HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 05/99.. . i � : . .. . . . . . . ,, 134 _ �, . � -. ��oNOP� � � . � .. . .. . . . ,. REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Everett Buntsma DATB: Merch 31,1999 Director of Pnrks & Fucilities REPORT NUMBER: PF OS-99 SUBJECT: Town of Pickering Pnrks By-law RECOMMENDATION: 1. Thnt Council should pass tha alluched Pnrks By-law. 2. That appropriate officinls of ihc Town of Pickering be given nuthorily to give eCfect thereto. ORIGI�J: The Department of Pnrks & Facilitics AUTHORITY: Municipnl Act, R.S.0.1990. C.M.45 Scction 102 and 320 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable . BXECUTIVE SIJMMARY: The existing parks by-law has not been roviewed or updated for a number of years. Tha attached by-lnw mcets nll of the requircmcnts of todny's legislation and will allow, upon application und npproval b� the Ministry of the Attomay Genernl, short-tertn wording and issuanca of on thc �ot ticketa Ti�e bylaw has been reviewed with the Durham Regional Police Servica. BACKGROUND; Over the past several yeare, it has been detertnincd thet misuse of tha public land arcas of the Town had affected the quafity of life of abutting and neighbouring owners. This is duo ro the congregating of youth In these areas for no apecific recrontfonui purposa Existing by-lawe wete found to be ineffective through discuaeion with the police serviCo. The DepeRmenl of Perke & Fncllities and tho Department of Legal Services co- operatively hava aesembled tho attechod By-lew for Council's conatderation end : subsequent approveL bp. � i� , ,, �� .� Rcport to Council : �' Dele: March 31, l I99 13 � Subjcet: Town of Pickering Parks Bylaw Pege; 2 BACKGROUND: (continued) When this bylaw is passed by Council, our Bylaw Enforcement Officers and thc Police will be nble to enforce thie By-lew ttuougl� prosecutions under Uie Provincial Otfences Act, Under Purt III of ihe Provincial Otfences Act, en infoemation is completed by nn Ofiicer und swom befoce u Justice of the Peaco. Thu information is a detailed document that discioses thc offence to the Defendant nnd then is served on the defendant compclling him or her to appe�v beCore the Justice of the Peace lo makc a plea. The fines under Pari III of lhe Provincial O(Tences Acl, enabla the Municipality to coliect fines up to a maximum nmount of $5,000.00. Once lhe Bylaw is passed by Council, we will be npplying to thc Ministry of Attomey General for short-tertn wording. This menns thut the Of6cers who enforcc our bylaws may write °tickets" on the spot instead of going through n Icngthy process of Pnrt III prosecutions. The Gnes nn; usually lower, however it is more convenieut for tha Oflicer to write the licket and hand it lo the nccused. It also enables the accuscd to pay thc upplicable fine nmount into court instead of appenring beCore a]ustice of the Peace for n Icngthy trial. Thc By-law hns been circulated to thc Durham Regional Policc Service for comment. One minor chnnge wus recommendeJ and has becn implemented in the BY-Inw. The Department cf Pnrks & Fncilitics rccommonds that Council pass thc nttached Bylaw to enable appropriate control of the Town's public land nreas under • Municipal control. ATTACHMENTS: l. Town of Pickcring Purks By-law Prepared & Approvcd by�� 8y-law Apprqqed as to �nn by: Director of Parks & Facilities Recommended for the considerntion of Pickcring Town Cou ' � ,,. lyomes J. Quinn, ief Administra Offico �,� �� � � � � ' j, 'll, � �14. ��+ � � 1i i � fr ',1,_ �T . ,...._ . . . .. . 