HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 53/98��. ��a°'� FROM: f : a ��ft t � tit�; ��.�t x � r:S �v_1 � �x s � s 1 1: f t k � j, t �� � � REPORT TO COUNCII. i. _ Bmw J. Taylor DATEc 20 November1998 Town Clerk � ' REPORT NUMBER: CL 53•98 SUB]ECT: Tender for Pine Grove Park Tender No. T- 8- 98 RECOMIv(ENDATION: That Tender No. T- 8- 98 submitted P. Gabrieile & Sons Ltd. For the development of Pino Grove Park in the emount of S185,754.48 be accepted; and That a project cost of S 196,984.92 including tha tender amount nnd other esaociated costs, be approved; and That Ponding in the emount of up to 5196,964.92 be provided by thecontribution d�om ite Development Charges Resavc Fund end the Parkland Reserva Fund. ORIGIN: Request by Deparlment of Perkn & Facilities AifTHORITY: 1998 Capital Budget FINANCIAI. IMPLiCATIONS: Tha 1998 Capilal Budget contained funding for lhia project with Bl per cent or 5159,558.00 coming from the Devdopment Charge Resave Fund and 19 per cent or S37,427.00 coming from tha ParWand Reserve Fund. r l� .+ -;� s'•` � �}� 6 . „ . . .,� A'� . . ... . .. ,.. . .. .,. .... . .. —. . .. , _. .,, . . . . . . ,t�.i- • ti f —� — `� �'� �� : i•��� , � �. . .. � .. � . . . . . 'g �l '' �."Keport to Council CL 33 98 1?tte: 20 Novanber 1998 SubJect: Tender No. T• S• 98 Page 2 Ttindu for Pine (irove Puk FIIVANCIAL IMPLICATIONS,(continued) t Tendcred Amount: � M �'�.F .� t...� � / ft..t.a<.1. ,.l . �..�. ,....Y.< sea. . � Tre�lConstruction S173,864�.00 � d.S.T. , � . , . � ,11, 890. 98.. � O.S.T. tebeW s, ., .. rt,.� s_ ._.�:6� 794 56'.� .,. . .... . . _ _ _ _. . Totel Amount 178, 959.92 2, Approved Sourca of Funds. ,;. . , . _ - , , ,., Currrnt Ytar: 1998 Budgef, 2718�6129 � 5200, 000. 00 Prior Ycar: Budget . _ . , . . � " Futute Years: Budget � 0 ,,--:, Totel A roved S2oo, 000.00 , . . .-., . ._.-.-. - �ons�NCtip� . $173, 864.00 Profasional Feq . 16, 500. 00 Swdties & Misccllarkae ]tans . 1, 000. 00 •.SubTOtel � $191r364.00 Q.S.T. • 13,115.98 d.S.T. rcbatc • � - 7, 494.56 � Total Proiect Cost 5162, 292.72 4. Pro eM Coete (over) under A roved Funda $196, 984. 92 EXECUTIVE S[JA9vtARY: The work consists of complete park developmrnt, including the removel of exxisting trees, catch basins end leads, perking lot, playground installation and landscape consuuction items such es unit paving, walkways, lighting, planting end sodding in eccordance with plans and speci6cations preparod by Cosburn Giberson Consultanta inc, as dirated by tha Town. The Consultant recommends tha low bid of Ron Robinson Limited not to be nccepted since the bidder failed to include su�icient consts for the wpply and installation of tha apeci5ed playgound equipment. The Consuitant recommends the bid of P. Gabrielle & Sons Ltd. be accepted and confirm experience with them as a contractor to be favourable. P. Gabrielle & Sons Ltd. .have previously perfortned satisfactory work at Beverley Morgan Perk for the Town of Pickering. The Health end Safety Policy ro be used