HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 11/99:, ,. � . . �N OF p4 � W M1,�O �' b REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Tim Moore DATG: March I,1999 Chicf Building OtTcinl Janc Burlon Solicitor RBPORTNUMBER: L-11-99 SUBIECT: Compluint ubuut Development Chnrgcs Gom Imur Corporation Appeal of Non•Rcsidentiul Pickcring Hydro Devclopment Churgc 1738 Orangebrook Court Uuilding Pcrmit 98-767 RECOMMENDATION: Thut Council rcceive Report L-I I conceming thc rcquircment for p�yment by Invar Corporalion of u non-residential Pickcrin� Flydro dcvclopment chargc pursuant to building permit 98•7G7; henr nny evidcncc or olher submission put fonvurJ by Invar Corporation and Pickcring Flydro; nnd a) confirm thc dcvclopment chargc; or b) nmcnd the dcvclopmcnt chnrgc to thc cstcnt that, in thc opinion of Council, a rcvicw of this maticr justifics such un umcnJmcnt. ORIGIN; Compluint by Invur Corporation that a devclopmcnt chargc shoulJ not havc bccn asscsscd on building pertnit 98-767, which dcscribes construction of a 7,174m= (77,22311�) industrial building at 1738 Orungebrook Court. AUTFiORITY: Thc Develr�pment Clmrges Acl, 1997. By-law 3854/91 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None to thc Town. Thcre nrc no Town development chargcs applicablc to non-rcsidcntial buildings. Pickcring Hydro nsscsses u churgc of S I I.03 per squurc mctrc of ncw gross Iloor nrcn for every non•rcsidentiul building, which is collected prior to issuunce of a building pertnit unJ fonvarded to Pickcring Hydro. ' 2 Report to Council L-1 1-99 Subjcct: Appcal of Devclopment Charga EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; Not applicable BACKGROUND: Datc: 03/01/99 Invur Corporntion filed an applicntion for a building permit on Novcmbcr 16, 1998, for a 7,174m= (77,223R=) industrial building locnted on Yart of Lot 8, Rnngc 3, known municipally as 1738 Omngebrook Caurt. The Development Clrarges Acl is law o�pplicable to the issuancc of every building pertnit, and accordingly n charge of $I1.0? per m($79,129.22 in total) was assessed in accordancc with by-law 3854•91, nnd pai�l Ly invnr upon issuancc of the building permit on Febnu¢y 4, 1999. Thc building arca on �shich the amount of thc chnrgc was cnlculalcd wns pruvided by the applicnnl. Compluints about devclopmcnt chazges nrc govemed by the Developmen! Chnrges Acf, which stntes in ariicle 8. ( I) that: "An owoer may complain in writing lo the council of Ihe municipality in respecl of Ihc develapment charge Impa�ed by the municlpality on the owner's devclapment that, a) lhe amount of the devclopment churgc (mpoa�vl nue incorrect or was baaeJ an incorrcet Jeta; b) the amount crediteJ to Ihe owner under secdon 13 te incorrect; c) the amouat oia prevtou� developmcnt charge bcing crcJiteJ unJer scclinn ld I� Incorrcct; or d) t6erc was an crror In Ihe applicatlan of thc develnpment charge by-law." Invur's Ictter of compluinl is attached lo this report. '('he basis far Ihcir ap�xal appcars to be that u crcdit should bc givcn for works prcviously curricd out in nn curlicr phasc of ihis Jevclopment, which should scrvc to rclievc Invnr of thc rcyuircmcnt to pay a dcvclopment ch�rgc upon issuance of lhc currcnt building pcnnil. With resExct to crcdits, bylaw J854191 stalcs in 12(3) thnt: "Wdere an owner hv paiJ to thc Town, prtor lo Ihe cnactmenl of Ihia by-law in relation to a bulldlag or�lruclure on land lo which this dcvelopment epplica, a) a unil Ievy puraunnt to an obligotion lo do ao in a Subdivision A�rcement, Condomtnium Agreement, Devclopment Agrcement or othcr agrcement wtih the Town, b) a fee w a coadilton otobtaining a con�enl to crcate a loy c) a lot levy punuant lo Bylew 3t22/89, and the buildtng permil far that builJfng oretruclure I�as not bcen issued prior lo thc enactmcnt of thi� by-law, ihe owner nhall be crediteJ wilh Ihc amount so paid, up to the amount ot Ihe Jevelopment c6arge �aywnie, a� part of lhc devclopment charge payable hereunder when Ihc bullding permtt ia lsaucd." Thc reasons cited in the letter oF complaint filed by Invnr do not appear to salisfy uny of thc precanditions for npplying u credit for the npplicuble development churge found in by-law 3854/91. The Chief Building Official, nccordingly, has no discretion to uct except in nccordance with this by-Inw, nnd hence it is appropriate to apply the charge. The Icttcr of Fcbruary 4, 1999 from Invar mukes reference to reviewing this mnttcr with thc Town's Director of Finuncc. In n meeting with Mr. Crimi some weeks carlicr, it was ngrccd by thc Dircctor that, based upon thc information verbally put forth at that timc, there appcarcd to bc a basis for nsking Pickering I lydro for nn cxcmption, hut that thc mattcr should bc discusscd with them. 7'his matter wns considcrcd by thc Pickcring Hydro Commission on fcbrunry 19, 1999. A copy of their resolution, concluding that no amcndment be madc to the chnrgc as applicd, is uttuchcd to Ihis report. � ReporttoCouncil L•11-99 Subject: Appcal of Davelopment Chargc ATTACHMENTS: Datc, 03/01/99 1. Lctter of complaint from S. Crimi of Invar, dnted Fcbrunry 4,1999. 2. Letter of response from J. Wiersma of Pickering Hydro, duted �ebrunry 26,1999. 3. Development Charges Act, Sections 8-14. 4. Town by-Inw 3854/91 os amended by bylaws 4338/93 and 4960/97. preP� gy; Approved / Endarsed By: � � �� � � Tim Mo , Chief Building Official Jane urton, So ici or V _ �� ��� G. Paterson, Dircctor of Financc TJM:tm; Atlnchmenls Copy: T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrativc Officcr Rccommended for ihc considemtion of Pickcring Town Council , � .� 1 y Thomas J. Quin hicf ministra ' OtTic�r 3 �� .. , . c � � � , Febtuary 4, 1999 Mayor and Council Town of Pickering, Building Department I The Esplanade Pickering, ON Ll V 6K7 Attontion: Mr. Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Dear Sir: Re: 1738 Onoge6rook Court - Refuod/Credit for Hydro Developmeot Chwrga Build(ng Pcrmtt N9&767 [nvar Corporation and Bri•Jan Holdings Limited (hereafter referted to as Invar) aze the owners of the peoperty municipally known as 1738 Orangebrook Court in the Town of Pickering, for which the above captioned building pertnit was obtained. As you are aware, in 1989, [nvar received Site Plan Approval to develop a 134,170 ft= Industriul complex, which was intended to be completed in two (2) separate phazes. Upon receipt of our final approvals, Invar proceeded with the first phase of its development (56,970 ft=), which included the installation of an additional strucmre that contained a Full Transfocmer Station of sufficient size to uccommodate the electrical needs of the entire development. Recontly, Invar was able to socurc a second tenant Car its faciliry, whi :h hns resulted in seeking the necessery building pertnits to facilitate phase two (77,200 fl�) of thc project. In procecding to obtain all final building permits, µ�e N•erc surprised to find that the Ciry is requesting we pay almost 580,000.00 es a Hydro Development Charge, which in our respectful submission, should not tx applicable to our second phase for the following reasons: l. (n 1988, we entercd into an agreement aith Pickering Hydro, which in essence, provided for the maintenance of the substation as µ�ell as guaranteeing the continuiry of supply of electrical power; 2, In accordence with the agreement noted in paragraph I above, we proceeded to construct the additiorial swcture that contained a full Tran:fotmer Slation as part of Phase I, which is of sufficient size to accommodate the elecuical needs of the entirc development; 220 Ouncan Mtll Raatl. Sui[e 301. Taranto. Ontaria h13B 3J5 . Te6 �4161 �141•9655 Fez: (4161 44t•0172 i , � � � ( �� . 