HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 01/00O2 'C� OF P/C� 4� 0 1r- Q . . � . � . � REPORT TO COUNCII, FROM: Thomas J. Quinn DA1'G: lunuary 4, 2000 Chief Administrative Officer REPORT NUMBER: CAO 01-00 SUBJECT: Ajax — Pickering Transit Amalgamution Study - Respanse to Ajax Council's Position of October 1999 - File: CA 5031 RECOMMENDATION: l. That Report to Council CAO O1-00, conccming thc Ajax nnd Pickcring Transit Amalgamntion Study be received. 2. Thnt Council dircct swfi'to continue negotintions with Ajnx conceming the amnlgamation of the Ajax nnd Pickering trnnsit systems, and thc commencemcnt of Phase 3 of the Transit Amnlgn.mation Study. 3. That while thes;: stnff negotintions arc proceeding, Council advise Ajax that it is immediately prepared to cntcr into a]oint Usc of Stnif Agreement, to share the services of Pickcring's Division Hcad, Transporwtion (formerly Mnnngcr of Transportntion), to also managc thc Ajnx Transit system. 4. Thnt a copy of Report to Council CAO 01-00 bc fonvarded to thc Town of Ajax for infortnution. ORIGIN; Resolution of Ajax Council passed on October 18, 1999, dirccting Ajtuc swff to continuc discussions with Pickcring stnff on the proposcd amalgmm�tion of thc tmnsit systems, subjcct to a number of conJitions. AUTHORITY: The Municipnl Act, R.S.O. 1990 FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: Certain canditions proposed by Ajax Council in its resolution of Octobcr I8, 1999, will have significant finnncial implicutions on the City, including the condition mquiring nll Pickering buses to be equipped with SmartCard technology prior to amalgamating the systems (which could cost in excess of 5300,000). The full extent of these costs are not known ut this time, ond will be subject to further negotintions with Ajnx. Following these negotintions, a further Rcport to Council will be prepared outlining any additionul financial implicutions on the City, beyond those originally described in the consultants Phase 2 Report. EXECUI7VE SUMMARY; Pickering Council supported the amalgamation of the Ajax nnd Pickering transit systems in June of this year, through its endorsement of Phnse 2 of lhc Trnnsit Amalgamation Study. A response from the Town of Ajax on this Study was not received until October. In its responsc, Ajax did not fortnally agroe to amnlgamating thc two systoms. Rather, it directed Ajax stati'to continuc "discussions and negotiations" with Pickering stuff, su6Jec� to a number ojcondlrfons. ,�. ;. � � � � a' `. ..,_' � , ._. � . . ' , , I/ Repod to Council CAO 01-00 Dnte; January 4, 2000 O 3 . Subject: Ajex-Pickering Trnnsit Amnlgamadon Study Pngc 2 Various of thesc wnditions nre unacceptnblc to stnfl; As wcli, ceRain conditions, such as the requirement thut Pickcring equip nll of its buses with SmnrtCard Tech�ology bcfore the systems tue umulgumnted, will huve significant finnncial implicntions on the City, nnd could unnecessnrily dclny the amnlgnmation of the two systems for up to u ycaz. It is thereforc recommended that Council autharize swff to continue ncgotiations with Ajax on the umalgatnation of the Unnsit systems, and the commencement of Phnse 3 of the Transit Amnlgtunation Study. Phase 3 of the Study ctm be used to further examine und report on ihe mmaining issues o£ concern that exist nt the conclusion of Phasc 2, as wcll as provide the required Operntional Review for the amalgamnted transit service. [t is also recommended that while these negotintions ure proceeding, Ajux be advised that the City is prepured to immedintely enter into an agreemcnt to shnre thc serviccs of thc Pickering's Di��ision Head, Transportntion (formcrly Manager of Transportntion), to also manage the business of Ajnx Transit. Given the intetcst both municipalities have in moving toward an tunnlgamated transit system, nnd becuuse of the reccnt dismissal of Ajax's Dircctor of Trunsit, it would be very appropriate at this time to havc a single individunl mannge both systems. With u singlc individual managing thc t�vo systems, both municipalities will be able to respond quickly and in n cost-efficient mnnner to Ihe changing needs of our customers, us well ns purticipate effectively in on•going discussions with other GTA municipalities nnd GO-Transit, as