HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDT 3/98�►, �: , � � . �N�� F REPORT TO COUIICIL FROM: Interdcpaztmentel Development Team DATE: Merch 4,1998 IDT REPORT NO. 3/98 SUBJECI': Status Report — Meyor's Waterfront 2001 Task Force Tesk Force meedngs with Town staff RECOMMENDATION: Thet IDT Report No. 3/98 providing a status rcport an Town stnffs mectings with the Mayor's Weterfront 2001 Task Forcc, be rcceived for infortnution ORIGIN: Stafi'review of Interim Rcport of Mayor's Watedront 200t Tosk Forcc, und Staff ineetings with Task Forcc held in Junuary nnd Februnry I998 AUTHORITY: Council Rcsolution N433/97 receiving thc Interim Rcport of the Mayor's Watodront 2001 Tnsk Force, end rcfcrting thc Rcport to smff end oU�ers for review nnd comment back to the Tesk Forcc. FINANCIAL IMPL[CAT(ONS: There ore no finoncinl implicntions associated with the receipt of this IDT Report. Potential expenditures on waterfront projecis would be identificd end considered ihrough the Tawn's annual budget procese. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Mayor's Waterfront 2001 Task Force released its Interim Repon in October,1997. Steff has since roviewed the Report and commented back to the Task Forcc throu�h a serics of mcetings held in Jenuary and Febniary 1998. Thc Toronto and Rcgion Conscrvation Au�hority nnd the Water&ont Regeneration Trust also attended these meetings. The Task Force wiil be considering stell's commrnts as input to i1s Final Report. At the matings, a number oC impoAant issues were discussed, including environmcnt and stotmweter management; parks, trails end public art; and pinnning and cconomic development. From ihe discussions, it appears that stafi'and the Task Force sharc u similer undcrstanding of U�e issues end priorities facing the Town. Stel'f look fonverd to receiving the Task Force's Finul Report, which is anQcipated W be wmpleted by June 1998. BACKGROUND: On October 14, 1997, Town Cowci) pasud rcsolution N433/97 receiving Ihe Interim Rcpon of the Mayor'a Weterfroat 2001 Ta�k Fo�e, end rokcring the Rcpo,! :o stafl'and others Cor rcview end wmmrnt back to the Task Force. Staff aubsequenUy rovlcw.M lhat RepoA, end in January end Pebruary 1998 held a sedea uf maUnga with thc cheIr and other members of thc Task Force to provide commrnb on the Rcport. �� ' IDT Report 3/98 pog� Z 7'hree matings with thc Tesk Forcc wero held. Each dealt with a different set of issues, as follows: • lenuery 29th,1998 to discuss environment and atormwater mnnegement issues • Febniacy 3rd, 1998 to discuss parlcs, trails and public art • February 12th, 1998 to discuss plenning end economic devclopmenl Scnior sta1T from e number of Town depattmcnts attended the Uvec meetings with the Tosk Force, The meetings were used to seck clerification on certein statements and/or rccommendations of the Task Force's Interim Report, end to provide thc Task Forcc with stafl's preliminary commenls on tha Report. The following is n summary of thc discussions. A. J�nuary 29t6 Mceting - Environment �nd Stormwatcr Mrnagement The work done on identifying und documenting environmental concems, and providing potentiol approaches to addressing these concems, is perhaps the single most important contribution the Tack Force has made to date. The Task Force should be commended for bringing these concems to light, and documenting them in its Interim Report. Discussion at ihe mceting focused on stormwntcr manngement and hnbiwt rcstoration, pariiculerly in ihc Frcnchman's Duy watcrshed. Priority ercas for rcmediution thnt wcre discusud included the proposeJ Dunburton Mnrsh and the Pinc Crcck "@coPark". Discussion olso focused on lhe nccd to considcr oil/grit scpamtors, ihe rcmovnl af culvcrts, and streambnnk naturaliwtion av part of an ovcrall watcrfront munngcmenl sirntegy. in general, it wav agreed that a �hrec•pronged stmlcgy should bc considcrcd. Onc prong would bc directed at the preparntion of "remcdial nction plons" for thc urbnniud ponions of Ihe Town's wntercourscs (i.c. the lowcr anJ middlc rcnchcs), staning with