HomeMy WebLinkAboutHP 01/99. • • • 221 �N OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Sabenn, Cha'v DATE: Mnrch 31, 1999 Hcritngc Pickering REPORT NUMBER: HP O1-99 SUB]ECT: Pnlmcr-Voss House Designution 2101 Valley Fartn Rond Concession 2, Lot 20 Town of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: Thnt Report NHP 01-99 rcgurding the designation of thc Palmcr-Voss Housc, 2101 Vallcy �arm Rond, be receivcJ; and Thut thc Palmer-Voss Hou.ee be dcsigmtcd as a Hcritagc PropcAy. ORIGIN: Letter dated March 22, 1999 from Johnnna Voss AUTHORITY: Onturio Flcritagc Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337, Section 29.6 �INANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 5300 - Placque - Acct. 2743-5400 BACKGROUND; Please find enclosed for your infornintion a lettcr Gom Johnnnn Voss, co-owner of this property, who is rcquesting designntion under the Ontario Hcritogc Act, nlong with two reparts by Unterman McPhnil Associates conceming The Palmer Family and the PaUner-Voss House. Thc house under revicw wos buill 'u� two stages, the fust part during the 1850's, probebly just over 140 yeurs ago, and thc second part aboul 20 years Inter. It is of stone construction in thc Gothic Rcvival style. As lhe report prcpared by Unternuui McPhail Associutes shows, it is n fine exemple oPmid-19th century vemnculur stone conslruction. The property on which the house sits wns occupied by thc Pnlmer fumily for ncarly 100 yeurs. 'fhe front pnrt of the housc wns built by Sherwood Palmer, and thc addition by his son James L. Palmcr, The Polmers werc a lorge fnmily in Pickcring Township and occupied numcrous lots on thc Broken front and fvst two concessions. The pioneer mcmbcrs of the Pnlmcr family wcrc fanners and no srtwll contribWors to the agriculturel economy of thc new community, Sccond und subsequcnt gcnerutions extendcd thcir contributions to a wider sociery. Two membcrs of the fwnily scrved in the local political nrcnn. 2� 2Report to Council HP O1-99 Subject: Paimer-Voss Housc Designation Dntc, Mnrch 31, 1999 !'age 2 The steps necessnry for designation include: a) Council to nuthorizc dcsignntion by resolution. b) Notice of Intent to Desigrmte advertised threc weeks in local newspnper. c) Notice of Intent to Designnte served on owner nnd on the Ontario Heritage FounJation. d) Prcpare F3y-Inw. e) By-law pnssed by Council. � Notice of pnssing of By-Inw scrved on owncr nnJ the Onterio Heritage Foundation. g) RegistrationofBylaw. ATTACHMENTS: I, "Pnlmer-Voss House" Repod prepared by Untemian McPhnil Associates, Decemlxr 1998 2. "'fhe Palmer Family" Report preparcd by Untcrnmn McPlwil Associatcs, Dccembcr 1998 3. Lettcr &om Johanna Voss Prcpnred By: � �a�.�x� �e�.l ]ohn Sabcan BT:dk: Attnchments Copy: T. J. Quinn, C.A.O. Approvcd / Gndorscd ¢�: / v� � 13rucc Taylor Recommended for the considemtion of Pickcring Town Council �i / ,. ' 9y .:, iJ Tho ws J. Quinn, Chicf Administrativc OlTccr , i , � � 1 � � � � � � � � � I ' � ' ' �• ATTACHMENTt.! TOR�ORT� Po�� 223 PALMEI�-VOSS HOUSE 2301 VALLEY FARM ROAD CONCESSION 2, LOT 20 TOWN OF PICKEItING December 1998 Prepared for. Heritage Pickedng Prepazed by: UNTERMAN MCI�HAIL ASSOCIATES Nerltage Resourcc Mnnagement Consullants _ �f � � - � . � _ ' 2.z4 . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page, 1.0 INTRODUCTION . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .'. . . . 1 2.0 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . 1 3.0 ARCHTfECTURE . . � . . . . .. . .. : .. .. . . . 5 4.0 S1TE CONTEX'f . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . ` 8 : 5.0 SUMMARY OF HERITAGE INTEREST . . .. .. : . . . .. . . . .. . . . 8 SOURCES �. APPENDIX , i ,.. ,: .;.,: Histodcal & Architectural Report Page 1 22 J Palmer -Voss House 1.0 INTIiODUCTION Heritage Pickering retained the services of Unterman McPhail Associates to prepare a historical and architectural report on the Sherwuad Palmer-Voss House, 2101 Valley Farm Road, Concession 2, Lot 20, Town of Pickering. A site visit was conducted on November 11, 1998, with John Sabean, Heritage Pickering. Although the house interior was viewed during the site visit, an interior heritage as>essment was not undertaken as part of this report. This report incorporates historical research material on the Palmer property and family provided by John Sabean. The report is divided into four key secHons. Section 2 provides a background history of the property. Section 3 describes its architectural attributes. Section 4 describes the context of the site. Section 5 provides a summary of heritage interest. 