5 3. Invar enteced into the agttement with Pickering Hydro and constructed the additional shucture tliat contained a Full Transformer Smtion well in advance of the Town's pazsage of its Development Churges Bylew in 1991, Given that we hed alrcady paid for the upfront cost of facilities thet the Hydro Development Charge is intended to cover, and given that we proceeded in accordance with an agreement with Pickering Hydro, it is not equitable to impose an ndditional cherge for a facility that haa already been provided; and 4. We have rcviewed this matter with both the'fown's Manager of Economic Development and the Town's Dircctor of Finance, both af whom have canfirtncd their support Cor our request to Ix exempt from the S80,Ob0.00 Hydro Development Charge. In light of the foregoing, we ask that Council consider an exemption in this instance, however, because our commitment to our tenant requires that we proceed with construction in a timely manner we are forced to pay the Hydro Uovelopment Charge wder protest, and ere writing this latter to advise same. On February 4,1999, Invar paid 579,129.22 towards the hydro electric component of the development charge in order to obtain the above captioned building pertnit. As such we are hercin providing a complaint to the payment of same pursuant to the Development Charges Act, the rcazons for the complaint are as described above. Pleaze be advised that (nvar Corporation and Bri jan Holdings Limited aro the complaintant's and the owners, the address is: do Invaz Building Corporrtion 220 Dwcan Mill Road, Suite 301 Toronto, ON M3B 315 Attention: Sal Crimi Should you have further infortnation please contact the writcr. Yours very wly, fnvar Corporation, and Bri-Jan Holdings Limited � ,_� `�alC' �P C: Mr. Adam Brown (Broµn Dryer Karol) a +' , i i 1 . s ' . ,. . . .. . � � . . . , � . �o�N of �,�� � � Februuy 11, 1999 Pickering Hydro TAecoryoraUon �g20 Bayly Street ravnofrickeri Pickering,Onterio. � LlW 3R6 UMk'S Dlpaftrnent Attendon: lohn Wienma ' r�om�u�co�,+d�+ Genera! Manaaer one me f�d+rie�e �� Unaaa UV 6K7 MmttACew 1�7117G/EA0 rxwmw�c ,00���to.,aii DearJohn: ' ram roomnam� ,���„�.»„ Please find enclosed a copy of a lentt 1 received from the Invar Building Corporation "°"'" "0'�"0°"' dated February 4, 1999 making a complaint pursuent to the Development Charge� Act, t997, about the payment of Hydro Development Charge� in relation to the expansion af the buildinglocated at1778 Orangebrook Court. The Develapment Chazga Act stata that Council must hold a Hearing about the complaint within 60 days of «ceipt of the complaint. [n order to comply with the Act, I have tentative scheduled a Hearing at the Council Meeting of March 22, 1999. I have rceeived a lener from Invar's soGcitor asking me to delay scheduling a Hearing until he i� ablc to talk to the Hydro Cortunis�ion about this issue. For your information, �tuch 22nd i� the last possible Council Meeting to which [ can delay this Hearing. Unless I receive a letter Bom Invar withdrewing the compleint, this Hearing will go ahead on that date. I would ask that you provide me with a report on this matter on or before February ?6, 1999 in order for our sta@'to be able to also prepare a report to Council outlining the issue� of this complaint. If you heve any questions with respect to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Youn cercl , ruce Taylor, AMCT, CbiM Town Clerk � i ' 7 , ;�, : y� '. Fobruary 28,1989 Mr. Adam J. Brown Brown, Dryer, Karol 50T5 Yonge Street, Suite 900 North York Onlario M2N 6C8 Gear Mr. Brown, Ra: Request for Exemplion trom the Hydro Development Charge with reapect to the Property known aa 1738 Orangebrook Court Further to your letler of February 11" and your presentalion lo lhe Commisslon on Februery 19" , ihe Commission's dacision as por their resolutlon #2256/99 is es followa: 'BE IT RESOLVED THAT thore be no reduction or offsat in the Development Charges pald by ihe Invar Group with respect to lhe property known as 1738 Orangebrook Court.' i� The basfs for the above resoluUon (s as follows: jj • The Devolopment Charges Act and the Town By-law require lhe uniform ,�t applicalion of the legfslation and preclude eny discretianary exemptions. � � The Invar Group's case for an exemptfon claiming thal a local transformor roam is already in place and that it ahould offaef the need for the collection of , the charge has a 8aw In logic. Development charges are collecled for �infrastruclure funding outside the developmenl's boundades. � �;� Should you have eny further questione regarding this matter pleese don't hesitate to call. ;� Yours very truly, kOfipinet alpned by: J. Wlereme �� John Wiereme, P.Eng. �� Oeneral Manager �i i� c. ,S. Criml, Invar Developmants i( ✓B. Taylor, Town oi Plckering iM��«+��+o•irni�wnercm�wwe.a.wuN..nneiwmmw�,,.n,yp,,,q,�„�p„q„� . � 2b8 Chap. D9 DEVEIA�MFllT CFIAROES public meetin`, notice of which shdl be gtven in �t least one nerspaper havin` Qen- enl circul�tlon in the municipdity. +� (7) SecUom 4 snd S �pply with neassary mod(flcaUons to lhe pessinQ ot e bylaw under subsection (4). 1989, c. 38, �. 6. ��+,em.AU �,_.(1) The council ot a municipaliry that hu passed e deveiopment cherge bylaw may amend the bylaw. P�� (2) Sectfons 4 end S epply with necessary modificat(ons to an amendment ot a develap� ment cherge bylaw under subsectfon (1). 1989, e. 58, s. 7. �� S.—(1) M owner may complain in writing to the wuncil ot � municipaii�y m respect o[ the development charge imposed by the municipaiity on the owner's development that, (a) the emount ot the development charge imposed wes (ncorrcd or was baud on incorrea data; (b) the amount crcdited lo Ihe owner under seafon 13 is inwrtect; (c) the amount ot a previous devclopmem charge being credrted under uction iS is incortect; or (d) therc was an ertor (n �he application of the development chargc bylaw. m q,�m �o I21 An owner may not submi� a wmplaint y, ,,,,a under subuction (I) aher ninety days lollaw• ing the la�esl o(, (a) �he date a building permit is issued; t�A xw+w (b� able under subsecPon 9�(7)a ge is pay- (c) the date � development charge is pay able under en agreement under sub satton 9 (4) or (8). (3) The eomplafnt shall sta�e ihe name end addreu where nolices wn be given lo the compla(nant and shall sla�e the reasons for thc rnmplaint. (4) The co�ncil shell give �he complainant the opportunily to make repreuntations and notia ot �he hearing shall be mailed to the camplainant by the clerk not le:s �han four• teen daps before tlie da�e �he complaint is to be comidercd. nlon pubHque et en donne �vis dans �u moins un journel adnlnlament lu dsna la mun(cipalitf. (7) Les �rticles 4 et S s'appliyuent avec les "�'�"�' adaptatians nlcessaires ! I'+dop�ion d'un rlgiement municipal en vertu du parographe (4). 1989, chep. S8, art. 6. 7(I) Le mnsail d'une municipalitd qui a�'1odifi"""` adoptd un t2glement munic(pal prdvoysnt I'imposidan de redevances d'exploitation peut madifer le r2glement municlpsl. (2) Les art(cles 4 et S s'applfquent avee les Moda11N adaptadans ndcessaires l la mod�cation d'un rdglemonl mun(cipal prtvoyant I'Imposition de rcdevances d'ezploita�ion en venu du paregraphe (1). 1989, chap. 38, art. 7. B(q Un propriHaire pwt se plaindre M'"'p par fcrit au conseil d'une muniripalitd, en ce qul e irait A la redevance d'expbitation que la municipalitE s imposle A Pdgard de ses ira- vaut d'ezpbitation, que : a) le momant de Ia rodevana d'ezploita• tion imposfe est inexaa ou fondf sur des donnfes inexana; b) le monunl pond au crtdit du propri!