wc move towards n seamlcss regionnl transit system in the GTA. The City hns bcen continunlly improving its trunsit system over the past numbcr of yeurs, nnd we are now well-positioned not only to respond to thc nceds of the Pickcring communiry, but nlso to assist Ajnx Trunsit in dclivering its transit scrvicc. BACKGROUND: On October 18, 1999, the To�m of Ajax passcd a resolution conceming the amalgamation of the Pickering and Ajux transit systcros (sce Attachment No. I). Thc resolution was passed in response to Pickcring Council's Resolution #131/99 of Junc 21, in which Pickcring Agreed to nmalgamnting thc Ajux and Pickcring tmnsit systcros gcnernlly as set out in the Phase 2 Report prepared by Delcun nnd PriccWatcrhouseCoopers datcd May 1999. In its Octobcr resolution, Ajnx Council did not agrce to amalgamating the trunsit systems in uccordnnce with the Delcnn / PriceWaterhouseCoopers Phase 2 Report. Rather, it directed Ajax swff to continue "discussions nnd negotiations" with Pickering on the proposed transit amalgnmation, subject to vnrious conditions. Some of these conditions nre incansistent with the position udopted by Pickering Council, or rclate to new issues or concems that were not considercd by Council whcn it dcalt with the mm�lgnmution study. The conditions imposed by Ajax Council are summariud below. For ench of the conditions, thc related position adopted by Pickering Council is also provided (where applicable), and u staft' comment is given. (a) I`remise for Proceedine with Transft Amalcamation • Ajnx is procceding on thc premisc thnt umnlgamnting thc two tronsit systems will lcnd to improved service, cost effectiveness nnd cost containment. • Pickedng is proceeding on thc prcmise thut amnlgamating lhe systems will providc significnnt opporiunities for improved customer service und futurc cost-contninment. �, s ,,Ll �'_ a.. L: . � , .. . . _ , .... _ __ . _. .. � . . � , .. ' � 4 Report to Council CAO 01-00 Date: Jnnuury 4, 2000 . Subject: Ajax-Pickering Trunsit Amalgamntion Study Pnge 3 Comment: Both municipnlities share similnr pasitions with respect to the premise for proceeding with the lrnnsit amalgnmation. (b) A�aet Evaluation Formula • Ajax is requesting a review of the asset evuluation formula used by the consultunt, using all other identifiable evnluntion options, inctuding book vnlue ond net subsidy formula. • Pickering nccepted the asset evnluution focmuln used by the consultant. Comment: PriceWaterhouseCoopers hns confirtned that it bclieves the usset evaluation formula used in the Phnse 2 Report is appropriate. There does not nppear to be the necd to review this further. Nevertheless, if the issuc of nsset evaluation is of grcat concem to the Tatvn of Ajax, the matter could be revisited in Phnse 3 with the consultants. (c) Initial Asset ContribuNon • Ajnx is requiring thnt Pickering pay thc diffcrcncc in initinl nsset contribution at start-up. • Pickering took the position that thc diffcrence in initinl assct contribution should be dealt wilh lhrough appropriatc nrrungcmcnls othcr than nn up-front, onc-time cqunlization paymcnt. Commcnt: To datc, thc Tmnsit Amnlgnmation Study has bccn undcrtaken ns a joint nnd cooperntive effort bctwcen tha two municipalities. It would scem contrnry to the spirit and intent of thc stuJy for Ajnx to requcst an up•front paymcnt at starl-up. A morc rcasonablc nnd npproprintc position would bc for Ajax to ugrce with Pickcring's position that the difTercnce in initial nsset contribution should be deall with through nitemativc arrangcments, othcr than an up-Gont paymcnt. Neverthcless, in an cffort to mnintain goai working rclationships, thc possibility of providing a partinl up-Gont "good-will" payment to Ajax could perhaps be included ns one of the options thut is considercd in future discussions conceming the matter. As a point of intercst, it should also be noted that should thc municipalities of Pickcring und Ajax amalgumnte, the asscts of the two municipulities would be combined nnd would become thc responsibility of the nmalgamated entity. Under such a circumstance, thcre would be no need to consider the issue of equnlizing the difference in initial usset contribution. (d) Composition of Tran�it Board . Ajnx is proposing that the Trnnsit Services Bonrd be made up of 6 members of council, three nppointed by euch municipality. . Pickering proposed that the Transit Board bc mnde up of 6 members of council, thmc nppointed by cuch municipnlity. Pickering also commented that the chair (ar two co-chnirs) should be selected from amongst the Trnnsit Board members. Comment: There appenrs to be no differencc in position betwcen the two municipulities with respect to the composition of lhe Trnnsit Donrd, ulthough Ajax did not mnke o comment with respect to lhe oppoinLnent of a ch¢ir. :_�. ' t. : } .