HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 9-98d�N�� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE: Apri121,1998 Dircctor of Planning PLANNING RF.PORT NUMBER: 9-98 SUHJECT: Pickering Rurel Study RECOMMENDATTONS: I. That Town Council receive the "Pickering Rural Study: Finel Report" dated April 1998, provided es Appendix No. 1 to Plenning Report 8/98, in fulfillment of policy 3.20 of the Pickering Oflicial Plan which identifies a Rural Study Area on the west side of the West Duffins Creek, and indicates Council shall eliminate the Study Area bowdary upon completian of a Rural Study. 2. Thnt Town Council concur with the conclusions of the "Pickering �ural Study: Pinal Repart" dated April 1998, thnt no chungcs be mnde to thc urbun/niral'ooundary as currently identified in lhe Durhnm O(ficial Plan und the Pickering Ofticial Plan, and thet minor additions be made to tha ecological system boundnry idcntified in the Pickering Otiiciul Plen. 3. That Town Council dircct slaff to initiatc nn appropriatc Amendment to thc Pickering Ofiiciel Plan to remove the Rural Study Arce wcst of thc West Duffin Creek identified on Schedule 1•Land Use Swcture, delete policy 3.20, and expend ihe "Open Spuce Systcm- Natural Arcns" on Schedule 1 to m8ect updated informntion rcgarding existing natural fentums. ORIGIN: The Pickering Rural Study initiated by Council Resolution N215/97, Item N5, June 16,1997. AUTHORITY: THE PLANNINO ACT, R.S.O.1990, chuptcr P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICAT[ONS: At this time no additionel costs are anticipated beyond those nortnally attributed to processing Town initinted official pinn amendments. EXECU7'IVE SUMMARY: Tiie Pickering OFficinl Plen ldcntifies a Rural Study Area on thc west sidc of the West DutTins Creek and indicates Council ahull eliminata the Study Area boundary upon complction of an appropriate etudy. In response to this policy, The Plckering Rurel Study wus initiatcd by Town Council. The Flnal Report included es Appendix No, I dceuments ihe proccss, results end finnl �� �� Planning Report Number: 9-98 April 21,1998 Pickering Rural Study Page 2 conclusions of thc Pickering Rural Study. The acommendations of the Study arc rcilectcd in the Recommendetions Section of this Planning Report. BACK(3ROUND: 1.0 Study Authori�ation and Pumose The Pickering Officiel Plan idendfies a Rural Study Area on the west side of the West Duffins Creek and indicates Council shall eliminate the Study Area boundary upon completion of an appropriate study. This policy was included in the Plan in respoase to concem ihat recent initiatives by ihe Province abendoning nn agricultural strategy for the lends and initiating ihe sele of the lands to private ownership may result in pressure for changes to the urban, rural and ecological system boundaries. The Pickering Rural Smdy wes initiated by the Town in order to provide a proactive review of these boundaries within the Rural Study Aren. In authoriting the Rurul Study, Council also indicated that the nual/urban boundary associuted wilh the Provincinlly- owned Seuton Innds may elso be examined. 'fhe purpose of the Finul Report is to document ihc process, results nnd final conclusions of the Pickering Ruml Study. 2.0 Study Process A Rural Study teum was established by the Town and included rcprcsentntives from Town Cowcil, the community, and swff. The Study process included gnthering bnckground infortnation, establishing evaluation critcria, gcncmting boundary options, nnd selecting n preferred boundary option. The rcview of boundary options begun with 21 options und ended with the review of three final options against evaluation criterie. A meiling list was crcated to kecp agencics and community groups infortncd of ihe Study process, 3.0 Conclusions end Recommendations The results of the Study did not reveal any options for the urban/rural boundary that rank significantly better thon ihe swtus quo. In addition, n chnnge to the boundnry would prolong ihe unceriainty that hav surrounded the Study Area lands. Therefore, thc Ruml Study Team concluded that there is no compelling reason to change the urban/nuul boundary from the currentlyapproved OP;cial Plens of the Region of Durham and Town ofPickering. However, the review did reveal severnl instances where the ecological system boundnry, es identified by tl:e "Open Space System - Netural Areas" designation on Schedule I- Land Use Swcture to the Pickering Official Plen, dces not rcilect the most rccent datn on exisdng nuhual features. Therefom, thc Rural Study Team concluded that ihe Town's Official Plen should be emended accordingly (sce Appendix VI to thc Final Rcport included as Appendix No. I to this Planning Report), lt is recommended that the Final Report be rcccivcd by Pickering Tawn Council, that Town Council concur with thc conclusions of the Report, and thut Town stnff be dirccted to Initiate an appropdate Amendment to the Pickering Official Plnn to remove the Rural Study Area end reisted policy, and revise thc "Opcn Space System-Naturul