• �aire en venu de I'article 1� est ine:aa; c) le rtwntent d'une rcdevona d'ezploita• Ilon anlfriture aaordd A tiue de crb• dit en vertu de I'�nicle 14 est inexaa; ' d) il y a ou erteur dans I'appliatian du rlglement munidpal prbvoyant I'impo- sition de redevanca d'explouauon. (2) Aucun proprifuire ne peut parter �� wn�d plainte en vertu du parographe (1) pius de p„n�e qua�re•vingt�fu jours aprls In dernidre des datcs suivantes : a) la date o0 le permis de wnstruire est ddlivrd; b) la d�le o0 la rcJevance d'exploitalion est payable aux termes du paragraphe 9 (3); c) la dale o0 la redevana d'explo(lalion est payable aux letmes d'un acco�d prlvu au pangraphe 9(�) ou (B). (]) la plainte indique le nom du plaignant ��0m et I'adresse o�l les avis peuvent lui f�re envoyls ainsi que les mo�ifs de la plainte. (d) Le mnseil donne au plaignant la poui• �ua�aK. bilitd de prlsenter des observadons. Le secrltaire envoie I'avis d'audience au plai• gnant par la poste au moins quatorze joun avant la date o0 la plainte dait 21re exami- nfe. y, aensv�t+cee o•e�owrr�non ehap. D.9 �9 �� (J) Atter heutn� the evidence and suM � misa(on� of the complainom, ihe council may, (�) rnntlrm the devebpment clurye; ar (b) ame� the davelopment chu�e to the e�teet tlut, in the op(nion ot the coun� cU, � rcWew ot �np or all of the m�a ten in subsectlon (I) justitia such an �mendment. � (6) The clerk o[ the munidpaliry shdi, not I�tet than 6han day� atter the day a deci� �(on is mada by ihe council, give written notica at the deciston by mail to the com- pl+luant, end the noNce shdl spedty the last day far filing an appeal, which date shall be no adier than twenry days aher the da�e the letter is mailed. �� (7) The complainant may appeal the deci- s(an o[ the muncil to the Municipal Boatd by fil(ng with the clerk of the mun(cipality a notia of appeal utting aut the reason� for the appeal. � (8) The clerk of the municipality who rcaiva e notice of appeal under subseafon (7) �hali comp(le a record wh(ch shall fnclude, (a) a rnpy ot the devclopment charge by law certited by the clerk; (b) an a(fidavit or declaretion cen([ying thet the rcqufremenn far the giving ot notia have been rnmplied u•ith; and (c) the original or a �rue copy of all writ• ten submissions and maierial in sup� port o[ the mmplaint. ��'a°d (9) The clerk shall farwerd the natfce of o.M.e. appeal and the rcmrd ro the xcreiary of �he Muniripal Board wiihin thirty days o[ ihe lut day o[ appeal and shall provide :uch o�her informatian and material that ihe Board may requtrc in respea of the appeal. P'rtk' (10) The penles to the appcal are the complainant snd the municipality. �i � (ll) The Municipal Board sholl hold � har{ng notice ot wh(ch shall be given to the particf to the appeal. � (12) Despite subuction (II►, the Munid- Qel Board may, where it u ot the npinion thst the wmpiatnt set out in the nutice ot eppeal i� Insu[ficient, dismiss �he appeal wi�hout holding e tull hearing but beforc dir missfng the appcal shall no�ity the appellant and give �he•appellant an oppartunity to make rcpresentations u to the meriu of the appeal. (S) Aprl� �rolr entendu b �dmol`na�e et �rw a les ob�ervulons du plal4nanl, le conxil 001j� peut: 9 a) mnfirtncr la rcdennce d'eaploitation; b) modifler Iv redevance d'exploiniion dam I� maure o�, de I'�vu du wn• xU, un examen de Ia ronl(td ou J'un dapo incs figurant au pangraphe (I) JustiBe une telle mad(fiption. (6) [.e xttdtefre de Is municipalitd, au ��n a � plut ard qu(nze joun apr2� que Ie conseil a°�Q100 rcndu une dkuton, envoie p�r la poste un avi� fcrit de la dlcision au plalgnant. L'avis prtcise le demler jour od 1'onpeut Jdpottr un avu d'appel, date qul ne do(t pas btre CuEe � moins de vingt joun aprl� Ia date de mise 81a posm de Ia lettrc. (7) Le plaignant peut intetjeter appel de ^wd la dEcisian du conuil 0 la Commission des ettaira municipales en ddposant auprts du settEtaire de la muniripali�E un avis macivb d'appei. (B) Le secrlte(re de Ia municipalitd qul °o�� reSoit I'aw d'appel prfw au paregcaphe (7) wnstitue un dossier qui comprcnd les piku suivanta : a) une copie du r2glement munfcipal prdvoyant I'imposition de redevances d'exploftation cenifile conforme per le secrdta(rc; b) un afHdavit ou une dlclarotian attes- tant que les exigences touchont la slgniGcaUon de I'avi� ont E�E obser• vda; c) I'original ou une copie mn(orme de toutes lee observations lcrites et de touti lee documenn reSus A I'appui de la plainte. (9) Le secrdtaite envoie I'avis d'appel et le E^m �� �� dossier au ucrftuire de la Commissian des ,b,,,., � � aftaircs municipales dans la erente jaurs sui• c.� xo. vant I'expirotian du dllai d'appel et fournit les renseignements et documents que la Commission peut exiger relativement i I'a� �I. (10) Sanl paniet ! I'appel Ic plaignant et P'"14 la municipalitd. (il) LaCommissiondesaffairesmunicipa� ��'�'�w Ies tient une audience et en avise les panies 0 I'appel. (12) Malgrf le paagrophe (11), la Com• R0i!�� a missfon da aHaira munidpales peut, si elle �` �' � est d'avis que la plainte Enona'e dam I'avi� d'appel at iruuffuante, rejeter I'appel sans �eNr d'audfena compllte. Avant de rcjeter I'appel, cependant, elle avi!e I'appelant et lui donne la possibilitd de prEunter des observa• tions rnncemant Ie bien•fondE de I'appel. �� 10 ' 27(1 Chep, D.9 DEVEIAPMEHTCHAROES o°iµe °► (13) The Munidpal Board may make any (I�) La Commiu!on des att�ires muNcfpa• 4°� o. decision �het could have been made by the Ies peut rendrc toute dEcisian que le conuii counctl ot the mun(cipaliry, de Ia munldpalitd euolt pu rcndre. A'�10d (l4) I( the 'deveiopment charge (e (14) St le rnnufl ou I� Commisston des a�^�^�• emended by tha wuncfl or by ihe Municipal a(f�ires munfelpiles moditle la redevance """ Board, the municipality shell immediately d'explolteHon, ia municipal(�! tembourse rcfund the ditfercna between �he develap� sam dElai la diftlrcna entre la redevance ment charge pald thet was in d'upute and the d'eapioltatian peyEe qui fel��it i'objet du amaunt ot the charge rcqutred by the coundl I(dge et le moannt de la rcdevance dont k � or the Munictpal Boerd to be paid. t989, conseil ou la Commission des atfa(res munid• e. 58, s, 8. peles exige le patement. 1939, chep. 58, att. B. i �0'�"m g,�l) A development charge is payable 9(1) La redevance d'explo(tatlon est �"` �'t°� I e°i" on the date e buildin rmit is Isaued in a6if � � g p� payable A la date de dflivrance du permis de R�,,,q rciation lo a building or struauR on land to corotniGe A I'Egud d'un bAtiment ou d'une whtch e development charge applies. construqion sur un lerrain auquel s'applique I une redevana d'ezploitatian. �q�i (2) Despite eny other Aa, a municipal(�y (2j Maigrd toute autre bi, la muniripalitd ��� a�oo- i is not rcquired to tuue a building permit in n'est pas unue de dA(vrcr un permis de °°k"Q"� rcletion to e building or struaure an land to construfre � I'Egard d'un bA�iment ou d'une whtch a development charge applia unleu wns�matan sur w terrain auquel s'applique i the development charge has been pafd. une redevance d'expioitat(on d mofns que celle�ci n'ait dtf payh. � E101p�0" (3) Dr^.;te subseaion (I), a munidpality (3) Malgrd le pangraphe (1), la municipa• �r+� msy, in a development charge byIaw, pro. I(t! peut, dans un r2glement municipat pr!