HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 10/99°. - _ � � �NOFp .. . . . � . ^� . , � � REPORT TO COUNCIL 87 FROM1t: Gillis A. Pnterson DATE: May 19, 1999 Dircctor of Finance & Treusurer REPORT NUMBER: �IN 10/99 SUBJECf: 1999 Tax Rates RECOMMENDATION: Thnt it is recommended Ihat: i) the 1999 tnx rnles for Ihc Town of Pickcring be upproved as containeJ in Schcdulc A to Bylaw No. 5499/99 atlachcJ hcreto; 2) Ihe uttached By-Inw No. 5499/99, providing for thc imposilion of thc tax rates opproved undcr Recammcndalion 1 ahove, bc rcaJ thrcc Iimes nnd approvcd; 3) thc Director of �inancc & Trcasurcn c� aulhorixcd to makc any changcs or undcrlakc ony nctions nccessary, incluJing nitering due datcs, in ordcr lo cnsure thc tax billing preccss is complcicd; and � 4) ihe appropriatc sl��' of the Town of Pickcring bc givcn nulhority lo give effect therolo. ORIGIN: DircclorofFinuncc&Trcasurcr Rcport Fin 09/99 (Rcviscd) AUTIiOR17'Y: Thc Municipul Act, R.S.0.1990, as nmcndcd, and Regulations The Assessment Acl, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, anJ Regulations The Educalion Act, R.S.0.1990, as amended, and Regulaiions FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nol upplicable. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Adoption of the abovc recommendntions and Ihe atlachcd IIylaw providcs for the levying of tax ratea roquired to raise the levy epprovcd in lhe 1999 Currcnt 8udgct of thc Town of Pickering and to levy tex retes for educeiion nnd for thc Region of Durham, 88 Report to Councii F[N 10/99 Dale: May 19,1999 Subject; 1999 Tax Ratc Pagc2 BACKGROUND: Thc 1999 final tnx billing process will consist of two separntc components — residentinl properties and commercial, induslrinl and mulli•residential realty classes uffecled by Bill 79. Restdential On May 10, 1999, Council npproved Report FM 09-99 (revised) of the Director of Finance thal provided for, nmongst olher ihings, u zero per cent chunge in Ihe 1999 property taxes for the '"fown portion" of the property tax bill, Council olso eslablishcd lune 25 and September 28, 1999 ns ihe final tax billing due dates for all properties except for those reniry tnx classes affected by Di1179 (cnpping icgislntion affecting thc indus�rial, commercial and multi-residentinl realty classes). At ihal time, the cducntion lax ratc calculalions for Ihe induslrial and commercial rcalty cinsses were not fnalizcd due to incompielc infortnation from ihe Province. Thcrcforc, a levy by-law was not presented to Council when tha budgel was adoptcd on May 10. On May 191h Provincinl Govemmenl of(iciuls clnrificd thA cducation tax ralc calculalions. Recammendations I and 2 provide for thc levying of all tax rales on all classes of propeAy evcn though properlics afTected by Dill 79 will bc bilied nt n later date. As in previous ycars, thc amounl of thc inlcrim Ievy for cach property will bc Jeducted from thc latal 1999 propedy taxes lo detcmiinc thc final nmount owing. fiill79 Financc slaff nrc currcntly wniting for Ihc Provincial property nssessment Jalabnsc to bc rcvised lo rcllcct thc 1998 nsscssmcnl nppcals. This infortnation is rcquircd lo cnlculale the capping nmuunts of 10% ond 5% far 1998 ar.d 1999 respcclivcly, financc staff have receivcd infortnalion Gom thc Govcmmcnt that Ihe 1998 nssessmcnt chonges should bc re(lecicd in the Jntnbase hy Junc 41h. �Innnce sluff wlll Ihen he ablc�to Issue ihe revised 1998 taz bilis and ihe Iinnl 1999 lax bilis for commerclul und Industrinl properltes. This will be Ihe suhJect ot n farlhcoming report. The rcduclion in education tax mtes for ihc multi•residenliol rcalty class will have nn impnct on ihc formula for dctcrtnining thc 1999 taxcs undcr ihc capping Icgislation. Thc cxisting capping fortnulas assumcd Ihat Ihc cducation ralcs would not change bclween 1998 nnd 1999. Thc reduccd ratc on mulli-residcntial propertics will Ihercforc, requirc a change in Ihe Provincial Regululions. Ilorvever, ilue to the Provincinl election, the necessury chnnges could loke considerublc time nnd ihcrefore furllicr dclay ihe 1999 tinal tax bllls for multi-residenttul propertica. Genernl Rccommendation 3 will allow the Dircctor of financc somc latitudc, limited by Provincial legislation, in effecting whatever may bc necessary in ordcr to ensurc ihc taxes nre billed properly nnd in a timely fnshion. Thera has bcen u slight dccrease in ihe 1999 tax ratcs in comparison to 1998 due to thc dccreasc in the education tax rate ns