Arcas" designetion to retlect updated informetion rcgarding existing naturnl features, The Final Repott will bc background for thc proposed Amendment. Thc Amendmcnt proccss will Includc thc nortnel opporlwities for public involvement including public noticc and a atatutory pubiic meeting. i4 Plenning Report Nutnber: 9-96 April 21,1998 Pickering R�ualStudy Pagc 3 4.0 �yricultural Eesements On Jenuary 26,1998, a stef'f rcport wes forwerded W the Exxutive Committa of Council dealing with the potendal for Agricultural Easemrnts to be placed on the Provincial Lands to bc sold within the Agriculturel Assembly. Executive Committee refernd the report to Staff for consideretion with the Rural Study. Following Cowcil's consideretion of the recommendadons of this Plenning Report on ihe Rurel Study, a separate Report wiil be pmpamd dealing with Agricultural Fasements. Preparcd By: Approved/Endotsed By; Adrian J. Smith Planner 2 . �� Cetherine L. Rose Neil Menager, Policy Division Director o lenning AJS/CLR/ph Attechmenis Copy: Genoral Maneger Executive Co-ordinator ;::' hf . .. . . . , , . . �q :�{ t - l . . � _ . . %,t _ � . i� : APPENDIX N0. I TO PLANNIN(3 REPORT N0. 9-98 T6e following 48 paga conai�t ot the PICKERING RURAL STUDY FINAL REPORT r ' _ � t t rF. 3 7 } . � ii , PICKERING RURAL STUDY , FINAL REPORT APRIL 1998 ,, ,tf � �,, � . - ,. . �; . 16 • TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVESUMMARY 2.0 INTRODUGTION 2.1 Study Authorization end Purposo 2.2 Sludy Ama 2.3 Rural Sludy Team • 2.4 Rural Swdy Process y 3.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 3.1 Study Assumptione � 3,2 Mepped Background Information 3.3 Policy Context 3.4 Population Stetistics 4.0 DEVELOPMENT OF DOUNDARY OPT!�NS AND REVIEW CRITERIA 4.1 Slage One - 210ptions 4.2 Slage Two - Evaluntion Criterie and 6 Options 4,] Stage Thrce - Final Options 5.0 EVALUATION OF FINAL OPTIONS 5.1 Assessmenl of Option� against Eveluation Crileria 5.2 Evaluation Melrix 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6,1 Conclueione 6.2 RecommendoUons . � _ - - - � . ii 1.0 , EXECUTIVE 3UMMARY The Plckedng Official Plan Idendfies a Rurel Swdy Arca on the wat aide of the Wut Duflins Crcek and indicetes Council shell elfminete the Study Arca boundary upon completion of en eppropriete study. This policy wns included in the Plan in response !o concem thal rccenl initietives by the Provincc ebendoning an agricullural strelegy for the lends and initialing the sale of lhc lands to privete owncrship may rosult in pressuro for chenges to the urban, rural nnd ecologicnl system boundaries. 71ie Picke�ing Rural Study wes initiated by ihe Town in order to provide a proeclive revitw of these bounderies within the Rural Study Arca. In authorizing lhc Rural Study, Council also indiceted thul Ihe rumUurben boundary associnted with the Provincielly-owncd Soeton lands may also bc exemincd. The purpose of ihis Report is to document Ihe process, rosults end finai conclusions of the Pickering Rurel Study. A Rurel Study team wes esleblished by the Town and included represenlalives from Town Council, lhe communily end stefi: The Sludy process included gnlhtring background information, establishins evaluution criterin, genemting boundary options, and ulecling a prckrreJ bounJary option. The review of boundary options begen wilh 21 options nnd onded wlth the roview of Ihrec finnl options egeinst evaluetion crileria. A mniling list was crcoted lo kcep egencics nnd community groups informed of the Study process. Tho rosults of the Study diJ not roveal nny optiuns for the urban/rurel boundary thnt renk significendy beuer than Ihe stelus quo. In addition, e chnnge to the boundery would prolong the unceAainty lhal has surrounded the Study Aroa lends. Therefore, Ihe Rural Study Team concluded tbat there is no compelling reason to chnnge the urben/rurel boundary from thal depicled in Ihe curtently appmvcd Official Plans of lhe Region of Durhem and Town of Pickering. liowever, thc roview did reveel severel instences wherc lhe ecological system boundnry, es identifed by the "Open Space System - Natural Arcas" designet(on on Schedule I in the Pickering Official Plen, does not rollect lhe mosl rccent date on existing natural fenturcs. i`!ercfore, lhe Rurel Sludy Team concluded that the Town's Officiul Plen should bc amended eccordingly, , It is rccommended lhat this RepoA bo forwarded !o Pickering Town Council for their rcceipt, lhat Town Councli bo rcquested lo eoncur with the conclus(ons of Ihis Report, and lhat Town slaff be directed lo (nitiatc en eppropriatc Amendmenl to the Pickering Officiel Plan to romove ihe Rurel Study Area end rolated policy, and rcvise lhe "Open Spece System -Newrel Arcas" designetion to re0ect updated infortnalion rege�ding existing nalural featurcs, .,.-: Plc�rerJng Rura! Sludy; Flnal Reporf 1 24 ; . .. : .. ...