HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 18-98� �� OF p� 1 � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; Neil Cartoll DATE: November 17,1998 Director of Planning PLANNINd REPORT NUMBER. 18-98 SUBJECT: Minor Expansion of the Boundary of the Hemiet of Cleremont Lend Severancc Applications 224l98, 225/98, 226/98, and 254/98 Estate of E. G, Allman Part of Lot 18, Concession 9 (East sida of Old Brock Road, Haznlet of Claremont) Town of Pickering RECOMMENDA7'ION: I. Thet lhe request of D. Bennett, on behnif of the Estatc of E, G. Allman, to pennit n minor expansion to the Hemlet of Clarcmont by pertnitting Land Scverance Applications 224/98, 225/98, 226/98 and 254/98, on iands being PQrt of Lot 18, Concession 9, Town af Pickering BE APPROVED in accordoncc with Section 2.32, 14.2(h) and 15.7 of lhe Pickcring O�cial Plnn. 2. That Council direct staff to initiete, nt a futurc dnte, an appropriatc housekeeping amendmcnt to Schcdule I and Schedule IV-10 to the Pickering Official Plnn ro re0ect the minor expansion pertnitted by Recommendation I. of Planning Repon No. 18-98 on the Ailman lands, being Part of Lot 18, Concession 9, Town of Pickcring. C�l?L�PF Lend Severonce Appiications 224/98, 225/98, 226/98, and 254/98, npproved by the Durham I,and Division Committee, subject to conditions, including satisfection of the Town financially end othcnvise, AUTHORITY; 77IE PLANNINd ACT, R,S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: At this time no additionel costs nre anGcipated beyond those nortnally attributed to developmcnt of this naturc. EXECUTTVE SUMMARY; - The Town's new Ofliciel Plan permits Council to consider a minor expanslon to a hamlet twwdery, aubject to a number of condltions, Town staff hevc rcviewed, in consultation with rclevent egoncies, Lend Severence Applications 224/96, 225/98, 226/98, and 254/98 on ihc Alimen lends in thc Hamlet of Cleremont, end detertnined that an expansion of thc hamlet boundary is rcquircd to permit the proposed dcvelopment of residential lots wh(ch extend beyond the curnnt hemlet boundary, It is rccommended that thc minor cxpansion bc pemiitted. PLANNINO REPORT NUMBER 18•98 Date: Novombcr 17,1998 , Subjxt Minor facpansion of thc Boundary of the Homlet of Claremont Pagc 2 � Further, it is recommended ihat Town Council authoriu SIa1T to incorpurate this boundary adjustment as a'housckecping amendment' to lhc Pickering Official Plen et en oppropriatc future opportuniry. The development proposed by the land severance approvels arc ablc to procced in advence of thc future housekeeping emendment to thc Pickering OtTicial Plan, provided a development agreement is ngistercd an title to address all metters of interest to the Town, including ground wnter availebility, nitrate impuct, building envelopes, septic end reserve bed locations, noisc end vibrution nttenuation, drivewuy alignments, greding and druinage, Uea presen�ation, and payment of parkland dedication fees. In order to meet the applicant's timetable for clenring wnditions of approval of the subject land severnnce applications, it would be necessnry for Council to canvene a speciul meeting on November 23,1998, to denl with the Executive Committee's recommendation on this item. Upon Councii's epproval of the recommendetions of Ihis rcport, a��d the registration on title of n development agreement to gunrantce the Town's interesis respecting develupment of the subject lands, lhe Plonning Department will be ablc to ndvisc thc Durham Land Division Committee thnt the Town is satisfied, finencially end othenvise, with respect to the finuliwtion af Lund Severance Applications 224l98, 225/98, 226/98, and 254/98. k� BACKdROUND AND DISCUSSION; Lnnd Sevcrancc Applicatians 224/98, 225/98, 226/98, and 254/98, werc conditionally npproved by the Durhnm Land Division Committcc in August, 1998 lo scver thrce residcntiul lots from the subject property, cach wilh 23+ metres of fronwgc on the east sidc of Old Drock Road, and areas of 0.303 to 0.325 of u hcctare. The rctaincd pnrccl would cncompuss the mejority of lhe retv of thc subject praperty, with I5.0 metrcs frontegc on Old Urock Rond, and an amn of npproximntcly 2.2 hecteres. A Property Location Map, nn cxcerpt from the Pickering Officinl Pinn showing ihe location of lhc subject