` . . . , _ . Report to Council CAO O1-00 Datc: January 4, 2000 � 5 . Subject; Ajax-Pickering Trnnsit Amnlaamutian Study Pngc 4 The Trnnsit Bonrd would function as n joint boazd of managcment for thc two municipulities. It would oversee the mnnngement und operation of the umnlgnmated transit service and would report to both municipal councils. Given the level of uncertainty regarding the future govemancc structure of the GTA, the amnlgamnted trnnsit service should initiully be sel up as u jaint municipal department (ruther than as n sepnrntc independent municipal entiry as recommended in Phnse 2). Details of how to establish such a department would be dealt with in Phase 3. (e) Tranait Advisory Committee • Ajux is proposing that the Transit Services Bonrd appoint A Transit Advisory Committce composed of citiuns from both municipalities. • Pickering did not provide a specific recommcndation on n Transit Advisory Committec but in the staff Report to Council (CAO 5-99), noted that a Transit Advisory Committee could be esWblished at thc discrction of the Transit Bonrd, and that if estublished, thc Committee should include n cross-section of rcsidents and tmnsit users (specinliud and conventional) from thc two municipalitics. Comment: The municipalities shurc a similar position on the composition of thc Trnnsit Advisory Eioard. Howevcr, unlikc Ajux, Pickcring did not rcquire thnt such a Committee bc cstablisheci (thc dccision to cstnblish a Advisory Committee wus IeR up to the Transit Qoard, with the cxpectation that such n Commiuee would be cstablished). (Q SmaNCard Technolopy • Ajax is proposing that both municipalitics be fully responsiblc for equipping all of its buses with the SmnrtCurd technology prior to start-up. . Pickering did not providc nny recommendations on this matter through the Transit Amalbamntion Study. Comment: Although the cost of equipping Pickering's buses with SmartCazd technology was estimnted in stnrt.up costs identificd in the Study, the merits of requirin� all buses to use SmnrtCard technology wns not considered. Consequendy, neither municipality hus a mcent independent, technical opinion on this mattcr. The full costs and benefits of equipping nll of Pickering's buses with SmartCurd technology is therefore unknown at this time, nnd should not be ngrceJ to without further study. Pickering hns thc Inrger of the two tmnsit systems, und is contributing 2 morc buses to the amalgamated service than Ajnx. Should Aj� agrec to continue negotinting with Pickering on umulgumnting the systems, the issue of SmurtCurd ' technology (or the use of some other similar tecl:nology) should be re-examined us part of u Phuse 3 of the Transit Amnlgmm�tion Study. It should nlso be noted th¢t in June 1997, Pickering Council passed Resolution #253l97 approving the purchnse of a SmoriCnrd uutomntcd fare collection und conUol system. This project was to be 50 % funded by the provinciul Ministry ot Transportution. Nowever, Pickering did not complete the purchnse when it �vas determined thnt a Mlnistry subsidy would not bc nvaitable. Gegal qucstions wcrc also mised concoming supplier selection, system compatibility with Ajax Trnnsit SmnrtCard technology and proprietnry rights relnted to the tcchnology. . 