2.0 HISTORICAL BACKGRQUND Sherwood Palmer was born in Upper Canada circn 1797. He is believed to be the son of an early Scarborough settler, namely, James Palmer Senior, and the brother of Seneca and John Palmer of Pickering and James Palmer of Scarborough. Sherwood Palmer married Martha Lamoureaux on December 30,1822, in Scarborough Township. James Palmer (believed to bc his brother) was an attestor at the wedding. Martha Lamoureaux Palm�r is believed to have been a member of the Loyalist Huguenot L'Amoureaux family that settled In Scarborough. It would appear that Sherwood and Martha Palmer lived in the Township of Scarborough from 1822 to the early 1830s. They had five children that lived to maturity: Isaac (1824-1892), James Lamoureaux (1826-1905) and Sarah Ann (1831-1893) who were born in the Township of Scarborough; and, Sherwood (1893-1869) and Charles Seneca (1896-1935) who were born in Township of Pickering. Unterman McPhall Assoclates December 1998 ' , � ' `� 2� Y{istodcal & Archilectural Repur! Page 2 Palmer -Voss House Three of the Palmer brothers moved from the Township of Scarborough to the Township of Pickering in the 1830s. John Palmer acquired Lot 21, Cu�uession 2, Pickering Township circa 1832. Seneca Palmer was located on Lot 31, 3�d Range, Broken Front, by the mid 1830s. Shenvood Palmer appears to have moved to PickerIng between 1831 and 1836 and settled on Lot 20, Concession 2. The publication, Pnst Yenrs in Pickering (1911) states that Sherwood Palmer moved to Pickering in 1834. The Patron's Directory of the Illustrnfed Historicnl Atlas of Ontario County (1877) notes that he settled in Ontario County in 1836. The City of Torontn nnd the Home District Comniercial Directory nnd Registry (1837) piaced a Sherrard (Sherwood) Palmer on Lot 20, Concession 2. The Land Record Index (Ontario Archives) notes that Shenvood Palmer bought Lot 20, Concession 2 from the Clergy � Reserves on November 24, 1847. Both the Assessment Roll and the Census Return for 1851 list Sherwood Palmer as the owner and occupant of Lot 20, Concession 2. The Crown Patent for 100 acres of the south half of Lot 20 was issued to Sherwood Palmer on July 17, 1856. Well established by 1851, the Palmer farm comprised one hundred acres of land. Of the sixty-five cultivated acres noted in the Agricultural Census (1851), fifty-seven acres had crops, six acres were left for pasture while gardens or orchards took up two acres. 7he other thirty-five acres of the property was considered wild or wooded. The Census Return (1851) notes that Sherwood and Martha Palmer occupied a one and•a-half storey frame house on Lot 20. Over the next ten years the Palmer farm continued to prosper. Palmer built a one and•a-half storey stone house to replace the earlier frame house and a water powered sawmill. Eighty acres of land, up from sixty-five in 1851, were cultivated by 1860, The farm was valued at 52,000.00 in the Agricultural Census Return (1861). The township property assessment was E700 sterling in 1851 and f600 in 1853. The property assessment changed from £650 sterling in 1858 to $2,600.00 dollars in 1859. With brothers Seneca Palmer located on Lot 31, Broken Front and John located on Lot 21, Concession 2, nephew Weston and famlly on Lot 22, Broken Front, and son Isaac established on the north half of Lot 20, Concession 2, Sherwood Palmer and his family constituted part Untecman McPhall Assaiates December 1998 � ' . 1 s Hlstorical & Architectural Report Page3 227 Palmer-Voss Hause of a targe and prominent farming family that lived in the Township of Pickering from the early nineteenth century. Shenvood Palmer died on November 21,1866, at age sixtynine years. He was buried in the Post Cemetery, Pickering. Shenvood's son, James Lamoureaux Palmer, took over the south half of Lot 20, Concession 2 after his father's death. The Census Return (1871) lists the property occupants as James, his brother Charles and mother Martha Palmer as well as, John, Martha and Elizabeth Mdntosh. The McIntosh relaHonship to the Palmers is not known. The total land holdings of the Palmer family had increased to one hundred and forty-five acres including two dwelling houses and two barns and/or stables by 1871. The 1871 Assessment Rolls indicate that the James L. Palmer owned part oE Lot 