- vide Ihet � developmeN charge with rcspea voyant 1'imposi�ion de redevances d'ezpIoiu• � to water supply serv(ces, uniury sewer xr• tfon, prEvoir qu'une rcdevance d'eaploitadon ; vtas, startn dretnage urvia�, transportetlon i I'fgerd de servia� d'appravisannement en urvices and eleariwl power or energy ser• eau, d'fgout slpan�it et d'Egow pluvial, de vices shell be payeble, with respect to an services de tr�nspon et de servias d'llectri• approval of a plan ot subdivision under sec- citd ou d'lnergie est payable a I'lgard de tfon 51 ot the P/anntng Act, immediately I'approbaiion d'un plan de lotissement en upon enter(ng into the subdiv(sion agree- venu ck I'anicie 31 de la Lo! ru� 1'amlwgr• i ment. mmr du rtrriroln, d2s la conclusion J'une convention de IoNssement. h�m � (4) A munfcipality may enter into an (4) Une municipali�d peut mnclure avec Arordtt1i1M wr��u agreemem with an owner providing for �he un propriliaire un accord prfvoyant le paie• aK,M��tl' payment o( a development charge before the ment d'une redevance d'exploitation avam la date otherwise requlred for payment under date fu6e pour Ia paiement aw �ermes du subsedton (I) or (3). parographe (1) ou (7), ��m (S) Desplte eny provfston of a devtlop� (S) Malgtd tou�e Jisposit(on d'un r2gle• �a�m ment charge bylew, an owner enlering into ment municipal prdvoyant I'fmposit(on de an agreement under subsec�fon (4) (s redavanas d'expioiiation, le propril�aire qui requircd to pay only Ihe development charge conclut un aaord en aertu du paragrophe (4) in etfeq on �he date it b peyable under �he n est unu de payer que la redevana d'ex• ' agreemenl. pioitation en vigueur r Ia daie o� elle est � payable aux �ermes de I'accord. I �'�,�"'�'r«, (6) The payments egrced to under subsec• (6) Les pafemems prEws aua termes du P�0"�^'� ,ei. tton (4) are payable by �he awner entering paragraphe (4) doivent 8he effectuEs par le b��nmflm into Ihe agreement and are not tnnsferabie proprifta(re qui conclw I'aaord et ne peu• to a subsequent owner. venl 8trc �ransflrls i un propriEtaire subs!• qucm. nmknbM (�) Crcdta given under �tian 13 or 14 �o (7) Les crldits accordl� aux termes de �na�u �oe • an owner who has entered into en agrcement I'anicle I] ou 14 i un propriE�aire qui a wn- 'nronr,n�, undar subsectlon (4) ere not trensfenble to a ciu un accord en venu du paragraphe (4) ne subuquent owner. peuvent ttre transkrfs � un propridtairc sub- slqurnt, �� (8) Despite subsectlons (t) ond (�), e (8) Malgrd les paragrophes (i) et (7), une E�0M10^� ,,,,,,n municipality mey enter Into en agreement municipalitd peut rnnclure ava un propd!- with an awner provtding tor the payment of tatrc un aaord prbvoyant le patement de la 1 , " � , j � . . . . . . � � � � . � � � . .. � � .. .. : . . . i . � . - � . - . . , . . i . , . . . . � . t �1 aenev�r+cFS u��wrr�noN chap, D.9 271 eIl or +ny ponian ot the developmem charge talelil6 ou d'une partle de I� redevana d'ex• on dates leter then the iuuing of e building pIo(tatfon ! des dates postdrieures A la date pemtit or the enledng into o( a subdivislon de ddlivrana d'un permis de constru(re ou 8 agreement. la concluslon d'une convemlon de lodise• mrnt. � m (9) Desplle subsectlons (1) and (]), a (9) Malgrf Ies p�regnphes (I) et (3), une k�� 4 p�a municipality may by agreement pertn(t an municlpell�d peut, au moyen d'un accord, pK�n� owner to Provide serv(as In Ifeu o( the pay permettre ! un proprtEtaire de faumir des ment o[ all or eny portton of a deveiopment urvica au 1(eu de peyer la totelitd ou une charge. panie de la rcdevance d'exploftation. �01pq1 (10) A munidpality thet has entered tnto (10) La munic(palitE qui a conclu un �^'�k� an agreement undar subsec�ion (8) may eccord en vertu du paragraphe (8)peut eu• charge interat, at e rate stipuiated in the ger des intErdb, 1 un lauc prlcisf dans I'ac• agreement, on thnt part at the development cord, sur la partle de Ie rcdevana d'eaplai�a• charge not paid (n acm•dana with subsa• �ion qui n'e pas dtE payEe confortnlment au tton (l). 1989, e. S8, s. 9, parographe (1). 1989, chap. 58, an. 9. ��!� 10.—(1) I( a development charge is 10 (1) SI une munlcipalttd de palier �°p�p��u+ �k, imposed by an upper tier mun(cipaliry, �he suplrieur impose une redevana d'exploita• wp��� treuurcr o[ the upper tlec municipaliry shell Iton, le trfwder de atte municipalitd anifie certify to �he trcssurcr ot the area munidpal• au trEsorier de le municipalitd de secteur ity (n whtch the land is located that the dans laquepe est situd te tertatn que le rede• charge has been imposed, the amount ot the vance e d�d imposfe et lul indfque Ie montam charge, �he manner in which the charge is to de la redevance afmi que le mode de paie• be paid and when the charge is due, ment et la date d'extgibilitE de «Ile�cl. ��M (2) The treuurcr of the area municipaliry (2) Le Irfsorier de le munidpalitd de sec. ��m� �,,,�, shall collea the cherge imposed by �he upper �eur per�oit la redevence impos6e per la a,'a�"'o- tier municipal(ry when due and shall, unleu municipalitd de palier suplrteur A la date �+�an °�� an exlens(on at t(me (s agreed to by the d'exigibllitd et, e moins que la muniripaliid upper tier municipality, remit the amount of de pal(er suplrieur n'acoorde une prolonga• the charge ta the trcasurer o( the upper tier tion de i'EchEana, remet le montant de Ia munidpal(ty on or beforc the 23th day of the «devana au trlsorfer de la municipalitE de month following �he momh in which the palier suplrieur au plus �ard le 25� jour du charge (s recefved by Ihe arca munidpaGty, mois suivant «luf eu mun duquel la munid• pali�d de uaeur a rcSu la rcdevance. ��10 (?) Despite subsection (2�, a devclopment (�) Maigrd Ie pangrophe (2)� Its redovan• loam charge Imposed by en u per tler municipaliry «s d'eaploitation imposles par une munici• under subxctton 9(J), �4) or (8) may be col• palitd de palier suplritur en vertu du para• lected by Ihe upper tier municipality, gnphe 9(3), (a) ou (8) pcuvent btre perSues pu cette domkre. �"'�^°tl0q (4) The trcasurer of an upper �ier munici• (4) Le trEsorler de le municipalitt de ^��"���a^ paifty that has collected a development palier supErieur qul ��xnu une reJevance charge under subsection (3) shall anify �o d'e:ploilaUon en vertu du paregraphe (7) the treasurer o[ the srea municipality in ttnifie au �rlsorier de la municipali�d de uc• whlch the land is laated �ha� the chargc has uur dans laquelle le unain est situd que la been collected, redevana a!td persue, tds0 (5) I( build(ng permits ere issued by an (S) SI une munidpalild de Qalier supfrieur �aam upper tter municipality, Ihe chfet building dtlivre des permis de wnslrwre, le direneur otficial of the upper Ifer municipali�y shall de le construction de atte municipalitd cetti• certify lo Ihe treasurcr of tht erea municipal• fie au trlwrier de la municipalitd de seaeur Ity in wNch the land b located Ihat all appl(• Jans laquelle le lertafn est situd que Ies dis• cabie lew within the meaning ot the 8uilding posilions appliables au sens de la Lo! rur fe Code Aa, exapt the payment ot develop� code du bdtfmtnt, 9 I'eaception du paiemenl ment charga, has been complied wi�h. de la redevana d'ezplo(tation, ont ttd obser- vfes. 10r° (6) The Ireasurer of the area municipaliry (6) L.orsqu'il reqoit I'e�rcsta�fon prdwe au ��m shall, upon rcce(pt ot the certificate under paragraphe (5) afnsl que le patement dcs subsec�lon (S) and upon payment of all rcdevanas d'ezploitatlon el des redevanas development cherges end educa�ion develop� d'ezplo(tatton relativa 9 I'lducation prEvues I ment charges under Part 111 imposed on the � la panfe III fmposfa A I'Egard des travamc development, immedtately artify Io the chiet d'eaploitalton, le trfsorier de la municipaiitd � bu(Idfng affictal ot the upper Iter municipaliry de ucteur anifie uns ddlai au d'uecteur de i ,, 12 Z%2 Chep. D.9 DEVEIAPMENTCHAROFS Dde{ubn olmlkction po.sn Naia of by�ur that all develapment charga and educat(on development charga heve been pe(d. (7) I( buflding permits arc issued by an upper tier municipality, the upper tler mun(c• ipaiity may, if agreed to by the ara munid• pality, colkct ell development cherges and eduanon development charge�. 