HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 60/98' 40 ��OFp i � R�;PORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wyger DATE: Junc 8,1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 60/98 SUBJECT: Roud Closing and Snle of Lands - Part ofthe Originul Rond Allow�nce between Lots 30 nnd 31, Rangc 3, B.F.0 Pickering, designated es Perts X, X, and X, Plun 40R-XXXXX - Part of Rosebank Road - Filc: �V2302.50 RECOMMENDATION: Bylews should be enacted lo: I. Dedicute those parts of lhe Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Range 3, D.F.C., Pickering, dcsignated as Parts X, X, X, nnd X, Plun 40R-XX:(XX as a public highwny; 2. Stop-up ond close thosc paru of thc Rond Allowoncc bctwccn Lots 30 ond 31, Rangc 3, B.F.C., Pickcring, designntcd as Pnrts X, X, and X, Plon 40R-XXXXX and to authorizc the snlc of thcse lands the abutting owners; 3. Authorizc thc Mnyor and Clerk to cxccutc nll ncccssnry documentation as mny bc requircd �o grant utiliry eusemcnts ovcr thc subjcct lands to thc npproprialc nulhoritics including thc Regionai Municipnlity of Durham, Bell Canada, Pickcring Hydro and Consumcrs Gus, providcd thnt Yorkvillc Sound pnys thc Town's costs of all suneys nnd ihc Icgoi disbursements; 4. Offer for selc thc lands sct out ns Parts X, X, nnd X, Plnn 40R-XXXXX ta thc abutting owners at n salc price cnlculatcd on thc busis of 595,000.00 per acrc in eccorduncc with thc Municipul Act; 5. Authorize the Town to ncquirc any oasemen�s from the abutting owners of thc closed rond, which are determined to bc ncccssary by the Director of Public Works, for the purpose of access end for snow sloroge; and 6. Repeal By-laws 5214/98, 52I5/98 nnd 5216/98. ORIGfN: Request from Yorkville Sound to purchesc part of the road nllowancc nbutting thcir Innds on Rosebank Road. AUTHORITY: Munlclpal Acl, R.S.O, 1990, chapter M.45, scctions 191, 297 and 315. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Advertising Cosls - Communiry Pagc Nil Appreisel Costs SI,070.00 Survey Costs (esdmated for road closing) I,000,00 Survcy Costs (estimeted for Easementa) I,000.00 Proceeds of Sale (esti:nated al 595,000 per ecro) unknown Report to Council 4 �� L60/98 June 8,1998 Subject: Road Closing and Snle oFtends Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A request was rcceived from Yorkville Sound to purchese part of Ihe road ellowance ebutting their lends on Rosebank Road in order to accommodnte an expansion to their axisting facility. E3y-law 5215/98 was enected on Mnrch 2, 1998 lo stop-up, ciose and sell part of the road alla�vence to the abutting owners, (Yorkville Sound and Mr. Messara, respectively). Mr. Messara expressed strong concems regarding the reduction of the road Gontege of his lands. Thcreforc, it is recommended that e by-Inw be enacted to close and sell � thet pnrt of the road abutting lhe Yorkville Sound lands, lhercby eliminating any change to the frontage of Ihe Massara lands, whila assisting Yorkville Sound in expanding its facility. BACKGROUND: The Town received a requcst Gom Yorkville Sound to purchase the portion of Rosebank Road which ebuts lheir existing site in order to accommodata nn expunsion to their fncility. On December 2, 1997, Council passcd Rcsolution N468197 nulhorizing the Town Solicitor to commence the process of closing lhe road end to obmin nn oppruisnl of the vnlue of the subject lands for the purpose of sale to Yorkville Sound. The nppraisal of the subject property detennined the fair murket velue of the lends to be approximntely 545,0000.00 per acre. On March 2, 1998, Council enacted By-law 5214198 to dedicnle those pnrts of the Road Allownnce between Lots 30 end 31, Rnnge 