22, Concession 2 at this time. Charles Seneca Palmer is noted as the owner of fifty acres in Lot 22, Concession 2 in the Census Return (1871). According to the Census Return (1871) the Palmer saw mill operated all year round producing about $2,500,00 worth of sawn lumber. The real property assessment of the Palmer property fluctuated little from 1859 to 1874. In 1875 the proNerty assessment went from $2,400.00 in 1874 to $5,000.00. Assessment increases can indicate significant property improvements. Since the fllustrnfeA Nisforicnl Atins of Ontnrio Counly (1877) shows both the front and rear sections of the house and existing physical evidence supports the theory that the two house sections were built at difFerent times, the rear wing may have been built at this time as part of other property improvements. A view of the James L. Palmer farm in the 111ustrnteA Historicni Atins oj Ontnrio County (1877) depicts a prosperous farm of somc duraHon. It comprised a stone house, a gable roof barn with additions, a fenced barnyard and a frame, one storey, L-shaped, driveshed. The house shown in the view is, for the most part, as it appears today. Although subject to arHstic licence, the landscape around the house depicts young tree plantings, a front yard with a garden with ornamental beds and walkways enclosed by a picket fence Unterman McPhall Associates December1998 i ' � , _ 2.28 . . Histodcal & ArchitecWral Repod Page4 Palmer •Voee House and an orchard enclosed by a rail fence. The Paimer sawmlll is still ncted in 116rshated Historical Atins of Ontnrio County (1877). The Patron's Directory of the filustrnted Histaricnl Atins ojOntario Counly (1877) notes James L. Palmer as a farmer and lumber manufacturer. According to LNood's Past Yenrs in Pickering (1911) James L. Palmer served the Township of Pickering as a both a township councillor and deputy reeve. He was a lay preacher and one of the most prominent members of the Disciplines of Christ Church located on Kingston Road. Wood also recounts a story that James L. Palmer attended school in Ohio for some years where one of his fellow students was )ames Garfield, the future President of the United States. It is known that Garfield attended Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, Hiram, Ohio. Farewell's County of Ontnrio mentions that James L. Palmer was a member of the County Council for ten years and that his brother Charles Seneca was a member of the Pickering Council circa 1907. According ta the Census Return (1881) James and his mother Martha lived together in the house on Lot 20. However, sometime behveen 1881 and 1888, James L. Palmer, who tvas now in his sixties, married Jessie Anson. A daughter, Nellie Anson was born in 1989. The Census Return (1891) notes James L., Jessie, daughter Nellie Anson and btartha Palmer as the occupants of a one and-a-half storey stone house with seven rooms. At the age of ninety-nvo, Martha Lamoureaux Palmer died on June 14, 1897. She was buried with her husband 5henvood Palmer in the Post Cemetery, Pickering. The Census Return (1901) lists James, Jessie and their three children Nellie, James A. and John M. as the occupants of a seven room stone house. The Palmers now owned 243 acres of land containing two houses and six barns, stables and other buildings. James Lamoureaux Palmer died on May 19,1905, at seventy-nine years of age. He was buried in the Erskine United Church Cemetery, Pickering. T'he south half of Lot 20, Concession 2 tivas left to his son James L. Palmer. James L. Palmer his wife Kate Kennedy and his brother Charles S. Palmer sold the family farmstead in April 1922 to james R. Hunter. James R. Hunter (In Untertnan McPhail Assaiatee December 1998 _ � { r,, Historical & Archltectural Report PageS 22g Palmer -Voss House Trust) sold the south half of Lot 20 to the Mutual Dairy dc Land Co. Ltd., in the same year. Vtctor Ross of Toronto owned The Mutual Dairy dc Land Co. It seems that Ross leased the land and house during hts ownership (1922 to 1935). When his son Forbes Ross took possession of the south half of Lot 20 in 1935 he continued to lease the property until it was sold 3n 1951 to Frank and Virginia Grey, According to the present occupant, the Voss Family, acquired the property around 1970. 