- , , 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 �ludv AulhorizAtion and P �r�e Tho purpose of th(s Report is to documcnt the process, rosults end final wnclueione of lhe Pickering Rural Study. Commencement of the Pickering Rurel Study waa aulhoriud by rosolulion oF Plckerfng Town Councll in lune, 1997. The Study Is inlended to Implement Policy 3.20 in the Pickering Officiel Plan which identifies e Rurel Study Aaa on the west sidc of the Wcst Duflins Crcek and indicates Council shall climinate lhc Study Area baundery upon completion of nn appropriete study, The study would review the boundary bet+veen the ecological, rurnl und urban syslems (n relation to thc arca, considering current environmcntal, open spacc and wildlife linkeges, egricullurei, sceial and economic conditions. � Tho Rural Study Arca end rclated policies wero included in lhe Pickering Officiel Plan in revisions madc neer !he end of the Pickering Official Plen Review. Thcse revisions wcrc made in rosponse to initiatives by the Province of Onlerio (Ihe curtenl owner of most of lhe lands in Ihe study nrce) abandoning nn agricul�urnl stretegy Ihat had bern esteblished for iho lends end inidel(ng the sale of Ihe lunds to privute ' ownership. Thero wes concem lhet ihese initielives would rcsult in pressure for .' chengee lo the urban, rural end ecological system boundaries. The Ru�al Swdy offered en opportunity for n proactive rcview of Iheu boundnrics by ihc Town. '�i 2.2 Sfudy Arca The Rural Study Aree fncludes all the lends in rurol Pickering west of the West Duffins Crcek, In eulhorizing the Ru�al StuJy, Council also fndiceled lhat the rurei/urban boundary essocinted with the Provincielly-owned Seaton lands mey also be exemineJ, Authorization to cxeminc Ihe 5eaton lands was rcquircd lo ensure lhe , tolal emount of urban lends In Pickering rcmained the seme in Ihe event a rccommendation wes medc to include any lends on ihe west side of the crcek wilhin the Town's urban arca (a corresponding area of land on ihe east side ol' Ihc crcek would heve to be designated rural). 2.3 $uralSfudyTeam To ensuro en elTective community besed rovlew, a Rurel Study teem wes eslablished by the Town. Rurel Study Tcam members included lhe Mayor, Ward 3 Councillors, Town Slnff, lenenl rcprcsentatives from Ihe Provincielly-owned subject lends, �i rcprcunlatives from the Hamlets of Cherrywood nnd Whitevale, a reprcsentative from Pickering's fertning community, and the Town's lielson with the North Pickering Development Corporation (Seaton). Names of 1he indivfduals who paAicipated es Sludy Te9m members aro provided in Appendix I lo thfe Report Pickering Rural Sludy: Flna! Report ' 2 � � � �, . ' ' 2.4 Runi 3tudy,Procese The atudy process esteblished by the Swdy Team is depicted by lhe following ilow chert; �� QATHER BACKdROUND � MFORMATION AND DATA ESTABLISH (3ENERATE , PRELIMINARY PttEL1�41NARY �VALUATION DOUNDARY CRITERIA OPTIONS ESTAULISII OENERATL� FINAL FINAL EVALUATION UOUNDARY CRITERIA OPTIONS SELECf PREFERRED DOUNDARY . OPTION 3.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION � � The firot step in underteking the Pickering Rurel Study, wae the prcparetion by Pfckering Town Staf1'of a Ueckground Informelion Packege, Thia Packege included informetlon rogerding study authori�alion, study assumptions, mapped background informetion, policy wntext, end populetlon statistic4. Much of the (nformetlon included in thc Deckground Infortnation Packege wes assembled from existing sourees and may be familiar to meny of the rceders of this Report The following aummary is provided of the key infortnation included In the Peckege. Plckering RuralSfudy; Flna! Repor� 4 � • ?.3 3.1 Studv Assumplioni Tho study essumpUons included in the Dackground Informat(on Peckege wero funher rcfined through discussions wilh tho Study Teem. The rovised essumptione ero summariud below: • The general purpose end intent of the urban, rurel end ecologicei systems shall rcmein es expressed in the Pickering Ofliciel Plan, • The relative amount af lend in the urben system, as shawn in the Pickering Officiel Plen, shall not be significenlly altead. • The plenneJ populalion and employment targols for Seelon sheil continue lo be up to 90,000 people and 45,000 jobs, end the interim tergets for the year 2016 shall wntinue to be 24,000 • 38,000 peoplc ' and 12,OOOto 19,OOOjobs. • Ne(ghbourhoals I through 16 es approved by Pickering Town Cauncil will not be included in the rurel system. • Thc lantion of the propoud Ilighway 407 will be generally as shown in Ihe Pickering Ofiicial Plen. • A Durham Collegc campus end surcounding urbun neighbourhood . will be established on the north side of Taunton Road et Sidcline 22, • Unccrteinty exists surtounding ihc potenlial for an airport lo be esteblished in North Pickering. 3.2 Mpp�ed Heckaround Informalion Mapped infortnelion provided in tho Oeckground Packege includtd lhe foilowing: • context maps • existing and proposed trensportetion systems • nawral hedtage systcros • soil capability for egriculturo • netural rosources � 7Tw mappcd information provided wee the letest availeble ta lhe Town. Rewurce mwwgement information includeJ stream cortidors; wetlends; Environmentelly ' Significant Arees (ESA's); cendidate ESA's; forcsts; o�d fields; hedgerows; the former Leke Iroquois ehorclinc; and Arces of Neturel and Scientific Interos6 Two of the context maps ero included es Appendix II w this Report. ' PlckeringRuralSludy: Flnal Repaf S },`` , $,. ;:�r � i.