1989, e. 58, s. 10 11. A municipality ihat has passed a development charge bylaw may register Ihe bylaw or a artified copy of fl on Ihe land to wh(ch it applia. 1989, c. 58, s. Il. �^�^� li.—{I) It the developmem chargo or eny part Ihereot imposed by a municipaliry, other Ihan an upper tier municipality, remains unpaid atter the due date, the amount unpaid shall be added to the ta: roll and shall be collected as taxes. Idem dnhi lar KMRf Idem �acm eredin (2) I( Ihe development charge or any part therco! imposed by an upper tier mun(cipal• (ty remafns unpatd after Ihe due date, the treasurcr ot the upper tier municipality shall «rtify ta the treasurer ot ttie erca munidpal- (ty in which the land is located �hat �he emount Is unpaid and �he amount unpaid shall lx added to the tax roll of �he area municipalily and shall be collected as taxes. 1989, c. 38, s. 12. 13.—(1) A municipality �ha� permits �he provision o( urvices in lieu o( �he p�yment ot all or any portion ot a development charge shall give a credit tar en amaunt equal to �he reasonable mst to the owner ot providing �he services. (2) If a municipality and awner enter an agreement that permits an owner to provide urvices additional to or of a greaier sizt or capacity than is required under a develop� ment chuge by-law, the munfcipality may agree to give a credit for an amounl up to the reasonable wst to the owner of providing Ihe servia�. (3) A credit given under subsectfan (2) shall nat be charged lo a reserve fund estab lished under section 16. 1989, c. 58, s. 13. !4.—(1) I[ an owner or e tormer owner hae, be(orc the coming iNO force of a deve4 opment charge bylaw, pafd ell or any por- tlon oi e charge related to deveiopment pur• suant to an agrcement under uction Sl or 53 of the Planning Arf ar a predeaswr thercot - la wnstrutlion de la munfcipalild de pelier suplr(eur que toutes Ies redevana: d'eaploi• uUon « Ies rcdevances d'exploitation relati• ves A I'Educatlon ont ftd payEes. (7) S( une munlcipalitd de alier tuplrieur �kN�w^ dllivrc des permis de wnswie, aite muni• �'p,�p,"„ cipalild peut, si la municipalitd de sectcur y conu,nt, percevoit la redevances d'ezploila• tlon et les redevenaa d'exploilation relatives ! I'lducation. 1989, chep. SB, art, 10. ll Ia munlcipaW! qui a adoptE un rdgla ^'" �"��• msnt munidpal prlvoyent I'impo:ition de wi"""""". rodevanas d'expbtlatlan peut enregistrcr le rttiiement municipal ou une wpie artifile contorme de a denuer 1 I'dgard du tertain auquel il s'applique. 1989, chap. 58, an. Il. 12 (l) Sf la redevana d'exploitation, ou P"°o"°" une partie de ceUe-ci, qui e!td imposEe par une municipalitd, 9 I'exclusion d'une munid• palit! de pelier supfrieur, demeure impayle aprts la date d'exigibllild, le montant impayE at ajoutd au rOle de percept(an et per�v A tiue d'impdts. (2) SI la rcdevana d'exploitatian, au une 1dtm panie de alle�ci, qui a ft6 Imp�s!e par une municipali�d de palier supdrieur demeure impayEe aprts la dele d'exigibilitf, le trtw• rier de la munlcipal(td de palier suptrieur anifie au trdsorier de la municipalitd de sea teur dans laquelle le Icrtain esl situE que le man�ant est impayd. Ce monlant est alors ajoutd au rble de perceptfon de la municipa• IitE de ucteur et perSu 9 tUre d'impbts. 1989, chap. 58, art. 12. 13 (1) La municipalitE qui permel la �'��"�°°' fourniture de services au Iku du paiement de """` la totalitE ou d'une panie d'une «de��nce d'ezploitation eccorde un crldit d'un mon• �ant lgal aux frais raisonnables engagfs par le propriNaire pour toumir les services. (2) Si une municipalii! et un proprifiaire 1J°m concluent un aaord permeltanl � ce dernicr de tourn(r des :ervices :uppltmeniaires ou des urvices d'une envergure ou d'une capa• citd supfrieure A a qu( est exigE aux urmes d'un r2glement municipal prdvoyant I'imposi• tion de redevances d'exploitation, la munid• palitf peut aaepter d'aaorder un crfdit d'un montant pouvant Egaler les (rais raiwnnables engag�s par le proprltafre pour foumir les urvias. (3) Aucun crldit accordE en vertu Ju 1etm paragraphe (2) ne dolt 8tre imputd ! un fonds de rEscrve crld en vertu de I'ankle 16. 1989, chep. 58, art. 13. l4 (1) SI, avant I'entrlt en vigueur d'un ��ean� r2glement municipal prlvoyant I'imposition de redevanas d'exploflation, un proprittaire ou un ancten propdEtalre a payd la �otaliid ou une panie de Ie redevantt relaiive A des travaux d'explo(latton ton(armlmem � une Idem �aem Connia� Idcm 1�3 aeneva+cFS n��wrt�nor+ chap. D.9 273 with respeM lo land w(Ihin the aru to whlch the byI�w �ppllee, �he munidpality shell give a ttedit for the amount ot the charge patd. (2) ff an owner or a former owner has, Ixfore the coming into fora o! a develop� ment charge bylaw, provided urvias in lieu o[ the payment of all or any ponion of a charge related to developmen� pursuant to an agreement under soc�fon SI or 53 of the Pfanning Acr or a predeassor Ihereo[ with resped ro land within the arca ro which the bylew applia, the munidpality shall give a crcd(t for an amount equal to the reasonable cost to Ihe owner or to Ihe former owner of providing the urvtas. (3) It an owner is tequired �o pay a charge to a municipality under a bylaw passed under sectton 218 of the dfuniripal Act, sea t(on 4 at Thr Clry o(Orrawo Aa, IP60-0/ or sect(on l of The City o/ Toronro Acr, l961•61, the municipality shall reduce the development charge payable undcr the devel• opment charge bylaw by an amaunt equal to the charge (mposed by �hai bydaw. (4) I( a con0ict exists betrcen the provi• sfons of a development charge bylaw and an agreement referced to in subsection (I) or (2), the provislons of ihe agreemenl prevail �o �he extent ot �he conllict. (5) It a contl(ct exists betwecn �he provi• slons of a development charge byIaw and any other agreemtnt between a municipality and en awner or a former uwner ui�h rcspect to land withfn lhe arw to which ihe bydaw appIles, the ptovis(ons of ihe agreement pre• vail to the exlent Ihal thcre is a canllict. 1989, c. 58, s. 14. ������d� 15.—(1) A mun(cipality shall not levy rromrcmem� morc than one development charge on land to whlch e devebpment charge applies even �hough two or moro ot the ac�ions described In clauus 3(i) (a) �o (g) are required beforc that Iand can be develaped, ��'" (2) Despite subttction (1), if two ar more ot the adtons deuribed in clauses 3(1) (a) to (g) oavr at d(tkrcnt Ifines, a municipaliry conventfon wnclue en venu de I'anicle SI ou S7 de la Lo! tur 1'am[mgrmenr du nrrirafre ou de dispos(tions que as etticles remplaunl A I'lgard d'un ierta(n simd dans le ucteur auquel s'epplique le rlglement municipal, la municipalitd accorde alors un crldit d'un montant lgal A la redevana payle. (2) SI, avant I'emrle en vigueur d'un �a�m rtglement munic(pal �rlvoyant I'imposition de redevanas d'ezploita�ion, un propriftaire ou un enden propriltaire a foumi des xrvi- ces au lieu de payer la �otalitd ou une panie de la redevana relalive � des travaux d'et- ploitatfan confortnlment � une convention canclue en vertu de I'anicle 51 ou 53 de la Loi rur 1'amlmgrmcnr du hrriroirc ou de dis� positiont que ces er�iclet remplacent A I'dgard d'un terrain situd dans le secteur auquel s'a�plfque Ie r2glement municipal, la munic(pallld accorde alon un crEdit d'un montant lgel aux frats raiwnnabl:s engagfs par le propditaire ou I'ancien propriNairc pour (oumit les servias. (3) Si un propridtaire esl tenu de payer �aam une redevana A une muniripalitd aua termes d'un rdglement municipal adopt! en vertu de 1'article 218 de la La! rur la muniripalir(t, de I'article 4 de le lof intitulte Thr City of Ormwa Act, 1960fi! ou de I'anicle 1 de la loi intilulle Tht Ciry of Toromo Arr, 1961•62, la municipalilb diminue la «devana d'exploita• lion payable auz termes du r2glement muni- cipal pr8voyant 1'imposilfon de redevances d'exploitalion d'un montant dgal d la rede• vance imposle par « r2glement municipal. (4) S'il y a incompatibilitd enlre les dispo- �^�°'"N"b'�'• sitions d'un rdglement municipai prlvoyant �h I'impositian de rcdevances J'exp�oitation et celles de la mmemion visfe au paragrophe (I) ou (2), les dispositions de la conveniion I'emportent dans la mesure de 1'incompatibi• litf. (5) S'il y a incom�tibilitf enlre les Jispo• �aam si�ions d'un r2glemeN municipal prlvoyant I'imposition de redevanus d'ezPloitation ct celles de iaut autre aaord conclu entre une municipalit6 et un propriftalre ou un ancien propriltaire i I'lgard d'un �crrain situ! dans le secteur auquel le r2giement mun(cipal s'applique, les disposiiions de I'aaord I'em• portent dans la mesure de I'fncompalibilild. 