HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 002/98'�� 'j_ .. . � ' .- . . , . ♦ �i�, � . � � . ` � ` . � l 1_ . ' � . . � �� � �J9 � R�PORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Roynolde, DATE: Februery 9,1998 Director of Culluro & Recreatlon REPORT NO.: CR 002/98 SUBJCCT: TownofPickering Weiincas Clinic PaAncrsliip RECOMMENDATIQN: , That Town Council authorize slaff lo inillata a Requat for Proposal for the conslruction and lease of spaco for a Wellness Ciinic al tha Pickcring Recreation Complex. ORICIN: Requcst Crom existing busincss lo operate a Sports Iry'urics and Rehabilitntion Clinic at qu Pickcring Rccrcalion Complex. AUTIIORITY: Councll Resolulion FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The Pickoring Rccrcation Complex will generntc rcvcnuc Crom rental, mnrkct expansion, promotional opporlunitics and rofcrtals. Tho succcssful biddcr wiil bc rcsponsiblc for capilnl constmction costs for building enhnnccments. DACKCROUND: Traditionally, recreation centers hnve provided facilitiea end services to meot Ihe demands oCa portion of the community Ihat is al:eady nctivo. Thu Plckering Recrention Complcx has shillcd its focus in thc last fcw ycars to includc aclivilics for peoplc wiUi specinl heallh conccros (e.g. osteoporosis cluss, cardiac rehnb class, Vcrsa Trainer for whcelchnir uscrs, etc.). Various opportunities exist to fuAl�er enhance credibility with allied health proCcssionals, to improve member eecvico and retention, and to posit(vcly impact the financial botlom line. By integrnting membership based heallh and filnesa with clinical ahebilitative aervicw Iho Pickering Recreation Complex could provide one-stop shopping and seamless se�vice an tho welinesa wnlinuum. Impacb of Eetnbitshing a Weliness Cltnic Pnrtnenhtp: - Impnct on Cwt. Thc Department of Culture & Recreation is proposing initinling n Request for Proponal for tho conetruclion and leas(ng oCapace Cor a Weliness Clinic at U�e Pickcdng RceroAtion Complex. Cost� such as (loor epncc, water and elccMc(ty would bo approprialoly ailocated -tor e Wcilnese Clin(c.. Distdbut(on oC opcml(ng artd copilul oxpeneea would allow en expena(on and improvemont of program� nnd �crvicoa whilo. keeping mem6crehip fcee nt an acceeaiblo level. An tnlegrnted honith nnd tli7ess contro hae tho ebfUty W offor effordabla, high-quality piograme nnJ torvicea • eomcthing ' ,: Pickertng rwtdenu hevo cume to expcoR . ' a _ � �, � �� �� , x : + ; ti���..� � ;�+ _ _ �? .,.._ _� _ .,. s .r_. .. �.... . .. . ., . �;;x , - � �;, ,•.,� . . 2 .: s� lirinbbshed Coni(n�ium ojCare. In �omo inauranco caaee, tlio numbcr of rcimburoablo theropouUo vieiU doa not allow for tho patient'e complclo recovery, OIIen, therapy ` peUenti who tucceaaPolly wmpleto rohnbilitation aro roleesed from treelment wilh no option lo progrcae. Mdny Umca lheao patiente Imvo expedencul succesa nnJ are proud of their achIovemenW. In an integrated fucility, lhaao pntients would be cncoureged to roll- � over inro memberships, Thia would enablo lho palient to wntinuo to work out on thc equipment thoy becamo accustomed to during rehnbilitotion, and Ihey would already be fnmiliar with Department stati: Their progress would bo senmless. The Wellness Clinic : would providc rcfertals to the Town of Pickering. Rejerra!s ro Reha61/ltatlon, Members will ask Depnrtmcnt alaff how to lreat varioue injuries and conditiotu. Pcesently, general inCortnation is provided and q�o member is eaked to see lheir Cemily phyaician. In an integrnted faciliry, membern could be directed • immediately to an eppropdate health profcssionnl. Having a Weilness