06 � w ca�,a� cno oi-oo Date: lanuary 4, Z000 . Sdbject: Ajmc-Pickcring Transit Amalgamation StudY Page 5 i81 �tra ConsnttanU Report on Hiehxav 2/ 401 Corridor • Ajax is proposing thnt slafl' of both municipalities be directed to consider the proposal of Entra Cm�xultmits for the Highway 2 and Highway 401 Cortidor and submit a joint report in the context of the proposed mnalgamation of the two rystcros. • Pickering did not provide any recommrndat�ons on this matter through the Transit Amalgamazion Swdy. Commem: ln P�ir,=�ry 1999, Entra Consultants werc conuactcd by the Region ofJ�urham on behuif of all Durham regional municipalities and Go-Transit to facilit�te a studv that would nchieve scamless transit services in the HighKay 2/ High:+•ay 4UI corridor. Their final report, rntitled °Cooperution and Consensus: Rationa.livng Transit Srn9ce in the Highway 2/ Nighway 401 Cortrdor" was complcted in Octobcr 1999. Entra's Fina! Report was considered by the Regional Transit Coordinating Committa in Decembcr 1999. The Committee reccived the Report und forwarded it to the affec►ed area municipalides for commrnt. Although agcemrnt in principal haz becn rcached an most of the Consultant's recommrndations, Osl�awa staff hus raised a strong objection to using Go-Transit as the inter- municipal operator. Pickcring has consistrntl7� supponed GaTransit in this role (Cauncil Resolution #23/99), nnd tuu fxrn supportive of an integrated corridor senice throughout the study process. A separau Rcport to Council rnicw�ng the Entra stud}• cauld be prcpared jointly by Ajax arui Pickmng stati: Howcver. nt this stage. a priority for Pickering and Ajax should also bc to concentrate rewurces on n detailed Rome Rn•ieK• related to locul srnticc connections between the two municipulities lL7I}I P8f[ICllIB! attrntion to futurc :,rn•ice nceds in dcveloping rcsidential nrcas. ln this rcE.s: d, it should bc nate� that the Terms of Rcfcrrnce for the Ajax and Pickering Trans�t Amalgam�tion Study included u Ph�se 3 provision to conduct a Routc Re�tiew of ttus nature. (L) Transit General Manaeer Position • A1� � P���nS � the position of Grneral Manager be filled b}• opcn competition uith the Selection Cammitta wmpriscd of the two Mayors and the two CAOs. • pi�kering recommended that kry administrative and supen•isory positions (which ��ould include the position of General Manager) be fillai by competition, fcrst thmugh the coasideration of intemal candidates, and thrn (if no acceptable inumal candida;es arc found) lhrough cansideration of extcmal applicanis Commcnt: Both mucc�icipalities agee to filling the Gcneral Managa position by competition. Howeva, Pickcring took the position that intcmal candidates be givrn first considemtion, whercas Ajax made no wmment in this rcgard. Ajax should be us�ed to clarify its position concerning the consideration of intemal candidates for the position of Grnerol Manuger. Pickcring has an extremely capable and qualificd internal candidate, fne City's Managa of Transponation, who will be upgaded w the posi�on of Di��sion Head, 7'raacportatiav, should a Joint Use of Stafl' agrament be rrached with pjsx (see nezt �aragapLl. The Division Head is vory inurested in being considercd for the posiGon of Tracisit Genaal Managcr for thw amalgemaced Trsnsit Savia. � Repori to Council CAO O1-00 Date: January 4, 2000 �"r . SubjaK: Ajax-Pickuing Transit Amalgemadon Study f ege 6 With Ajnx's recent decision to dismiss its Director of'fr.�nsit, it is recommended that while the transit amalgamation discussions are proceeding, Council advise Aj.�� ihat it is wiliing to rnter into a"Joint Use of StafT Agreement" ihat would rn:hir tL� two municipaliGes to share the services of Pickering's Division Head, I'�..n;,�rtation. A lerier dated Du.ember 17, 1999, was forwarded to Ajax's CAO asking for his commrnts u^:th respect to this matta (see Attachment #!2). At prc�ent, the Dircctor of Humen Resources in Ajax is also Acting Director of Transi� Unda a Joint Use of Staff Agreement, thc srn�ces of Pickering's Division Head, Transportadon wou�d be shared with Ajax, on a less than full-time basis, to manage the business of Ajnx T�ansit and provide an efficient means of npresenting both municipalities on Durham Region and GTA issues. In the past, th's type of arrangemrnt has clearly bcnefited both municipalities (e.g. Ajax sharing the services of a Transit Opemtions Supervisor w�th Pickering, and Pickering sharing Lhe sen�ices of a�hief Building O}iicial with Ajax). It should also be noted that az part of Pickering Transit's restructuring program irnplemented in early 1999. that City no«• has n number of key supervisory� stafi in new