1989, chap. S8, art. 14. IS (1) Une municipalitd ne doi� pas prd• N°�� �'� m�. lever plus d'une redevana d'exploitation A i�Pin I'Egard d'un tetrain auquel s'npplique une redevana d'explaitation, mbme si au moins deux des mesures dfcritcs auz alintas )(I) a) � g) sant nfcessaires avant que ce �arrain ne pufsse d�re ezploit8. (2) MalgrB le paragraphe (1), si au moins 1di^ deux des mesures dEcrites aux alindas ](I) a) A g) sont prises A des moments Ji(ffrenis, i4 Zi4 Chep. D.9 DEVEIAPMEM qUR0E5 may requtrc �he payment oI en �ddittonat development char4e if the subsequenl ullan has �he etkct of incrcnins the need for ttr• vta�. 1989, c. 58, s. I3. �^� � t6.—(l) Paymenu rcatved by a munict- pality under ihis Put shall be malnteined in a separete rcserve Pond or funds and shall be used only to meet grortlrrclated net capiul cosu (or wh(ch the development cherge wu imposed. ���«�� (2) Subsections 163 (�) and (]) of the ,�ia � Munlclpul Arf apply wilh neassary modifiu- Itons to payments reaived by a munfcipaliry under thu Part. 1989, a 58, e. (6. Su�emeel d IRUYIff la�m� t�m Ikm Rryu�IhN 17. The trusurcr ot the municipality sha�l, tn each yar, on ar befare such date as council may dircct, [umish to the council a statement in respett ot each reserve fund established under seaan I6 contafning the information prescribed. 1989, c. 58, s. 17. 18.--(I) A municipiliry:hall pay interest to persons to whom overpayments are re[unded under subsatfon S(3), 5(S) or 8(l4) wlalated in �he manner preuribed. (2) Interest shall be uiculated Gom the lime Ihat �he overpayment wu wlleaed �o the t(mt that the rc(und is pild, (3) The refund shall inc�ude the interest owed. 1989, c. 58, s. 18. 19. The LieWenant Govemor (n Council may make rcgulatioru, (a) preuribing, (or �he purposes of xctfon 3, Ihe manner in which development charges shall be pl�vlaled; (b) preuribing the number ot addittonal dwell(ng units md Ihe ca�egories of exis�ing residemial buildings tor the purposes of clause 3 (2) (b); (c) praaibing, for �he purposes of sectian 3, those servias tor which develop� ment charges shall no� be imposed; (d) prescribing, for Ihe purposes o( clause 3(4) (a), an index or indices that may be uud; (e) preuribing, for �he purposes ot sub- sectlon 4(1), the persons that are �o be given notice and �he manner fn wh(ch notice is to be given; (� prescribing, tor Ihe purposes at sub� uct(on 4(3), �he persons and agencia thet aro to be given notice and the manner and fortn in which nutice is to be given; (g) prescribing, (or �he purposa o( sub� sectfon 5(7), the informalion lo be la munidpalil! peut ea(ger le paiement d'une redev�na d'exp�oitatfon add(tiannelle si la mesurc subslqueme e pour eHet d'augmemer le besain de xrvica. 1989, chep. 58, an. IS. 16 (!) Les palemenu reSus par une e°�°�:.� muniripalitd aux tertnes de le prdunle panie sont conservds dan� un ou plusieurs fonJs Je rfserve disUnas et ne wnt utiliiEs que pour muvrir les co�11s en immabil(sat(ons neu lil: i Is croissana pour lesquels la redevana d'exploitation � dtd imposle. (2) Les pangnphes 16J (2) et (3) de lo "��+�a^ Lol Jur lu munldpa(G[t s'nppliquent avec Ies p,�y� �_� adap�aAons nEcessalrcs eux paiemenb requs �� IA a r par une munidpalitd aus lermes de la prd• ;°��� sente panie. 1989, chap. 58, ert. 16. 17 Le trtsorier de la mun(cipalit! (oumit Em a ue� chaque annEe au mnseil, au plut terd A I� "" date que peut prEciser a demfer, un Nat rnnamant chaque fonds de rEurve crEd en vertu de I'anicle 16 et contenant la renui• gnemenb prcuriu. 1989, chap. 58, art. 17. 18 (1) La municipalitd pafe du Inl6rfu. �^u�eo cakulls de la mani2re prescrite, aua person• nes auxquelles sont rembaursEs des trop�per• sus aux lertnes du parsgraphe 5(3), 5(5) ou 8 (14). (2) Les imlydb wnt calculls � partir du ���'" moment o� le trop•perSu a Etd ptr�u jus• qu'au moment du «mbaursemenl. (3) Le remboursemenl comprend les int!• ��'" r!u qui sont dus. 1989, chap. 58, art, 18. 19 Le Iieulenant•gauverneur en conseil p��'""^" pcut, par rlgiement : a) prcurire, pour I'application Je I'anicle 3, la fa�on de calculer les redevances d'exploitation; b) prescrire le nombre de logements addi• Nonnels et Ics catfgories d'immeublet J'habitation eais�anls pour I'applica• tion de I'alinfa 3(2) b); c) prescrire, Pour I'applicalion de I'anicle J, les sernas pour lesyuels il n'esl pa� imposf de «devances d'exploiiation; d) prescrire, paur I'appliw�fon de I'alinta 3(4) a), le ou les Indices qui peuvent llre uti�istf; e) prescrire, pour I'appl(caHon du para• graphe 4(1), les penannes auxquelles un avis do(t blre donnd a(nst que le mode de significallon de I'avis; � preurire, pour I'applicatfon du para• graphe 4(3), les personnes et organis- mes auxquels un avis doft btre donnd ainsl que k mode de significat(on de I'avis et ta formulc 9 respecter; g) prescrire, pour I'app8catlan du para• graphe 5(7), les renselgnemonls qui � i � r,� •:��;.r•*.��. �.u�.,y,:+:i.� j:T`dl�tT; ji��Fili]I Bring a by-farv ro provfde jor rhr poymcnt oj Devrlopment Chargrs. �J WHEREAS, pursuant to the Provisions of subsectian 3(1) of the Dtvtlopmrnt Chorg�s Ac1, l989, 5.0. ! 1969, chepter S6, the council of a munidpality mey paaa by-lewa for the Lnposition of deve�opment 1 cherges ageinst land if the development of the land would incrce�e the need for servicea; and � WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering, epproved, �� i (a) Tht Tuwn of Picktring Dtvelopmnu Chargrs Policy Rrpnrt, dated September 6, 1991, II prepered by C. N. Watson end Associa�es Ltd., Econamists, and � i (b) Tht Picktring Hydro-Elrc�ric Commission Rrport on Devtlopmrnt Chargrs, dated lune I j 20,1991, prcpared by ). Wiersma; � in adopting ltems 5 and 6 of the Executive Commiuee Repon of tl�e Comminee's Meeting of Sep�ember 23, 1991, at the Council Mating of October 7, 1991; end j WHEREAS the Council of The Carporation of the Tawn of Pickering has given Notice in accordance ' wi�h seetion 4 of Ihe Acr of its inteniion to Qass a bydaw under section :� thereof and has heard all persons who epplied to be heard whether in ob�ection thereto or in support themof; i , i i � � NOW THEREFORE ihe Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering hercby ENACfS AS � ,� FOLLOWS: ,� ' �i PARTI APPLICATION 1. (1) Subject to aubsectlon (2), this byInw applies to all landa in the Town of Pickering, whether or not the land or use is exempt (rom texation under section 13 of the Assessmeru Act, (2) This by-lew shell not apply to land that is owned by end used for the purposes of, (a) a board of education as defined in subsection 29(1) of the Dcvtlnpmenr Charg�s Act, /989, (b) the Town, or eny local board thereof, (c) The Rtgional Municipaliry of Dufiam, or nny locel board thercof, or (d) the Town of Ajax, the Township of Uxbridge or the Town vf Whitby, or any local board of eny of them. 