HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 04/98-= :F,.. • .. :56 . � ��OPp� . . • � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds, DATE: June 3,1998 Director of Culturo & Rxroation kEPORT NUMBER: CR 04-98 SUBJECT: TownofPickering - Weliness Clinic Partnership - File: CO 0001 RECOMMENDATION: lfiat the proposal, in repiy to RFP 498, submitted by Joints'N Thing.a inc. for the conswction and lease oCapace for a Wcllness Ciinic at the Pickering Rxrcation Complex be accepted and; That Town Council aulhorizc sWff to negotinte n contract with Jointa'N Things Inc. for the conswction and lease of apace for u Wellness Clinic at thc Pickering Rxreation Campiex nnd; That a by-Inw be prepared for thc exccution of a Licensc Agreement betwern Joints'N Things Inc. anQ thc Town to construct and leasc a Wcllness Clinic at thc Pickering Rcereatian Complex. ORIGIN: Council Resolution k34/98, Item NS (Fobruary 16,1998). Rcport No. CR 002/98 "Thaf staJJ'be authorrzed �o lnitla�e a Reques! jor Propoaa! jor Ihe consfnrcllon and lease oj space jor a We!/ness C!lnlc at fhe Pickering Recrea�ion Complex " AUTHORITY: Munfcfpa! Act, R.S.O, 1990, c. M.45 FINANCIAL IMFLICATIONS: Additional revenue will be generated from the lease of apace for a Weliness Clinic in the amount • of S33,600 per annum. Over a five-year lease, thia emounts to SI68,000. Revenuc will also be generated from negotiated Clinic user Cas, market expansion, promodonal opportunities and rofertals. M ennual fee review will be conductcd on each anniversary date of thc commencemrnl of lhe tetm, ,. h � � ft ��� t j :.t � { t ..3i ..t. t .�' �..i�• y -,:'; . RcpoR to Council CR 04-98 SubJxkWeUness Clin3c Partnerahip EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Date: Juno 3, I996 5 7 Page 2 Estebiishing a Wcllness Clinic at tha Pickering Recreation Complex will provide enhanced crafibility with locul allied health professionals, improve member service and rctention, end posi8vcly impact thc financiel bottom line. It is recommrnded that Department of Culture & Recrcation staff negotiate a contract with Joints'N Things Inc. for the consWction and leaze of specc for a Wellness Clinic at the Pickering Recrcation Complex. BACKGROUND: At a Regular Council Meeting of February 16,1998 the Council oCthc Town of Pickering passed Ruolutien N43/98, Item #5, '"fhat staff be authorized to initiate a Request Cor Proposai for tlie wnstruction and lease of apacc for n Wellnas Clinic at the Pickering Recrcation Complex:' In Report No. CR 002/98, the many benefits of esinblishing n Wellnas Clinic Partnership to the Town of Pickering wero listed: ./mpacf on Co.rr: An expansion nnd improvemcnt of programs nnd services, while keeping membership fees at an uccessiblc level. . Esrabllsh a Conlinuum ojCure: An inlegration to netive, dnily living from a rehabilitation setting would bc fncilitated from Ihc Weilncss Clinic to thc Pickering Rcercation Complcx. Raiprocally, membem at thc Complex could be rc&rral lo the Clinic for therapy. . Market Erpansion: Clinic prcscncc will ottract members who would othenvisc not consider using our fitness facility to mect their health and weilness needs. A roview wes undcrtnken lo locate polential space for this opportunily. A multi-use urea, cutrcntly known as 1hc Photography Studio, received vcry limiled use and very limitcd rovenuc. Existing programs proviously locatcd in this Room will be relocated to other Town or uhool facilities, No lost avenuc will bc incurrcd by leasing this spacc for the operation of a Wcllnus Clinic, This apace wns identified in thc Requat for Proposal as a potentinl space for conshuction and leasc of n Wellness Clinic. A Request for Proposal (RFP-4-98) was issued an April 27, 1998 