positions. These changcs ha��e allou�cd Pickering Transit staff to perfortn morc effectively in day�-to-day operauons. As w•ell, a number of important route and scrvice adjustments ha�•e been made in response to changing needs, and to uddress changes in Go-Train schcduling, dual sta» and dismissals at area high schools, and expanding residential de��elopment in west Pickering. Moreover, a great dea! of progress has ulso bcen made µilh respect to labour relation issues, as well in wmmunicaung ��ith customers nnd rcgional public uansFwrtntion providers. The successful implementation of these recent sen�icc adjustments aze testaments to the competency of sta('f in the Transit Departmrnt, as well as the Department's flexibility and adnptability. The sharcd scrvices of Pickering's Division Head, Transporlation would pro�•idc excellent leadership and a cost-effective solution to Ajnx's need to addrcss long-standing administration und service relnled issues. (i) Permanent Traasit F.m�loyees • Ajax is prepared to commit to ensure that all pe�manent fuU-time and pertnanent parl-time employees will be employed wtith the new Transit Sen�ces Board. • Pickering commitled to ensuring that all existing permanent, full-time uansit employees would become employces of the new transit organiTation. Commrnt: 'fhe position of the two municipalities are similar with respect to permanrnl full- time employees. However, Pickering's recommendation docs not expliciily address the issue of pemianent part-time Vansit employces. It would be appropriate at this time to clarify that Pickering remains commiitcd to ensuring that no permenent employees, induding pertnanrnt part-time employees, Will lose lheir job as a resu]t of a transit emulgamation with Ajax. Also, it shou]d be noted that if the amalgemated uansit suthority is established as �n joint municipal departmrnt (as suggested in the s1afT commrnt under (d) l'omposition of Transit Board) staf'f would mnein employas of their resPecti:s municipalities. �� � s Report to Council CAO Ol-00 Datc: lanuary 4, Z000 . Subject: Ajax-Pic�ering .T.�nnsit Amalgamation Study Page 7 ln addition to the forcgoing nine conditions, Ajnx Council also direct:d its statias follows: (i) To make ihe first order of priority a combined major route review of boYh mwicipalities. (ii) To mview the objectives of the Consultant's proposcd Phase 3 work program, and initiate an operations re�7ew which will ouUine, in detail, the efficiencies which will be brought about by the proposed amalgamation. (iii) To negotiate a Memorandum of Undentanding µith the Pickering talcinb into consideraGon the conditions and directions oudined by Ajax Council. Pickering Council's stated position with respect to these points is ouAined below: !i) Council did not explicitly ask stalTto conduct a major routc review as the first order of priority. Phase 3 of the Transit Amalgamation Study (the Operational Review) µas to be an examination of a number o1' important operational matters related to the amalgamated urvice, including a review of urvice urca w��erage, the routc nctwork, route scheduling, and frcquency of service. (ii) Pickering Council directed statT to initinte Phase 3 of the Study (the Operationa) Review) in conjunctian wilh Ajax staff and thc consulting team of Delcan and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Deforc commencing Phace 3, it w�ould be nortnal pr�ctice for staff to rcview the objectives of the Consultant's work program befare procccding. Pickering Council silso gave dircction to rcview and rcport on the Consultant's lmplementation Plan. (iii) Pickering Council direct.d the CAO to consult u7th his counterpart in Ajsuc and develop n"Memorandum of Undcrstanding" (MOU) that would fortnnliu the terms and conditions for amalgamating the transit systems. 