2. (1) Subject to subsectfon (2), development cherges shallepply, end shell be calculated, peid and collected in accardence with the provi�iona of this bylaw, in respect of land to be developed for astdentiel use, non-rcsidentinl use, or both, where, (e) the development of the land wlli incmese the need for services, and I! �` -- � u. 16 (b) the development mquires, (i) thc puaing of a zoning by-law or of an amendment thercto under sectien 34 of U�e Planning Act, i983; (li) the epprovei af a minor veriana under nection 44 of the Plunning Acr, 1983; (ui) a c�nveyena of land to which a by-law pa�sed unJer subsection 49(7) of the Pbnntng Act,1983 applten; (iv) the approvel of a plan of subdivision under section 30 of the Planning Act,1983; (v) a consent under seaion 52 of the Planning Ac�,1983; (vi) the approval of a descriptian undet sectIon 30 of the Condominium Act; or (vii) �he issuing of a pertnit under the Building Cade Act in rolation to a building or auucturo. (2) Subsection (1) ahell not appiy in respea of, (a) local servias installed at the expense of the owner within a plan of subdivision as a condition of epproval under section SO of the Planning Acr,1983; (b) local servicea lnstolled nt the eapensc of the owner as a conditlon of npprovnl under section 52 of the Plunning Act,1983; or (c) local connectiona to wetertnains, �anitary sewero and stortn dreinege fectlities installed at the ex�ense of the owner Including amounts imposed under a by-law passed under sea�on 2l9 of ihe Muntcipul Acr. 3. (1) Wherc two or more of die actions described in clause 2(1)(b) erc rcquircd before land to which a development chargeapplies cen be developed, only one develoPment charge shell be cnlculated, paid and cullecteJ in accordance with the provisions of this by-law. (2) Nohvithstanding subudion (1), if two or mare of the actions deacribed in clause 2(1)(b) occur at dlffercnt times, a�id if the aubsequent action has the effect of Increasing the need for servicea as designeted in sectiona 5 and 9, an additional develoPment chazge shall be calculated, paid and colleded in accordance with Ihe provuions of this bylaw. �:.�r: r: •��:.II .. ;e. 4, In this patt, (a) "apartment" meens a building or part of e building contalning one ot mote dwelling units, none of whIch is a single detached dwelling, a single atteched dweqing or a semi-detached dwelling; (b) "bedroom" means any room thet allows for the use of one or moro persons, inciuding but not limited to, a den and femily room, but does not inciude a room clearly designed as a kltchen, living room, dining room or bathroom; (c) "development cherge" meens roaidential development charge; (d) "graJe" means Ihu average level cf Cmished growd edJoining a dwelling at nll extcrior wella; (e) "groas tloor eree" means �he totel erea of all flooro above grade of e dwelling unit meesured betwun the outeide nurfacee of eztedor wells or betwan the outstde surfeces ' of extedor watla end the centro llne of paRy walla divtding the dwelling unit from another dwelling unit or other ponian of n buliding; 17 (� "semi-deteched dwelling" meens one of a pair of dwelltng units atteched together horizontelly above or below grade ar both ebove end below grade; (g) "singie enached dweqing" rtxens one of e groap of not less then ttuee adJacent dwclling uniu attached together horizontelly by above grade common wells; (h) "single deteched dwelling" means a�ingle dweiling unit whlch is trcestanding, separete and detached from any other bullding or structure. ;I 5. Development charges against land to be developed for residential use shall be based upon the following designated services provided by the To�.vn: (a) administration end equipmcnt end seivices «lated thercto, and capital growth studies; � (b) fue statiom and equipment end services relaled thercto; i(c) sto�m drainage worka and equipment and services mlated the�eto; �� (d) trensportation, including roads, sidewelln, worin yards, transit and equipment and services rclated ti�emto; � (e) pecicland acquisition and development and equipment and services releted thercto, i excluding Ihe land required therefar by way of perkland dedication pursusnt to sections 41, 50 and 52 of the P/anning Act, l983; I (� major indoar rccreational facilities and equipment and services rcleted thereto; (g) libraries and cultural fecilities end equipment end services rcleted there�o, incluJing circuln�ing and non•circuleting materiels generally provided to librery users by public � libraries; and � (h) elecirical distribution systems and buildings and equipment end services rclated therao. j 6. SubJect to the provisions of this Part and this bylaw, development chergea agalnst land to be ;� developed for rcsidential use shall be calculeted, pald end collected at the foUowing retes: �'ypp of Dw IinQ i it CharQe Per llnit Single deteched dwelling, or 54,582,00 Semi-detnched dwelling Apartment dwelling, two or mare bedrooms 53,660.00 Apartment dwelling, less than two b; drooms 52,393.00 Other dwelling (including single attached dwelling) 54,236.00 7. (1) Subject to subuctlons (2) and (3), section 6 shall not apply In aspect of the croation of, (a) one or two additional dwelling unIts in en existing single detached dwelling; or (b) an addidonel dwelling unit in any other exlsting residenHel building. (2) Notwithstanding cleuse (1)(a), developmtnt chargw shall be celculated, peid and collected in eccordance with seMion b wherc the totel gross floor arce of the additionel unit or units is greater than the totel gross floor erea of the existing dwelling. (3) Notwithstanding clause (lxb), development chergw shnll be celculetcd, Paid and coilected in accordance with sectlon 6 where the additionel unit hea a gross floor area greeter then, (a) in the ce�e of a aemt-deteched dwetling or single atteched dwelling, the gros� floor erea of the exi�ting dwetling unit, end (b) ln Ihe case of any other roaidentlel buUding, the gro� fleor erea of the �malleat dwelling unit contafned in the rcsidentlal building. II . , ,, II . 18 .�.: �:.�r: �a: .��,:.� •. :.. S. In this pert, (a) "development chatge" meens non•residentIal development charge; (b) "grede" means Ihe averege level of finlshed growd edjoining a building at all exterior walls; (c) "gross floor erea" means the totel area of all tloors ebove and below grede within the exterior perimeter of a building, but does not include an area used for parking or loading or for access end menauvring; (d) "non-residential" meens designed, adapted or uxd for any purpose other than a dwelling or dwellings, 9. Development charges against lend to be developed for non•rcsidentlal use shall be besed upon the following designated servlces provided by the Town: (a) edministration nnd equipment end services rclated Ihereto, end capital growth studies; (b) fue stetions and equipment end services rclated thercto; (c) stortn drninage works and equipment ond services nlated Ihercto; (d) trensportetion, including roads, sidcwalks, works yards, trensit end equipment nnd services releted lhereto; (e) parklend acquisition end development and equipment and services rcleled thereto, excluding the land reyuired Iherefor by wey of parklnnd dcdicaiion pursuant to sections 4l, 50 and 52 of thc Planning Act, /983; (� major indoar rocreational fecilities and equipment end servicee rela�ed thereto; (g) libraries and culhual facilitiea end equipment end services related thercto, including circuleting and non-circuleting materinls generally ptovided to library users by public libraries; and (h) electricnl distribution systems and buildings, and equiFrtxnt end services related thereto. 