HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 06/98� �, , � . �. � �N OF p'M- � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FRGM: Richard Holbom DATE: March 6/98 Dircctor of Public Works REPORT NUMBER: PW 06/96 SUBJECT: Roads - Temporary Clasing for ConsWction Purposes RECOMMCNDATION: A by-law should bc enaded to umcnd By-law 1562/82 to providc for thc tcmporary closing of a portion of Bonita Avenuc &om Fairport Raad to Applevic�v Road from March 2, 1998 to May 31, 1998. ORIG[N: Requcst from Devclopmcnt Conuol Supervisor, datcd February 24, 1998. AUTHORf1Y: Munldpa! Acl, R.SA. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scction 297 (c). FMANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: By kccping this road closcd through thc duralion of lhc rcduccd load period, and complcting thc construction during May, 1995, thcro nill bc a savings to ihc To«n of approximatcly SI5,000 in excavation and importcd grrnular tnatcrials duc to advcrsc sails from thc trct, mild ��•cathcr in Fcbruary. 'Ihc cxistcncc of ihc bylaw, in conjunction «ith thc crcetion and maintcnanu of ihc appropri�tc signs, protccts thc Totm from liability for damagcs sustaincd by any person using the tcmporarily closcd rwd. DACKaROUND: TLc urbaniz�tion of Bonita Avcnuc by Ihc dc��cloper in lanuary and Fcbruary 1998 wu not complctcd duc ro udvcrse (wct nnd mild) �eeathet wnditions. As a ruult, one optinn is ro continuc cansuuction during rcduccd load period nnd ovcr c!ccavatc thc unsuitablc matcrials at a cost of SIS,OOD - S20,OOQ. Mothcr opdon is to kccp thc road closal until eonstruction can resumc in May, 1998. Much af thc matcrial below lhc road buc will bc in a wndidon to bc rcuscd, �ahich aill save the abavc noted cxtra wsts. Thc inconvcnirnw to thc residents on Bonila Avrnuc and AppleviMV Road is as a rcsult of thc lack of busing for schools. Artangcmcnis have ban madc W providc a mini bus at a nominal fce to thc To�m, Dcvcloper nnd School Board for thc duration of the closurc at a cost far Icss than thc othcr option. Thc :ost to thc Town will bc a componcnt of thc projcct and is atimatcd at 52,000. In order W giw thc Tmm thc protcction rcfcrtal to undcr "Financial Impliwtions" abovc, an tunrndmrnt to Bylaw 1562/82 is rcquired. It should bc notcd tliat closing signs will bc ercctcd and only during thc period of timc chat such signs arc in placc will the by-law imposc a penalry upon any person conviMCd of using the road in contravrntion of thosc signs. A9'PACHMENTS: I. Drrft Bylaw. 2. Locadon map. 3. Copy of Bylaw 1562/82, without Schedulc A. ��� RS/cb Ri W, H om Attaclu�unW Copy; arnerat Manager DirccWr of Planning t, , Town Salicitor ei Firo Chiof � MenagerofTtan�portadon . ' �:'r, ... . .. . , ,, . , • � OI J � m 0 f" W J � G W _ U � N pp � . . _ . � . . . . .. . . V� � . .. � . �s � ng .d w �� � � �� � � .� � . ��� � ���� � ... _ .. . ��`� ' { � �( �x C�r� ��st' 1 �;� 1 t r:'�sfi,d,kf�, e /.