136 TNE CORPpRATION OF THR TOWN OF PI .KF.RMd �Zd1G � � �_ IIeing a bylaw to regulalc, prolecl and control all public parks in tl�c Town of Pickcring and lo repeul By-law 3803-70 WHE1tEAS the Council of The Corporntion oC Thc Town of Pickering, pursuunt to q�e provisions of Seclion ]02 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, as amended, has thc authoriry to enact ihis by-Inw; AND WHEREAS tha Council of The Curpomtion of The Town oC Pickering find it necessnry to ennct a by-Inw to rcgulele, and conlrol all public parks in the Town of Pickcring and to protect thcse Innds on behalf of the public interesh, nnd AND WHEREAS Seclion 320 oCthe Municipai Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, as nntcnded, provides that by-law of q�a Council passed under thc autharity oC the Municipnl Act is guilty of an oFfensa. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKEItING HERLBY ENACfS AS FULLOWS: DEFINITIONS t, For the pumosc of this bylaw, (u) "uufhorized sign" mcans any sign, notice, or other device pinced or erecleJ in or upon u pnrk, undcr tha nuthority of this bylaw; b) "Commlllee" mcans Iha Excculivc Commiltcc of the Council of Ilic Town oC Pickcring; (c) "Council" meuns lhe Council oCThe Corporalion of Ihc Town of Pickering; (d) "destgnated nrea" means nn area defincd or consln�cted for u specific usc which muy include postcd conditions; (e) "D(reetor" menns the Directar oCPazks und Fncilitics of the Town of Pickering; (� "Iiquor" means liquor as defined by the Liquor Control Act; (g) "molor vehlcle" menns a molor vehicle wilhin lhe mcaning of the Highwny Traffic Act, R.S.0.1990, c.H.8 as may be amended Crom Iime to timc; (h) "motorized recreational vehicle" includes a snowmobile, go-cn.M, trnil ¢ike, mini bike, all-te�rain vehicle, or eimilaz vehicle, propclled ar driven by an inlemal combustion engine; (i) "park" means lend end Innd covercd by water and elt portions thereof owned or made availeble by leasa, agreement, or othcnvise to the Town, th¢t ie or herenRer may be established, dedicated, set apert or medo aveilable for uso as woodlot, ravine, recrouN�n centre, squaro, garden, water or eny other erea in lhc Town, devoted to aclive or pussive tecrenlion; (j) °parkiog lot" meens any arw or e tract of lond dcaignateA for the pazking of vehiclee; (k) °parking �poce" meana a porttan af the surfeco of a parking lot deaignatai 6y suiteble merkinge for lha purpose oFparking a vchicle, exclueive of atelcs; ; �: �t, _ 2 13'� (I) "permit" mcnns a��y writtcn uuthodzation oC Councii, a Committce cstablishcd by Councll, or tha Dircclor whc;e such authorily has bccn dolegnlal; (m) "Town" mcuns thc Town of Pickering; (n) "vehicle" includes a molor vchiclo as dcfined undcr Ihe Highwny Treffic Acl, R,S,O. t990, c,H.B, ns may bc amcuJed Gom timc lo limc, and nny bicycic, carringe, wngon, aleigh or other vehicle or conveyance of avery dcscdptian, whatever thc mode of power, bul excludes wheelchair or similer device (powered or othenvise) used by an individual duc to a disability, b�by cnrriuge or cart, child's wngon, child's slroller, child's sleigh or other conveyance oC likc nnture, PART I— IiOURS OF OPERATION 2, a` Except as olhenvise expressly provided by this by-law: (i) �• All parks ahnll ba closcd by 12:00 o'clock midnight l0 7:00 o'clock u.m. during the period Crom April Ist to Scptember 30th inclusive. (ii) All pazks shnll bc closeJ from 10:30 o'clock in the evening to 7:00 o'clock a.m. during thc period fwm Oclobcr ist to Mnrch 31st inclusivc, (iii) Notwithslanding the foregoing, tlie parks mny bc opcncJ at any time upon pertnissian of lhc Dircclor. (iv) During any period whcn a park is closcd, no vchicic sl�all remain on park propcAy. (v) During Ihc timc o park is closed, as hcreinLeforc providcd, no person