thc highcst priority wetercourses. A sccond prong would involve ensuring npproprintc s►ormwntcr munngement practices am implemcnted as part of any upstrewn devclopmcnt npplications. A third prong would focus on community outmnch and cnvironmcntal monitoring. B. February 3rd MaNng - Parks, Trai�i and Public Arf The discussion on parks, tmils and public art indicated ihat in meny arcus, steff end ihe Tosk Force shared similer positions end concems. Various poinls werc mudc in the discussion including the following: • There is some question as to ihe appropriatcness of eslablishing a pcdestrian bridge across the mouth of Petticoat Creck. A location further upstream mey be moro environmentally eppropriate (the matter requires further study). • 71�e Town and the Toronto and Region Conscrvation Authority will bc proceeding in 1998 with Ihe development of a Petticoat Crcek Conccpt Plan, in consultedon with intercsted communiry groups and the public. Comments from the Task Force would also be wcicome. • If an eppropriatc locstion for a public bont launch mmp can be found ncar thc foot of Sendy Beach Road (through property owneci by Ontario Hydro), therc may only be ihe need for e"Iloating dock" at the Town's future pnric on Front Strcet for leunching canoes and other small watercraft. • Because of the sensitiviry of Ihe cast end wut spils to intcnsive public actSvity, It may be appropriate to coroidtt cstablishing a fortnal public bcach south of Squlrcs Beach Road, ncar the foot of Jodrcl Road (rather than along onc of the spits). • A das(gn "toolkit" ahould be cotuidercd in order w set out generel design principles and guidelinea for varioue waterfront elemcnb including aignage, traila, l(ghting and public eA. �� gIDT Report 3/98 Pa e 3 B C. Febru�ry 121h Meeting - Pl�aninQ �nd Economlc Developmeot The planning and economic development discussion focused on Ihe potcntial "commerciel tourism nodc" at the south end of Liverpool Road. For lhe nodc to function properly, it would need year-round ecdviry, a critical mass of development, and an appropriate mix of uses. Tho importence of having a seasonal ferry link ucross the eastem, end westcro spits to the success of the commerciel node waa also noted. It was gencrelly agmd Ihat at the outset, it would be imponanl to undertake a desiyn review exercise in order to provide an appropriete vision for the node. 7'he design roview exercise could focus on the lends et the foot of Liverpool Road, end could be extended northerly to includc lends elong Liverpool Road between thc watedront and the �ayly Street - Highway 401 area (which would ect as the nonherly gateway to the waterfront nodc). To help identify which uses end activities ought to lx encouragcd in the node, and to provide direction to the design review exercise, a market assessment should ulso be considercd. Thc market asscssment could look nt the needs of lhe potential users of the nodc, teking into considoration t�e future role of the Pickering waterfront in the GreAter Toronto Amu. CONCLUSION: The Tazk Force's lnterim Reporl mnkcs a significnnl contribution to the Town's understnnding of its waterfront, and provides u number of vnlunble rccommcndntions. Tivough recent discussions, a general consensus nppears to bc emerging bctween stnff and the Tnsk Forcc conceming the waterfront issue:: ond prioritics fncing Ihc Toµn. Stuf'f look fonvard to rcceiving the Tosk Force's Final Repon. It should olso be noted Ihnt stafl' arc cwmntly working on 1µ�o othcr rcpons rcinted to the waterfront, and Ihey will bc fonvarded to Council at a loler dnte. One rcpon rcsponds to Council's rcsolution conccming thc prcpnration of un environmentnl mnnngcmcnt sUetegy, whilc Ihc other report is in rcsponsc to a requcst for infortnntion conccming Coolwnlcr Furtns. � Neii Ca Dircctor o ing .�v' steve nol Director o Culture end Rcereation ,� � 1 l� J Alfrcy-0'(3rady anager of Econ �. tlopment TEhUab / �� �' •verctt untsma Director of Parks and Facilitics w� �a Hoin� qtiector of Pu ic Works / ( , Tom Melyi uk Deputy Directo of Pianning