on tttis project and the Merit Adjustment Stetement (in lieu of the CAD 7 form) issued by Workplaco Sefety & Insurance Board as submitted by MaBc . Conawctlon Limited.. hnvo been reviewed by 1he.Consultant and tho Town Health & Safety Ca ordi��etor, and aze acceptable. . . The Treasurer advises Snancing may bo by e wntribution from the Reserve Funda es discuased in . the Financial ImpGcatione eoction of this rcport. M emount of 5200,000,00 ia available tFom the 1998 Parks Capital Budget - Account No. 2718-6129. FKZ <�: ';: srr �. �. - � -' ,'� .�.�. � . r ,_. . , ..._. . .,..s . . ... ..: .. . . ., : �... _,.._� � . .,. . . . ,. . _.. . ,.:.. . , , , ��`� � Report to Counci) CL 33 98 Deta 20 No��ember 1998., , i8 ' Subject: Tender No, T- S- 98 Pago 3 TcndorforPine Grove Park. BACKGROUND; . Please ba ndvisal tendero heve ban received for the ebove project. Tendas have bam received for the above project. M eatimated 19 companies were invited to participata of which 18 picked up tendering documenta for e non•reAmdabla fea of 525.00 per aet and 9 reaponded end one hidder was unable to bid. A wpy of the Record of Tenders Openad end Checked uud et tho tender opening is attached. _ - ' . • - . Purchasing Policies and Procalures Item 9,22(h) provides that where there are incortect extensions or misplaced decimals, tha bid muy be wrtected. Unit prices shall be used to cortect extensions. Purchasing PoGcies and Procedures item 9.27.(a) pemtits thet ell deposits other than iha low threo bidders atuill be retumed. Summery (PST included, GST includod) �Y . Tdai Tadercd : ARu Calculadon : Aniount . S Chxk S ? Ran Robiiuon Limitod ; P: (labrielle .� Same l.td. , . Cembium SiW Cantrqotin8 . Melfer Caiswction Ltd. Mopal CautNCtion I.oc•Pavo Cotutn�dion Limitcd Paciflc Paving LW. Salivan Imdscapa [.td. Prncon Constructiai af Canada Ltd. Vic Priatly landscapo Contrdctin8 136,817.19 185,754.48 205,278.77 210,615.40 226,466.00 205,481.00 233,793,00 251,167.54 276,628.51 unablo to bid 142,37436 185,754.46 205,278,77 210,6t3.40 228,486.00 231,949.59 237,795.00 251,167,54 276,628.51 Upon careful exemination by the Directar of Parks & Facilities, the G�meral Menager, and I, of all tendero received, I recommend the bid of P. Gabrielle & Sons in the amount of 5185,754.48 be approved end a project cost ofS196,984.92 be approved. ATTACHWICIITS: 1, Perks & FaciliGes Memorandum dated 19 November 1998 2„ IRecord of Tenders Opened and Checked 3. Locetion Mep Prepared By; Vere A. Fe cha Je ey, C.P.P, Menager of Supply end Services, Approved Endorsed� Bruce I. Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk i � —• — �(i. Peteraon Dirxtor of Finance and Treesuret Aecommended for the wnaideretion of Pickaing Town Council , o J. i eral er , x r r ;i It s:;� ' s - t ,,i� J MO ��` � `6. s < �' . °' DEPARTMENT OF P.ARKS & FACII�ITIES ' MEMORANDUM 'ro �� cVE ^, November 18, 1998 �VOV 1 9 199F1 To: VeraFel emacherJeffro 4`'��+'h{ENr°F g Y SUPPLY AND SEHVICES Meneger of Supply & Services SubJect: Teader No. T•8•98 Pine Grove Park File: PF6000 Our consultants have completad their review of the documents rclated to the above tender and acommend acceptnnce of Ihe second lowest bid from P. Gabrielle 8c Sons Ltd. This fi�m has completed satisfuctory work for this Department in the pact at Heverley Morgan Community Park and wc lheroforo concur with the recommendution. Pletue nute that the low bid was rejceted as the contracror fn3led to include sufficient • costs for the supply und installation of Ihe specified playground equipment The Health & Sn&ry Polfcy and the contractors 1998 Merit Adjustment fortn from WSB, Beu of the CAD 7 are also acaptable. This project waa approved in the 1998 Parks & Facilitics Cnpitul Budget Account 2718- 6129. The Dircctor of Finance and Treacurcr ndvises finnncing will be by the issuance of debenturos as rcquired for this project. Ffnancial imollcadon� Inforn�ation L TenderAmount Pnrk Constmction 5173,864.00 G.S.T. 11,890.48 G.S.T. Rebate - 6.794.56 Total 5178.959.92 2. Aporoved Source of Funds . Budget=.CurnntYear-2718•6119 �QQ,QQQ,QQ 3. �stimeted Proiect Cost Summarv Conshuctlon 5173,86d.00 Professionel Fees 16,500.00 , ! Sundries 8c miscellaneous items l.OQ0,00 Sub-Total S 191,364.00 - %0.5.T, << 13�115,48 . : d.S.T. Rebete - 7.494,56 ;. Tota1 ProJect Cost $jQ5,4,84,QZ ,i , *`''t r _ , � [�-,� � � ` ; ; ' �.� �. ! � : t i,`�C � i .. -i y �,� . t � ��+� •- � ti � �; ���� + f. t? q . � +.� r , - ` .y{ r. .,�._ , � ... , ..... . �::[ ..r� �, ,., ! , .rea>. r..�r.:..C�.. � , _Y.._.'�. �� .-„ .,--' ,,.... - � � �'�ta -3� 7 y ���.�v, �t ��KG� J1 S. 5 � � -. �t �a�.r�� 15P��- Y � �:i - �r.`W° r p° rni�{t�'"t,.C�tr J .,,f� � •}� j t� sl:� v e ��h �:tis e e s�M }�� t, " {; t r t �.: . j �.,i �3 r: t `? � y Y �. i �. t � � i i ;; , . 'F � ` j '' � � ��' SubJect, ,TenderT�B-98 ` ; ' ` � . �Plne Ciroye Park � � � �� " � � ' ��� r ,Page 2 4 r i`QtoJect Costs (overl under Approved Funds,53 015 08 . � :R . `.. .�. . � � . ,.� . Everott Huntsma Dircctor of Parks & Facilides Ea:�ua Copy: General.Managu rovals This informadon meets with the approval of the General Manuger �_____....���..... � _ ,.�- Thu !, inn Coneral Managa This information mats with approval of the Dircctor of Finana d..r Pate soe / ' birector of Finence .� . ii � i Pkf�neQoMP�6000 ' . � 1� � r t * � ' �'� r r � �t { � � [ v � �i S r �,r r `� 1dh. ��c". t '_VV �5 y t �`I . . .. . .. ,. ... ". i.• tu!%yi�w�uerun'- 5�. „i:e�6�mc�k�«nGmwlumuM��-, ' GL•��sw�f �'�•bviy',. ;�� :,� . � r ^.�J11\n�IMnr�i(owlutl��Ml i�; ��=ii{�W�f�1'I.H�p'• .. f � 1p�ljum I)iunol,I�l 1%9 . �rm�d •muMwlunc,�ud • 1 l :22. j� . . ` ,,i Go$burn � , _ . � ` Giberson ; , �. ` `Novemti�r t� i99a . .: TOWN Of PICKEWNG � , , One the Esplanade , Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 ; ' �,'; , i 7 . Attention; Mr. Everett BuMsma '" ' -� Dear Evcrett RE: Pine Grove Park Tender Evaluation Our Fle No. 98-1336 We are in receipt of the three bw tenders, as submitted to the Town