l0 14 companies. An advertisement appeaced on the Town's Community Page on May 5,1998, and on the Town Web Site. Five compnnies attrnded the mandatory Sitc Visit on May 5, 1998. Submissions were received Gom Pickcring Rareation Physiatherapy Centrc and ]oints'N Things Inc. HSG Health Systems advised Supply and Srnices thnt they were unable to bid. The Evaluation Team wnsisted of Stephrn Reynolds, Dircclor of Culture & Recreation, Vera FelgemacheaJeftroy, Manager of Supply & Services, lim Welktt, Superintendent of Facilitiu ll, und Olga Labaj, Kinesiologist/Fitness Supervisor. The Evaluation Team met on May 25, 1998 to svaluale the proposals in detail. Proposals wero evaluated on compliunce wilh nll iZFP roquircmenta, scope oC services, financiel compensadon packnge, philosophical fit, working roletionships, profesaional competence, end suatainabiliry. Referenco vetifications wcre completed Cor the recommended company and werc repoded to tho Evaluation Team in summary form. �' ) ..5 . . . . . . . �, 4-� .,. .. ,_ . M _i r�l�� l . • . , . ��iy, �f 1 ,yt'tlsf # �z i �ax q �r t f � � r € �� 1 r�a �J t t a'� � �' 'y,'Uvs �� Z � � ` ,�..x., .�,� � � .a,; �f, �. . . _ ., 58 Report to Council CR 04•98 Subjat:Wellness Clinic PaMerehip RECOMMENDATION: Date: Juno 3, 1998 Page 3 The Evalua�ion Team reached consenaus and recommended that Iho proposel eubmitted by Joints'N Things Inc. bo accepted. loints'N Things (nc. hes 2 medical dcetors, an athlolic therapist, a mgistered message therapist, a chiropractor, and an otfice manager on staff: They have bern serving the Pickering Community since 1993. Most Ciinic Ceu would be covorcd by OHIP. Once the OHIP capped fees are exhaustal, a fa- Corservice would apply. Some arnices not covered by OHIP, may be covered by extendut health care coverage. No additional equipmrnt would need to be purchased by thc Town of Pickering. All costs of preparing the room for the Clinic's use will be covercd by the Clinic, No costs will be incurted by the Town. The proposed financial campensation, as submitted by Joints'N Things lnc., is 533,600 per annum to leaze the apace (npproximately I,400 square feet) at the Pickering Recreation Complex. CONCLUSION: As the Cuce of heal�h carc continues to chnnge in Ontario, working with a Wcllness Clinic will ensum u place for services offercd by the Pickering Recrcation Complex. As the number of therupeutic visits covercd by OHIP continue to dreline, wc will bc in a position to fill thc void, e.g., fitness consultations and expansion of the onc-on-one servicc with tminera. Revenuc grneration would be in the fortn of lease of Fpace, Wellness Clinic user fees, market expansion, promotional opportunitics and referrals. Integrating a Wellness Clinic into the Pickering Necrcation Complex will have a profound, positive impact on lhe quality and cost of sen�ice3 offcred, expanded market penetration and long•term financinl success. Members und the community alikc will rcadily cxperiencc superior service as a result of direct accusibilily to fiuicas and wellness ata(ts' expMise and expanded pro�am options. The Department wishes to pursuc this relationship with en anticipated opening of Fall 1998: the start of a new membership year and 1he Complex Birthday Cetebrations. ATTACEII�NTS: Report to Council CR 002/98 . ReaoluGon #34/98, Itan #S ;, i Approved / �� � �t�tnat Supetviaor tepha Reyn s, Director of Culture dt , ,� '3 q : RxrcaUOn :{� � €,� r� � "k. 1�i�t � : � : F ����j�i� r-�C t � �� . � � S r.rt�'s'� -- i 1��f'*'ri' '� t` .f'tFi'ti, �? � t . . f} t IF � a) '' ?t �a � �- . . . t�� ���� S . 1, . j� � 4 l� �� ,�! t ���„��'�r r � t�' � � �r s �' � i��`�..�1 : � . . �+S'�,/ S�S�, * . i y�':.''�v�.#*�t�.�:'� . _.._., . . _ ._ . ..-,.r�,��