HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 52/98�G :' , ��� `. i _ ..,. _ �.'' �yt �i� ',� ,,_ ; , a ` �5����: � ' � � REPOR'Y' TO COUNCIL � . FROM: ' Srow J. Taylor DATS; 20 Novemberl998 Town Clerk REPURT NUMBER: CL 52-98 SUBJEC'f: Tender for Pickaing Waterfront Treil Brcek Road to Montgomery Park Road Cul-do-Sac Tender No. T- 3- 98 RECOMIvIENDATION: That Tender No. T- 3- 98 for�the development of the Pickering Watedront Trail from Brock Road to the cul-dasac of Montgomery Park Road submitted Mafic Construclion Limited in tha emount of S130,075.35 be accepted; and That a project wst of 5162,292.72 including tha tendet amount and other associeted costs, be approved; and That funding in the amount of up ro 5162,000 bc provided from previously approved Capital Finencing from Current Revenues for the Weter&ont Trail System including that contained in the 1997 Capital Budget Account No. 2718/6129. ORIGIN: Request by DepaAmrnt of Puka & Facilities AUfFiORITY: 1998 Cepital Hudget PINANCIAL IIviPLICATIONS; ; Nona es the funda have previously ban provided in the 1997 Capitd Budget. ; � �� { `4 l- i � � ��� :1, �..��ti i,� k i i} ,� � , °. a } x !' �� � ��' ,t ��`,r F � ' ;��.'r,r�z+s fE r[� � a ,K'{t� �,r�i S - i `����y�` r c' r` � � s 5 },��„.,...,.�.�,�. s.. .. ,. � f-. . . .. . '. . . ..., _ � �;; '�c� ;_��z ?� �::. ,�` � '. �-�' if y�.�'� f iY lf `'� , Report to Co6ncil CL 52 98 ., ` f�+; �", Date: 20 Nbvanba 1998 , ;:-, , s Subjecti Tendei No, T- 3- 98 Page 2 Tender for Plckaing Waterfront Tn�ii .. ; �'' ' Brock Road to Montgomery Perk Rond Cul-do-Sec'' FINANCIAL IIvIPLICATIONS (centinued) 1. Tendered Amount: �,,:.Tra�l Constru, �,.s .,: �..�� , .,...: �_ s.�.. �. :-�., r. � • �:..� �pp 5321,565 75 (i.S.T. ,� . .. .. , „� _ .:::8�509�60"� (i.S.T. rcbato ,,.r, _,. . . �.. _"9, 862 63'..; .•,. _ ... ....._ _... ,.... , . . . TotalAmount lzs,212.7z 2. � Approved Source of Funds: � ,<.;. �,.. - . . -, . Curnnt Year. Budget � PriorYcar: 1997Budgd,2718/6129 , S208,091.39 Futuro Yean: Budget � TotelA (oVCd 5208,091.39 3. Eatimated Project Costing Summary: »... ;. , . . . CaisWCdon S 121, 5 65 . 75 ` ProfasionalFaes , � _ 30,000.00 Swdrid & Misallarcou� Ilana 6, 000.00 .SubTWai $157�565.75 , . , (}.S.T. 11 � 029. 60 Q.S.T, rcbato _ . .6� 302. 63 ; 4, Pro ect Coete (over) under A roved Funde S 95, 798. 67 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; The worl: consists of an asphalt treil and aasociated works, in accordance with terms, plens end speci6cations prepared by tha consultant �ctor Ford & Associates for the Town of Pickering. The Town has not had experience with Mafic Construction Limited. The Consuitent hes checked roferences as provided by Ma6c Construction Limited and confirm the results to bo positive. The Consultant recommends the acceptance of the low bid of MaGc Construction Limited, The Health end Safety Policy to ba used on this project end the Merit Adjustment Statemmt (in lieu of the CAD 7 fortn) iaaued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board es submitted by Meflc Construclian Limited. hava been reviewed by the Consultant on behelf of tha Town, and are acceptable. The Trcaaura adviaes financing wiil be fiom prior year'a current rovenues approvcd by Council end cartied fonverd. M amount of S208,091,39 ta aveileble from the 1997 and prior year'a Parks =Capital Budgeta - Account No. 2718�6129 for the Pickuing Treil System which will be used to 6nance lhie and othcr related projecte.. : � i �� ' R �t�to Council CL 52 98 ' � s Date: 20 November 1998 1' •• ia Subject: Tandu No, T- 3- 98 _ Pege 3 Tendu for Pickedng Watert}ont Treil Brock Road to Montgomery Perk Road Cul-daSac BACKGROUND; Please be advised tendera luve becn rxeived for tho above project. M estimeted 15 companies wera invite� to perticipata ofwhich 11 picked up tendering documenta for a non- refundable fee of 525.00 per aet and 8 responded. A copy of tho Record of Tenders Opened and Chxked used et tho tender opening is attached. Purchasing PoGcies and Procedures item 9.22(h) provides that w6ere there ara incorrect extensions or misplaced decimals, the bid may be corrected. Unit prices shdt be used to cortect extensions. Purchasing Policies and Procedura ]tem 9.27.(a) pertnits that all deposits other tMan the low threo biddere shall be returnal. Summ�ry (PST iaciudod, GST included) Company.; ` ? ToUI Tendeced After Cdeuladop Awoont a Gbeelc S . Matic Coaatruction I30,075.33 130,075.75 R& M Concwqion div of 560789 Ont 133,231.05 133,231.05 Ltd Mopal Convtructia� Limitod 136,532.00 136,532.00 ElirpaCoosWClionLimitcd 140,996.98 I40,996.98 Wyndalc Paving Co. Ltd. 150,822.52 130,822.52 Pacific Paving I.td 156,428.65 156,482.15 Pencon Consttuction of Cwmda Carp 181,715.96 181,715.96 Dyncx Cocutruction LW. 229,947.19 229,533.19 Upon csrefUl examinadon by the Directur of Parks & Fecititia, the General Menager, end I, of all tenders received, I rxommend the low bid of MaBc Constmction Limited in the amount of 5130,075.35 be approved and a project cost of S162,292.72 approved. A1`TACfiMENTS: 1• Parks & Facilities Memorandum dated l9 November 1998 2,. Record of Tendero Oprned and Checked 3, Location Map pfeP� BY� � Approv Endorsed By: ��� Vera A. Felgemacher Je rcy, C.ff P,P, CPPO, CMM i rua J. Taylor, AMCT, CMM Manager of Suppiy and Servicts, Town Clerk . Pateroon Director of Finence end Trcasurer Recommended for the wnaideretion of Pickering Town al � .� _ . mea J. rnl Man � ti n'� 7 tr .:�{'��ti7x� a�j-.,��i j ���" � - �t � � . tu �� € y.�F ��" � ' ` ; 1 !1. s, .: s K��f�.S2 .j3 ' .: 1 �. . ., . . . , . i r .: DEPARTME�VT OF PARK3 & FACILITIES �� � �!'; � � � : r ' " TOWN OF P1Ci!EpINO MEMORANDUM l� . NOV 191998 Novcmber 16, 1998 SUPPLYANDSEHVICES ' . To: Vera Felgomacher leffroy Manager of Supply & Services SubJal: Teader No. T•3•98 Plckering Watedronk Trall Brock Road to Montgomery Park Road Cul-de-Sac File: PF6000 Review of t�nders has been completed for the above project. Victor Focd und Assoc. Inc. have rceommended acceptance of the low bid from M�c ConsWction Limited. Although we have had no experience with this firtn, roference chuks have been posidve. Copies af thcir Health and Safery Policy and CAD 7 issued by the WSB are attached. This project w ppr vo ed in the 1997 Pazks Capital B dget Account 2718•6129. The Dircctor of Finance and Trcasurcr advisa financing will be by use of funds cartied over for this project from the 1997 Parks & Facilities Capital Budget nnd financed at that time. This project was budgeted and deluyed duc to the need for Ontario Hydro to conduct an environmantal study of the Hydro Inndfill area. As thc study determined that there wns no contamination this project can now proceed. Flnenctal Imnlicatianv Intormation 1. Tender Amount Trail Conswction SI21,565.75 G.S.T. 8,509,60 (3.S,T. Rebate . 