HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 16/98� �� OF p4 8O �O '�'� � °� a REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richnrd W. Holbom DATE: June 3, 1998 Director of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PWI6/98 SU8IECT: Tlvough Highway Designution Bem Avenue RECOMMENDATION: A by-Inw shauld bc enncted lo nmend By-lew 2366/87 to designate Bem Avcnuc ns n through highwny. ORIGIN: Swt�investigntion qf request for right-of-wuy control. AUTHORITY: Hfghtivay TraJ%Tc Act, R,S.O. 1990, chaptcr N.B. FINANCLAL IMPLICA7'IONS: Manufacture and insinllation of signs costing npproximately 5200.00. 1998 Ronds Opemting Budget (2320-2409) Highway Aids BACKCiROUND; A smnll number of lhe intersections in thc Dny Ridges Neighbourhood rcmnin under the cantrol of ihe right•of-way rule. This lowest fortn of regulntory control docs provide suitnble guidunce on most occasions, but periodicully collision hauuds can be crcated when motorists do not yield ar stop giving right-of-way to the first vehicle entering the intersection. As u menns to better clarify right-of-wny between vehicles entering the intersections along Bem Avenue, it is recommended that ByInw 2366/87 be furlher amended thcreby designnting Bem Avenue as n ilvough highwuy. Provision will then be made to provide far lhe posting of stop signs at the intersecting streets of Brixlon Lene and the north intersection of Zutor Avenue. ATTACHMENTS: 1. DrnR By-law 2. Location Map Prepared By: '° C: Stephen Brake ;� , ;; Copyh aeaeral Menager :-� � ":Town 3olicitor �a��t` TownClerk kf j �. �,x° t x : � �{lIBUOp9 $UpE[Vj90f � . 5rs rx �t. :�3��' .. Approved / Gndorsed By: R hard. W, Ibom , . :; �:'1;.� �► � �• �,.1 •; ►t ►� Ueing a by-Imv !u amend DyJaw 2366/87, deslgnafing Oein Avenue as n tlirougd higlnvuy. 8� WHEREAS, section i(1) of the Hlglnvay Trafjte Acl, RS.O. 1990, chapter H.B, defines °through highwnys" us a higl�way or pnrt of u highwny designnted os such by lhe Minislcr or by by-law of n municipulity and provides that every such highway shall be markcd by a stop sign or yicld sign or yield right•of-way sign in compliance with the regulntions of tlie Ministry; and WFIEREAS By-Law 2366/87, ns amenJed, provides for the designnlion of ccrlain highways in Ihe Town of Pickering ns tivough highways; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedienC to furlher amend Hy-Low 23G6/87; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of thc Town oF Pickering }IEREBY ENACTS AS rOLLOWS: I. Schedule A to Dy-Law 2366/87, as amended, is hercby further amendcd to lncludc thc following: i i wn � � Dem Avcnuc Uarvolin Avcnuc 7.ator Avcnuc OY-LAW rend n firsl, sccond and third lime nnd finolly passed Ihis i 5th day of June,1998. Wayne Arthurs, Mnyor Bruce Taylor, Clerk .. , '��'.Qt j { ; . _ , ? J ' ���:L � *J�� ��� ; � . . . � t�p,.h�{. t` y � ` f , t'ct�A�� t.yin��t'r .. � . . . '� t`7n � ��,�#; , +,,;;,� a� : . „ �`� ���4 r ` ,: . r� '. '� =TO� or a�ciisntea ., 4y[�� ,, N,r►e .aa oumrotr {t�l , �,�, ,. ��::'�c i� ; . LEGEND � sroa sic°v �PROPOSED THROUCH NfCHWAY TRAFFIC REPORT BEM AVENUE • PROP08Eb THROUGH HIOHWAY BYU1W