HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 08/98. � '7� O��OFp. W1 �F REPOFcT TO COUNCIL FROhf: Richvd W. Holbom DATE: April 28, 1998 Director of Public Worls REPORT NUMBER: PW U8198 SUBIECT: Roads - Tanporary Closings for Rarcational Purposcs - Old Taunton Road bcn�•ccn Brock Road and Taunton Road ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION: The cnactment of a by-law to amcnd Bylaw 3161/89 to providc fnr t�c tcmporary closing for rccrcational purposcs af Old Taunton Road from Brock Road to Taunton Road from 9:00 a.m., 7Lursiiay, May 14th to 7:00 s.m., Friday, May I5, 1998. ORIGIN: Requat from Dircctor of Public N'orks dat�d April 28, 1998. AUPHORITY: Munlc�paf Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, s�xtion 207.44. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Rcvcnuc to Public Works Ikpartmrnt 71�ere aro no dircct financial cosls lo thc To�m usociatcd ��ilh ihc µtissagc of ihis bylaw or �rith thc implemrntation of it; hoaLwcr iu cxistrncc, in conjundion uith thc crcction and maintcnance of thc appropriatc signs, protccb ihc Town from liability for dam�gcs sustaincd by any p�:rson using lhc tcmporarily closcd road. BACKGROUND: It has ban rcqucstcd by NJT Productions Inc. thnt thc To�m close that part of Old Taunron Rnad from Brock Road lo Taunton Road to film a scgmcnt of a movic callcd "'Ihc Ncw Jcrscy Tumpikcs". 7}ie Toµn may closc the road for this purpose by eructing an amendmcnt to Bylaw 3261/89 in ihc fortn attachcd hercW. ATTACHMENTS: 1. DraR By-law. 2. Location Map. 3. Copy of Bylaw 3261/89, without attachmrnt. BDK � Attachnunb Copy, Oeneral Manager Firc Chief �rf �� `�"p'�h � . . S'fr "u> -..� r17' - •: '.....' . . . . . �, ,/� / .--_i� � — _�.. ��� ��OFp O iw� QV/�� THE CORPORAT[ON OF TE� TOWN OF PICKERRJG BY-LAW NO. 5900/98 17 � I Being u by-law fa amend By-!aw 316//89 lemporarily closing roads jor reaeal7onal purposes (Uld Taunlon � RoadJ. i , WF�REAS, pursuent to the provisions of the predecessor of section 207.44 of the Municipa! Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted By-law 3261/89, providing for the temporary closing oFroads under the jurisdiction of the Town for recreational , purposes; and WFIEREAS it is desirable to amend By-law 3261/89 in order to provide for the temparary closing of O�d Taunton Road from 9:00 a.m. an Thursday, May l4, to 7:00 a.m. on Friday, May I5, 1998 for the purpose of filming a segment �f a Movie called "The New Jersey Tumpikes"; NOW Tf�REFO:tE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of PickerinE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: ' I. Schedule A to By-law 3261/89 is hereby amended by adding thereto Item 10 set out in Schedule 1 to this by-law. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of May, 1998, Wayne Arihun�, Mayor j Bruce Taylor, Clerk � I" � I : � J` ,. � I I vwws� ! ; , � �e . � .. !.a . ._ ,�.. . _ . .. . . . , ._ . ._ _". '� '��� a a � � � �� s � ,-�, a o � �c � �3 p Z S C R N f) _ m 0 c r m O v � m A r� � � D �� � � � . . . � . . . . � � D D w 5�. `' u� n -� g u� o� o '« �� oz � °�° �A� � m � v O y m . . � . . . . . � � . � . o N . � � j;� � � � � 3 � 0 � �. � � �o . A� � Z ��< �� �`' ! `i, � r = � t... t 4 ,� i -F � � . f j � : � i } � � . � t / f �[�' _ . . �. t, { �,j'P { 4 '� . . . i ��`�'�� �Y ��`1.f / �1 � � j Y � A S:f �i _ � 1 . t '�1F1\ ti h� f 1� y� G�" 4.. t i .� ' � ��;i���,`��`?,�,�.drrei � .±._«i`� u� �..t.., ; z_ ��`� �� Y°€�rf.,wa,i �' �4 . �__ x.., , _ , , .. : . . ;_ � � �,�+�"� Attachment For By-Law #3261/$9 19 � Temporary Closure for Recreational Use - Old Taunton Road PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Old Taunton Rond • between Urock Roud and Taunton Rond Road closed Gom May 14,1998 to Muy I5, 1998. [1i1:7�11�[i7.A Approximately 1 dny. RECREATION USE INCLUDES: NJT Productions will be filming a segment of a movie . on Old Teuntan Road, between Brock Road and Tuunton Rond 7i x .°' F( .. . . .. . . �' :{,.ii � . . . . yy-�'wL'tit Lf;� . � ' � � . rC.,O�,r"titia i . H,r ��l �.v x � ..: � . .. ��s� %y.�.ty9.� . . . ������! s,. ' .� rr: j�$°—e�yr „� ; � . t �� ; `� '« � r � � - � . ic � r ,�v �. x.. . ., .. . , . .. . , . , . .. .