4•Q �2. , Total �5.212.72 2. Aoproved Source of Funds Budget • 1997 Hudget - 2718-6129 5208.091.39 3. EsSimeted Proiect Cost Summarv ConstNCtion Professional Fees Sundries & miscellaneaus items Su6-Total d.S.T. d.S.T. Rebate Total ProJect Cost 5121,565.75 30�000.00 6.000.00 5157,565.75 11�029.60 - 6.302.63 S15Y�2?7�z ., '°r-• � �. � � � �-- �! � �l-f t ti :�' S ' 4 5 .� �� 1 -e ,'{ ,'PY �-,, , Ifi��'F ! S:; "i ;`r ��i•_ �,�.: � '�.� ��-�' " � {y� f � ' .: _. :� .�t f ; _ . 'Subj�t TenderNo T3•98�� . '� y �€ �� �`� � Pickedng Watedront Trall Cul-de-See .�, ', � Page 2 y;''S . 4. Project Cosb foverl undsr Aoproved F�nds �5 79R,§j Note also that thc professianel fas included in �ths projcet arc fees for all Watedront Trail related design work for 1998, Everctt Buntsma Director of Parks & Facilides , EH:mld Copy: (knetal Manager ovals This informadon meets with the approval of the Gencml Manager � om l. Quinn General Maneger Thls infocmadon mats with approval of the Dircctor of �nance (3. P�ateraon }. , � Dircctor of Finance ° �. -. i� � �R tit �r � �, R � ��� � . . , 1 4 ti . o r � � � .y ry ; .,[r-_K r e> .`�L t ,:j� � .�. . =.� t4.��j � t; r:. � i �t.�` y � ' � :, � � : �� '�cvey�� k .a �+=ir� �} 3F � :. �'..Z . , , . ., fi. :��N' .... , . ,' . -.. . . . . . . . -. . . .. �'3 ���r' .. � ` . . . ' Victor Ford andAssuciateslnc ■ Landscape Architects • � • eis nd.i��ae sv�« w.,c s�n� �o�, r«omo. a,u�b n�sv � rb r,�. +ie� ro�.��ei rei� ��ini m�aani t 3 . . . • �9U L�,7ktthae Rn�d Eat. Ui4vdle. Omxw l61 IMS � � . - � . � lel: �WISi ���.-pe2 � Novanber 12, 1998 Our flle: 9820 Mr. Everett Huntuoa . Director of Pu1u �ad Fecilida ' The Town of Pickaing Pickering Civic Complac One Tha &pluude Pickaing, Ontuio LIV 6K7 Dear Mr. Bwtsma � Refennce: Tmder for Pickering W�terlFont Tnil Broek Road to Montgomery Park Road CuWaSac Thi� fum has reviewed the thra low tenders for the above project that wero rxdved by the Town on October 30, 1998. The ba�ic totel tendered amounts including GST ue as follows: MaBc Construction Limited S 130,075.35 • R and M ConsGUCtion a Division S 133,231.05 of 5607789 Ontario Limited Mopel Conetruction Limited S 136,532.00 All tenders included an Agreement to Band end Addenda Acknowiedgment. We have not worked with the low bidde�, Mafic Consuuction Limited. We have chceked their thrco refuencea, speci6caily the Toronto District School Bonrd, the Toronto Transit Cortunission end'fork Region District School Hoerd. All rcCerences were positive about the quality of Mafic Constructionb workmanship on thdr projects. We have also obtained a copy of their Halth and Safety policy to be used on the project end a copy of the current CAD 7 fortn iuued by Worker's Compensation Board. We find both to be acceptable. Please find these ettached. We recommend that the low tenda from Mafic Constniction be accepted in the amount of S I30,073.33 including GST, ff you have eny questions, piease call. Youro wly VIGT R FORD AND ASSOCIATES INC �ctor Ford ALA, CSL Principal � '� . � � , f . e � t. s'1.;:! , , fi, �.i t 1 ��- �• � t . � i .- _ � �_ 1 + i i. N..i:C .� .�.Y-.;.. . i,�. �rt r".: . `i .': . > r .. '�. _�.. :- . . �. . � _ . L�. - u : �� � • �, � � � � N � 16� M 1 . . . � IY ) ~ . 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