3.0 ARCHITECTCIRE The present stone house is the second house built on the property. First noted in the Census Return (1861), it tvould appear that the stone house replaced the one and-a-half storey frame house recorded in the Census Return (1851). The view of the James L. Palmer Farm in the lUustrated Nistorical Atlas of Onfnrio (187� shows a stone house that is, with some exterior alteraHons, almost the same as the present house. The Palmer-Voss house is a vernacular structure of the Gothic Revival architectural style. It is characterized by its cenhe gable with a pointed arch window and decoraHve gable finials, pendants and cun�ilinear vergeboard. The front secHon is three bays wide and hvo bays deep with a medium pitched gable roof. A ane and-a-half storey stone rear wing extends from to the north of the front secHon. The approximately two foot :hick exterior stone walls are of coursed fieldstone on the south and west elevations of the front and rear sections, Rubblestone walls are found on the east elevaHon of the front and rear sections as weU as the north elevation of the rear wing. Often the stonework on the publidy viewed elevations did not receive the more expensive finishing treatment of the more public elevaHons. The corners of the front section and rear wing have large stone quoins. A raised bead mortar joint is found on the south and west elevations. Thls stonework detail was used to give the impression of a more expensive ashlar Untertnan McPhail Associate+ December 1998 m � I i 230Hisrorical & Architectural Report Page6 Palmer •Vos� Housc sryle stonework finish. Remnants of this type of mortar Joint can be seen under the eaves of the north elevatlon of the front section as well. The fllustrated Historical Atias of Ontario County (1877) view shows evenly coursed ashlar stonework on the sauth and west elevations of both the front secHon and the rear wing indIcating that this mortar treatment dates from at least 1877 onwards, if not from its construction date. This mortar treatment appears 'o have been renewed over time and is probably more thicMy applied over the stonework than originally intended. The stonework on the east and north elevations has been repointed and does not show any evidence of a raised mortar joint. The stonework on the west elevation of the rear wing is somewhat different from the front and west elevations of the front section. There is no evidence of the well-buttered joints and raised mortar joint used on the front section although the lllustrnfed Nistoricnl Atlas oj Onfnrio County (1877) view indicates that it was the same as the front elevation stonework. Evidence of scribing lines in the joints can be seen near the window opening on the west elevation of the rear wing. The south etevation of the front section is divided into three bays with a central door opening and ttivo Flanking tivindow openings. The door and window structural openings are flat arches with stone voussoirs. The windows are not accentuated by any trim outside the structural opening. Each opening has a plain wooden lug sill. The upper sash of the first floor windows has retained its six lights, while the lower sash has been changed to two, large lights. The embrasure of the door opening is six feet wide and six feet, ten inches high. The entrance has hvo rectangular half sidelights with four lights each and a bottom wooden panel. The front door has seven recessed panels. The centre gable on the south elevation has a pointed arch window with a stone voussoir. The voussoir is finished with a pointed, raised mortar joint. The horizontal muntin of the upper window sash splits into two branches at the top. The gable is decorated with a pendant, finial and curvilinear vergeboard comprising a stylized thistle and acorn motif. Two brick Unterman McPhail Associatee December 1998 I f . Histoiical & Architectural Report Page7 231 Palmer-Vose House chimneys, one on each end, are located on the roof ridge. The east chimney sits inside the stone wall while the brick chimney on the west elevaHon is a later addition. Tha (Ilustrnfed Histnricnl Atlns of Ontario County (1877) view shows hvo end chImneys with decorative corbelling. The west elevation oE the front portion has hvo windows on the ground floor and two smaller windows on the second floor. The west gable is decorated with the same t; pe of vergehoard as the front gable. The finial and pendant shown in the Jllustrnted Historicnl Atlas of Onfario County (1877) view were removed from the west gable when the present brick chimney was built. As with the front elevation, the upper sash of the