3, B.F.C., Pickering, designated as PaAs 3, 4, 5, und 7, Plan 40R- XXXXX. Council nlso pnssed E3ylew 5215198 to stop-up and ciose ns public highway those pnrts of the Rond Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Range 3, D.F.C. Pickering, designatcd as Parts 3, 4, and 5, Plan 40R-XXXXXX (Rosebnnk Raad), and uuthorizcd thc snlc of thc closcd rond lands to thc abulting owners. At thet time Mr. Massarn, one of the adjoining property owners, was concemed with lhc rcduction of the road fronwge providing access to his property. Yorkville Sound entered into ncnotialions wilh Messnra to ncquire thc Messnm Innds, howcvcr thosc negotintions wcrc unsucccssful. __.._... _._:..s._. _ In order ta address Massara's concems while nccommoduting the ��qucst by Yorkville Saund, it is rccommended that Council close only the portion of Rosebank Road lying norlh of Gmnite Court, as shown on the sketch atwched. This would allow continued access and rond frontnge to Massnrn's Innds without chenge nnd would ullow Yorkville Sound to purchase those parts of the closed rond ailowance needed to provide udequute lands for the proposcd futurc expnnsion to thcir fecility. There is elso n remnant parcel of Innd which abuts lhe MTO Innds which should be of(ered for sale to MTO. Yorkville has agrced in principle lo providing the Town with an ensement for nccess purposes nnd for the purpose of snow storage over that part of Yorkville's lands. On Merch 2, 1998, Council enacted By-law 5216/98 to authorizc the exccution of a Devclopment Agrcement respecting lhe development of u luming circle at the south end of pad of the Road Allowence between Lols 30 end 31, Renge 3, B.F.C, Pickering, designeted es Perts 6, Plen 40R- XXXXX, being Yorkville Sound. If Council pesses the bylaw recommended by this rcport, the Development Agreement for the future luming circle wili no longer be required and By-law 5216198 �� ahould be repealed. y;y;., . `` r Yorlcville Sound aubmitted en application for revisions to its cxisting sitc pinn which was discusscd �` ''at tho Site Plan Advisory Committee Meoting on May 20, 1998. Thc maRer is currcnqy being �ai`� cireulaud for comments from the eppliceble ste�'depnrtments. � ,, ,. . !`u�.� �,4a :.An application'for a minor varience (PICA 30/98) to permit a zero mcter front yard depth on xr 5� i Roubank Road end a rcducdon In the number of requfrcd parking spaces on thc sitc was approvcd '"� rc; 'on May 27,1998; by the Committeo of Adjustmcnt, This vaduncc will become finnl and binding on «� `.���:? June 16;1998, if no eppeal b underteken. s� � 5, ;toient of Ute atteched By-lewa wili authoriza thc mettcrs set out hcrcin, ;:r ; , r r 1'.:YZ , .. . . . � . .__ - ' � �ort ro Council -. L60/96 June 8,1998 Subject: Road Closing and Sale oFLands Page 3 ATTACHMENTS, l. Site Sketch. 2. Commiuee of Adjustmrnt Decision P/CA 30/98. 3. DraR Bylews (2). Prepared By: /�� Penny PLW:Ijm Copy: General Menager Town Clerk Director of Planning Dircclor of Publ(c Works ..,: ,_ .� . _ f ; , . ," zt ,_ � �tr � fC � � �CrY -+ � Y i�.}rt : - �� c `� � � � q J - vt �#r ( i t �r , '# � a h ,� i f�: k , . �"�� st ( �'�24 f t ' � �'kxi'���v �� ��. t�. � �. ` .. .. a ��,��; ii �y �-, t, ,.? t _ _ ♦ ! s � r� t `r 'VF��,�� I�iS?,/ - - : ��� C � y-J�, 4 r � �_. j . �a�I'w- t J�w � t�"}y,•F �t���;}! i'} 3._ f 1 . f ��t7t�n'�'�� ��i} t f �� t 4 xFi� '�� �r€ ,r� � .'- k � � >�; s ` � ��,���3:;���$ '�t ' � � 5�� 3 '�" � r� a � t �. � .. . � v'�`�x� �,r, � � � � ,x r � ��=�t�-Yr^4.? i� E n�,�c�fr� �� ry,'o�,� l"` z�� , � . � ��'F jsJ ,�J` s +, •+ . . 4y� .,�} +r `i��74'. � a^..;� _ A ... . . :.. . .. .. . . �' . .. � � . , . . � ROAD I `� PD ` �O .