of Pickering, for this project Furthe.r to our review of the tenders and the bidders, our comments and recommendations are as folbws: ' All submitted tenders were reviewed both on a unit price and arerail cost basis. PJthough the bw' bid by Ron Robimm� Limited is well bebw our budget parameters, we feel that the costs supfdied for thc supply and instaliation of playground equipment arc too low fw lhe products specified based o� our am discussions wilh ABC Recreation,lhe supplier. We are there(om deterting to the next bid, submitted by P. Gabriele & Sons Ltd. of '$ 185,754.48. This bid is within the parameters o( our inrtial estimates and is consistent throughout in unit price. Our experience wAh P. Gabriele & Sons Ltd. is fairly e�Aensive. Recently, we have completed a large school re•design projed with them in IGng Gty and curtenUy, a large park and open spaze system in Richmord Hitl is under constnxtbn. Our experience with both o( these cor�,racts has been very favourabie, both in tertns of constnxtion and co•ordination. We are r.onfdent thc resuhs at Pine Grove Park will be excellent a�d hereby remmmend they be awarded this contrad, subjed ro Town approval. Encbsed herein please find copies of the Health & Safery policy to be used on this project, and the CJ+D 7 form by the Workplace Satety & Insurance Board, as supplied by Gabriele. I Uust the above lo be saGs(actory. Should you, howevar, require arry (urther . infortnatan or clarification regarding this matter, please contact our oRce at your comenience, • Yourswy, -. COSBURN GIBERSON CONSULTANTS INC. 'Y��dG .. ���Qa���� ���� G� . ���� ,�0,1 � uKG�y l�(�,�,�L� 6riar,)akovina, 4 p� ��S ,�� . �,��,�(,< �, Project Manager . � �t�yF•�' . _ Bl/pv O�Qyg� . �Q i ,� � � :,- � ; � _ ; �, t � ;< � , t'� ' , ` �i : ` ? , ; r� ,4, � I�.7 C <' ;. x"� i ��'! i �,%f j `� � � ��'� P ' + '"L�f y�� i ._t t a : i � � c t��k� s �.> fA E �. . .. _ ? ', ,'.'�. . ' . . �t�.. . : . ° „ � .., � . . . ,. .- . . .- t� Z oe W � U a. � O Z 3 O � ;: ` {, z 4. • 23 � u � 00 0 � � � I 0 z � � � � r O � 1w O � v m � � a � � �� `� 4i � � � ' � °` � �' °p � � � a � ,� � . � � � � 0 � � � ; $ > > > > > > >> :o 4� 01 t � � I� I a � � ,�,���� �, � � -�'' ,x � ` � � � a o W'� f z � � 3 ,:� � � � ` � '� a .�.� �1 � � �`�' � -% � ;:: � `0� , r�t . �., t�cj ' , � � � , -, '� � i �2d - � � �- , r� -s �s Q i: ,. �� � ' '.. � � �_:�-- V _ � ' � ,� -' 1 ,..I . . � .. .. � � � .. _ . Ny�0.0 �� I � �o- � . � � I . �� � . � � � . . .. U . �NSrA � w�oM,M, °"K .. � � .. � E � � . . , .��1� �n � U . . . I ww1� rwK . . . ��. � Q rtiT . �\ e�isco.r u.�c� a �� 7 � `•� C ! ��-___" � ?.y •� .i;<:: % f 1 � �� w �-�c . >a r � ,� ,� 11� � +� [ y yT [ �A �� {,��, � e�� e.�.o..r lv � �_�__ 1 s �v � � i L�1y � "»`t' � -� " �lU L�� � "� � T � G ■ 4 :..�.� T .ou _ . , . . . Y nr� � ` •�� u'�Y.[ . � . . . . . � � � . � t . ' . �. ,..�'�.�1 � � ' i • ,� �� ; � �' , rf ��, � N � . i� ! f ,, i� a: .°.. ....,.`. , x .. . . . ,. 14 � . . . ..-`s .,. ., _ ._ . .