cxccpt u Policc Of(iccr or n Town of Pickcring cmploycc, whilc on duty, shull entcr or rcmnin on purk property nnd, during such period, no peraon ahnil Icuvc a vchicic owncd ar operutcd by him/I�cr on park property. PART II COIVDUC'1' 3. Copduct No person or persons ahnll, wilhin Ihe limits or boundnries of nny park within the Town: (u) indulga in nny riolous, boistcrous, violent, Ihrealening, or illegal conducl or use profane or nbusivo tangunge; (b) cast, throw, or in any way propel any object in such a manner as muy, or docs, endonger or cause injury or damuge to nny person or property; (c) creata a nuisance by loilering, spying, eccosting, frightening, nnnoying or athenvise disturbing other peraons; or (d) ctealo a nulsanco or in any way interfero with tho uso and enjoyment of the park by ather persons, � 138 � 3 4. Ftrcarms and Otknelvc Weapoa� Whilo in any park, no person ahall bo in posaussion oC or uso nny fircartn, nir gun, bow and artow, exo or ot%nsivo weapon of any kind nnless nuthorizccl by permit. 5. F(reworks Whilo in any pnrk, no person shall ibnilc, Jisdinrgo or act oUany firccrackcre, rockcte or other fimworka cxcept as a fireworks diaptay authoiizcd by permil, G. InJnry and Damage No person ahall in nny park: (a) climb any building, slructure or equipmenl, wdess it is equipment designcd for climbing; (b) break, injuro, defnce, movc or rcmove the wholc or any part of nny powers, pinnt material, irees orother vogetation or any building, slruclure, equipment or olher property of the municipality; (c) unless aulhorizcd by pemtil, climb, move or rcmovc thc wholc or nny pan oC rocks, bouldcrs, rock faces or remove uny sail, sand or wood; (d) in uny manner, disturb ground which is unJcr repuir, prcpareJ for pinnlinl�, has - been newly secded or sodJed or is in an nrca postcd to ihat cffcct; or (e) drive, psuk or wnik in nn arca posled to prohibil samc. 7. Wa�fe and Pollution No person shnll in any park: (u) disposc or Jwnp gnrbagc, liuer, ircc trimmings, or any olhcr rcfusc, except Ihnt which is gcneraled through Iha normal usc of thc pnrk and slmll oniy dcposit same in recep�ucles providcd for such purposo; (b) dispose of or dump gnrcicn refuse cxcept in n dcsignatcJ nrca tlurefor; (c) unlcss authoriud by permit, dump or dcposit snow, fill, aoil, buiiding or constmctiom m�terials; or (d) dump or drain onto any aoils or inlo tlic waters of any pool, pond, lake, sireum, fountain or watercourse of any kind nny mnterial, toxic or othenvise, which mny hevc the effect of polluting samc. 8, Protectloo o[ Wildlife . No person ehall In any park: ' (a) kiil, attempt to kill, maim, injuro, trep or diaturb any animal, bird, wnlerfowl, fiah wort►�s, or other wildiife; or • (b) touch, injure or removo eny ncst or ogg thcrefrom. 9. Eacroecdmeat Unlesa authodud by permit or agrccment, no poreon Ehall encroech upon or tako poesesaion of any park by any mcane whataoover, includ(ng tho construcqon, inatallatlon or maintenence of eny fenee or atructuro, tho dumping or erorege of any maleriale or , plentinge, or plendng, culdvating, grooming or Inndscep(ng, thereon, � . � . �.. , �.'iw . >!r' , ... �� ., � �. �_ .. � . a 139 10. Alcohol Whilo in any pork, no person shall consumc, servo or acll nlcoholic bevcragce unlcse authorizcd by pertnit and with Iho npproval of lhc Liquor Licencc Conlrol Doard oi Onlnrio, PART Ili — PARK USE i 1. Camptires nnd Barbecuea While in nny park, no person shall: (n) lighl, build or stoke nn open firc or bonfirc unless authorized by pertnil; (b) usc chnrconl or solid lucled porinblc bazbccucs unless authorized by perniit or where posted lo allow snme; (c) use fuel other Ihnn churcoal or