announced in the latest Provinciul Budgel. (The Province is responsiblc for setting Ihe educalion tux ratc). Thc residential tax rntc for 1998 and 1999 is ns follows: 1998 1999 °o Chnn c Town ofPickcring A0354124 A0354124 0 RegionofDurhnm .00735G10 .007481GG 1.76 Educotion 00 OOQ 0 0 •10.0 Tolul �Q�,,'Z34 .QlS1G29Q •2,15 - RepoR to Council FIN 10/99 Subject: 1999 Tax Ratc Datc, May 19,1999 Pagc3 For a rosidence assessed at 5150,000, a taxpaycr would aavc approximately S50 on thc 1999 proparty tax bill, Tha dollar uilocation among thc various components is as follows: 1998 1999 % otTotal 81111999 TownofPickering $ 531.18 $ 531.18 23,4• RegionofDurhwn 1,103.42 1,122.25 49.3 Educntion 690.00 621.00 Z Total $2.324.60 $2.274.43 ,14Q,Q • For each residentiul teu dallar raised in 1999, 23.4 cents goes to the Tcwn of Pickering. +�, A1"fACHMENTS: 1999 Tax Rate By-I,aw Prepared Ry: Approved / Endorscd By; � � - Stan Knnvowski ' Gillis A. Putcrson Mannger of Finance , Direclor of Finunce & Treasurer GAP:vw AUnchment Sq . , �'y T mas ]. uinn hief Ad istra ftic � , '� ; t �; � _ ! ..5 , � :. . . .. � - . . . . . t, t. � ..,�.5i. Y . , 90 THE CORPORATfON Of THG TOPJN OF PI Kr�RtNr aY-LAW N0. 5499/99 Being a by-luw to udopl thc estimates ofnll sums required lo bc raised by taxation for thc year 1999 and lo establish thc Tnx Rnlcs necessury to raise such sums. WHEREAS it is necessury for thc Council of Thc Comarntion of Ihc Town of Pickering, pursunnt to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, ch.M.45, as nmended, lo pass a by-law to Icvy a separalc tax rote on thc ussessmcnl in cach property clnss. WHEREAS the property classes havc becn prescribed by thc Ministcr of rinancc under thc Assessment Act, R.S,O. 1990, ch.A.31, ns amendeJ and ils Regulnlions. WHERGAS il is necessary for Ihc Co�mcil of The Comoration of ihc Town of Pickering, pursuanl to Ihc Municipal Act, to levy on the wholc mteahle property according to thc last revised assessment ioll far The Corporation of Ihc Town af Pickcring ihc sums set forih for vnrious purposes in Schcdule "A", for thc current ycar. WHERGAS lhe Regional Municipality of Durham has passcd Dylaw No. 32-99 to adopt estimates of all siims requircJ by The Rcgional Municipality of Durham for Ihc purposes of Iha Rcgional Corporalion and Dy-laws No. 34•99 nncl No. 35-9910 providc a Icvy and sct lax rates on Area Municipalitics, WHBREAS thc Regional Municipality of Durham has providcJ Ihc 1999 educntion tax rales for Ihc various rcally clnsscs. WHERCAS Ihc Rcgional Municip�liry of Durham has passcJ I3y-law No. 7J-98 to direct Ihe Council of ihc Town of Pickcring to phasc-in assessmcnl rclntcd increascs or decrenses for ihe residenliol property cluss Jctcrtnincd in accardancc wilh Scclion 372 (I ) ofihe Municipai Act, R.S.0.199Q, as omcnded. WFIERCAS an inicrim Icvy wns madc by Ihc Coimcil of Thc Corporetion of Ihc Town of Pickering (pursuant to �y-law No. 5499/99) bcforc ihc adoption of Ihc cslimatcs for ihc curtenl year. NOW THEREPORE THE COUNCIL Of TIIE CORPORATION Of THE TOWN OF PICKERING HGREBY ENACTS AS FOLLG rVS: 1. For the year 1999, The Cor�oration of thc Town of Pickcring (Ihc "Town") shall Icvy upon tlic Property Clusses scl out in 3chedulc "A", Ihe rales of luxation us scl out in Schedule "A", for tlie Town of Pickering, the Region of Durhnm and for Educntion pu�oses on thc currcnt vnlue assessment ns also sct out in Schcdule ��A,� 2. The Icvy provided for in Schedulc "A" shall bc reduced by lhe nmounl of the intcrim levy for 1999. 3, Thc Tux Lcvy duc datcs for Ihc Final Dilling be June 25, 1999 nnd Scptember 28, 1999 for all classes excluJing rcally tnx classcs affectcd by Dill 79, 4. lf any section or porlion of tl�is Dylaw or of Scitcdulc "A" is found by a court ol' compcicnt Jurisdiction to bc invaliJ, it is thc intent of Council for Thc Comorotion of the Town af Pickcring that all remaining sections und portions of Ihis �y-inw and of Schedules "A" continuc in forco nnd effect. 5. This IIyInw comcs into fome on iha dale of ils final pnssing. . , . . . ' 7�' . . i � � . . . . . � � . . . � ,. . � . ,. .. . . . n . ,.,.; ,. . , � ., . . . :�.. . , . .. . , t. � ';.-� . � ` � . . , � � � � . . . � . � . . - � . . . v� . !I .:.. � �'�.�� � .. .. . -. BY•LAW road e first, sccond and Ihird timc ond finally passed this day of May, 1999. �: Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Brucc Tnylor, Clerk , . ' `. '. 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