� : � ��.. 3 �1�) c 1 � � , . � .. . . ���'i�+��d-� .E1_i{�a .F � a, .. . ..., . . � . 2� ,�� �j . 3.3 Po1laConteYt � To eneuro thet ell members of the Study Team wero familier wlth ihc pol(cy context wilhin which lhe Rural Swdy wns being certled out, relevant excerpts wero included in tho Deckground Informet(on Pacticege from the Plckering Official Plan, the Durham Regionel Officiei Plen, end Ihe Provinciel Policy Slatement issued under Section 3 of lhe Plannfng AcG Excerpts from ihe lwo Officiel Plans Included generel policies rcspecling ecological systems, urban systems and rural systems es well es specific policies dwling with the Seatan Lends. Excerpts from the Provinciel Policy Sletement included policies rcspecling Efficirnt, Cost-effective Development end l.end Uu Pattems and Agriculturel Policies. 3.4 Ponulalion Stattetica Besfc popnlelion statistics wero included in thc Dnckground Informetion Packege (ncluding S• and 25•year population projections, populalion proJectlons In selecleJ rural setqemenb, and populetion dislribution by egc and scx (see SecUon 3,1 of this RepoA for informetion rcgarding Fuluro populutions far Ihe proposed Seaton communily), 4.0 DEVELOPMENT OF DOUNDARY OPTIONS AND EVALUATION CRITERIA The next slep in the process wes lhc development of boundery options for lhe urban, rurol end ecologicel system� es well as the developmenl of crileria for evelueting those optfons. This step involved work undeAaken by Plenning Department sleff as well es direction end input from the Sludy Team al a uries of StuJy Team Meclings, Oplions and eveluation criteria wero developed concurrently nnd occurred in threc majo� slages as discussed below. 4.1 �fAQeOna-210 1� Al the First Rurel Study Team Meeting held on December 4, I997, direct(on wes given to steff to prcparo prcliminary options end prellminary evaluelion criterie. The main purpose was to gene�ate diuuuion about the veriety of options evaileble for system bounderies and the implication� diffcrcnt boundery options would have on various areas of inlerest to the study team such as egricultural considerations, ceanom(c considersllons and othen. In order to eaomplish lhis tesk, ataff uud lhe beckground mappfng to genereto e sedes of boundnry options. In order to Isalate lhe ef�ecls of the various arcas of inlercst on boundary options, options wero developed using principles associeted with only one erea of intercst. For exemple, five options wero developed only considering issues ate�cieted wilh egriculturc. . Plckering Rural Sludy: Flnal Report 6�, , ' • . ;,� Thie prol(minery work conantreled on the ruraUurban boundery because (t wes understood that ihe ecological system wouid primerily be crntrcd on cxisting neturel feeturcs and would tlow ihrough the urban and rural systeme. Thfa besic exercisc resulted in 21 boundary options. Smell scalc verslons of these oplions are rcproduced in Appendix III to this Report. The following dtscussion is provided on thc options and ihe arees of interest on which Ihey werc developed. 4.1.1 Ecological Featura Two options were prcpared besed on ecological considerations. One option suggested surrounding mejor components oP lhe ecologicel system such as lhe West Duffin Crcek valley wilh Ihe urban system theroby maximizing emenily values associated with.nelurel feeturcs. The second option suggesled locating the urbun syslem well rcmoved from lhe mejor components of the ecological system theroby minimizing negalivc impacls an thc neturel featurcs. 4.1.2 Eut•Wat Liakigc Coneldentione A uriee of four options wero prcpercd considering e number of potentiel locations for Ihe crcation af an enhanced east-wrst ecologicel linkege through the Rural Study Arce. These four options point to ihe conclusion that lhe locntion of en enhenced east•west ecological link, should one he establisheJ, does not appenr to significantly impect the ahemativa for lhe bounderies of Ihe urban and rurnl systems. A fiRh uption wes prcparcJ bused on an eust•west ecological link across bolh the rural study arce end Seaton lunds. 4.1.3 Agr(cultunl ConaiJeration� Five optione were prcparcd coneidering egriculturel Issues, The first lwo options wero developed utilizing agricullurel soils capability mapping, Option I would rctain all lhe Class I agriculturel soils within the rurol system. Optlon 2 is besed on Ihe same principle bul providing u moro roguler shepc for ihc urbnn/rurel baundary. Options 3 ihrough 5 aro elso besed on rctaining the best agriculturel lends within the rurel system but, in eddition to soil capnbility mepping, elso utiliu assessment mepping and leau informalion to oxemine Gagmenlation of fertn parcels, These aptions would generelly include the lands closest to the existing urban boundery and along Brock Road in the urben system. Option A also takes into consideretion fragmentation of fertn lend thet will occur with fi�luro consWction of Highway 407 and therefore suggesls including the lands betwcen proposed I�ighway 407 and Highway 7 within the urban system. Ptckering Rural Sludy: Flnal Reporl 7 r �: .