HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 29/00. ,i. .. . . . . � � ... I �is �Wo� REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: John Reble DATE: Novembcr 13, 2000 Solicitor for the Ciry REPORT NUMDGR: L29-00 SUD]ECT: Roud Numing nnd Dedicntion - Berkley Homes (Pickering) Inc. - Blocks 30 und 31, Plan 40M-2014 - Filc: W2306A.44 nnd W2304.396 RECOMMGNDAT[ON: By-laws should be enactcd to name and dedicnte as pubiic highway the subjcct Innds. ORIGIN: Sulxlivision Agrecmcnt dateJ March ?4, 2000 betwecn thc Ciry and Derkley Homcs (Pickcring) Inc. AUTtIORITY: Munlclpnl Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr M.45, section 297(1)(a). �INANCIAL IMPLICATIC�NS: Nii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A �ACKGROUND: On March 24, 2000 thc developer hercin entcrcd into a Subdivision Agreement respecting the development of lands adjacent to Toynevalc Road. Schedule C 11 of that Agreement provides for the construction of a tuming circle an Blocks 30 nnd 31, which tuming circle would be rcquired until thc lands to thc wcst are devclopcd and thc tuming circle is no longer needcd. Once the tuming circle is no longer rcquircd, Blocks 30 and 31 will be conveycd to the adjncent owners of Lots 8 and 9, 40M-2014, pursuant to the Municipnl Act. In the interim, it is neccssury that Blocks 30 nrd 31, 40M-2014 be named nnd dedicuted us public highway. Thc by-laws nttnched hereto will effcct thot nnming and dedicnting. ;. i .:, ; ; . . j Repoil to Council L29-00 ` October 2?, z000017 SubjecL• Road Neming and Dedicntion page 2 ATTACHMENTS: I. Locution Map. 2. By-luw (naming). 3. By-luw (dedicnting), Preparcd By: Approv / End rsed By: - lU Deni e Bye e DB:Ijm Attnchments Copy: ChiefAdministmtiveO�cer Recommended for thc consideration of Pickering Ciry Council �� „ � v� d ma J. Quinn, C ef A ministrn ' Ofticcr 'v : , ` : �� r i f s ��� .. . ,_. _r.. ...i�_ ,r..�.. ..+..r�..... ,4.._... .. ..,.� ...,,.. . ,. -. .. . . �..: . 018 I ATTACHM@NT#._a,_ i<<;c�POR'i ;� �,aq•t� 7'HE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERIN(i BY-LAW NO. Being a by-!aw �o name Dlocks 30 and 31, Plan 40M-1014 (Froniter CourtJ. WHEREAS pursuant to scction 210.111 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1990, chapter M.45, the council of u locnl municipality may pass by-Inws for giving names to or changing thc numes of highwnys on public property; NOW 77-IEREFORE, thc Council of The Corporution of thc City of Pickering HEREBY LTIACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The rond comprising of Blocks 30 and 31, Plnn 40M-2014 is hcreby nnmcd Fruntier Court. B1'-LAW rend o first, second and third time and finally pnssed this 20th dny of Novembcr, 2000. Wnync Arthurs, Mnyor Brucc Tnylor, Clerk wz�o�.�� ' � ATTACHMENT#� 70ItEPppTIF�.aq•oo 013 TFIE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF P[CKERING BY-LAW NO. BeTng a by-law �o dedtcale B/ocks 3l and 32, Plan 40M-2014 (1}onller Cour�) us publtc highway, Wl-IEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is ihe owner oF Blocks 31 and 32, Plan 40M-2014, Pickering and wishes to dedicate it as n public highwny. NOW THEREFORG, ihe Council of Tha Corporntion of thc City of Pickering HERE[3Y ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Dlocks 31 and 32, Pinn 40M-2014, Pickcring is hercby dedicatcJ as public highwny (Frontier Court), BY-LAW read a first, second ond third timc and finally passed this 20th day of Novcmber, 2000. Wnyne AAhurs, Muyor Bruce Tnylor, Clerk w:aa�% s � v . ; . . ' . �. �� , .. � � � � .. . � . .