HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 20/00� , , . . � �, , ,��� ,, 128 � ,�y OF P/p� 4� � � � REPORT TO COUNCIL i FROM; Jane Burton DATE: May 25, 2000 City Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 20-00 SUBJECT: Sueet Name Change - Nuthatch Street to Kodiak SUeet - Part Lot 20, Concession 8, Pickering designated as Purt 5, Plan 40R-18I49 nnd Part 7 on Pian 40R-17520 - File� W2306.44 RECOMMENDATION: A by-tuw should be cnncted to changc thc namc of Nuthatch Streel to Kodiak Strect. ORIGIN: Requcst from City Council. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr M.45, scction 210.1 I I. FtNANC1AL IMPLICATIONS: None. GXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not npplicable. AACKGROUND: On April 17, 2000, Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution N62/00 authorizing the City Solicitor to commence the process to change the nwne of Nuthutch Street to Kodiak Slrect. 7'lie Owncrs of the five lots fronting this street hnve been notified and putsuant to thc Municipa! Ac�, a Nottce of this name change wns published in the News Advertiser for thc requircd four consecutivc wceks bcing May 24, May 31, June 7 and ]une 14, 2000. In order to legally change ihe name of Nulhetch Stmet to Kodiek Street, a by-law must be registercd in the Lnnd Registry Office, Enactment and registration of the nttnched by-law will effcct this name changa �. i i. 19!� Report to Council L 20-00 Mey 25, 20Q0 ; Subject: , Street Name Change - Nuthntch Street to Kodiak Street ' Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: I. Locntion mupping. 2. DrnR by-Inw. Prepared by: �� 1 Iu� �'''t/ Jody P ons ]EP:Ic Atwchments Approved by: `,, � . � Jnne Bucton Copy: Chief Administrntive Officer City Clerk Dircctor, Planning nnd Devclopment Dircctor, Operations nnd Emcrgency Serviccs Firc Chicf Pirc Prcvention Officer Supervisor, Developmcnt Convol Supervisor, Roads Traffic nnd Wastc Manngemcnt Coordinator Recommended for thc considemtion of Pickering City Council �� `� ,, G_"_ ' s- i i Tho n!, Quid , Ch Admi ' trative 0 �cer 2 ,( .r� 4 � � t t t- s y„ � - ., � j ac.. , , ._ > .,.e , J... v`f cr..F''�.�a.r . ,v..,.. . , _ . _� . _, � . .. .x..e:t, t . I 1 �3O ATTACHMENTtt.�.TO(tEPORT# ��`OO THE CORI'ORATION Of THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-laiv lo change !he narae oj a cerlaln streel, or a por�lon fhereoj (Nulha�ch Slreet fo Kodtak Street). WHEREAS pursuant to section 210.111 of thc Municipnl Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, thc council of a lacul municipality mny puss by-Inws for giving namcs to or chnnging thc names oF highways on public property; NOW THERE�OItE, the Council of Thc Corpomtion of the Ciry af Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS �OLLOWS: 1. Thosc pnrls of Lot 20, Conccssion 8, Pickcring, dcsignntcd os Part 5, Plun 40R-18149 and Ptut 7, Pinn 40R-17520 (Nuthatch Strcet) are hereby ronamcd Kodink Sireet. BY-LAW rcuJ u 6rst, second nnd thirJ timc nnd finally passcd this 19th dny of Junc, 2000. wz�ob.a Wuyne Arthurs, Muyor Drucc Tnylor, Clerk � I I I _ - ,,, .,� } `,.. . .� . . _ ..