�0� � ���GS ��1 N� . �\G�� P�! PART 1 PART 2 � �� PART 3 NO�MoOUADE � LONO & GR� no,M,,,.,a,� M�ounoe (',RANITE (Vorkvll�e 8ound) PART 4 � MA99ARA 2 O ^ N� 0 Q O � TOYNEVALE ROAD Y Z Q m W � 0 � Town of Pickering Pisnning Department Road Allowenoo batween Lots 30 and 31, Ranpe 3 B,F.C. (Roeebenk Road) /f� � " � � LANDB TO BE BOLD N/ o�re JUNE 81BB ,, F�4 � .� � j ���} �'�� 9N0'OtlOd101\3Stl8\MtldOUtl�tl\ONINNYId\�l r � �� . _ � � �> ■ � ATTi1CHMEP�TM�TO REPqtTk�(,pb� 44 � �°'� �T TOWN OR PICKERING — COMMITTEE OR ADJUSTM6NT VARIANCE APPLICATION P/CA 30/9t IN TfIE MATTER OP Sallon 43 of The Plenning Atl, R.3.0. 1990, chapter P,13, end Ihe Town of Picker(ng Zoning Bydaw Numba 15I I, u emrnded by �y-lew 693/7d, u Ihtther emended by DyInv 7A9/18. IN TIIE MATTER OR lend known st: Pert Lot J0, Nenge 3, B.F.C., Part of Lob S l0 7, Plen 23U, end Part of Ro�obenk Roed Allowenu Also known a SSO arenile Court whkh lund (e mned u: "M i-I"• Slorage and Light Menufacmring Zone �nd owncd by: Long end McQuede Limited 'Ihe eppllcenl requab rcllef Gom Ihe follow(ng provi�lon� of emending Dy-Isw 893f/8 lo Zoning Oylew 231I, a� funher emended by Oylaw 789/78: Sectlon 16.7.2(exifl) to pertnit Ihe establiahmenl of e mfnimum fronl yerd deplh of 0.0 melra lo be providcd by a propoxd expamlon l01he wat side of en exbting Industrfel bufld(ng on Ihe subJecl propetry, wherw tht Zoning DyI�w rcqulrce e mfnimum front yard deplh of 70.5 metra whero Ihe front lot Ifne sbuu e street on lhe opposite elde of which Is e Realdenlial Zone; Salion pertnit a lolal of 148 parking specee lo be provided on Ihe subject propeny, wherea� Ihe zonfng bylew rcqulra e minfmum of ISB parking rpxn to be pravided on Ihe aubjat property to sme Ihe exl�ting Indushlel bullding end proposed edditlons. The appllant rcquab epproval of Ihese variencn (n order to abtein �ile plen epproval and e building pertnfl to ton�WCl proposed eddlllons lo the exisling Indu3tri�l bullding on Ihe aubf ec1 property. Thf� cpplicetlon wa heard by �he Town ot Plckering Commlltee of AdJustmrnl on May 27, 1998, due notice of euch lteuing heving been sont u required by Ihe Committee of Adjuelmenl. IT WAS TIIB DECISION OF TIIB COMMITTRE OF ADJUSTMENT TIIAT: thb epplicellon PICA 30198, by Long R McQuede Llmfted, u oull(ned, be APPROVED on Ihe grounds Ihal Ihe propoxd 0.0 melro mfnlmum tront yerd deplh verience end rcduced parking snace varience ero minor In neturc, da(�able for Ihe epproprieto development of Ihe lend, end In keeping wi�h Ihe generol inlent end purpose of Ihe Offlcfel Pl�n end tha Zoning Dylaw, �ubjttt lo the follawing condilioro: . I. 71ie1 Ihe 0.0 melro minimum fronl yerd deplh veriance opply only lo the proposed building �ddilion to �he wat eide of Iht ezla�ing Indueulil bullding on Ihe aubJat propeAy u outlMed In �he epplicent'a submitted plm� whh Ihle epplicetlon. 2. lhet the epplicant obteln aile plen eppronl for the proposed edditlon� w(thin two years of Ihe dete of �his daleton, or the epprovd of thU vulence ahall become null end void. SIONBD Ihie 271h dey of May, I99b, by ei memtm present endppn ng iry)hi� Decielon. P. WNIT6 �ST DAY FOR APPLAL OF THI9 DCCISION •,lune 16, I998 ITBr The Ueeblon of �ha Committee, bewmw Iind 10 d�yr dler �ha d�te of Ihe dalilon, unleu whhin sucA dry� Nalee otAppnl b �iven, . �_:; Tj{J919 NOT A BUILDINO PEHMIT , r. I 1k � �`"1ii��ir� �:l , � . ,� ATTACHMENTq,�TO REPORTJJ� THF CORPGRATION OF THE TOWN AF PICKERINO 41� .