ground floor windows have retained its six lights while the lower sash has been rep!aced with two Ilghts. The second floor window sashes have been replaced with modern casement units with six lights, The north elevation of tlie front secHon has a single window on the ground floor level at the jrncture of the front and rear wing. The east elevation of the front secNon has one, first floor window, tocated on the north end, and the second floor has two tivin�ow openings. The present second floor casement windows have six lights. The lotver sash uf the ground Floor windo�v has been replaced like the windows on the other elevations. The lllustrnfcd Historicnl AIJns of Onfnrio Counfy (1877) view oF the house shows a finial above the roofline on the east elevation suggesting that this gable was also decorated once with a(inial, pendant and vergeboard like the south and west elevations. The west elevation of the rear wing has the same decorative vergeboard, pendant and finial treatment as the front secHon. A pointed arch window opening and sash, identicai to the front elevation, is located ln the gable. The stone voussoir does not have a pointed, raised mortar joint like the front gable. The view in the filustrnted Hisforicnl Atlns of Onfnrio Counly (187� indicates a decorative chimney was ance located on the northern end of the roof ridge. A shed dormer has been added on the second floor. It would appear that the front section and the rear wing of the house were constructed at different Hmes, The window and deor openings and the Untecman McPhail Associates December 1998 � j ;, r�i�torical & Architectural Report PageB 23 �Palmer-Vosv House _ interior floor level of the rear wing are sl3ghtly higher than those of the front section. The juncture of the stonework behveen the two areas is not continuous. The west wall of the rear wing ls butted against the window opening and stune voussoir on the north elevatlon of the front section. There are visible differences in the finishing treatment of the stonework on the front and rear wing. 4.0 STI'ECONT'EXT The house is set back a distance from the road on a elevaHon of land overlooking a tributary of Duffin Creek. It is reached by a long gravel driveway that follows the edge of a ridge on the north edge of the creek valley.l'he front elevaHon of the house is oriented to the south. T'he Ilustrnted Historicnl Atlns (1877) view of the Palmer farm shows the same approach to the house from the southwest. The nineteeth century barn and driveshed shown in the view have been demolished. A modern frame outbuilding has been constructed on the northeast corner of the house. Until recently, the house sat alone on the ridge overlooking the river valley. Now it is bounded or, the north and east sides by a modern subdivision. A row of evergreen trees has been planted along both the north and east sides of the property to screen the view of the subdivision. There is evidence of a tvater dam, believed to have been associated with an earlier sawmill on-site, on the north side of the driveway as one climbs the incline to the house. 5.0 SUMMARY OE HERITAGE INTEREST Sherwood Palmer, one of three brothers who moved to Pickering Township from neighbouring Scarborough Township in the early to mid 1830s, is associated with the early agricultural settlement of the Township of Pickering. With brothers 5eneca and John and his nephew Weston and their families, Untertnan McPhail Associates Decembe� �998 I , Hisroiical & Architectural Repori Page9 233 Palmer -Vos� Housc the Sherwood and Martha Palmer famlly contributed to the nineteenth century agricultural and social development of Pickering Township. James Lamoureaux Palmer contributed to Pickering's poliHcal history as a county councillor, township councillor and as the township deputy-reeve in the nineteenth century, Charles Seneca Palmer served as a township councillor in the early twentieth century. The Palmer-Voss House was built by Shenvood Palmer during the formative years of Pickering's agricultural settlement. As a survivor, of some 140 years, this house represents a good example of mid•nineteenth centurv vernacular stone house construction in the Town of Pickering. The 5nerwood Palmer family were associated with the house from circa 1834 to 1922. The Shenvood Palmer Property contains a former nineteenth century industrial site, namely, a saw mill that operated from circn the 1850s to about the 1880s. Therefore it is associated with the development of rural industry and commerce in the Township of Pickering in the nineteenth century. Untecman McPhail Assoclate� December 1998 .) � • 1 ,t 2�`= Hletodwi & Architectural Repart Page 10 Palmer -Voes House SOURCES Abstract Index to Deeds 1795-1955, South Pickering Township. Assessment Rolls, TownshIp of Pickering 1851 to 1891,1920 t01945. Census Records, Township of Pickedng,1851,1861,1871,1881,1891 and 1901. Clark, A. J. "Mr. Rev. William Jenkins of Richmond Hill", Ontario Historical Soaety Papers and Records. 