briqueltes in stationnry barbecucs; or (d) Icave n bnrbccuc or cumpfirc withoul cxlinguisliing Ihc firc and cnsuring thnl Ihc embers arc cold. 12. Orgun(zed Gatlier(ngs nnd Picnics While in nny park, no person shall: (a) unlcss nuthorizcJ by permil, hold o picnic, organizcJ gnlhcring or evcnt for morc lhnn hventy-fivc persons; or (b) intcrfcrc with u picnic, organizcd gathcring ar cvenl aWhorizcd by pertnit, 13. Amplificra nnd Loud Spcakcrs Unless auqiorized by pemiit, no peraon shall operalc IouJ speakers or nmplifying cquipmenl in nny park. �4, Camping ond Lodging Unicss aulhorizcd by pertnit, no persan shall dwcll, cnmp or lodge in any park. I5. Tents nnd Structures Unless authorizcd by pertnit, no person shall pince, instali or erect any tcmporury or permanenl tent or structure in nny park. 16. Dathing, Swlmming, apd Sun Dathing No person shall: (n) cnlcr nny public awimming pool, cxccpl at limcs designatcd for awimming; (b) fail to abide by poated signa in or adJacent to any swimming pool, ot to obey the inslructions of any 1lfeguard or othcr aulhorized person; or (c) ewim, balhe or wadc in nny fauntuin, pond, tnkc or slrcam, exccpt in a dcsfgnalcd azea. ;s- , . ,_ � ,_ ,, , : ` . _ . . . .. .. . . ... .... .. .... � ��. � �.. , .,. � 140 :5 17. Uee of Waah and Chango Roome No reBOn.shnll cnter any podion or any washroom, buthhouec, or changeroom in uny parl: act apnrt Cor tho oppoaite sex, PART 1V — GAMES, SPORTS AND ORGANIZEA ACfIViT1ES 18. Orgeoized Sports or Aclivitica l. While in miy pnrk, no person shull: (a) nrtungc or cngagc in an organizcd sport or aclivily, unicss aulhorizcd by pertnit; or (b) inlcrferc with nn organizcd spod or nctivity uuthorized by pertnit. � 2. In addition lo the prohibitlons set aut in subscction (l), while in ony purk no person ahall ulilizc a designalcd nrea wilhout a pertnil whcre snmc is poslcJ to prohibit or restrict such uac. l9. Fl�hing No person ahall fish in an azcu postcd lo prohibit samc, in uny park. 20. GolRng 14hilc in any pnrk, no person aliall pluy or practicc golf or atrikc a golf bnll. 21. Madel Aircraft ond Rockets Whila in nny park, no person shall operalc any powcrcd moJcls of nircra(1, rockets, wutcrcrall or vchicics unlcss aulhorizcd by pcmiit. 22. Clldere and liot Air Dnlloone Unless authorizal by permit, no person shnll tcthcr, launch or land nny hot air bnlloon, hong glidcr, ultra light aircmR or similar convcyuncc in nny pnrk, 23. Skatiog On nny natural or artificiul ice surfacc localcd in any purk, no person shull: (a) usc specJ aketes unless uuthorized by permit ar in n poslcd nrcu in accordancc wilh posled conditions; (b) skata or act in such n manner as lo inlerfere with and/or cndnnger ony other person using thc aurfnce; or (c) uso a stick of any kind except in eccordence witB posted cnnditione. 24. Skltng No pereon ehull ek(, toboggnn, enowboard, or eled in eny area in eny park posted to prohibil eama . ,,. . . . � . 14�• 25. Roller Skntca nnd Skafo Doerda Whilo in any park, no person shali: (e) opemto or utilize roller skalcs, akato boerds, lineaz skotea or liko convcyancea whera posled lo prohibit or olhenvise restrict tha uac of thc eame; ar (b) obalrucl, inconvcnicnce or cndnngcr op�cr uscrs of thc pnrk whilo opcmling or utilizing traditionul or in•linc rollcr skates, skale boards utilizing traditional or in- line roller ekates, skato boards or lika conveyances. 26. Tennis No person shall enler, walk, or play upon a designalcd sueu for lennis in nny park, cxccpl in accordance with the posted rules und regulations. PART V - VEHICLES 27, Roadways 1. The Council or, whero such nuthoriry has been dcicgntcd, ihe Dircctor or Commiltee es4�blished by. Council, is uuthorizcd lo est�blish npproprialc regulations lo rcgulntc lhc use �f park rondwuys. 