property in relation to thc Flamlct af Cleremont, and a pinn showing the end msult of the proposed scverance of thc subject property are included es Atmchments ki, N2, and #3 to this Rcpart. Thc Plsnning Depnrtment had originally recommendcd that thcsc applicutions be mbled ns Ihe proposed devclopment would result in the crcution of new lots which extend bcyond the boundaries of the Hamlet of Claremont, as identificd in the Pickering Otiicinl Ylen. The impli:ations of thc proposcd dcvelopment, both on oflicial plun policies and on thc appropriete end desirable dcvelopment of the subject end adjaccnt lands, required furthcr assessment before the Plenning DepMment wes prepared to support ihe Land Severenca Applications. However, the applications were approved by ihe Land Division Committcr �ubject to conditions thut Ihc applicant satisfy the Town finunci¢Ily and othcrwisc. The Plenning Department subsequenUy requested lhat the applicant prepare a number of supporiing repons end documents in eccordance with Section 2.32 of the Pickering Officiul Plnn, H�hich states in part that Town Council may permit minor expnnsions to the Hnmlet of Claremont without amendment to tha Plen, provided thaL (e) the generel purpose end intent of the Plen is malntained; (b) the expansion is consistent with ihe provisions of Chapter Twelvc (Rural Settlements) of thc Plen;end (c) the provlsions of Chapter FiRan (Development Review) of thc Plan erc met. In response to the Planning Departmrnt's request, the applic:uit has submitted 1he following: (a) a Plenning Retionele Re�rt, pmpnred by (3.bL 9emes & Associntes Lid.; (b) a Oround Weter Availabi8ty Aesessment end Nitratc lmpact Assessment, prcparcd by Jagger Hims Limited; (c) proposed building envelopes, well locations, and septic and roservc bcd location plwu, - prcparcd by Jagger Nime Lim(ted; ="�; � t ;, � ����Y , ' PLANNINd REPORT NUMBER l8•98 Date: Novemlxt 17, 1998 � Subject: Minor Expansion of thc Boundary of thc Hemlet of Claremont Page 3 (d) a Tree Assessment and Prcservatlon Plan, prepnred by Thacker & Associates; end (e) a preliminary noisc end vibration commont from the Cenedinn Pacific Reilway. These rcports and documents have becn nviewed by thc Plenning Department, in wnsultation with the Rogion af Durhem Plenning and Health Depertments, as well as the Toronto end Region Conservadon Authority. The roports and documents have bec:: Pound to provide an acceptable level of informadon to jusGfy the appropriateness oFthe propos, I severanccs, end thc associeted minor expansion of the Hamlet of Claremont to encompaas the subject lends. The To�m's Legel Department is currently preparing a Develapment Agreement to require, prior to the issuence of any building permits on the resultant four lots, adherence to the above-noted reports end documents, completion oF a noise and vibration assessment and udherence to the aquirements of the essessment, submission of additional information confirming negligible background nitrate Icvels, pnyment of parkland dediwtion fecs, end nny other mnttcrs deemed necessary to address the Town's interests. It should be noted lhat the most northem proposed severed parcel (subject of LD 226/98) nppenrs to be locat�d wholiy within thc curtent boundary of thc Hamlet of Cloremont. However, as the development of this pnrcel is intrinsic to thc ovemll development of the Innds, and as this parcel is likely affected by any noisc and vibration effects due to its proximity lo the Canudien Pacific Reilway Line, it is recommended lhat this lot bc included in thc dovelopment agrecment, ATTACHMENTS: I, Property Location Map 2. Subject Property in Relation to the Hemlet of Cleremont 3, Infortnation Compiled From ApplicanPs Submittcd Plen Prcp;ued By; Approved / Endorsed by; �� � -�- Je y. Cole Neil C Planner2 Director anning ���_-c.� �I�- Catherine L, Ros�: Maneger, Policy Aivision ' 1aGCLR/ph Attachments Recommended for the consideretion of Pickering To 7 . ' � .� �� : o es J. nn, (le Menag �c :i . , . . . . .a.,_,—#� 1 .. .. , ^ f . � ,. �� . . . � �. - • , •. ... - . .. ° � .. � ... ..... � . ... A, . i.. t.',' � �.. �� i,'�. �'. �.,�;:, ,i n't. > : e : � t. ' ., . , ' � ' +,1 , � ,,, . ,�� ; ' . � � 'j _.. ' •' ..'4. _ ,. . . U �, IJI, .. 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