HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 53/98� f �S } i ,- ,, � � t x �i {� �� i. ti i 1,1 .�3��� � ,r. ; ].34 ,.:_ ' . �,, o� '`' . ,:: r , � h � ,' 4 �� � . . � � � i ?4 ..�' .h. p �' . . . . .. . . . RE�ORT TO' COUNCIL ,, � FROM: PennY w'YS�r UATE: May 1,1998 Town Solicitor ' REPORT NUMBER: L 53/98 SUB7ECT: Part Lot Control By-Law - Cougs ]nvestments • Lob l, 2, 3, 4 end 5, Plnn 40M-1913, Pickering - File: P4101.188 , RECOMIVIE:NDATION: A Part Lot Control dy-Law should be ennctrd to exempt Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan dUM•1913, Pickering, from thc subdivision control provisions of 1he PlanningAc�. , ORIGI'd: • 1. Rcgistradon of Plen 40M•1913. 2. Rtquest from Cougs Investmenu. AUTHORITY: PlanningAcr, R.S.0.1990, chapicr P.13, uction S0. BACKGROUND: , Thc above-mentioned lends arc being developed in atcotdancc with the eppropriate Subdivfsion Agrcement and Zoning By-Law, in such a menner that more than one dwellin� unit fs lxing wnstructed on each lot rcferrcd W. Atteched hercto is a drnR by-law, enactment of which will cxampt lhese lands from the part lot wntml provisions of the r�vintng Acr, thus pertnitting transfers of thou units into sepatatc ownerohip. This bylew ie in the iortn usualiy empioyed In such ceses. ATT„�!-iNIENTS: I. DraR by-lew. 2. Sitc SketclJLocation Map PreParcd bY: � , Denlse H c enny W ; , DB:Ic � : Attachmcnu ` Copy: Dircctor of Plann(ng _. , � ' .�' .. S�•`j! � � , �'� ! i �, 11 _ � �� #, t ��: �� � ' + � �..' �+ 1 Y,� 1 . �.i . t � « . ��� � "s ,. . � � �. •`_ _ v ......i . . .r. . ':+, , . .. . ,.,. .. ?'�','au f ' t._� � ' �pf �� ��'. � � 7;; '. �? . ` �:' ' , . ,., , �, � .}" ` AITACHMENTN.L.�'I�ORB�OIlTN�9B , �p s'� 'f ' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINd � 3�� ' ..:.BY-LAW NO. • ' BeJng a by�law m exemp� Lota 1, ?, 3, � and S, Plan 40M- 1913, Plckerfng, from parf /ol conlroL WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 oP the Planning Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the council of ttie mwicipaliry mny by bylaw provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to cenain lands within a plan of subdivision designated in the by-law; � NOW TFIEREFORE, the Council of The Corpomtion of ihe Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Section 50(S) of Ihe Pianning Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chopler P.13, docs not npply to Ihe lands described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40M•1913, Pickering. 2. This byluw shall remain in force and effect for a period of onc ycur Gom thc dalc of the passing of this by-law nnd shall expire on May 19,1999. BY•LAW read a first, second �md Ihird limc end finaily pnsse�i this I st day of )une,1998. ' Wayne Arihurs, Mayor Drucc Tnylor, Clcrk T0�1R! OF i PIC!:::?tip , : P,f,�'�{�� ' GiT ' ,., � �y!�� �tr�, ..t�. �� 'wiol in ' „ 1 ;, � l.r:: , � � = «� �:- _ry„ r ;,,5 �:k ` �t � `� - , o �v ' � ___ ' -_ _ � � � � `��Q . ■ , � 1�� �i ' �.��I / � ��� �' /,': � ' . ,.,., I' ."' �"""I/ ' �� IIIIIIII' _= I�IIII =_ � . � � �� 111= == -_ _� \II � : %/111111111111; =� ��%/1'�� ' = IIIII :1111111111111� :���������_ _ , � , v � � nni mg �iqllllllup�� �i�lll : : . , . . . _ __ 111r//\�n//��i/� =�i�= =— • .• ��.I�/l� IIII `. . / , / �� C � � ���►`� /�I ��1/��Q1 . '' = ■ �� 1111 ��♦__ , ° ° � :Ge�ap�a mnii ��%/i , , ■uuununuui_. _= uwm�r� inrii��,'i —��_ " �umm��ii�iiu � _ =nuuinnuu_ = a= =iF� uri; ���i�� =� ui�mi = _ =�nunnr�_ __� _=>=:' x�i ���i :II � � = __ = -_ _— '=`_�`, •�,;,�i • 1 ui9P�1 ; _ == == __ _: �E udlliui0i':''//�ii�= 'ii � � n���i � � K== unu�== == __ wii __�__ =F __ _' -- -- . ►- \��i�i�i�ii��ii��ii��iii�� °' =_ == =_ -__ _; . ���� � �� �� �� �, =_ -- -- -_ _,,,,,,, —C �� �� �— CC — . , _� .�� �� �� � 11111 G tlllllllllll�llllll�lll IIIIII 1�111111111� � ������ � � .� ���I/ 11111'�II II� 11111\�_ = . , I � �� 11111//— ' ♦ �1111- I,� _, % ,u11i111�:1►�U�%�nn � • �IIIIIMII� � i����llm���� 1 � � �� 11111111►���'� • ���—. �i --r '• • � :� IIIIIIIU�� � _• �� �� �� r III1, �0 _ �) � _= _� \\11U�� ' %: —'='�—•_= _ � " __''"=' "=' � — = IIII = _= _= �� ��.�� p = �� �� p _�IIIiI I � � = _= _°_ = - ■�/1111►�/llllll ' L=_ _= == ___ \Ilill - � .� � — -- -- 0 • - .T..trcc,A_=11=: , . �:.� � . . , . . . . . � �. . . .