� '$� . . �.1./ Hamlef ComiJerationa Thrce opt(ons wero prcperod considering issues associeted with thc hemlele that exist within and adJacent to Ihe rural sludy erca and lhe Seaton lands. The first oplion would Include the nrrel settlemenls wilhin the urben system thercby utilizing them es ihe stahing point for develapment. Thc other two options ere based on localing thc proposed urban system away from the existing hamlets, thercby minimizing potentiel negeUve effects an the existing cheracter of these histivic settlements. 4.1.5 Infrwlructure Coneideroltaaa Thrce oplions wero prcpared based on minimizing infmstructure cosis. Two options propose loceting the proposed urben system enlircly on one sfde or the other of the West Duffin Crcek. 7'hcse oplions cauld minimiu costs associoted with provid(ng servica on both sida of the crcek nnd providing inGastructuro crossings of the crcek valley. A third optlon proposes iocating ell portions of ihe proposed urban syslem ns close as possible to the exisling urban system Ihereby mnximizing thc efficient use of ex(stfng inGaslructuro end minimizing the distence new services must be extended, 1.1.6 Ecanom(c Conatderatione Thrce options wero prepared based on meximizing potential for econom(c development. Two options focus on thc potenlial essocieted with loceting Ihc urben erca in close proximity to the proposed Ilighway 407 anJ interchanges wilh thc highway, A third option focuscs an loceting urban IanJ to lake adventnge of economic development potenliel erounJ Ihe existing C.P. reil line. 4,2 81�¢e'Itvo - Evalualion Criterlp �nd 6 Onlion� Fallowing discussion about the above•noted options, direction was given by the Sludy Taam to prcpare rcfined optione and establish criteria for evalunting optlons, In order lo accomplish this, staliprcpercd 6 oplions Ihat blended lhe orcas of inlercst on which the eariier options werc based. These optfons em more reniislic than the earlier 21 options beceuse eech optlon eddrcsses moro than one erce of interost. The oplions wcro developed using principles derived from e list ofcrilerle far evalueting options wh(ch summatlu key elemcnle of the study purpose, study ossumptione and discuesions with thc sWdy leam, The eveluadon criteria idrntify the areas of interost impoAent to Pickering in cvaluating boundary options. 0 PlckeringRuralS�udy: Finaf Repor� g i� ,� � , . . � '. : Y . , . � � . . .. � .. . .. . . . . • . . . �� Crilerir tor Evaluating Optiona •' protect tho afgnificent ewlogicel featuros and functions • enhance ihe east-west ecologicel linkega betwetn thc Rougo end Duffins Crccks • meintein "brcalhing spece" adjecent to the Rouge Petk • conserve the best egricultural lands • protect the cheracter of the nual uttlemenis � provide for orderly urbnn development • prov(de, within the urban system, lands having high potentiel for employment uses • meke efficitnt uu of existing end proposed transpoAetion infraswcluro • provide for cost-ef&clive water end senitary servicing • maintain atrong, de&nsible boundaries belweon the ecological, rura) and urban systems In order to addrcss ihe issuw inhercnt in Ihe evaluetion criterie, the six optians ero essentially veriatioro on a lheme (see deuription below and roproductions in Appendix I�. Option I rcteina ell thc proposed urban system on lhe enst side of Duffins Crcek thercby taking full adventage of proximity lo proposed infrastructure such es Highwey 407 end minimizing ihe potenlial negalive impacls of urbun development on both zides oF the crcek. Opdons 2 ihrough 6 would place verying emounb of the urben system on the west side of Du�ns Cmek in order to maximize ulili�stion of exisling and proposed infrestrucluro in the vicinily. All 6 optione include existing nelurol features within the ecologicai system. 4.2.1 3tago'hvo-Option I This optfon rollecb the "atelus quo" w currently included in ihe Region of Durham and Pickering Official Plans end would maintain the entiro Rurel Study Arca fn the rurel syetem. �1.2.2 3taga 7rvo - Opfion 2 This option includea a smell poAion oF the Rural Study Arce south of the Onterio Hydro Cortidor within the urban system. Lends in Seaton lying east end norlh of Whitevele aro incluJed In thc rural system. �.2.3 3hge7tro - Option 3 Thie option Includes a smell southem portion of 1he Rurel Study Arca, east of Altona � Road end including 1he cluster of Cherrywood Eest in ihe urben system. Addidonal � lends east end north of Whitevale are included in the rurel system PJckering RuralSludy: Flnal Repwf ._ g ,�..: _ . ;. :: , ..• .: , �13 � Za . � � � 1.1.4 ShQe'Itvo - Opdoa 4 This optian includes lhe poAion of the Rurel Study Arca south ef Taunton Roed, � : Including ell of Cherrywood (East, West and Central), in the urben system. The mejodry of the aroa west of Sideline 24 end north of the Fourth Concession Roed (s included wilhin tho rural system. 