HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 61/98pF'' " t ix r:F' '- �� t u - N .. � .; � y i ..t 4 Y S 7 �i :' r Lt r�, � �, f * s r ���2 f , ��OF� � . ....' . _. . . . ItEI'ORT TO COUNCII. . FROM: Penny Wyger DATE: Mey 12,1998 Town Solicimr REPORTNUMBER: L61/98 SUBJECT: Marshall Homas (Woodview) Limited - Part Lot Control ByLaw Nos. 5057/97, 5089/97, 5109/47, 5133/97, 5155/97 - Lots 14 - 30, Ptan 40M-18'17, Pickering - File: P4102.22 RECQMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to repeal Pazt Lot Control ByInws 5057/97, 5089/97, 5109/97, 5133/97and 5155/97 ORI(iIN: By-1¢ws 5057/97, 5089/97, 5109/97, 5133/97 and 5155/97 werc enacted by Council on June 23rd, August Sth, September 15th, October 22nd, and December 15,1997, rcspcctively. AUT'HORITYt PlanntngAcl, R.SO. l990, chap�erP./3, secNon50. FMANCIAL IMPL(CATIONS: Nonc. BACKaROUND: B'y-law 5057/97, 5089/97, 5109/97, 5133/97 and 5155/97 were enacted ro exempt the above- . •menUoned lots on Plan 40M-1877, Pickering from lhe.PaA Lot Control provisions of the . Plannfng Act, thcreby pem�itting the uansfer of the dwelling units wnstructed thercron into separete ownership. � Such hanafets have now ban wmpleted and therofom By-laws 5057/97, 5089/97, 5109/97, 5133/97 and 5155/97 shauld be repealed. ATTACHIvfENTS: 1. Dratt Repeal By-lew. 2. ;' Location Map. PrcP� BY� APProved / Endorsed By: � / Qt.o/!j/1i <� '' - ' � � � — -- Pcnny.W ` ' �;`Attephments , „ •,;. -� �� ` ti: F r �. a + �! �, .. ,i ,. ,. ^�,�i; u � r . . . '�;�, t� ' ` �::THB cORPORATION OF THE'[QWN Oa Pti`iLHiNb `.,. t•. 1,� ' c: W • :, � ;, r � z r � � � i.�� � t: :.' � � ' .8Y LAW N0: `� � Bcing 6 6y-law fo rcpeal Pari Lol Conlrol Bydawr 3057/97, 5089/97; 3/09/97,;5/33/97 and 5155/97 resNecring Lor� 1� ' � ;i3,16,17,78,19,10,11,21;13,24,IS,16,27,78,19and30, ` Plat 40M-1817, Ptcke�Jng . . WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of sccUon 50 of thc Planning Acr, R.S.0.1990, chapter P.13, ihe wuncil of a mwicipaliry mey repeal a Part Lot Control Bydaw; � NOW Tf{EREFORE, the Council of'fhe Corporation of ihe Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: t. By-laws 5057/97, 5089/97, 5109/97, 5133/97 and 5155/97 are hercby repealed. BY•LAW read a first, second end IhirJ timc and finally passcJ this 22nd day of lune,1998. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Brucc Taylor, Cierk T01VN OF PIC:�,CFlItJd 1 � �c� �%� o �oe�r. , , , t a ,: ' , r ' s. ' � , , s „� � , , �?; r�' �� , , +.� ��re l� ..�i.,f3 . 5.�.t.. .. .,. ... . . . ... _...h ...i . �i� ,. ... . �. . .