27:15-76. "Erskine United Church Cemetery, Concession 2, Lot 26, Pickering Township. " Ontario Genealogical Society, Toronto Branch. Fareweli, J. E. Ontario County: A Sliort Sketdt o� 1ts Settlentent, Pliysicnl Fentures nnd Resources wifli Brief Nistoricn! Notes. Whitby: Gazette-Chronicle Press, 1907. The Honte Directory 1846-47. Ontario Land Record Index, Ontario Archives. Sabean, John. "Palmer-Voss House, 2101 Valley Farm Road, Concession 2, Lot 20, Pickering",1998. Watton, George. The City oj Tormito nnd Ilie Home District Commercinl Directory nnd Register, tuith Ahnnnnck nnA Cniendnr jor 1837. Toronto: T. Dalton and W. J. Coates,1837, Wood, William R. Pnst Yenrs in Pickering: Sketches aJ Hie Hisfory of the Conttnunity. Toronto: William Briggs, 1911. Maps Map of Pickering Township, Centennial Souvenir, 1967. Map of Pickering Township, 111ustrn►ed Aflas of the Counly of Onfario, Ont. Toronto: J. H. Beers dz Co.1877. Pickering, Ontario County, Province of Ontario. Toronto: Map 6c Advertising Co. Limited, circn 1917. Tremaine's Map of the County of Ontario, Upper Canada. Drawn by John Shier. Toronto: George C. Tremaine, 1860. Unterman McPhall Aenociales December 1998 � ' St , 235 y_ APPENDIX < ,�_- �� � ,: � ` � � .,; � _. : C li �' i< 235 � Palmer•VossHouse � APPENDIX 0 Tremaine's Map of the Counly of Ontario, Upper Canada (1860) Unterman McPhail Associates December 1998 n ' . . . .. . , _' . .. � .. . � •�.i . . . .. Paimer •Voss Hause pPPENDIX 2� r Map oE the Township of Pickering 1llustrated Historicnl At1as of the County of Ontnrio (1877) Unterman MePhail Associates Dxember 1998 I , F { ` 238 Palmer•Vo�sHouse APPENDIX , � � 'i� � ' . �?"9;:1;�0' .7��F •.• '�`� . . '' �i�•'. h�:;~. �t� �' �` � � ��' :Ls.�� . . . . . , ' . ) C �� y� L. . _,..lt. •t'IY �,1 / / �� 'ly,�jG•`�r C� ��%e j� � � 't ... •L.r� ��� '\.1�1i'LiY�� �M1.� .�4'.�iw+Hi�RYi� �"'.A_";il!.. � ) .:'�. 91F � �'_ "�.. ..�-'� ; ��4 . . wR^.^7r'�. . ' •:.•. `� �- ••��: ,' ;. '�'+�, . .. .. ��+tF, �.���,.� �� .�::�,.-. �'.!,�.� ' ���. r��� .. �4�1{"^ :. .:-� TM. ���� '... "t� l c 1 �ik�n ���Ny�,�.r.. ,. '.���li�M`:-R':, JI'� •l •�i\4i' . .�:✓.il�i .� Y{�Yr M!' FARM RES.OF JAS. L.PALMER,CON.2,LOT 20,PICKERING TP..ONT. james L. Palmer Farm IllustrateA Historical Atlas of tlre County of Ontario (1877) �, - Unterman McPhali Assoeiales December 1998 ,. � . � . � ,; . . , . . �� . , _ ..� � �. " � . �� .�r � : .`, :r�},' � 'a 4 �1 `� •. 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Hedtage Pickering Prepazed by: u�E�� M�n���� ASSOCIATES Hrrlfage Resource bfanagement Consultants t c; ��a i � The Palmer Famlly Page 1 24'r Town of WckerinR lA INTRODUCfIO[Y Unterman McPhail Associates were retained by Heritage Pickering to conduct background research on the Palmer Family of Pickering, Ontario, in particular to establish a familial relationship between Sherwood Palmer and Seneca i almer, early Pickering settlers. The fotlowing summary incorporated historical informaHon compiled by John Sabean of Heritage Pickering on the Sherwood and Seneca Patmer families. 2.0 SCARBOROUGH BACKGROU�ID The Pickering Story quotes an 1802 report by Asa Danforth on the condition of the Danforth Road. It states that a setder named Palmer was located on the road at the lOth mile post beyond York, believed to be Lot 23, Concession D, Scarborough. I'he publication, York, Upner Canada Minutes oj Town Meelings nnd List of fnlinbitants 1197-1823, contains a reference to a"Parmer" (Palmer) family on a List of Residents ir� the Township of Scarborough (1802). The List of Residents noted a male and female "Parmer" living in Scarborough with a family of four female children and 2 male children under 16. In 1803 a James Palmer is appointed as a Poundkeeper for Scarborough. In 1804 a James "Parmer" was appointed as overseer of the highways for the Town of York in the west half of Scarboro. "A