1.2.5 StAga Two - OpHon S This optlon extends the urban system wilhin 1he Rurel Sludy Arce north beyand Teunton Road end west beyond Altana Road. The niral system is exlended east elong Whitevale Road, mulh of propoud Highway 407. 4.2.6 Stage 7rvo - Option 6 71ds optlon includes the taslem ponion of Ihc Rural Study Arca, elong bolh sides of Whites Roed, within the urban systcm. Additionai lands adjacent to Whitevalo end Broughem aro included in the rumi system.•, 4.3 3t�ee Threc- Finpl O I�n� � Following tho discussion of the eix options with 1he Study Team, dircction wes given to ateff to develop and enalyze a fewcr number of rcfined options, In ordcr to develop thc rofined oplion9, staff took dircction from the discussion of Ihe six eerlier options and rcviewed Ihe (mplications of the proposed opti�ns in moro detail. In peAicular, the exisling and proposed trnnspoAation infrastructuro wes considercd, 77ds work rcsulted in ihrce options which aro discussed below (see Appendix V). �.3.1 Flaal Option 1 Th(s option rcllecls the "status quo" es currenlly included in ihe Durhem end Pfckering O�c1al Plens. Thle optlon would maintain 1he enifro Rurel Study Arca in tho turel system. Thc erca east of Du�ns Crcek and south of Highwey 7 would be within tho urban system. �.3.1 F'lnol Option 2 7'hia option would includo the poAion oC the Rural Study Aroa along both sida of Whites Roed wilhin �he urban system. The lands immediately east of Whitevale and Qrcen River would be included in the rural syatem. The balance of the erca east of Du�ro Crcek end south oFHighway 7 would be within the urban systom. Plckering Rura! Srudy: Flna! Repo; r 10 ., "9 4J.3 Fiaal OpNoa 3 This optfon would inc�udc lhe portlon of the Rurel Sludy Arce fronling both ' Rosebank Road and Whites Road within the urben syetem. The lends east af Whitevalc end Qaen River and extending along Whitevelc Road to approximately Sideline 22 would be included 1n Uw rural system. The belence of Ihe erca east of Duffins Creek and wuth of Highwey 7 would be within the urben system. S.0 EVALUATION OF FINAL OPTIONS The thrce options wero evalueted using the eveluetian criterie which summariu key issues important to Pickering to be eddrcssed in providing bounderies for 1he urban, mral, and ecologicel systems. The finel oplions and evaluatian criterie wcre developed concurteNly, thercforo ell three finel optione aro quile successful at addrcssing the issucs set out in the eveluetion criterin. However there are rcletive differcnces in the success of ea:h option. A discussion of the eveluation is provided, In addition, a matdx is providrd ronking the relotive findings on each of thc options. S.1 A�aament of Opllon� ae4lnat EvaluaHon Crileria S.1.1 Ecolog(cal issua All thrce options would include significant neturel featuros wi�hin the ecologicel system and ero Ihercfore equally successful at proteeting significant nawrel feawrcs and funclions. Such feawrcs include strcam cortidars; wetlands; Environmentelly Significent Arces (GSA's); candidate ESA's; forosts; old fields; hedgerows; the fortner Lake Iroquois shoroline; end Aroes of Neturel and Scientific Intercst. The aological system traverses both the urban end rural systems. An enhanced east west ecologicel link between the Rouge Rlver and Duffins Creek could be e valuable initiative to explorc. Therc aro a number of options for the location of such en enhenced link. None of ihe thrce options proposed for the urban/rural system boundary prcclude Ihe ability ('or an enhanced ecological link lo be provided, In eddition, all thrce options would provide e significant rural aystem buffer bctween the proposed utben system boundery end lhe Rouge Perlc. Theroforo, ell thrce options renk hfgh against lhe avaluation criteria essocinted with ecologfcal issues. 5.1.2 Conurve lde beet ogricultur�l landf All thrce options would locate the proposed urben aystem on Prime Agriculturel Lends (Class 1, 2 and 3 egricultural soils). However, by meintaining the existing aiu of the proposed urban envelope, ali lhrce options promote e compact urban form theroby minimizing wasteful wnsumption of Prlme Agricultural [.ends. . Plckerfng Rural Sludy: Flnal Repor! I1 • � '��1`� : t. Although most of Plcker(ng ie wnsiderod Prime Agdculturel Lenda, Ihere ero differoncee in Iho cepability of lends for agriculturel production because of dif%ronces (n soil queliry and beceuse of fragmentation of the land into smaller parcels. In roviewing Iho soil capabllity mepping, ownorship end Icase InformaUon, end drawing on Iha expedences of the Swd/ Team, it was delermined thet the lende adjecent to Townlinc Road end the noni�em potlion af lhe Rurnl Study Arca (perticulerly lends adjeant to Whitevele) ero Ihe most important to rclain in the rural syskm from thc perspective of conserving Ihe best egricultural lends, All Ihrce options include much of tho most viebie egriculturel lands within the rural system and meintain a compact urban envelope. Theroforo, ell thrce options rank high . egeinst this criteria. 