HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 43/98128 O�N OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Pcnny Wyger DATE: Meroh 27, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: IA3/98 SUBJECT: Dclegntion of authority to tempornrily close roads wilhin the Town of Pickering for construction or recrcationel purposes. - File: W2303 RECOMMENDATION: In eccordance with �ylaws 3261/89 and 1562/82, n Dy-Inw should bc enacted to nuthorize the Uirector of Public Works lo temporurily closc roads whcrc il hns becn detemiined by him and in consultation with thc epproprietc staff dcparlments that: (a) ccrtain roads or portions thereaf requirc tcmporery closings for consiruclian purpascs; or (b) ccAain ronds or ponions thcrcof rcquirc tcmpornry closings for rccrcational purposcs. ORIGIN: Identificntion of opportunilies lo incrcusc elTicicncy within thc Public Works Dcpurtmenl. AUTHORI7'Y: Onterio Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 a M.45, Scclions 207.43 and 207.44. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: From tima to time, it is nccessary to temporarily close roads within the Town for constructian or recreational purposes. A mejority of the road closures occur during ihc summer months when Council recesses. In order to incrcase efliciency for the corparation, it is recommended thnt a bylew be enacted authorizing the tempomry closing of roads that the Dircctor of Public Works, in consultalion wilh appropriale staff, determina necessery. BACKGROUND: In the past, in ordor to temporarily close roads, all necessary documentetion was fonvarded to Council together with a full report explaining particulars of the road closing, u site sketch and e specific byInw to authorim Ihe temporary closure of the particular rond or portion thereof. The Public Works Department finds it necesmry to closc roads for specificd timcs during the ycar for construction or rccrcationnl purposes. A mejority of ihc road closures teke placc in thc summcr months when roed construction is predominent nnd when Council is at rccess. In order to maximiu tho efflcient uso of staf�und CounciPs timc, tt fs recommcnded thet Council pass a by-lew to authorize the Director ot Public Works ro temparerily ciosc roads, lo which thc Dirccror af Public Woroki in cnneulinNon wfth the appropdete'atef�dcpartmcnts, has determincd aro rcquired and in 3" � `` °��ecco ruedwlthBylawe326t/89'and1562/82.: r,,.3 �l i A r 1; �� � �5;4 1 J` t%F` �i ��•� � �� = �,t k ' yfa i'a'�1�: . t ,r ; . , J��L. L��������A����I''' �� WN ���' ��� I.4��?i ' 1 ' • � 129 Report to Council IA3/98 Merch 27, 1998 Subject: Delegation of authoriry to temporarily close roads Page 2 A process involving tho notification of Council, sWff and thc communiry, similar to the existing process will continuo to occur following the dclegation to thc Director of Public Works, A memorandum advising Council, the General Maneger, the Fire Chief and thc Manager of Transporta�ion will be propared and distributed by the Public Works Departmmt in advancc of iha temporery road closurc. The memorandum wili providc as follows: I. Namc of the highway to bc closed; 2. Limits of thc closurc; 3. Hours of lhe closure; 4. Days of the clo:ure; 5. Purpose of the closure; and 6. l,ocation mep. The party requesting the icmporary road closure will bc required to obtain e work permit within a minimum of two days prior to the closurc. Requirements of the closure will includc nolification of Police, Fire, Ambulance, Transit and both Schoal Boards. Ronds closcd for construction purposes will require adequate barticades nnd road closuro information signs to thc salisfaction of ihc Director of Public Works. ATTACHMENTS: I. By-law 3261/89 (without attachments). 2. Bylaw 1562/82 (wilhoul nttachmcnts). 