� Reing a by-law !o dedlcafe thosr par(s oJ Ihe Rood AIlowonce 6ehveen Lof 30 and Lot 3l, Rangt 3, B.F.C., PluEertng, designaled as Parfs X, X, X and X, Plan ,10R- XKY� as pu6Nc highway (Rose6ank Road). WHEREAS, The Corpotation of the Town of Pickering is the owner of Ihose parts of the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Range 3, B.F,C„ Pickering, designeted as Parts X, X, X and X, Plan 40R-XXXXX and wishes to dedicete them es public highway; NOW THEftEFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Thou Parts of the Road Ailownnce betwtcn Lots 30 and 31, Ronge 3, B.F.C, Pickering, designated as Parts X, X, X end X, Plan 40R-XXXXX, are hcreby dcdicated ns public highway (Rosebank Rond). 4. By-!aw 5214198 is I�crci�y repealed. BY•LAW rcad a first, second nnd Ihird time nnd finally passed Ihis I Sth dey of June, 1998. Wnync AAhurs, Mayor Eiruce Taylor, Clerk rnw�.eo � ; ::, ;,. 1 _ �� �, i��� ' Y� ` �a t . — • ' AY'TACHMENT# ►�TOREPORTN�iQ�1Q ��� yy,G�,r.ORPORATION OF TH - TOWN OF PICKERMO I� BY•1.AW N0. ' ' Being a 6y-!ow fo stop�up and cfose ar publlc htghway lhose parts ojfhe Road Al/owance 6etween Lofs 30 and 31, Range 3, B.F.C., Plckerfng, dealgnated as Par1s X, X and X, Pfan 40R-XXXXX aqd fo au�horlse fhelr sale �o a6un!ng owners where not requfred jor olher municfpal purposea. WHEREAS, pursuent to section 297(I)(a) of the Munlcipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring enacted a Uy-law, dedicating, as public highway lhose paru of the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Range 3, U.F.C., Pickering, designeted es PeAs X, X, X and X, Plan 40R-XXXXX, to becomc parl of Rosebank Road; and; WHEREAS, pursunnt to sections 191(I), 297(I)(c), 297(I)(d) and 315 of thot Acf, the Council of the Town mny pass bylaws to stop�up a highway or part thcrcof and to aulhorize its sale or the sale of a parl thcreof at e fixed price; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corpo�ation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I, The following porlions of highwuy orc hereby stopped up and closed to both vchicular and pcdestrinn Iraffic: Those parts of the Road Ailowuncc bctwecn Lots 30 nnd 31, Rnnge 3, B.F.C, Pickering, dcsignated as Par�s X, X, and X, Plan 40R•XXXXX. 2, The Corporation of ihe Town of Pickcring shall disposc of utility eascmcnls over any of thc lands describcd in seclion 1, ebove, thnt prcs:ntly conlnin ntiliry slrucwrcs of nny nature or sod, to the appropriale utility authority, including but not ncccssarily limiled to, Thc Regional Municipalily of Durhnm, Doll Canada, Consumers Gas, and Pickering Hydro, et e sale price of 52.00 cach. 3, The Corporation of the Town of Pickering shail retain an Gasemcnt over Ihose parts of the Road Allownnce betwecn Lols 30 anA 31, Range 3, D.F.C., Pickering, designeled as PaAs X, X, anJ X, Plan 40R-XXXXX, for Wture acccss purposcs. 4. Those paAS of 1he Road Allowance betwcen Lots 30 and 31, Renge 3, D,F.C., Pickering, designated as Parts X, X, and X, Plan 40R-XXXXX, shall bc offcred for salc to thc nbutling owners at a sale price calculated on the basis of 595,000.00 per acre, subject to any utility casemenl or euscments previously grantcd or gromcd pursuant to scction 2 nnd 3, nbove. 5. The Mnyor end Clerk are hcrcby nuthorized lo cxecute eny documents approved by thc Town Solicitor rcquired to el�ect ihc dispositions, of(ers and tronskrs provided for in lhis bylaw. 6. Bylaws 5215/98 and 5216/98 ure hercby rcpealed. BY-LAW rcad n first, second and third time and finelly passed this I Sth day of June,1998. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Dmcc Teylor, Cierk � .. WIJOI.fO . . � . � THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PI K RING 81'•LAW N0. 