71ie MOU wauld then be fon�arded to the respective councils for consideration, along with any nccessary by-luws. CONCLUSION: Pickering has explicitly rndotsed Phase 2 of the Ajax and Pickering Transit Amalgamation Study, and has given explicit dircction to pnx;eed with Phase 3. In contrast, Ajax Council has directed its statTto wntinue "diuussions and negoliations" with Pickering, subject to a number of conditions (some of which erc inconsistent with the position adopted by Pickering Council). Despite the dif%rence in position between the two municipalities, it is nevertheless recommended that the City continue nego6adons with Ajax conceming the amalgamation of the Varuit systems and the commencemrnt of Phase 3 of the Study. It is proposed thal Phasc 3, in addition w being the Operational Review of the amalgamatcd service, begin by examining and rcporiing on the outstanditig issues of concem to the two municipaliGes. In addiGon, becausc of the existins administradve and stafTing situation in Ajax, and thc on- going need for both municipalities W condnue to operate e�cient and efT'ective transit systans (while service amalgamadon discussions ere wndnuing), it is recommrnd�d that Pickering Council advise Ajex that it is willing to rnter into a loint Ux of SIatTAgneemrnt with Ajax that xrould rnable the two municipali8es to shere the servixs of Pickering's Division Head, ' TransportaGon (Portnaly Manager of TransportaGon). ._�` , . . . , Report to Council CAO 01-00 . Subjeck Ajax-Pickering Transit Amalgamntion Study ATTACHMEN'fS: Date: lanuary 4, 2000 � 3 Page 8 1. Resolution of Ajax Council of October 18, 1999, conceming the Ajax and Pickering Transit Amalgemndon Study. 2. Letter from T. J. Quinn to R. Purisotto dated December 17, 1999. Prepamd By: � Thomas E. el � nuk Division Hea Corporatc P ects and Policy TM: Attachments Approvcd / Endorsed Dy: �'fiomas 1. Quin(�f // Chief Administrativc OlTicer Copy: Dirxtor, Operations and Emergency Serviccs Dircctor, Corporatc Serviccs und Trcusurcr Manager of Trnnsportntion Chief Administrutivc O1Ticer, Ajar Town Clerk, Ajax Recommcnded for �ic consideration of Pickering City Council • ,. �. mes J. Q , Ch f Admi rativ fficer 0 •_. : , , ,; :', : . �; . , ,,_ . � _ . � . � . . , _ . . 10 � . , Town of Ajax OnmrloY Firsf /SO 9001 Qualiry Commanily 65 Harwoal Avenuc S. Aju, OnYario LIS 2H9 (905)653-4550 www.townofaju.com (90S` G19-2529, exl. )JG (905)687-l061 derond(�tmmofajar.wm Octobcr 19, 1999 Mr. Tom Quinn Chief Administrative OfTiccr Town of Pickering Municipal Office I Tha Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L I V 6K7 Dear Mr. Quinn: .,y �1c�T�► � to r�oRt�'=! n�CF.IVED I�I; I'll,F NO.: _ ....•.�._-' ��•,n=�-.--�_. '�aco�.P�P✓. . ..._. Re: �ronased Am�leamation of lhe Trnnsit Svslems - Aja: and Pickerine At their meeting Octobcr I S, 1999, the Council of the Town of Ajax approved the following resolution: "That Council dircct sta(Tto continue discussions and negotiations with the Town of Pickcring focuseJ on thc proposed amalgamation of the transit system of both municipalities subjcct to the following: a. That Ajax pmceeds on the accepted premise that amalgamation of thc two transis systems will lead to ir�proved transit service based on cost ct£ectivencss, cost containmcnt and irnproved service. b. That thc asset c�+aluation formula used by the consultant be revicwed and thr Councils be advised of the results produced using all other identifiable evaluation options, including book value and nct oCsubsidy formula, unique to Transit. c. That thc Town of Pickering be advised lhat Ajax expects any initial asut contribution difl'eren►ial to be paid at the start-up of the combinal entity. d. That Ihe Transit Services Boazd be comprised of six members with threc appointed by wch municipality and that they shall be elected Members of each :espective Council. e. That the Transit Services Doard appoint a Transit Advisory Committee compused ofcitiuns Gom both municipalitiu representing a crou-uction of transit able-bodied and specialized urvi�e transit users. . • . }., ;, a�u� .< � E � . _ , . _. _ . . _ . . . _ . � �r' . . ... . . ,/, , �.� � : ' . �. � . � . ' . f. Thal bath Ajnx und Pickcrin� be full responsiblc for cquipping, ail of its buscs with tlic required SmartCnrd technology prior to or coincidental with tha start-up o!'lhe combined entily. g. That thc staff of both municipalities be directed to consider the proposals oFEntra Consultants Inc. for the Highway 2 and highway 401 Comdor and submit a joint report in the contcxt of the proposed amalgamation of the two systems. h. � That tha position oFGeneral Manager be filled by open competilion with the Selcction Committee comprised of the hvo Mayors and tha hvo Chief Administrative OlTicers. Thal ihe Town of Ajax commits to cnsuring thnt all pertnanent full•timc and pertnanent pari•timc transit employces will ba employcJ with lhc new Transit Services Board. 