3. Dmlt by-law. Prepared b� i Penny er PLW:ijm Attachmenls Copy: General Managcr Town Cierk Direclor of Planning Director of Public Works Director of Culwre and Rccreadon Dircctor and Parks & Fecililies :���' P � r=� � � yZ �-} f � ) \ � � (' ; �-�( 1�� . �`� " �, , 7 a i� }YV �. �;� y / ',�1 1 , .. . r�� 3c ,� � k����, .�*� r �� 0 t7r��y�.tFt } i j � � .. � . +�t:t��l5 7 �,..14U` ,- .. ... . . . .. . � . . . � . . , ATTACHMENT p�TO REppItTN�q$ Y30 THE C.ORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PI . F. M(i BY-LAW NO. 3261/89 Betng a by-law jor cfosing femporarlly fo vehtcular trajJic jor recreadanaf purposes, porfians oj hlghways under fhe Town'sJurisdlcl/on WHEREAS, pursuent to the provisions of section 208.44 of the MunfcJpuf Act, R.S,O. 1980, chapter 302, by-laws may be passed by the council of n municipaliry for closing temporarily to vchiculu traffic any highwny or portion of a highway under the jurisdiction of thc municipality for such social, recreationel, community, athletic or cincmutographic purpose, or combination thcreof, as may bc specified lhcrein; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of'fhe Corporation of the Town of Pickering I�ERGBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Those highwnys or porlions of highways sct out in Column 1 of Schcdulc A nttachcd hcreto shall bc tempornrily closed to vchicular tru(Tic bctw�cen those limils sct out in Column 1[ thcrein, during those hours sct out in Column III thercin, on thosc days set out in Column IV therein, for the purposc or purposcs sct out in Column V Ihercin. 2. While a highwny or ponion thcrcof is closcd to vchicular iraf(ic pursuant to scction 1, above, Ihere shnll be erected nt cnch end af such highway or portion thercof, nnd whcre an altemative roulc dcviatcs ihercGom, a barticadc upon which un adcquatc waming devicc shall bc exposcd end in good ��•orking order continuously Gom sunset until sunrisc and at such points ihere shall bc crccted a detour sign indicnling thc allemativc roule nnd containing n notice ihnt thc highway is closed to vchicular uaffic. 3. This by-law sheil not operatc to close tcmporarily for any period of time in cxcess of scvcntytwo haurs, any highway or portion thercof thnt entcrs upon or intcrsccts the King's Highway without the consent of the Minister of Transportation, pursuant to seclion 24 of the Pu6/ic Transporlallon and Hlghis�aylmprovement Acf, R.S.O. 1980, chupler 421, and the registration of lhe by-law in the Land Registry Oftice. BY-LAW read a first, second end Ihird time and finally passed this 18th day of Scptcmber, I989. u£ l . a ,., 7iL`�� . . , , � 1- i/ 1 F 1/ � � ' 1 � "Rmcc Tevlor", Town Clcrk (4iQncdl � t� �� � -� . . . . . . . �.r:,�.;-: � . . . i�:. li;�:';�:_,'� � . . . . { � � . . . . . � . � . 1 �.. � . � . . A 1 �•� � . �� -�it � � � � � 1ti TN� CORPORATION OF THF. TOWN OF PICKERINa � 3� � Arr�cHMp�rr a ro�o�r«�Y,�9B BY•LAW NO. 1562/82 Heing a by-law for closing temporarily to all Uaftic for conswction purposes poAions of highways under the Town'sjurisdiction, r WHEREAS, pursunnt to ihe provisions of section 206.43 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, chapler 302, by-laws may tx pazud by the council of a municipaliry for closing Icmporarily any highway or portion of a highway under the jurisdiction of the municipality for any period during the conswclion, repairing or improvement of such highway or poAion thereof or of any works under, over, along, across or upon such highway or portion thereof; NOW 77�EREFOAE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thou highways or portions of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule A altached hereto shall be temporarily closed to traf(ic between those limits set out in Column 11 therein, during �hose hours ut oul in Column Ill Ihcrein, on lhosc days set out in Column IV therein, for the period of time set out in Column V thcrein. 