5335/98 � Befng a by-law �o dedlca�e lhose par/a oj the Road I Aflowance behveen Lo� 30 and Lot 3l, Range 3, B.F.C., � Plckering, destgna�ed as Par�s X, X, X and X, Plan 40R• � XXxL'Y, as pub!!c hlghway (Rosebank RoadJ. � I � � WHEREAS, 7'he Corporation oF the Town of Pickering is the owner of those purts of the Road Allowance between Lola 30 and 31, Range 3, B.F.C., Pickering, designated as Parts X, X, X and X, Plan 40R-XXXXX and wishes to dedicate them es public highway; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY BNACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Those Parls of the Road Allowence Ixtween Lots 30 end 31, Range 3, B.F.C, Pickering, designated as Parta X, X, X and X, Plnn 40R-XXXXX, urr. hercby dodicated as public highway (Rosebank Road). 2. By-law 5214l98 is hcrcby rcpealed, BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finnlly passed ihis ISth day ofJune, 1998. Wayne Arthurs, Mayar ,� � iBruce Taylor, Clerk II 'I �I ,I �I _ i i `;� w�xvo , � I � . + _ � ... � �� . : .� �. 'i ,t - . � � . . _ . . . 1. . •� 43. . �.'•:: �. � . � J � . . BY•LAWNO. 5336 98 Being a by-!ow lo stop-up and close as pub!!c highway those parts of the Road AUowance between Lols 30 and 3l, Range 3, B.F.C., Plckering, desfgnafed as Parfs X, X and X, Plan 40R-XXxrY and �o nurhorize rhelr sale �o aburting owners where not requbed jor other munfclpal purposes. WHEREAS, pursuent to section 297(I)(a) of the ,Nunicipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, the Council af The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted u Bylaw, dedicnting, us public highway those parts oP the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Range 3, B.F.C., Picl;ering, designated as Partc X, X. X nnd X, Plen 40R-XXXXX, to become part of Rosebank Road; and; WHEREAS, pursuant to sections 191(I), 297(I)(c), 297(I)(d) and 315 of that Act, the Council of the Town may pass by-laws to stop-up u highway or part thercof and to authorize its sale or the sale of a pan thereof at a fixed price; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. The following portians of highway are hercby stopped up and ciosed to both vehicular and pedestrian iraffic: Those parts of the Rond Allowance betwcen Lots 30 nnd 31, Range 3, B,F.C, Pickering, designated ns Parts X, X, and X, Plan 40R-XXXXX. 2. The Corporation of the Town af Pickering shall disposa of ulility casemcnls over any of the lands described in seclion I, above, thnt presendy contnin utility struclures of nny nnture or sort, to the appropriate utility authority, including but not necessarily limited to, Thc Regiannl Municipality of Durhnm, Bell Canada, Consumers Gus, and Pickering Hydro, ut a sale price of E2.00 each. 3, The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring shall retain an Easement over Ihosc parts of the Road Allowance between Lols JO und 31, Range 3, B.F.C., Pickering, designnted as Parts X, X. .nd X, Plan 40R-XXXXX, for future nccess purposes. 4. Those pnrts of the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Range 3, B.F.C., Pickering, designated as Parts X, X, nnd X, Plnn 40R•XXXXX, shnll be offered for snle to the abulting owncrs ut a sale prica cnlculated on the basis of 595,000.00 per acrc, subject to any utility easement or easements previously grnnted or grnnled pursuant to section 2 and 3, ubove. 5, The Mnyor and Clerk arc hereby aulhorized to execute any docuracnts opproved by the Town Sr;;; itor rcquired to effect the dispositions, ofTers and trarsfers provided for in this byInw. 6. Byla,vs 5215l98 end 5216/98 ere hereby rcpealed. I � BY•LAW read a first, second nnd third time and final ly passed this I Sth dny of June,1998. i � i � ;;� Wayne Arthurs, Meyor G5 I.s.w , � �Yi�`� ...� � . �� ; t �.I ``������-� � �:, Bn�c¢ Taylor, Clerk � �j � S°�i :. i y�,f.4�, ���� �� i , �S�.�s'�n . . . � � �. . �4k..,`+7# » , , . . . . . . ' . . . �