti. ,v M1 v.., t ._ �.�, • .� . � .�. . , :' . Repotf to Council MPE 06•00 Date; February 18,2000 Subject: 7'hrough Highway Aesignations• Various Highwuys Page 2 lhesc streets os Through Highwuys. Provision wiQ then nllow for tha posting .of slop signs designating more dofinitive right•of-way wntrol ut ench of the currcntly unsigned interscctions. This initiatiye will not only improve intersection saCety but will also strivo lo maintain a minimum and consistent level of intersection signing throughout the City. As part of iho final essumption process for Registered Plans of Subdivision 40M-1510, 40M- 1526, 40M-1535 and 40M-1642, it is recommended that the attached draR by-law be enacted designating scctions of Mujor Oaks Roud, Biue Ridge Crescent and Wildwood Crescent as Through Highways. A7TACHMENTS: l. DraR By-law 2. Location Map Prcpared By: . - �/' C. Ste ,:n Brakc, Coordinator Trnffic & Wnstc Mnnagemcnt Ri azd W. N91 om, Division Head unicipnl Property and Engincering CSBIT�....�.�.�..�r. Copy: ChiefAdministrative0fficer Tnwn Clerk Roads Supervisor Municipal Works Supervisor Approved / End y: I . unts a, ctor Operations nnd Emergency Scrvices 045 Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council � �— '� '.1 mas J. Qui , Chie Ad ' �s ive 0 icer s y� � ,� r } �- k X��Sf � , 4 k , ` } � ' s �' � ,� � r, ' , s �� r , » �s __,�.�;° . _r-..'i 1 n.,r �= ? .0 -.., _ -'..� ., r , �i� � ..��} . .._.k i ? .3 __ .�"'�� ,�i. ;.. .. . �. .'r c..�4.c . r _ , . . � - , , �ti�� _ ATTAGIl�lTN�iOIt�i�ORf (1 ac �oo 04 �j THB CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW N0. Being a 6y-law lo amend B��/aw 2366/87, designattng secllons of MaJor Oaks Road, 111ue Ridge Crescent and {Vlldwood Crescent as through htghways. WHBREAS, section 1(1) of the Higbway Tra�c Act, R.S.0.1990, chapter H.8, defines "through highways" as a highwuy or part of a highway designuted ns such by lhc Minister or by by-law of u municipality and provides that every such highway shall bc marked by u stop sign or yicld sign or yield right-of-wny sign in compliancc with the regulntions of the Ministry; and WHEREAS By-Luw 2366/87, as amended, providcs for the designation of certain highways in the Town of Pickcring as through highways; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to Curthcr Amcnd By-Law 2366/87; NOW THEREFORE, tha Council of thc Corpocalion of thc Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schcdule A to By-Law 't3G6/87, us umended, is hercby further nmendcd by deleting the following; Hi hwa Major Oaks Road From Brock Road (Rcgional Road i) To Dcllbrook Avenue 2. Schedule A to By-Law 23GG/87, ns amended, is hcreby further nmended to include the following. Hi hwu Mnjar Oaks Road Blue Ridge Crescent Wildwood Crescent From Brock Road (Regional Ro�d 1) Dellbrook Avenue Major Oaks Road (north intersection) To Meriadoc Drive Dellbrook Avenue South tcm�inus of Wildwood Crescent BY-LAW nad a first, second and third Qme and finaily passed this 6th day of March, 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor - ,, Btvice Taylor, Clcrlc �; � ., .� ; , � ti - S r � '. _ . ,' �7 � s i _ f =; � { } 1 � 1 . � a. .. . _� <,.i . . R ., .s..k-r�.?'� a���!4.1z__ _in_.1_�t¢ x .�? t ., �,. ,... .., . . ,_. ..t� . _ hPE nTTACHMENTM '? T01{B�OIlTN�4,� • • r�3 � LEOEND .1 PROPOSED 7 STOP S/CN j�' PROPOSED THROUGH HfCHWAY Tom+ oF Picxe�uNO TRAFFIC REPORT � .� �„� . • MAJOR OAKB ROAD - PROPOSED THROU(iH HIOHWAY BYLAW suu �msoo wtt, ►n: t000 - :: ` �- , : ; ' • ;.uV!1�� "Wµaw � - c � .. . .... .,.._ .. ., _..,_. a .�_,_ . ._. , . ,. . .. . .. .. .,. ... . . - . , . ' . �-�3 arrncHM�vrN a '��a�wrrr �rP,� LEGEND � Sl'�O PS CN ��.PROPOSfO � 1HROUCH HfCHWAY ` soirx or ptc�etuNa ; ` . ",.�"°,�'°�°^, _...__.-- --T�F�1C �EPORT,. . .. ,`,�:` ��� ,�s, .• '1r'� 3, �� i ATTACHMENT ll�Tp p�pORTii�°,w � 4 9 � � � LEOEND � srRn°P °sici°v � �l�M,SH NfCHWAY m�ia op r�cxswNa" `: ��' TRAFFi�C REPORT . . �±�euc w�n a.,�,�, . '� { �rat;i�wu arN'nr. iar .WILDWOODCftE8CENT PROPOSEClTFIROUGHF110FIWAYBYLAW F