� �' 7 _ ,_. . ' . � � . . . . . . . � "^�, Attachment For By-Law #1562/82 �} Temporary Closure for Construction - Bonita Avenue PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Bonita Avenuc - betwcen Fuirport Rond and Applevicw Rond, Rond closcd from March 2,1998 ta Mny 31, 1998, CONSTRUC7'ION DURATION: Approximately 13 weeks. CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES; Instullation of Storm und Sanitary Sewers • on Bonim Avenue, from Fairport Road to the cast limit of Dmft Plan 18T-9500t, to provide servicing for lhe new developmenl (18T-94022 and 18T-95001). Road Reconstruction nnd Urbnni�ation • on Bonita Avenue, from Feirpoct Roed to the enst limit of Drnft Plan I8T•95001. For any lnjormafton regnrding fhe �emporary road closing, pleose con�ac� Ba6 Starr of �he Publlc Works Depar�men� (905•410.4630 F.YI. 4643). :,: u�aourwu�aooa -' i; • t`. . . . - `;T ,, �:. �, r '1111t. 11t1�OItA'170N Llf'I'lll''fc)WN llF I!! '1:IildS1 — + � � 1 F�i�l(,y� Uciug a byInw fur clasin� Icmpoindiy lu all Ualfic fut ca�islnieUm� pwpuscs putliuns uf higlnvays uudct Ihe 'Ibwu's jwisJictimi. WI II31UiA5, pursunnl lu Ihc provisioiis uf scctiun 2UBAl uf IDc Muu(cipal Act, Il.S,O. 1980, chiiplcr 3112, byImvs may Lc pnsscd by Ihc cuuncil of n municipalily I'ar clusiug Icmpotnrily nuy Idghwny or pmliuu uf n liighw,�y uudcr Ihc joiisdiclimi of Ihc wwiicipnlily fur miy pc�iuJ dui6ig Ilic cunsltucllo��, �cpnliiu�; or Iwpwvcwcul uf sueh highway ur pmlioa thc�cuf ur af nny �voiks undcr, uvcr, nluug, nctoss ur upuu such Idghwny ut pmliuu Ilic�cuf; TWW'I'lllilUifUlUi, llie Cuuucil of Ihc Coipoinlion uf Ihc'Ibwn uf Pi�k��f��� netieifv I:Nnc7�5 ns r•ui.i.UWS: I. 'I'hosc hi�hwnps or �w�liuus of higl�ways set uul in Culinun 1 uf SclicJulc A allnchcJ hcicio s6all I�c Icmpuiniily cluuJ lo Iraffic bciwccn Ihosc limils scl uul in Coluuui II Ihcuin, duilug Iliosc huurs srl uul in Colwnn III Ihcrciu, ou Il�osc Jays scl uul in Coluuw IV Uicrciu, fur Ihc pciiud of liwc set uul iu Cohnun V Ihcrcin. � 2. While o highway ut poilimi Ihcicof is closeJ to lialfic pu�sumd lo scclion I, nbovc, Ihcic shall bc ciccicJ al cach coJ uf such highwoy ar poilion Ihcrcuf, nud whcrc nn allcnmiivc iou�c Jcviaics Iliciclimn, a LnuicaJc upmi �+�hicli nn aJcqualc �vaiuiug Jcvicc shnll bc cxposcJ nnJ In gooJ �vuiking mdcr conlinuously from sunsct unlil sumisc mid nl such poiuls Ilicic sliall bc ciccicJ n dcluur sigu indicnlfug Ihe ullcumlivc imdc nnJ cunlaiuing a uolicc 16n1 Ihc higinvny is clos¢J lu li�dlic. 7, livc�y ��c�son who uscs o big6way ur pu�liou of a Idg6way whilc il is closcd lu hnllic putsunnl lo Iliis L�••In�v Jucs so nl I�is awn �isk nnJ Ihc'Ibwn is not liabic Cor nny Jmna�ct suslalucQ by n pcisun usiug Ihc (iigliwny or puilion 16cicof so closcJ lo tia(lic. 4, Gvciy �xisuu whu Nilliout la�ti�ful oulhoiily uscs n Idghway or poiliun IhciculcluscJ tu I�nllic • pursoaul lu Ihis bylaw nuJ �vhilc il is piolccicJ iu ticcorJ�mcc �vilh Ihis byI;iw, ur ��•hu iemovcs ur Jefaccs nuy bnuicaJc, dcviec, Jcluur sigu or uolice pinad Ihcuon by In�efid nul6oilly, Is �;ullry uf nu uflcncc nnJ m� couviclion is IinLlc lu a pcu:dly uf nol murc Ihnn YSO.UO nnJ Is also �+ Ilnblc Iu Ilic 'fowu fur nuy Jmnngc ur injuiy occasiuncJ Ly such ��•augfid usc, �cmuvnl ur dcf•iccmcul. 4, 'fhls b}••I��w shull uot opcinlc lo closo Icwporarily for n spccilicJ pciioJ u( limc iu cxccss af scvcnlyIwu huurs, nny liighway or poiliun Ihcrwf Ibnl culcts upon or Inlcisccls Ihc Klu�'s I ligh���y �villwul Ilic cm�scul uf lhc Miuislcr of'Pranspmlolim� nud Conunuidculimis, pwsunul lo sccliuu 24 uf Ihc I'uLlic'1'ranspo�lnlimi aiJ liighwny hnprovcmcnl Acl, II,SA. I'J80, chnpicr �121, wid Il�o icgislinliun uf Ilic byI�w iu i6c LnnJ Itcgisliy Ullicc. UY-I.AW �c;iJ n lii�l, sccm�d nnd llilrJ Iimc mid (innlly pnsscQ Iliis 41h Qay of Oclu6ci,1')82, �s�hn.G,l.ui�lc�slii�".tiM�u'yc(SleucsU :Dlus�ln�lu�liuvi�Clr�k(Sicucdl . ;' .. . <`,�.. . . _ . , . .