List of [nhabitants of Township of Scarboro" dated March 1804 notes James Palmer, a women (presumably his wife) and eight children.l'he following year two female and five male children under 16 are noted. The Palmer family are recorded again in the 1805, 1806 and 1807 as Scarborough residents. In 1815 a James Palmer Sr. was noted in a York MiliHa List as being exempt from military draft. An Upper Canada Land PeNtion from Seneca Palmer (1819) describes him as having been born in the United States, 27 years of age, a resident of Upper Canada for 22 years, married and the son of James Palmer Senior, an old settler in Scarborough. Unterman McPhail A�saiates December 1998 � , , � +, 24'ihe Palmer Family Pagei Town of PickerinQ From the above references, it wauld appear that James Palmer Senlor and hls family emigrated from the United States and arrived in Upper Canada circa 1795-1796. The family settled In Scarborough Township circa 1802. The name of his wife Is not known. His children are believed to include: Seneca, born United States (settled in Scarboraugh and then Lot 31, Broken Front, Pickering); John, born United States (settled on Lot 21, Concession 2, Pickering); Sherwood, born Canada (settled on Lot 20, Concession 2, Pickering); James S., born Canada (settled on Lot 31, Concession 8, and Lot 23, Concession D, Scarborough); a flfth son, possibly Charles Palmer; and possibly 2 or 3 daughters, one of whlch may be the Clara Palmer buried in St. Mdrew's, Scarborough, in 1818. 3.0 THE PALMER BROTHERS There are documentary references to support the idea that Seneca, John, Shenvood and James Palmer were brothers and the sons of James Palmer Senior of Scarborough. Although none of the references specifically state that a familial relationship existed amongst the four men, their names and those of their children are closely linked throughout the nineteenth century by the use of common family names, as executors of last will and testaments, as witnesses to marriages and by sharing common burial places. 3,1 Seneca Pal�ner Seneca Palmer was a wiMess with Weston Stephens at the marriage of a John Palmer and Elizabeth Stephens both of Scarborough in 1818 (Wilson, p. 27), James Lamoureaux Palmer, son of Shenvood Palmer, was an executor of Seneca Palmer's last will and testament in 1866. 3,2 John Palmer John Palmer was a member of the Disciples Church as was Shenvood Palmer. Both Joh,i and Sherwood Palmer are buried in the Post Cemetery, Pickering, which was a the Disciples Church burial ground. Unterman McPhall Assotlates December 1998 � ' I ,' The Palmer Family Page3 249 Town of Pickerin Weston (or Western) Palmer, who settled in 1851 on Lot 22, Broken Front, Pickering, was an executor of Seneca Palmer's will (1869). In this will he was described as the son of John Palmer. Elizabeth Stephens, daughter of Weston Stephens, married a John Palmer in Scarborough in 1818 (Wilson, p. 27). It would seem probable that Weston Palmer's mother was Elizabeth Weston considering his given name, Seneca Palmer was a witness at this marriage. 3.3 Sherwood Palmer The unusual name of Seneca was used by Sherwood and Martha Palmer for their son Charles Seneca Palmer. All four sons of Seneca Palmer also had the second name of Seneca. Sherwood Palmer and Silas Monger were attestors at the marriage of a John Palmer and Amey Roy in Scarborough in 1827 (Ctark, p. 32). Shenvood and John Palmer were attestors at the marriage of a Charles Palmer to Sarah Rae in Scarborough in 1827 (Clark, p. 32). Members of the James Paimer family of Scarborough and Seneca Palmer's family of Pickering are buried at St. Mdrew's Cemetery (&ndale), Scarborough. Alexander Palmer, son of Isaac Palmer and grandson of Sherwood Palmer, was the executor of John Pa!mer's (Lot 21, Concession 2, Pickering) last will and testament in 1879. Charles Seneca Palmer, son of Shenvood Palmer, was an executor of Weston Palmer's will (son of John Palmer, Lot 21, Concession 2, Pickering) in 1894. 3.4 James Palmer A James Palmer of Scarborough (possibly the father or the son) was an attestor at Sherwood Palmer's marriage to Martha Lamoureawc in Scarborough in 1822 while a James Palmer (probably the father) was a witness at James Palmer's marriage to Mary Ann Hastings in the same year (Clark, p. 23, 24)• Interestingly, a Thomas Monger was also a witness to James Palmer's marriage. Monger ar Munger is the Eamily name of an early Pickering settler, Samuel Monger. Samuel Monger was mentioned Unterman McPhail Associate� December 1998 � � ' j 5,. { .