HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 20/98� ?.1 > s � 3 '1 , _ ` 115 �'��" � � �� . �`�tEPORT; ��'TO`���, COUNCIL ��� �� � � FROM: Penny Wyger Town Solicitor DATE: Fobniary 16,1998 REPORTNUMBER: L20/96 SUBIECT': - Rougecrcst(Buckshirc) - Part Lot Control ByLaw Nos. 2242/86, 2254/86, 2255/86, 2256/86, 2257/86, 2258/86, 2266/86, 2267/86, 2293/86, 2294/86, 2305/86, 2319/86 end 2320/86 - Lots 6-9,12-68, 74•90, 94-104, Plen 40M•1380, Pickering - Filo: P4102.17 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to mpeal Part Lot Control By-laws 2242/86, 2254/86, 2255/86, 2256/86, 2257/86, 2258/86, 2266l86, 2267/86, 2293/86, 2294/86, 2305/86, 2319/86 and 2320186. ORIGIN: Bylaws 2242186, 2254/86, 2255/86, 2256l86, 2257/86, 2258/66, 2266/86, 2267/86, 2293/86, 2294l86, 2305/86, 2319/86 end 2320l86 enncted by Council on June 16, June 30, August 5, September I S and October 20,1986, rcspectively. AUTHORI7'Y:PlanningAc�, R.S.O. l990, chaprerP.l3, aecllonSO. PINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND: Bylews 2242/86, 2254/86, 22�2256/86, 2257/86, 2258/86, 2266/86, 2267/86, 2293/86, 2294/86, 2305/86, 2319/86 end 2320/86 wero enacted to exempt the ebove•mentioned lots on Plen 40M-1380, Pickering from the Part Lot Control provisions of the PlanningAcl, thercby permitting thc traiuftt ofihe dwelling units conswcled thercon inW uparete ownership. Such transfers have now bern completed and thercfom By-lews 2242/86, 2254/86, 2255/86, 2256/86, 2257/86, 2258/86, 2266/86, 2�6T/86, 2293/86, 2294/86, 2305/86, 2319/86 end 2320/86 should be repealed ATTACHBIENTS: ; ; ' I. Dreft Repeal Bylaw. 2, Site Sketch/Locadon Map, . ` { Penny 1EP Ijm � ' ,;'Attechmonte� ' , ,;� ;?, ' . t5 i ; ' . < <� � s, � � 1 - :.r �i�,'- r}f .��r � r + ' }".. t t °_t-�l_.i�. t_ 6 v 7 t...� ! ... . . � . . . . .. . ,. _. __ , . . , . ., ,�� 4�� � 4 �� � � ;. � S.. _ .. J ;�.iF i.r;� r�7; C r�� � 7' 1. f� ���i�.L.OV '.i 1.�. ��� . a - :': THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN QF PI K RINd _ �:; BY•LAW NO: `5223/98 ;, Being a by-!aw ro rcpeal Parr Lot Controf By-lpws 214L86, , _ 2154/86,1153/86, 223b/86, 2257/86, 2?S8/86,1166/86, 2167/86, - ?293/86,1194/86, 2303/86, 23l9/86and2310/86, ieapccNngLota 6, 7, 8. 9, 11, !3. l4, IS. 16, l7, !8, 19,10,11, I2,13, 24. 25, 26, 17, ?8,19, 30, 3!, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 31, 38, 39, 40, 4/, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 4l, 48, 49, S0, SI, 51, 53, S4, SS, 36. 57, 58, S9, 60, 6l, 61, 63, 64, 6S, 66, 67, 68, 74, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 8l, 8?, 83, 84, 8S, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, l00, 101, /01,103 and 104, Pfan JOM•1380, Plckering. I WNEREAS, pursuant to lhe provisions of section 50 of the Planning Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the cowci! of e municipality may rcpeal a Part Lot Convol Bylaw; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. By-lawe 2241/86, 225418ti, 2255/86, 2256/86, 2257/86, 2258/B6, 2266/86, 226T/86, 2293/86, 2244/86, 2305/86, 2319/86 end 2320/86 are hercby rcpealed. � BY•LAW rcad a fint, second ead third time and finally passed this 9th day of Merch,1998. I Wnyne Arthurs, Meyor i TOWN OF PICY.ERI". � r' `�� Bruce Taylor, Clork � � F: ' . . . . . . . � . ,i ' LEanL OEpT. : °',.y '-.��n�07.it � - . . . . . i � ' 1 tx f��a: f�1� J t , �yy��''; � �, � s F �. � ,i� �1 r ti�� a� -'I � i � - j i nf�i�, diS 7 H�- Y_ � '. ! :'' AT F � �,t + �yj��5� x� �+',e°� �.. � t �ys F -! � t R,.v f�i�� � �.'F ! t�. ,� ��1 +'� fY���}}3,.:.k . "�i,.�.���±J. f _ � .. . . ... t . . ,