10. Subject to the provisions of this Pan and this by-law, development charges against land to be developed for non-rcsidential use shall be calculated, paid end collected es follows: . (a) from Octobec 8, 1991 to October 7, 1992, both inclusive, no charges shall be calculated, paid or collected; (b) from October $, t992 to October 7, 1993, both inclusive, at 1he rate of 59.37 per square metre of grosa floor area of the non•rcsidential uu; end (c) on end efter Octobor 8,1993, et the rate of 518.73 per squere metro of gross Floor area of the non-residentiel use, PART IV AQ�STBATi4ti I1, Development chergee against lend to be developed for both non-asidential and ro�idential usos shell be calculated, petd end collecrcd es followa: (a) deveiopment chargea egalnat that poction of the land to be developed fot reaidentiel use ahall be calculeled, peld end collected on a per dwelling un(t of rcsidentiv use baais in accordanco with Part U of 1hla bylaw; i� (b) development chugea egaLut thet portion of the lend ro be developcd for non•aaidentiel uae ahell be calculated, paid anJ collected on e groee tloor erea of non-n�identiel uu baau in accordance with Part Ill of this by-lew. l2. (I) DeveloQrtunt charges aheU be payable in Cull on the date that the bullding permit is issueJ m rclntion to a building or atructure on lend to which e development charge applies. (2) No building pemtit sheil be lasued by the Town for the conswction of any building or swcture on land to whlch a develoPment charge applies wuil the applicable develupment charge has ban peid in full to the Town. (3) When an owner has pald to the Towu, prior to the.enactment of thia bylaw, In rcla�ion to a building or swcturo on lend to whicli e developmcnt charge applica, (a) a unit levy pursuant lo en obligetion to do so 3n e Subdivlaton Agrcement, CondominIum Agrament, Development Agrament or other egreement with the Town, (b) a fee as a condition of obtaining a consent to create a lot; or (c) a lot levy pursuant to By-law 3322l89, and the building pertnit for that building or stmcturo hes nat lxen issued prior to ihe enactmant of thla by-law, ehe owner shall be credited with the amount so patd, up to the amount of the develop�mnt charge peyable, a� part of the development cherge payable hereunder when the building pertnit is iasued. 13. (1) Monies �eceived from payment of development charges shall be maintalntd in a separate rcserve fund or funds, and shall be uxd oniy to meet growth•rclateJ net capilal costs for which ihe development charge wes Ievied under this bylaw. (2) Income recoived from investment of the development cherge rcserve fund or funds shell be cndited to the development charge rcserve fund or funds 1n rcletion to which �he investment income applks. 14. The development cherges nferred to in uctions 6 and 10 shall be adjusted ennuelly, withaut emendment to this by-law, es of Oaober Bth each year, in accordance with the Hngineering News Record Coat Index (Toronto). I5. This by-law shall be administered by the Trcesury Depertment end the Department of Public Wo�CS, Building Division. 16. This bylaw s6all come into forcc and cHect on October 8,1991. BY-LAW roed a fvst, second and thlyd time and finelly passed this 7th Jay of Oaober,1991. TOWN OF pICKERING APPAOVED S TO FORM LFBAL BEflVICE9 M W8}/nE Afth !9� i1�8yOt � �—. Bmce Taylor, etic zo THE CORPORATION OF THR TO WN OF PI .KFRiN[i BY-LAW 4338/93 Befng a by-!aw �o amend By-!uw 3854/9l respecftng Ihe �wyment of Developmen� Charges. WHEREAS, on October 7, 1991, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3(i) of the Development Charges Acf, 1989, 5.0. 1989, chapter 58, the Council of The Corporation of the Tawn of Pickering enacted By-law 3654/91 providing for the imposition of development charges against land if the development of the land would increase the need for services; and WHEREAS the Cauncil of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering has given Notice in accordance with section 4 of the Developmenf Charges Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter D.9, of its intention to pass a bylaw under section 7 thereof to amend By-law 3854/91, and has heard all persons who applied to be heard whether in objection thereto or in support thereoF, NOW THEREFORE the Cowcil of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby ENACTS AS FOLGOWS: I. Section 9 of ByInw 3854191 is hereby revoked and thc following substituted for it: 9. Development charges against land to be dcveloped far non•residential use shall be based upon tho cost of electrical disuibution systems und buildings, and equipment and services rclated thereto. 2. Section 10 of By-law 3654/91 is hereby revoked and the following substituted for it: t0. Subject to lhe provisions of this Pert and this bylew, development cherges against land to be developed for non•residential use shall be calculated, paid and collected as follows: (a) from October 8, 1991 to December 31,1993, both inclusive, no churges shall be calculated, paid or collected; (b) on and after January l, 1994, at the rate of 59.92 per square metre of gross floor azea of the non•residentinl use. 3. This bylaw shall be deemed to have come into force on October 8, 1992, BY•LAH' read a first, second and third time end finelly passed this lst day of Novembcr, 1993. ��n ��� I Wayne Towr� °- PICKG �"' APPRO'r :�i S TO FUi,��i ce Teylor rszo► c LE4Al SEflWCEB �:'�: �� • 1. � J� 1 :I� $yJ.AW NO. 4960/97 Being a 6y-!aw lo amend By-law 383d/9l, amended Novem6er !, /993 by By-law 4338/93, respec�ing the poyment ojDevclopment Charges. WHEREAS ByInw 3854/91 being a bylaw to esinblish development charges for the Town of Pickering was passed by Thc Corporation of ►he Town of Pickering and ceme into force and effect on October 7, 1991; AND WHEREAS By-law 3854/91 wns amended by ByLnw 4338/93; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering has given Notice in accordunce with section 4 of the Development Charges Act, R.S.O. 1990, chupter D.9, of its intentian to pass a by-Inw wdcr section 7 thereof to amend By-Inw 3854/91 ns amended by ByLaw 4338/93, and hos heard all persons who upplied to be hcnrd whether in objectian thereto or in support thereof; AND WHEREAS, the Land Use Planning und Prolection Ac� amends Section 7 of lhe Derelopuien� Charges Act by ndding thc following subsections: "(1.1) An nmendment to a development charge does nat come inlo forcc until it is npprovcd by the Ministcr of Municipal Affnirs and Fiousing; (1.2) Despite subsection (I.I) the npprovnl of the Minister of Municipal Affnirs and liousing is not required for an amendment for the sole purpose of, b) reducing the amowt of the charge." NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporution of the Town of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 8(d) of Bylaw 3854/91 is hcreby deleted and rcplaced with tha following: " non-residentinl" means - designed, adapted or used for any purpose other tha�i: (i) u dwelling or dweUings; und (ii) buildings ot structures used, or designed or intended for use for the pucpose of nnimal husbandry, agriculture, dairying, failow, field crops, removal of sod, forestry, fruit fazming, horticulture, mazket gardening, pastumge, poullry keeping and any other uctivities customnrily cartied on in the field or agriculture and heving nn electrical service of less then 30 amperes at n voltege not exceeding 240/120 volt. I 2. This by-law shall be deemed to come into force on the 24th day of Mnrch,1997. J i BY•LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 24th day of Merch,1997. ; ( :°:''' � ► / —� `�— � I'��.� - ,�� I � • • ' � � �`� ' ' Wayne Arthurs, Mayor k��` , , ✓ � L_: ;.' -`' tuce Taylor, Clerk � i _... . �t l{.