CI(nfc on-site ' would provlde a venue Cor provenUon of lifestyle diseases end would allow for immediele care of people with acute or chronic conditions. The Town of Pickering would provido roferrals to tho Walinese Clinic. Department and Clinic staff would cach have a clear understunding of each othcr's crcdentials and ureas of expertisc and would direct the member to the nppropriatc proCcssional, An inJury concem would bo direclecl to the Wellncss Clinic while u question rogarding tho prevontion oC lif�stylc rolatcd discase would be dirccled to n Depariment slnft'person. Marke� Exponrlon. Mufical prcaence wouid attrocl membere who would olhenvise not ever consider using a filness fncilily. This would include older adulls, peoplc with chronic conditioru and the disabled. Thuo populations aro ones that tlio fitncss induatry has siruggled to altroct, and most cxperts believe to bo vital to futuro growth nnd success, Concluston: There aro numeroua henllh carc providcro in lhe Town oCPickering. Caro would need to be laken to afford each provider equal opportunity lo submit n Proposnl Cor n Wellness Clinic. Current relalionships would need to be respected anJ futuro ones not hindercd by establiahing an tn•houso Clinlc. Tho Town oC Pickering would etill necd to bo ablc to rofcr out os deemed necusary and lo eccept refertals ns deemed npproprinte. Integrating a Wellncss Clinic into Il�o Pickering Recreation Complex cai have a proCound impact on tha quality and cost of services ofCcred, expnnded markct penetmtion and long- ternt finencial succas, Wilh a successful venture, membeca will experience superior scrvicc ns a result of dirccl accasibiliry lo filnus and wcllncss slaffs' expertisc nnd expnnded program options. Report pnparcd by: ' ' � �( /'' /l � �'"` 0 ga Labaj S hrn ol e Kinesiologist Fitness Suporvisor Dircctor of Culture & Recrcat(on Copy: T.J. Qutnn, deneral Meneger E. Bunlame, D(roctor of Parks & Facllitlea ' x;� . � - .. . , . . . . rl`. '���r i ; . iy° fa 1; � ri { ?, � L rJ� � . � t 3' _} - '. f� u ��YS'� S { 3 , y� t � :(_i,� : 5 � f ' . � . _, _ .t � _ � .. 9 l Pr...}'..t•.. i ...'f 1!' ��+..,., �.,,1 i ... y .; .��' ! . . -i � • . . . . . �,.. . .- . ..r.._ _ . .., ., 1 . . r. �#.�l � ,� i. :_� f. ��: l _ . . �1 Y;pT�i 1 YR l � 1 � t ' ... 1 :4, � u 3. . ' . . �' l .% r s�� � . ,ri: t � � e:: ' �{ ,� : ' INTER-DEPARTMTNTAL MEMORANDUM • -� � CLERIt'S DEPARTMENT ' ; ; ' DATE: Februnry 25,1998 T0: •• � • Stephen Reynolds, Directar of Culwre and Recrcation FROM: Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Please�be advised that tho Council o[the Town of Pickering passed Resolutton H34/98, Item HS at e Regular Council Maling of February 16,1998. Thnt stnff Le nuthm•iud lo inilinle rt Requesl for Proposnl for pie conslruction nnd leasc of spnee for n Wcliness Clinie nt'lhe Plekcring Recrention Complex. This resolution is sent to you for your informalion. . G� Brucc Teylor, Town Clerk cc: • T,J. Quinn, General Maneger s �7r, } ; x } ,�_ �2r � .. . f t � ��i }1 J t - .. ��� : �, .� � . . �'`� I t ? i'y i 4 itM1 1' i �,'� ��/ 'yA,- �ij �� E�.. � . ��`� �,�'�{ �,�2' St � � . �� � �iSt�ks ,�4 + � � ��;���� �� ` Y .. t �� � . " G� r g �7t� � � t .ri � e 1 �'*��t��,��,� �1 j . 8� ��� i,��.,�{�h�, �.4 yJ �J � ' ii � A - j. ...��l.��p �:5�}�� � . t } 1 3.. ; , �' l t . k �� � 1 $� �$��Yf y� �� ,. 1 ' - 2 {� f Y S �:1 S �Si�4•,.rs' �rK } y y. � . A S th � �r�S �.l ? : 7 � . s y ���., J y . � 4, t t� f i �ry r � �'� �.�k t i kd.t � � �i ii + `� '� � �i . .,r� �ti`:'_{ . ,3,�.c,:._t..� .�. �. t §f ��.. ...r._f � �" ._t....: � f 4 .��r.,;} . � .... .. � .. . .