HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 20/99�(,. •g . �HOFPry,: . . � _ . . ". � �� � . � . � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Ncil Cartoll DATG: Novcmbcr 30, 1999 Dircctor, Planning nnd Devclopment ADDBNDUM TO PLANNINd REPORT NUM08R: 20-99 SUI3JGCT: Temis of Rcference Detailed Revicw for the Li��cmnol Road Sowh Arca RECOMMENDA7'ION: That Town Council receive AdJenJum to Plnnning Rcport No. 20A9; and revise Rccommendntion 2 of Item N2 of thc Repon of thc Gxcculive CommiUx by ndding the phrase, "nnd ns fiarlier rcrised as sct nu! in dppe��dix A! In Addendio�i lo Planning Repnr! No. ?U-99 ", ahcnd of lhc phrasc, "as thc basis for undcrtuking Ihis study", so that it rcads ns foliows: "Thul Tbwn Counril endorsc thc "Tcrms of Refcrcnce for n Dclailcd Rcvicw of the Liverpool RoaJ Soulh Arca" nitachcd as Ap�xndix I to 1'lanning Report No. 20•99, anJ as funhcr rcviscJ us sci aut in Appcndir AI to AdJcndum ta Planning Report No. 20-99, ns the basis for �mdenaking this stuJy". ORIGIN: Commcnts at thc f:xecutivc Cammiuee �iccting of Novembcr ?2, 1999; Commcnt IGtcr datcd November 29,1999, from Pickcring linst Shore Communiry Associntion on thc November 4'h dmR of thc Tcrnis of Itefcrencc for thc Dctailed Revicw of thc Livcrpool Rond South Arca. AUTFIORITY: Thc Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Tlure are no finuncial implications us n result of ndopting thc rccommcndatians in this Rcpon. Planning Repa�t No. 20-99 denls with the finuncial implications of undertaking the Delailed Revicw of thc Liverpool Road South Ana. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 'flfis Rcport responds lo threc mottcrs: i, Requcst at Exccutivc Committcc for infomiation on thc hiring process thc Town will use for the consultnnts required to assisl smff with the Liverpoal Rond South Detailed Review; 2. Rcqucst ut Exccv!ivc Committcc for n rcvision in thc study Terms ol' Rcfcrcnce to include n refcrcnee to lhe WaterGont Co•ordinuting Commfltee: nuJ 3, Comments reccived from the I'ickcring Gast Shore Communiry Associntion respccting ihis rcvicw, � ADDENDUM TO PI.ANNING fiF.PORT NUMBGR 20-99 Date: November 30, 1999 Subjcct: Terms of Rcfcrcncc Pagc 2 Detailed Review of thc Liverpool Rond South Areu In undertaking ihe detailcJ revicw of the Livcrpool Rond South Arca, stuff hnve identifted thc need for the services of u wnsullnnt for cuch of the two parts of thc sludy, with a specific expertise rclnted !o that Pnrt of the study. It is ihe intenlion of the Plnnning and Dcvelopment Departmcnt to hire Ihe best-qunlified consultunt nt thc best vnlue to ussisl stnff in undertaking thc rcquired work. The sclection process will include invitalions to four or fivc qualificd firms or individuuls to submit n Letter Proposnl, nnd auenJ an interview, to explain their qualifications nnd experience in ihe required urca oP expertise. A member or members of Council mny be involved in this process should Council so choose to nppoint a membedmembers. Stuff also recommends n revision to thc Tertns of Refcrence to ndd a`Consultntion' scction outlining ihc communiry wnsulta�ian stratcgy staf�will usc. As part of this consultation strotegy, it is noted thnt stniT will consult with rcicvunt committees of Council, including the WnterGont Co-ordinnting Committcc. Commcnts from Pickering Eust Shore Community Association arc discussed. 5ome suggestions mnde by the Association nrc nlrendy incorporated in thc Novcmbcr IG'� version of the Terms of Reference, nnd will bc fudher clarified by incorporation of the `Consulmtion' scction recommended by this AddcnJum Report. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Consultnnt llirine Proce.c.; Thc Town will bc undcrtnking a scicclion process to cnsurc ��•c hirc thc bcst-qualiftcd individual(s) at the besl valuc, for both I'nn I und Part 2 of ihc Dctuilcd Rcvicw for the Liverpool Ruad South Arca. Stnfi' intend to as�cmblc a list of polcniially qualificJ marin;ilwatr.dront plauners. 