HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 55/98� ��. c. F, . r -= li4 ta r Y�$'• u,° � ; . , . , .. ';�r }r , - ,. > >:; ` �20 � �OP:p� .. . �: REPORT ` TO COUNCIL : � FROM: ' Pcnny Wygor DATE: Mey 1,1998 Town Soliciror REPORT NUMBER: L 55/98 SUBJECT: Part Lot Control By-Law - Shronc View Holdings Inc. (Bellentry Homes) - Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and Blocks 11,12,13, 14 end I5, Plen 40M•1887 .f -File; P4101.186 � RECO.MIvIENDATlON: A Part Lot Control By-Law should be enacted ro cxempt Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and Blocks 11,12,13,14 and I5, Plan 40M-1887 from the subdivisiqn control provisions of thc PlannfngAct. ORI(3IN: 1. Registredon of Plnn 40M-1887 2. Request from Ballentry liomes dated Mey 4,1998. AUTHORITY: PlannfngAcl, R.S.O. 1990, ehapter P.13, section S0. BACKaROUND: Tho above-mentioned land� are being developed in accordence with the eppropriete Subdivision Agrcement end Zoning By-Law, in such a manner thet morc than one dwelling unit is being wnstructed on each lot and block rcferred to. Atteched herclo is a draR by-law, enactment of wh(ch will exempt theu lands from the part lot wntrol provisions of the Planning Ac1, thus permiltini, uansfers of thou units into seperate ownership. 7'his bylaw is in the fortn usuelly employed in such ceses. ATTACM�fENTS: L Draft by-law. 2. 3ite Sketch/Location Mep PrePared bY: �� /�_ . . Deniae B "e . Penny W DB:Ic _ , `:Attechmenb ,Copy: DirecwrofPlenning' < ?�:` i:: ; � i'. . .. ; . ,. , . 4 . . : . � . � ,. ''. 1 . �4 F! 'C �?�y3 r`�- �' ��:i tri � 1 � i i�°�' , . �.��.. ._ . . .. . _ ' __ . . ._. . . . . _. �.. . . .. . .__. � � ✓� � � ':y��, ?{« ; i �t �fi � _ ", . � � '� j Aii�NTN,L,T��r�rL�g�; ; THfi CORPORA'L1�P1 iZF THE TOWN O�IC.F'R n,,a 21 , ` . @Y•LAWNO. ,. BeJng a 6y-law !o exemp! Lou 1, 2, 3, I, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, !0 nnd Blockr Jl, !7. 13, II nnd 13, P/an �OM-1887, Plckerin� from part !ot control. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Ac�, R,S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the council of the municipality may by by-law provide t}wt section 50(5) of the Act docs not apply to ccrtein lands within a plen of subdivision designated in the by-law; NOW.THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation oCthe Town of Pickering HEREBY ENAC7'S AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 50(5) of the Planning Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.t3, docs not apply to the lends described as foliows: Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and Blocks i I,12,13,14 end 15, Plan 40M• I 887, Pickering. II 2 Thts by-lsw shell rcmein in farce end e(fect for n period of one year from thc date of thc passing of this bylaw and shell expim on May 19,1999. BY•LAW read a first, second end third time and finally passcd this 19th day of May, 1998. Weyne Arihurs, Mayor Druce Taylor, Clerk TOI� •i r,�? P� �, 3:3' ; i ��� lEu -.Nt01.1t6 � . r � � �� �'� } i t � � S i � , � �/ — t ) 4 �. ;e � y i ;f ( K ;#�� x -. 3 k � � .. i � '�Yw � � d�._ _ f . _ t ,. , _ . �':. � LF� y{ ••;{ '��-� y'� a7j�� ti �-k }{ 5 4'� i ��:7' {,�'�; �r.t -'_ �i s� r l :i t 4 �: ' �_ : L ',,AO `� r _ }�; !'IR �- �`' # 1 c, '� GORPORATION OF THF TOWN OF P1G F INd � i @YLAW N0. Being a bulaw �o exemp� Lo►s l, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, l0 and Blockr 7!,` /1, !i. /4,nnd IS. Pfan 406f-1887, Pfckerin� from parf !of control. - WEIBREA3 piusuant to ihe provisions of section SO of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the � cowcil of the municipality may by bylaw providdthat section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to artain lands within a plan of subdivisioa designated in the by-law; �' I �I I NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS � FO�.LOWS: I 1. Section 50(5) of the Planntng Act, R.S.O. 1990, chepter P.13, docs not apply to the lands dascribed es follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 and Blakn I I,12,13, 14 end I5, Plen 40M• 1887, Pickering. 2. + 7'his bylaw shall mmein in force and ef%ct for a period of one year from the date of the passing of this bylaw and shell exp've on May 19,1999, II , II ` BY'LAW read a first, second and Ihird time and finally passed this 19th day of May, 1998. II - Wayne Arthurs, Mayor i i 'f Bmce Taylor, Clerk � . � � TO'��'�r� Pi .,_ .,,3 , , i i '. �� , ¢ LE:. !i: _ Y Pl101.1l6 � _ ; , , '; 1�� � {�� � F � r f#s ��,�� i +.t� , �? t �' V � ` Z , � N': � � �� �� ' s �=�krtie i' i�� t� i� +` 1 r c �} -� 1 tY 4 i" .� s� T' 7� �i sri� ay 3 5'y }f j f � � �- -�._ .w;.e',.'�<..1�?�.-..Sr..r..�,'�{ . ._ Y.,_,�t.. ,.._r _ l<.,.T�.... _.�,. .. , _....� . .._. . _. _ }n ^Y''�, _ , . ... . . . . . . . . : ' . . . - . . . _ ,..•' .l