HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 17/00.�� �oo : ,� aF ri�� : � ►Z- p REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jene Burton DATE: March 30, 2000 City Solicitor REPORTNUMBER: L17-00 SUBJECT: Nuthatch Street - Strect Neme Change - Part Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickering, designated os Pnrt 5 on Plan 40R-18149 - nnd Part 7 on Plan 40R-17520 - File W2306.44 RECOMMENDATION: A Resolution should bc passed uuthorizing the City Solicitor to commence the process to change the nnme of Nuthntch Street to .Kodialc Strcct. ORIGIN: Request from City Council. AUTHORITY: Munlclpaf Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45, s.210.1 i l. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Advertising Costs - Community Pnge � N�� Municipnl Property nnd Engincering installntion of ncw signnge (Approximate) $100.00 Signuge Budget - 2320•2409 (Not a budgeted Item) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not npplicablc BACKGROUND: On October 4, 1999, Council enncted IIy-lnw 5562/99 naming a parUon of Pnrt Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickering, (Part 5, Plan 40R-18149) "Nuthatch Streef'. Thnt By-law was registered an October 13, 1999. On December 20, 1999, following n request by stuff for enactment of enother by-luw which would effectively nume the remaining por�ton of Part Lot 20, Cancession, Pickering, (Pnrt 7, Plan 40R-175?.0) Nuthntch Street, Council detertnined thnt the name was not suitable for the area and diaccted staCf to provide an altemate name fot considerntion. In an effort to find a suiteble name, Plnnning staff explorcd scvernl options, i,e. reviewing old Hemlet mnps, historical documents and books, at well av thc names of creeks end other natural features tn the Claremont area. Based on that resesrch, n listing of possible names wav compiled and submitted to lhe Region for considcration; nor:e of the proposed namea were approved. , �� . . ... ., _ , _ Report to Council L 17-00 101 Datc: March 30, 2000 Subject: Street Namc Chenge pe8e Z During the process of finding a replacement name for Nuthatch Street, a subsequent listing was submitted to the Region reflecting nnmes that, once approved, would form part of the City's Street Neme Reserve List. As the Region did not approve any of the names submitted for the pucpose of renaming "Nuthutch Strcet" and as the timing of this renaming is cruciel to minimize the disruption to residents huving homes built on the lots affected by this nnme chnnge (occupancy scheduled for enrly spring), the name "Kodiak StreeP' was taken from the Reserve List npproved by the Region for Pickering. If Council finds this name to be satisfactory, the process to change the street nume from IVuthntch Street to Kodiak Street must be implemented pursunnt to the Muntclpal Act. This process includes giving No�ice of the nnme chnnge in n locul newspaper for four cansecutive weeks and enacting n by-Inw authorizing the name change. Council should note that the Notice gives residents ufTected by the nume chnnge the opportunity to address Council respecting nny objections they muy huve prior to the enactment of the by-law. Oncc n new by-luw is enncted, it must be registereJ to effect the namc change. It is recommendcd thnt Council pass u Resolution uuthorizing the City Solicitor to initiate the process to have the street named "Nuthntch Street" changed to "Kodiak Street". ATTACHMGNTS 1. Locntion map/Site Skctch. Prepured By: Approved / Endorsed By: � n�� � Denise B e Jnne Burion � 9 Attuchmants Copy: Chief Administrntive Oflicer Director, Planning und Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Co � �� ,. � /�F'� U � omes J. Qui , Chie Administra 0� cer ;, , , r , �u. . i , . . .� ....-'.. ..,_ , ', . ._ , _ . . � ..