HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 18/98�,.d�a"i��x41 `rS"'� 1 � +� �t�j q��... Diir � '' � ryA�p� IJ`� 1.:.. � �� �r ti'' f3. � : 1 1 .�ti �'�4j �_ .1 F�•��}1G �,� � f � ,4 ,, ��,2 ,�~'� � � . ti-£ � ; ,- . - �' � �T � . . � . O�N � ': - � � REPOR� TO COUNCI�, ' FROM: PennY wYBn' DATE: Februnry 9,1998 Town Solicitar REpORT MJMBER: L I8/98 SUBIECT: Runnymede Devclopments - Pert Lot Control By-Law No.1848/84 - Lols 38-0i, Plan 40M-1272, Pickering - File: P4102.16 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to mpeal Pert Lot Control By-law 1848/84. ORIGIN: By-law 1848/84 enacud by Council on June 4, 1984. AUTHORITY: PlanntngAct, R.SO. l990, chapferP.l3, seNlon50. FINANCIAL IMPL[CAT[ONS: None. BACKGROUND: Bylaw 1848/84 was enacted to exempt the above-mentioned lots on Plen 40M-1272, Pickering from the Part Lot Control provisions of ihe Planning Ad, thereby permitting thc ttansfer of lhe dweliing wits wnstructed thereon into separnte ownership, Such transfers have now been completed and therefore By-law 1848/84 should be repealed. ATTACM�IENTS: , 1. Draft Repeal Bylaw: 2. Location Map/Site Skctch. 7 �, . Penny; t IEP iJm ; Atfechments -4� �; S;�i � ,a � ai , , ; �` ,;;. k-�i Y ' �IZ Fc !:� s d . � .y' �'�i�.:.r,l., _ }nx..s , r t ..st<, ' ��i -- - . . . . . . ..-. . � ry�r�x�� 3i � Pi � � � �Jt , r �� �,�, � � a � .r' 1 } i : � .. � � '{ '�°�� 1� rF4t + ,- s ,r > . h . ,� t y F e' i �` 4.. r � i�� ��� r k. { st,� � '1. + '�� t x .�� t � sr'� j � .. . �/,- - { ��' ,,� COR►�QRATjQN OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINd BY-LAWNO. 5222/98 ; Being a by-!aw ?o repeal Parl Lo1 Control By-law 1848/84, re.rpccttngLols38, 39, 40andJl, Plan40M•1272, Plckering. _ ( WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.0.1990, chapter P• 13, II the wuncil of a municipeliry may mpeal a Pert Lot Controt By-law; NOW THEREFORE, t6e Council of The Corporation af the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: L By-law 1848/84 is hercby rcpealed, � SY•LAW rcad a first, second end third time and finally passed thisAth day of March,1998. � i � � i Wayne Anhurs, Mayor � I i, 4 i� . � � � . .. . . - . . � �� ..; , Bruce Taylor, Clerk ; _. I. _ �, , <,. , � � i TOY�N OF pICKF.R1f10 ' , �' '� � : ,�^ •� �� i r � ryT, ,. i r; � .' '. , ` la � 'NI02if L+.:� � {�, r �= � - �' t � i s t �-�'�•ry �`a t - � t t J '$ � �y` x�F ` i 4,� ._ 4 _t � , , r.. , ?}+a.,}� . ,_ . ... r. ..,.. ,� . , ., . , . .. �� t r ��:a .r ? � � - - : . �: : - � , , � �