5.1.3 Protecl the cheracter of tde rural setllemeqW It wat generelly egrced by Ihe Study Team, thel one of the most desirable melhods of protecting the charecter of the existing rural settlemenb would bc to providc a rurel system buffcr bctween lhe sattlement and lhe boundary of Ihe proposed urban system. However, it wes rccogniud that sensitive trcetment within the urbnn syslem edfecent to existing settlemenls could elso protect setUement cheracter, All Ihrce optlons provide aimilar oppoAunities for prolecting ihe charecler of the Ilemlets of Grcen River end Brougham (partly bccause of the locat(on of thesc setUemcnis rolative to propoud Highwey 407). Opl(on I provida a significant rural system bulTer uround Chertywoad Centrel and Cherrywood Easl and only e minimal buffcr eround Whitevele. Option 2 provides a buffer around Chertywood Cenlral, en incrcesed bulTer eround Whitcvale, but surtounds Cherrywood Gst within Ihe urban system. Oplion 3 also provides a lerge buffer eround Whilevale but no bu(t'or around Cherrywood East or Centrei Cherrywood. Thercfom, Oplion I and Option 2 have becn ranked medium ageinst this criterie and Optlon 3 tanked luw, 3.1.1 Etttcient we of lafrutructurc All threo options would heve Ihe same besic capecity requiromen►s for water supply end snnitery urvices. Thero aro no epparcnt significant difkrcnca in costs associeted with urvicing end none of Ihe oplions crcate isolated pockets of urban arcas thut would be difficult to service, In eddition, much of the eqsts associeted with providing inGastructuro should be covercd by development charges collected by lhe Region of Durham. Thercfore, ell thrce optians aro generally consfdercd equal in temis of weter supply end sanitery servicing. Details rcgerding the needs for trensportelion (nfraswcturo aro diflicuit to essess without proceeding to the secondary plaoning Icvel whero the locetion and density of lend uses are known, However, a general nsseesment cen be mede of how efTectively tha finul options meko uu of existing end proposed transportetion infreslructu�e. . PfckeringRural S�udy: Flnal Reparf �2 % Oplion I renks medium because (t mekes good use of ex(sting and propoud roeds wilh the exception of the existing Whites Road/faunton connection. Qptlon 2 mnke high beceuse it moximizes utilizetion of proposed H(ghway 407 end erteriel connections to the ncw highway as well es ihe existing Whites Road/I'aunlon connection. Option 3 ranks low because it wouid involve investmenl in e new erterial road connection to Highway 407 ihat would travel through a rurol, not urban, arca, 5.1.5 Provide, wit4lo tho urban syatem, land� having hfgh potenNal for employment usa Thc lends generelly considercd to have ihe highest potential for employment uses and economic development ero those adjacent lo ihe moin transportation corcidors. Trensportntion corcidors such Highwey 7, proposed Flighway 407, Taunton Road and Brock Rond provide excellent accessibility nnd visibility. As noled in ihe Sludy Assumplions, uncartainty rcmains aboul lhe polenliel for an airporl to be eslablished in North Pickering. Should en oirpoA be located in the Fedeml lands in North Pickering, the more northcm employment Innds would heve an even higher econamic developmenl potentlal. Option I has been rankeJ high ogainst this criterie bcceuse it provides the most urban londs adjacenl to Highwey 407, Options 2 and 3 aro renked mcdium. 5.1.6 Provlde for orvlerly urban development All thrce options generally provfdc for orderly developmcnt by extending ihe urban system elong the mein aAeriel roads anJ avoiding crcnting isoleted pockets of urbun development. Ilowever, Oplion 3 wouid crealc u boundary lhat rosulls in moving from the urban syslem to ihe ru�al system Ihen bock to urban as you trnvel from south lo nonh along tho future erterial road connections to Highway 4U7. Therefare, Oplion I enJ 2 have been ranked high against ihis criterie and Option 3 rnnked medium, 5.1.7 Malatatn itroag defenilble boundaries between the ecologtcal, rural, and urbon sy�tema Slrong urban, turel end ecological system bounderies aro not oniy a product of policies contained in o�cial plans and olher plenning dceuments, but elso can asult from locating boundaries elong nawral or man•madc fealurcs thet can bc easily identified on tho ground. That wey e boundary becomes moro than Just a line on'a map. Review egainst this criterla ranks Oplion 1 hfgh, Option 2 medium end Option 3 low. � Plckering Rural Sludy: Flna! Report m V 13 �7 � � �� ..