2. Unless aWhorized by permit, and cxccpt us proviJcd in scction 30 with respcct to bicycles, no person shall, whilc in nny park, drivc, operalc, pull or rida any vehicic cxccpt on n roudway or parking urca. 28, Pnrktng Whilc in any pnrk, no person shall: (n) park or Icave a vchicic exccpt in n dcsignatcd arca for purking; (b) park or leuve e vehicle betwcen thc houre of 12 o'clock midnight and 5:59 a.m., cxcept in a designntcd nrcn allowing for such ovemiglrt parking, or whcrc uuthorized by pertnit; (c) stop or pazk a vehicle in n dcsignaled areu for pnrking, exccpt in a parking apacc and in accordarca with posled conJitions; (d) stop or park a vehicle in a designated disabled purking spnce, unless a disablcd person parking pertnit issued in accardence with the provisions of lhc Highway Traffic Act, R.5,0. 1990, c,H.B, na may be umended from lime lo lime, is properly dispinyed on or in thc vehicle; or (e) use any parking space except while using the p�rk. , 29. Olher Activltlea No peraon shali moke use of eny roadway or pnrking lul in any park for. (a) waahing, cleaning, servidng, maintnining or, except in Ihe vent of nn emergency, tha repeir of any vehlcle; or (b) inetructing, teaching or waching any person in tha ddving or operation of a moror vehicla �� , :-- �--�_.. : ..-_.._._ • .:_: . ...._..:....----..___....... . 142 � 30, Dicyclea - Whilo in any park, no person ohalL• (a) ride, operata ar ba in posseasion of any 6icycle where postcd to prohibit same; or (b) obstruct, inconvenience or endanger olhcr users of the pnrk whilc riding or opemting a bicycle. 31. Motorized Recreatlonai 1'ehicla No person shali ride, drive, park at be in possession or conirol of e motorizecl rccrenlional vehicle in any pnrk except in a designated azca. 32. Trucks and Commerclel Vehicles No person ahall drive, opernlc, puil or ridc in any park: (u) nny heavy mnchinery or equipmenl of uny description and whutever lhc mode of power; or (b) any truck, truilcr or bus whatsocvcr cxccpt n vchicic that is, (i) bcing uscJ Cor lhc pumosc of making a dclivcry to n poinl williin thc limits of the park whilc it is procecding to or from such point of dclivcry, or (ii) operntcd for personal, recrealional, or non-commercial usc, 33. Speed Unless muhorizcd by pertnit, whilc in nny park no person shnll opcmtc: (n) nny vchicle on a roadway nt a apccd in cxccss of Il�c posicd limit; or (b) a bicycic olher than on n roadway nt a spcccl in excess of 20 kilomctcrc per hour. PART VI — ANIMALS 34. Dogs 1. While in any park, no person us owner or person having conlrol of nny dog shall: (a) allow it to run at lnrge, excepl in ¢ designalecf area; (b) pertnit eny dog to enter uny beach, pond, swimming arca, farm area, gardcn, lundsceped arca, playground or apons Geld, or any olher arca posted lo prohibit eame, excluding blind persons roliant upon u guide dog. 2. While in eny park, every person ua owner or person having control of nny dog ehall: (a) ensuro lhet it ie on u leash or chain not excceding 2,4 melers in length when not running nt lerge in a designated erea; and (b) exciuding disnbled persons, pick up and removo forthwilh cxcremcnt 1eR by tho dog and dlaposo of tt in a eanitery monner tn a:cceptacle for Illter or (n sottse olher auilable wnlaincr. � r �; s' _ _ �� r , , � . 