HomeMy WebLinkAboutGM 05/98.� ����lU� ....�,�1dOFp . 1 � � REPORT TO COUNCIL ;, . FROM: Thomes 1. Qulnn DATE: May 6, I998 General Manager REPORT NUMBER: GM OS-98 SUBJECf: Tender Approvel by General Manager - June 23,1998 to luly 31,1998 and August 5,1998 to September 4.1998 - File: CL3100 RECOMMENDATION: A rcsolution should be mnde authorizing the approval of tenders by the Genernl Manager during Council's 1998 Summer Recess period (i.e., from June 23, 1998 to luly 31, 1998 and from August 5, 1998 to Septemixr 4, I998), on condition thet, (a) the lowest acceptable tender is epproved, (b) lhe cost thercof is within ihe budget prcviously allocnled thercfor by Council, end (c) n report respecting thou tenders is subsequently submilted to Council. ORIGM: 1998 Summer Recess (i.e., from lune 23, 1998 to July 31, 1998 anJ from August 5, 1998 to September 4,1998). AUTHORIT'Y; Nane requircd; subject to luter Council rotification. FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Because the authority to approve is subject to u condition that the cost of ench tender must be within lhe budget proviously allocnted thercfor by Council, there will be no finnncial implications other thnn thosc olready considered end approved by Council. E}CECUT[VE SUbiMARY: Not epplicnble BACKGROUND: During Ihe 1998 Swnmer Recess, there mny be the need W approve tenders nnd no opportuniry to obtain speciftc Council approval as thero is only one Council meeting (August 4) scheduled belween June 23 nnd September S. It is lherefore proposed that the General Maneger be nuthoriud to approve tenders during lhe summer period (i.e., from June 23, 1998 to July 31, 1998 end from August 5, 1998 to September 4, 1998), on wndilion thnt in each case the lowest acceptable tender is approved end the cost ihercof is within the budget provfousiy allocated lherefor by Council. A rcpott rcspecting any tenders npproved under lhis authority will be subuquently submitled to Council, . ATTACIiMENTS: Not epplicable ;�i;y ` < .. (.'�zt: t ; t ��L`�-�h ��S f{ :. � . � � . . , ' 1 � . � . d�'�'��t„�`i�-��� r L �� '� � . ,"���°�.� �� it' :� ot ea J. Quin �` � �� �Q�b� � � ;s t ., � � � � � � s.�Tpp�d Clmk �'� rRirictorpfFiiuny �'�t�'�� i�M '�� : �' � � -�u`� :- s� �4�„ .��,E�i �f ,"t t r � ���,�. �� _��.,� _ _._ . . .. , ., .,., __