7'hat staff be dircctcci to make the first order ofprioriry a combined major routc rcvicw of both municipalitics. Furthcr, that stnffrevicw thc objcctivu oullincd in pliasc 3 oCthc Consultant's report und initiatc un operations review which will outlinc, in details, thc c(ficiencies which will bc brought nbout by thc proposcd amalgamution. That stafl'ncgotiatc a Mcmorandum of UnderstanJing with thc Town of Pickering taking into considcration thc conditions anJ dircctions outlined hercin IcaJing to final rccommendations to thc two Councils including all neccssary and appropriatc by-laws and agrcements. Carried Plcasc conlact Richard Parisotto, C.A.O. to revicw this proposal and discuss the nexl steps in this proce;s. A copy oCMr. Parisotto's report is enclosed for your rcference. A slight modificalion to clause i) in thc report recommendation was approved by Council. � � ;, . ._ ' .. . _ • .. � 4. . � .. ��;F . �§� .._4� ! 1 'Y"� . . . � . .. .. .. � :t' .. , --.. , ... x" ; i � x r �,� � ._' . , .. .. . . Thank you Cor your kind attention lo lhis mnllcr. Sincerely, M. de Rond Clerk • /os cc Mnyor Stevc Parish, Town of Ajax Bruce Taylor, Cicrk, Town of Pickcrin� Richard Parisotlo, C.A.O., Town of Ajax Dick Duchcmin, Acting Dircctor of Transit, Town oCAjax Grcg Kirkbridc, Direclor of �inancc, Town of Ajax , ,.�;' �, � - + r.,. Y� �4i �c r rs � ; , . � ��� a �4 _ �`P- � a�- n� 3` - ti � ve+i .� ,�x:� "ay �i.'s�. i-..���... ! . v . .... � . ,�., ... .+ ,. ,�� � . .. ..... .. .. ... �i`. , .. : l3 � �IIF� 2 TO REPORT�ue oi•oo y . � � :. : o�N 1N � . . � . . . , . r '� � � . � � � � The Corporation of the Town of Pickering OFFICE OFTHE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OF�ICGR Decembcr 17, 1999 Town of Ajar 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajnx, Ontario LIS 2H9 Attention: RichardParisotto,ChiefAdministrativcOfficer Subject: AJax and Pickering Transit Amalgmm�tion Study • lointUseofSlaffAgrcement—MnnageroCTransportution - File: CA5031 Furlher to our recent conversalion, I woulJ like to confirm tliat 1 will be responding lo your Iciter of November 22, 1999 (outlining Ajax Council's position on Ironsil nmalgamation), through q Report to Council that 1 will be sending �o our first Exccutiec Committec mceting schedulcd for Janunry 10, 2000. My Report will rccommcnd thnt Pickering Coancil direcl stnfT to continuc discussions wilh Ajax on the possiblc amalgamntion of Ihe Iwo iransit syslcnts, to sce if conscnsus can bc rcaclicd on thc next steps in Ihe process, and tu see if we con rcach ngrccment on thc various outstnnding conJitions identificd by Ajax Council. in addition, my Rcport will rcquest Council's support for sliaring tlic scrvices of Pickering's Mannger of ' Transportation with Ajnx. Given the rccent uidortunme circums�ances Ihat Icad to the tertnination ofyour Director of Tronsit, it woidJ be vcry appropriate lo look scriously nt linving Ncil Killcns mannge both imnsit systems, at Icnst on nn inlcrim busis, unlil we know wlint dircction wewill be taking on transit amalgamntion. Hoving Neil Killens monngc bo�h systcros will not only providc bolh municipalities with the needed mnnageriul skills and cxpertisc lo continuc ro delivery a cost•efficient Iransit scrvice to our residents, it will givc us thc oppottunily to providc n coordinatcJ response lo GTA-widc lrnnsit issues that we bolh need Io nJdress, and to cominuc to work closely togcther towards improving Irnnsit conneclions between our municipalilies. I look fonvnrd to continuing discussions with yau on this matter. Yours vcry Iruly _ / � Thomas 1. Quinn. R.D.M.R., CMM ChicfAdministrativc Officer TJQ:Ir Capy: Mayor Arthurs Members of Council Dircctor, Operations & Emergency Services 1'.ia ��MK� �21NaY.1 Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickeriii� DimctAccess (905) 420-466( www.town. plckcring.on.ca . � .�. . . . L'.� .�� . .. / ;� ..�r .. , .. . , - .� L1 � . .. ...p�iF�Mi r. , . �, f. . � . ... � .. .. ��..f.. . ..'� .,. ..