� � � �� � � � � � . � � . . . � . � . , . . . . . . . . � . . ' . � i ` 5.2 Ev�lu�Non Mptrix � Evaluallon ot Riaal OpNod� Shown in Appeadi: V High 5•H '4-H 2-H Medium 2•M 3•M 2•M Low 3•L 6,0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENUATIONS 6.1 c o A crilical teeson for (nitieting the Rural Sludy was to provide en oppoAUnity for a review of Ihe urban, rurel and ecological boundaries from the point of viaw of what (s best for Pickcring end its residenls. The ovaluation criteria summariu the key ercas of intercst identified as impoAent lo Pickering in evaluating boundery options. Through Ihc roview of the thrce final options ageinst thc evaluntion criteria, no option was found Ihet proviJed en urban/rurel boundary bettor Ihan the status quo, Fine) Oplion 2 renks just slightly less lhnl Option t. Option 3 ranked much lower than the other two optione. � Decause lhe rosulu of the Study did not reveal eny options for the urban/rurel boundary thal rank significently beper Ihen Ihe stalua quo, lhe Rural Study Team concludes that lhero (s no compelling rceson to chenge the urban/rurel boundory from Ihe currently approved O�ciel Plens of the Region of Durham and Town of Pickering. Furthertnore, a change to thc urban/rural boundary et this time mey heve negetivc implicatlons on thc rcsidents end tenanis of lhe aaa. The urban/rurel boundaries in the current official plene ero based upon dedsion making by the Province of Onterio throughout the 1970's end 1980's. Peoplc in the arca have lived with these decisions for decades. In eddition, the tenents of the Rurel Study Aaa have been asked to make important decisions regarding their homes and Iivelihoods. Changes Io Ihe PlckeringRu�alSfudy: Flnal Reporf • 14 ,, urben and rurel bounderies at thfs point in t}ie process could be very disn�ptive to lhe community. In ell options exemined, significent neturel kaluros hevc been included within Ihe ecological aystem. The ecologicel system is ropresented by the "Open Spacc System - Naturel Aroes" designelion in the Pickering Ufficial Plen. Through this rovfew, several instances have Ixen found where the Ofticial Pien designetion dces not edequetely reflect the updeted information on existing netural features. Far exemple, lwo minor tributaries of Petticoot Crcck and two tabieland woodlots ero not included in ihe Open Space dcsignation (sec Appendix VI). In conclusion, lhe lcchnical rcview did not rcveel eny compelling rcason to change the urban/rurel bouqdery. In addition, a chenge to the boundary would prolong the uncerteinty ihat has surrounded the Sludy Arcn Innds. Therefore, the Study Team concludes thal Oplion I, the status quo, is lhe profarred option for Ihe urbnn/rurel boundery. The rcview diJ revenl severol instances where the ecologicel system boundary, as identified by Ihe open spnce Jesignatian in the Pickering 0(ficiel Plnn, das not adoqualely covar the nntural fealurcs. Thercforo, the Rurol Study Tcnm tecommends thal the Town's Officiol Plan be nmended accorclingly, to incluJe these Innds within en open space designution. 6.2 Recommendation� � The Study Team recommends the following; I. Thet this Report be fonvardcJ to Pickering Town Council for their rcceipt as fulfilling the rcquirements af the Pickering Officinl Plan which idonlifies e Rurol Study Area on lhe west side of Ihe Wesl Du(lins Creek and indiceles Council shell eliminote the Study Arce boundary upon complction of a Rurel StuJy, 2. Thet Town Council be rcquested to concur with the conclusions of this Report; namely, thet no changes be medc lo the urbnn/rurel boundary es currently identifieJ in the Durham OlTicial Plnn and Picketing Officiel Plen and that minor additions be maJe to the ecologicel system boundnry identified in lhe Pickering 011iclal Plnn. ]. That Town Council be rcquesled to dircct staff to initiate en eppropriete Amendment to the Pickering Olficial Plan lo rcmave the Rurel Study Arca identified on Schedule 111, deletc policy 3.20, and rcvlse thc "Open Space System-Neturel Arcas" as designeled on Schedule 111 to rollect updated (nformetion rcgarding existing nalurel featurcs. Plckering Rural Sludy: Ftnaf Reporl � , IS �� �� • � : , APPENDIX I y ` PICKERING RURAL STUDY TEAM • Mayor Wayne Arthurs • Councillor Rick Johnson (Wurd 3 Regional) • Councillar David Pickles (Ward 3 Local) • Tom Melymuk (Executive Co-ordinetor) • Joan Alfrey-0'Grady (Manager, Economic Development) • Catherine Rose (Manager, Plnnning Policy) • Adrian Smith (Planner) • Druce Flattery (tenant - Provincinl Innds) • Normnn Collier (tenant - Provincinl lands) • Bill Delfry (resident -Cherrywaod West) • Tommy Thompson (resident - Whitevale) • David Clark (furmer - North-East Pickering) • Ron Hnlliday (Seaton Lieison) �� , f " • ' � �,- .,� .y; ' `, , �.... .'�� t ��:. ~,., i v: �.� , . . _� ' y . .. , . . _ : ,. .. . . ._. 5` . - APPENDIX II ' CONTEXT MAPS - �a � r: f S, F � 1 `� l y i - � s= 3S � - � :� ,r ;. - APPENDIX III STAGE ONE - 210PTIONS � �� � f. - � � :, �� ,;, , ,, 0 P L l :� . , , �,, . , , %/////l � � �a�•� , � a . . � � �- .. , . . �. , . . � i: . . �� , :, - - � `;:� ;. : ` APPENDIX N STAGE TWO - 6 OPTIONS _, ;. : ;�. . ; : : ;:, , { • � l; '�� �I�j F�� `� (� �i ,�i ; ' �4t.. ' , ' ;t ` .- � ���;/ . i ,. . . �. � .. 1 �;. . , .. ., , . .. , . � �° ' a � � , � �. �r.� � , . . , V � � , . . . . .. . 4. �` . .0 .... _ � � • � �r � ° � : . � i� �� :� � , t �, : � � ;.. APPENDIX V ` FINAL OPTIONS :_� � ,�. i � � j,� � � i 1 � . - - �, ?r� - . � `�� �. ,� � �;' f > , a � - t � -. � - ('� __.. � �. ' �: ,.> ' ' ,. . . :, � ; � . 3 i �`:l 'r} . . � 0