8 143 35, Dangcroua Animale No person as owner or person having tho control of any animal ehuli bring into or pertnit such animul lo entcr nny pnrk if it may or docs conslflute a dnnger to other pork uscrs or is rcasonably likcly lo fri�lilen olhcr park uscrs. PART VII - COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES 3G. Sale o[Mcrchandlse, Trade or Dusiness 1. Unless authoriud by pemiit, no person shnll, while in nny purk, sell or oCfer or i display for salc; (a) any food, drink or refreshmenh, (b) any goods, wares, merchandise or nrlicles incluJing promolionnl muterial, souvcnirs nnd noveltics; or (c) any art, akili, scrvice or work. 2. Whilc in any park, no person shall procticc, cnrry on, conduct or solicit for uny trnde, occupation, busincss or profcssion. 37. Clrculars und Adverlisements 1. Unlcss authorizcd by permit, no person shnll: (n) whilc in uny park dislribulc, discnrd, or display any handbill, nolicc, or othcr circulnr, bill or advcrtisemcnl; or (b) ponl, nail, uuacli, stcncil or othcnvisc fnstcn or crcct any postcr, sign, noticc, placard or othcr circular, bill, nJvcrtiscmenl or paper to nny park property. 2. Nolwithstnnding subscclion (I), nny persom m�y nf(ix n non-commcrcial noticc not larger ihan 21,5 ccnlimctcrs by 35.5 ccidimctcrs to any noticc boarcl or kiosk provided thercfor in nny pnrk. PART VIII — REGULATION AND ENFORCEM1tENT 38. PermlW and Licences 1. Pcrmils issued far nctivitics contemplated in ihis bylaw mny 6e subjcct to sud� fecs aa Council shall from time lo timc establish. 2. Pertnits iasued for aclivilies contemplatcd in lhis by-law mny include condilions as to lime, location, aren, equipment, number of purticipants, lypc of nctivities, releusc, indemnity and insurancc coverage. , 3. The iasuunce of a permit pursuant lo thia bylaw shall not relieve any person from tha nccessity of ncquiring nny other licencc or pemtit required for such activity by nny govcmmenlal or public authorily. 4. No pertnit wnlemplated by thie bylaw ahall bo issued if swnc would resdit in thc : ,;. contrnvenlionofolherepplicablclaw. ;,, . � ;i � ��4 � �.., .. . , . . _... , _ , � . . 144 9 99. Poeting of Signagc The Diroctor is uuthorized lo post eignnge of permiseion, rcgulalion, reatriction, waming or prohibition with respccl to uses nf ot nc:ivities in uny park in nccordancc wilh thc provisions hcreof. 40. Temporary Closurc 1. The Director is uuthorizcd lo close ofC for such tempornry periods os Ihe Dircclot dcems nppropriatc any park or pnA or purls thereoC lo rclicve or prcvcnt ovcrcrowding or lraffic congeslion, or in lhe inlerests of public safety, ot as may othenvise be authorized by Council. 2. 77�o Towm m�y at any time whcn it is decmcd advisnble to do so, close to thc public any pazk or any portion of any park, or any building in uny park, and mny require tl�e payment of a fee by nny person desiring to enter nny such pnrk or building nnd no person shnll cnter any pazk or any portion of any pnrk, or nny building in nny pnrk, so closeJ, without first paying ti�e fec for admission, lo n person duly authorizcd by thc Town for the collection of such fcc. Nothing in this by-law prevenls any Tawn of Pickering cmployee or scrvant Gom performing I�is dulies ns an cmployce or scn�ant. 3. Thc Dircclor is nuq�oriud lo posl signagc of permission, rcgulation, reslriclion, waming or prohibition with respcct to uscs of or nctivitics in nny p�rk in accordancc with thc provisions hcrcof. 41. Excluelons und Exemptlons I. This by-Inw sliall not apply lo: (n) thc drivcrs, operulors or othcr personncl of ambulanccs, policc or firc dcpurtmcnt vchicics, or Ihc riJcrs or attcudunls oF policc departmcnt horscs, wliilc cngogcd iu titc p:rt'ominncc of Ihcir Julies; (b) employccs or ngcnls of the municipality while engugcd in works or scrvices undertaken for or on behalf of the municipality; or (c) u park, property or building that is now or hereaflcr undcr thejurisdiclion of n board cstablishcd by thc Council or by atntute, Ihc mcmbcrs oCwhich arc nppointcd by Council. 