HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 50/98!�' Z .' t -i�.� , :i: % ��OFp ,�0 F' . FROM: r " a '� ,r,� ' . V4. b�. , _ .: �., ' . :�.� . �:.' , ��� ��.. . . . . � : R�POR1' �'O COUNCI� Penny Wyger Town 5olicitor DATE; April 22,1998 REPORT NUMBER: L 50/98 SUBJECT; Pert Lot Control By-Laws - Use of the Part Lot Control Provisions of the Planning Act - Filo: P4201 RECOMMENDATION; That Council pass n Resolution direcdng staff to advisc Diwe Woods Estates that the creation of the four eddidonel units must be processed through the Region of Durham by Innd severance appl'icntion und not thraugh Pert Lot Controi and not by way of a plen of subdivision. _�� OltlGIN; • 1. Plen 40M•181 L 2. Request from Dixie Woods Estntes for Rezoning to Accommodatc faur additionel Iots, AUTHORI7'Y: Planning Ac1, R.S.0.1990, cheptcr P.13, section 50(5). FMANCIAL IMPLICA7'[ONS: None. BACKGROUND: On Marc6 9,1998, Council enacted By-law 5218/98 which reduced the frontage requircments over nine of ihe lots on the above-noted rogi�tered plen of subdivision. Thc reduction of fronmgc requircments will pem�it the owner to conawct four additional dwelling units on the lands. Council recenUy approved an amendment to a Subdivision Agreement with Dixie Wood Estates Limited (fortnedy (3ossamer Hills Limited) to accommodnte ihose four addiGonal units within the plan. The addidonal four lots are proposcd to be created iluough the lifiing of part lot controL 71ic pan lot control provision of tfic Planning Act was not intended to bc used es a means to by-pass t�e other land dIvision provisions of Q�e Act (i.e. - wnsents to sever and plans of subdivision), LiRing of part lot control doas not require circuletion of notice to the publ(c prior to the bylaw lxing pssscd, Theaforc, t6e public consultadon process could be circumventcd by the Town, allowing thc use of part lot control for the of creaUon of new lots. ' Baaed on past Town prnctice, thc Pianning Department advi�cd DIxIe Wood Estates thnt Ihe subject lende could bc divided through the lifling ofpart Iot controL Thla perttculaz development has bcen ' ` Uirough a complete public consultedon pioccss for roruning only. Othu dcvelopmenU not tequiring a � rezoning would not havc a publ,(c process, t , �_ , s 'v f ' {� �� � +�� Y fi., �� f. �'��W-s"4 t`s�f n�'i z' �"si a..F.� rc�'�i�, _�}���sr� c, �� T � q s � � #"��'^P, t,��..� �� 1' r°�/ `� 1 �� g�3 �j .i 7- j� n�� r y 3 .. J ' � ,�. '�t� + F. t j'§Y"Y.i, i t t� t�Y �, x� t c�,�� � � .9 1 a F.' �, <. �,�.5 ��.� .- � - ,� j �-. ; X � ,��f 4 �-. r � � . • .%�` i � p� , ,� , r � !' j#t � r _�, '1;�7 A � '."'t"'I� t0 C.OUIIC� t t" ��' � I,50/98 '�; r ;�' ' Apnl 42;1998 `�' ~, ,f ; `; ? _ : ':f >. SubJect Uae of tlu Part Lot Controi Provielons of tde Ple�ining Act `"Pege 2 ' '. Couacil should detrnnine if this matter wiil bo pennitted to proceed by way of part-lot control. Council s6ould also determine whether Town proceduies should 6o emeaded W requiro scvttencea in ihe future rather than to pernilt tho lifting of part lot cantrol, when addidonal lots are to be created. ATfACHIvfENfSc : L Location Map. 2. Site 5ketch. Prepared By: se Bye PLW:Ic Attachmrnts �PY� Gcmeral Meneger Dircctor of Planning DirectoroFPubllc Wotks Approved / Endorsed By: !� Pe�u�y W t �ti - ,.�;" 0 i � 1 � 1j'{ prf' �� tt .- t .� I : �� ' �� ` ? � � � ° i t: `i �,�' � l + ' '� < ` P r � kf .. � } -.�. t j-�. I .., �� � ���. er�5,"� .-. x}.�..,/•._...�..A�.�r...... .......� t V....l.&.. ...;".,i ..... :� .............. . .��.;,!�,.i , .. . .. _ . .� � . � �i .. . - , - , . . . . i-:��� � �:�� �� � � �� � - j�A, ,� � ;� ��- : °> >�;; .;r d�� � I :.y .� .. �_ �" '� ' � , . •. � �� L " `�` - � CURRENTL.Y APPROVED PIAN OF;SU�sDiVISION � �'� , `' «: �74 , e. ` . ...40M-181;1 i�iiow�tr�rrM? Ton�a�rx��� LOTS �8 TO b4, PIAN 40M•1811 ti' - , : ,,$ � � ' � � i1 � ��41 �s .I !�� M�� r ���'M � . . •Y�ft�l _^y� � `0' i 'a` ,or+ �p��CE55 r�.�w � ,M�rM�� / �' x�N 2 O V1 N W u t 0 u �¢ n o# `� ¢` n° \ � , . . . . . . � � . ..'.._: . . . . � -. .. , � � .. � . .. � . .. . ....`._ ' . _.. , � � . .. ... ... �. . .. . ..:�-. i. -. . . ' �., . 1 �. . . . . t, _ { 1 ns '• t a . �y t : � : . . .. ._ .. .. .... 4 '.� r: x ►UILECAIlD�IAW:�OilIIMN,AllBtORVIEY�W0A�1fN'iP1AMIPlOOEIMWIYIEIR 1YIRCNI 1�M. h�' '. '�..'. ± �. i .�.is. . . `:,.,. . . . . _. r _ . . � � . , _ . _ ... . � , _ . _ . . .. . ,. .. . ...