2. While a highway or portion ihcreof is closed to traflic pursuant to section 1, above, thcre shall be crecled at each cnd of such highway or poAion thereof, and where an altcmativc route deviates thcreGom, a barricade upon ahich an adequate w�aming dcvice shall be cxposcd and in good working order continuously hom sunset wtil sunrise and et such points thcic shall be erecled e detour sign indicaling Ihe allcmalive routc nnd containing a notice thut the highway is closcd to treffic, 3. Every person a�ho uses o highµ•ay or poAion of a high«�ay while il is closcd to traffic pursuant to Ihis by-law docs so at his own risk and the ToNn is not liable for any damages sus�ained by a person using the highway or ponion thcrcof so closed to Iraffic. 4. Evcry person H�ho ��ithout lewfid nuthorily uscs a highway or portion thcrcof closed to 1ralTic pursuant to this bylaw and whilc i� is prolcctcd in accordancc wilh Ihis bylaw, or ���ho rcmovcs or defaces any barricade, device, detour sign or notice placed thereon by la«dul aulhority, is guilty of an offcncc end on conviction is liublc to e pcnalty of not murc than 550.00 end is elso li�ble to the Town for any damage or injury occasioned by such wTOngful use, removal or dcfaccment. 4. This by-Inw sholl not operale to close temporarily for a spccificd period of lime in cxccss of seventy-two hours, any highway or ponion thercof Ihat enters upon or inlcrsects the King's Highway without the consent of the Minister of Transporlation and Communications, pursuant to seclion 24 of Ihe Public Transporlation ond Highway Improvcmcnt Ac1, R.S.O. 1980, chapter 421, and Ihc rcgislration of thc bylaw in the Land Rcgistry Offico, BY•LAW rcud e first, sccond and Qiird time and finally passcd Ihis 4lh dey of Octobcr,1982. "lo n F.. AndSI5411"_.��XOL(S1¢llSS� "Dmce T lor".�yn .Icrk (Sjanc _dl . � • A1TAGiMENTk.,�TOREPORTq�Q 132 'rHE rORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING � Being a 6y-law ►o aufhorize fhe Dfrector ojPu61(c {Vaks fo ►emporarily close raads wtrhln fhe Town ojP(ckerfng jor conslrucNon or recreaflonal purposes. WHEREAS pursuant thc provisions of the predcccssor of section 297 (c) of the Afunlclpal Ac�, R.SO., 1990 c. M.45, the Corfwration of the Town of Pickering enacted By-law 1562/82, providing for the lemporary closing of roads under thc jurisdiclion of the Toa�n for conswction purposcs. AND WHEREAS pursuant ihe provisions of Ihe prcdccessor of section 207.44 of Ihe hluntcipal Ac1, R.S.O., 1990 c. M.45, Ihe Corporatian of the Town of Pickcring enacled By-law 3261/89, providin� for the temporary closing of roads under Ihejurisdiction of the Town for rccreational purposes. AND WHGREAS pursuant to ihe provision of scction 207.43 and 207.44 of thc Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990 c. M.45, Ihe Corpomtion finds it ncccssary to authoriu thc Direclor of Public Works to temporarily close roads µ�ithin Ihe Town of Pickering for consiruction or rccrcalionul purposes. NOW THERGFORE, ihc Council of Ihc Corporatiun of lhc Toun of Pickrring I IGRf:E3Y ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. The Director of Public N'orks is hercby nuthorir.cd to Icmporaril�• closc roads which Ihc Dircctor of Public Wotks dcicrmines nccessary for: a. consiruclion, rcpairing or improvcmcnt of roads or ponions thereof or of any µ�orks, undcr, ovcr, along, across ��r upon such roaJs or portion thcreof; or b. social, rccrcational, communiry, athlclic or cincmatographic purposc, or combination of such purposcs. BY-LAW rcad a first, sccond anJ ihird timc and finally passcd Ihis 1 st day of Junc,1998. TOWNOF P;CY,f:R�NO � �� Wnyne Arlhurs, Mayor Druce Taylor, Clerk `..i..:".' ,,., Si1`� � i`; !� � 4 �� + i �r� 3 d'r;�^�r i,'^al Xi . €; i � F�� f � ,- s.��� x �. . _ .