2. This byluw shnll be subjcct lo provisions of conlrnets and ngreements now or hercaRer entered into by thc municipaliry covering works or ac�vices to be pedortned in any park, 42. Enforcement i, Any police ollccr, provincial offences officcr or employee of the municipnlily designnted by the Dircctor is nulhorizcd to inCortn uny person of the provisions of lhis by-law and to request compliance therewith. ' 2. My police ofticer, provincini offences officcr or cmployee of tho municipnlity whose duties include the enforcement of this municipul by-law, ia aulhorized lo order nny persan bciievcd by auch officcr or employce to bc conlrnvcning or who haa contrnvcned any provieion of lhis by-Imv, (a) to desist from thc nclivity constitutinp, or contribuling to such conlrevenUon; (b) to rcmova from tha pnrk any animnl or lhing owned by or in tho con(rol of auch pereon which tha o�ccr or employco belicvcs is or wae involved in such conlrnvcnlion; or : (c) : to lceve tha prirk. �: ' '��5�.��. � . ..., . . . � - .. . ' � . �p �4J 3. , My palice officer or provincinl olTencea oflicer mpy enforce iho provisione of thia bylaw. 4. Whero any person wntravenea nny of the provlslons of this by-luw, or fails to comply with any ordcr rcCcrted la in subseclion (2) hercof, the pertnission and licenco oCsuch person to remain in the park is revoned, 43. Pennities � 1. Any person conlmvening any of tha provisions of this byInw, other than clausc 33(a) resulling from tha operation of a motor vehicle, is guilty of an oCfence and on conviction is linble to a fine in such amount provicicd for by lhc Provincinl Offcnces Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.33. as may bc nmendcd from limc lo lime, 2. Any person contravening lhe provision conlaincd in cinuse 33(a) of tl�is by-law, resulting from the operation of n molor vehicic, is guilty of an offence unJcr thc Highway TraRic Acl, R.S,O. 1990, c.H.B, and, pursunnt to the provision tiiereof, on conviclion is liable to a fine in such amount provided for by thc Highway Traffic Act. R.S.O. 1990, c.H.B, us may be nmenJeJ Gom timc to limc. 3. The owncr of a motor veliicle that is pnrked or lelt in contrnvention of scclion 28 of this by-law is guilty of an ofCcnce anJ an conviction is subjcM lo thc provisions oC Uiis scclion, unlcss at Ihe timc of the offence thc motor �chicic wns in 16c posscssian of anolhcr person wilhoul thc owncr's conscnl. 44. Removal of Vehlcles A police of(iccr or provincial offenccs of(iccr tipon Jiscovcry of any vchicic pnrked or stm�ding in conlravcntion of scclion 28 of this bylaw may cnusc 1t to bc movcd or lakrn to and ploced or atorcd in n suitablc pincc and nll costr, and chnrgcs for removing, carc nnd aloraga tiicrcof, if uny, nrc n lien upon qic vchicic which muy bc cnforccd in Ihc mnnncr providcd by tlic Rcpair and Storagc Licns Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.R.25, ns mny bc nmenJed from timc to timc, or nny succcssor acts Ihcrclo. 45. Sevcrabilily If a courl af cumpctent jurisdiction ahould declere nny scclion or part of a section of thia by-Inw lo bo invalid, such scction or part of a section ahall nol bc construcJ as having persuaded or intluenced Council to pass thc rcmainder of lhc byInw nnd it is hcrcby dcclarcd lhat the remainder of Ihe by-law ahnll be vulid and shnll rcmain in full forcc und effect. 46. Repcnl By-lnw number 3803-70 is hcreby repcnled, BY-LAW read a first, second and third tima nnd finnlly paascd this dny of , 19g9, Waync Arlhure, Mayor Bruco Teylor, Clcrk ��,ua:ov�����yiw:aoc ;; � .f. , �. �i _ , , . . , r , .. , �