` 2`�'The Palmer Family , Page4 Town of PlckerinR with James Palmer SenIor in the 1802 Asa DanEorth report as one of three settlers along the Danforth Road, James Lamoureaux Palmer, son of Sherwood Palmer, was an executor of James Palmer's last will and testament in 1886 (Scar6orough Historical Notes nnd Comments, 10 (3) 2�. 3.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS It would appear that Seneca, John, Shenvood and James Palmer were brothers and the sons of the James Palmer Senior who settled in Scarborough circa 1802. T'hree of the brothers, Seneca, Sherwood and John, eventually settled In the Township of Pickering circa the 1830s. Seneca Palmer (born circa 1792) settled on Lot 31, Broken Front, Pickering: John Palmer (born circa 1794 in the United States) settled on Lot 21, Concesslon 2, Pickering; and, Sherwood Palmer (born drea 1797 in Scarborough) settled on Lot 20, Concession 2, Pickering. James Palmer (born circa 1798 in Canada) remained in Scarborough on Lot 31, Concession B and Lot 23, Concession D, Scarborough. ;,'�r � Unterman McPhall AesaWte� Detember 1998 .. � � � � The Palmer Family Page 5 Townof PickerinR 25I� SOURCES Abshact Index to Dceds 1795-1955, South Pickering Townshlp. Assessment Rolls, Township of Pickering 1851 to 1891,1920 t0 1945. Census Records, Township of Pickering,1851,1861,1871,1881,1891 and 1901. Census Records, Township of Scarborough, 1861. Clark, A. J. "Mr. Rev. William Jenkins of Richmond Hill", Ontario Historical Society Papers and Records. 27:15-76. County Maniage Registers of Ontario, CanaAa: 1858-1869, Vol. 2, Ontario County. "Erskine United Church Cemetery, Concession 2, Lot 26, Pickering Township, " Ontario Genealogical Society, Toronto Branch. The Nome Directory ]846•47. McKay, Willtam A. The Pickering Story. Pickering: The 'fownship of Pickering Historical Society, 1961. Moser, Christine, ed. York, Llpper CanaAa Minufes ojTown Meetings and List u% Inhabitanfs 1797-1823. Toronto: Metropolitan'Coronto Library Board, 1984. Ontario Land Record Index, Ontario Archives. "St. Andrew's Church Cemetery, Bendale, Ontario, 115 St. Andrew's Road, Scarborough, Ontario;' Ontario Genealogical Society , Toronto Branch. Sabean, John. "Part I, Palmer-Voss House, 2101 Valley Farm Road, Concession 2, Lot 20, Pickering", 1998. ."Part II, Palmer•Tripp House, also known as the Rouge Hill Senior Citizens Hall, 464 Kingston Road, Broken Front, Third Range, Lot 31. Plan 816, partlot163",1998. . "Part III, the Palmer Family",1998 Scarborough Historical Notes and Comments. Scarborough Historical Society. Numerous references to Palmer listed in Scarborough Nisforical Notes and Comments Index to Volumes I to XI, May 1988 including: • Unterman McPhall Assoclates December 1998 � , • a ' ` � S 252 � The Palmer Family Page6 Town o( Plckerin� James Palmer Senior: 10 (2) 26; 9(3) 33; 9(2) 25, 26 James Palmer: 5(2 and 3) 32; 6(1) 9;10 (3) 27 Caroline E. Palmer: 10 (4) 26 John S. Palmer: 4(1) 9; 7(3)1 and 7 George Palmer: 4(1)14 Surrogate Court, Ontario County: GS, Ontario 1-1151, Surrogate Court, Ontario County, Whitby, Will, #804, Seneca Palmer, GS, Ontario 1-1157, Surrogate Court, Ontario County, Whitby, Will, #1514, John Palmer GS, Ontario 1-1167, Surrogate Court, Ontatio County, 4Vhitby, Will, N2629, Weston Palmer. GS, Ontario 1-1166, Surrogate Court, Ontario County, 4Vhitby, Will, #2466, Isaac Palmer Upper Canada Land PedHons (1819) C•2491, Bundle 12/9, Seneca Palmer. Walton, George. The City ojToronto nnd the Home Disfrict Commercia! Directory nnd Register, wifh Alntanntk nnd Calendar jor 1837. Toronto: T. Dalton and W. J. Coates,1837. . Wilson, Thomas B. Marriage Bonds of Onfnrio 1803•183�l. Lambertville, N. J,: Hunterdon House, 1985. Wood, William R. Past Years in Pickering: Sketches oj tlie Histary oj the Comntunity. Toronto: William Briggs, 1911. Untertnan McPhatl Associates . December 1998 - . � � � ���� �� � t, ATTACHMENT �.��p �'�a� 53 Johnnna voss P.O. Uox 23, Pickering, Ont., LI V 2R2 (905)683•0284 March 22, 1999 Dear Mayor and Council of the Town of Pickering, l, Johanna Voss, am co•oK�ner of the ficldstone farmhouse on Valley Farm Road in Pickering. I believe it is an old housc µ�orthy of designating under the Onlurio licritage Act and have asked Hcritage Pickcring to look into and prcpare a report on it. Sincercly, � �' ". i k '.` 1 1 ,