HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 20/98,��, �, � .. . �:�� �pOFp . . � �. �r , � REPORT TO COUNCIL FRl)M: Richurd W. Holbom DATE: October 1,1998 Direcror of Public Works REPORTNUMDER: PW20/98 SUBJECT'; Through Highwny Designution - 7lvough Highway Dy-luw 236G/87 - Bonitn Avenue RECOMMENDATION: A by-luw should bc enacted to nmcnd Eiy-inw 2366/87 to designatc ➢onitn Avenue us a through highwny. ORIGIN: New development rcquiring right-of-wuy control. AUTHORITY: Hightivay TiaQic Acl, R.S.0.1990, chaptcr H.8, F►NANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: All costs associated with Ihc passing of this by-law arc to bc thc rcsponsibility of the Developer as part of tha subdivision ngreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicnble. BACKGROUND: The recent development of land parcels, 40M•1916 and 40M-1919, within thc Dunbnrton Neighbourhood hns created new road connections with the existing Bonitn Avenue, As u mcnns to better control right-of-way conflicts between the vehicles entering thesc new intersections, it is recommanded that ByInw 2366/87 be furthcr umended thereby dcsignating Bonitn Avenue os a through highwuy, Provision will then be mnde to provide for the posting of stop signs nt thc newly constructed intersecting strects of Holbrook Crescent and Palconwood Way. � r ;,, �_ �i:� . . . , � .. . . . � - . Report to Council PW20/98 : Datc: Octaber 1,1993 173 SubJech 'I'ivo�gt� Highway Designation - Doniw Avenuo Pngc 2 ATTACHMENTS: 1. , DraR By-law 2. Locntion Map Prepared By: ��� C.Stephen Brnke CSB/� Attnchmenis Copy: (3eneral Mnnager Town Solicitor Town Clerk Opemtions Supervisor Approved / Endorsed F3y: 0 Ric rd W. Hol om Recommended for the considerotion of Pickering Town Council Thom J. uinn, Genecnl Mnnagcr > ; ,, - �- � _ ,. i� 1?4 1�1 •;'�:: 1�. � . •,h � :.h� ►� Betng a by-!aw to amend By-!aw 1366/87, destgnaring Bonl�a Avenue as a �hrough hJghway: WHEREAS, section 1(l) oFthe Highway Tra„Q7c Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter H.8, defines "through highways" av a highwa}� or part of a highway designated es such by the Minister or by by-law of a municipality and provides that every such highwuy shall be marked by n stop sign or yield sign or yield right-of•way sign in compliance with tho regulntians of the Ministry; and WHEREAS By-Law 2366/87, os amended, provides for the designation of certain highwuys in thc Town of Pickering as through highways; and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to furiher umend ByLaw 2366/87; NOW THEREFORE, thc Council of the Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Schedule A to By-Law 2366/87, as amended, is hereby funher omended to include ihe following: Highwav Fs4m L Bonitn Avenue Fuirport Road Appleview Road BY•LAW rcnd n first, second and third time and finnlly passed this 19th dny of October, 1998. Wayne Arthurs, Mnyor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ;; �;y , :�:.,i E . � __ .r.:_ . . . .. � . , . .. . . . .. . � . .. . . . . _ . � . � LEOEND PROPOSED � SfOP SIGN ITlllTlrlJl PROPOSEO fl!!1!!11lJ THROUCH HICHWAY �"" °P P'�R'"° TRAFFIC REPORT ���� M_ 80NITA AVENUE • PROPOSED THROUGH HIOHWAY BYIAW w�t �a000 - urc �oo� ' „�,a,q„cwqnvQ.�lr.nwA.a.e � . . . . . � . � � i"i� 3 