'fo obtnin thesc nnmes, we will be contacting reno��•ned agcncies such es Ihe 1Vaterfront Regcncration Trust, contacting othcr nrca municipalitics �vho havc completcd watcrfront and mnrina land usc studics, und chccking thc list nf firms aho ha��c providcd litcraturc to thc Town's Purchasing Division. To select a consultant, we inlend lo use n modified RPI' process, ns opposed to u full RPP process. (A full RFP proccss is useful when lhe To�vn �vants thc consultnnt to propose an approach to thc projcet, propose lasks to undcrtake the ���ork, propose n timetable, nnd propose n public consullation program.) In the cuse of the Liverpool Road South Detuiled Review, the npproach, tasks, timetable and con�cullalion progrnm havc ulrcudy becn articulated in thc Tcrms of Rcfcrence: We necJ to hirc a qualified watcrfront planncr for Port I to nssist stuff in complcting thc work. Wc nced to hirc a quulificd urban dcsignerAnndscapc architect for Part 2 to assist slnff' in completing ihc work. Thus, mther thun using a full R�P process, Planning stuff intends to invitc four or fivc quulificd individunls/firms lo submit a maximum 5•pagc Lctter Proposal outlining such mauers as thcir qunlificntions and expericncc in watcdronUmarina dcvclopment including communily design nnd economics, Ilieir cost (recognizing the upset limit of $20,000), their ability to complelc thc projcct in thc required timc frame, and rcfercnccs. It is furlher nnticiputcd thnt Plnnning stafT would inicrvicw thosc who respnndcJ to thc Lcttcr Proposnl to assist in making the finnl selection. This process closcly follows thut of nn 'Invitationnl' Tendcr or RfP thut is nn ncccptcd prncticc in thc ncquisition of goods and services in both thc Town and gcncmlly across ihc profcssion. Staff unticipntcs using u similnr Lettcr Proposal anJ intcrvicw approoch for Pnrt 2 whcrcin we would bc rcqucsting skills in Urban Dcsign/Lnndscapc Archilccturc. �1� 8 ADDENDUM TO PLANNINd REPORT NUMBER 20•99 Datc: Novembcr 30,1999 Subject: Terms of Refercnce Pagc 3 Detailed Review of the Liverpool RonJ South Arca 5hould Council wish to nppoint u member (or mcmbers) of Council to nssist in thc selcction process, this cnn be ensily accommodated. The nbovc•noled hiring process has becn discussed with the Dircctor of Corporate Scrvices and with Qic Chicf Administrativc 011iccr, both of whom confirm that this proccss would bc in keeping with thc Town's geneml policies and procedures. 2.0 Walerfront Co-ordinatina Commitlee At the November 22, 1999, Executive Commiltee Meeting, Councillor Drcnner rcquested that the Wuterfront Co-ordinating Committce be consulted during Ihe course of Qic Rcvicw. Stnff hus lookcd at thc Tcrms of Refcrencc with this in mind. There was somc bricf discussion of the consulintion strategy in the Report lo Council, and indircctly in the'Pcrms of Rcference. Howcvcr, no dircct discussion was included on who would bc consulted, or how. Accordingly, we propose that a section bc addcd to make the consultation strntegy clearer. 1Ve proposc ihat Council add that a ncw section "7. Considlulion" to Qic Tcrtns of Referencc, and renumbcr the remaining scctions. The ne«� sectiun 7�+�ould outline �ehom, nt n minimum would be contacted, how Ihcy would bc contactcd, when thcy would bc wnlactcJ, anJ whal forums nnd venucs would be available for commenting. Gencral time frames for public commcnts nrc also oullined, This section is oullined in Appendi� AI lo this AJdcnJum Rc�xirt. It is recommended Council edd ihis section to thc Terms of Refcrencc 3.0 Como�cnt� from Pickcrin� Gast Shorc Communit�� Association We have reviewcd thc commems of the Pic4:cring Bast Shorc Community Associution (PESCA) on the November 4'h dmft of thc 'femu of Refcrcnca Their commcnts Lrc provided as Attachmcnt N I ro this Addcndum Rcport. Thc refcrcncc to "bnyfill" has alrcady bcen incorpomtcd in thc Not�embcr 16'h version. The rcqucst for specific time Gamcs for public commcnt is includcd in Ihc proposed new 'Consultation' section. This 'Consultntion' also identifics that the communiry, elcctcd officinls, and developers will be nble to providc input to thc study. As discussed in Plnnning Report No. 20-99, given Ihe significnnt work donc to Jate along the waterGont, the limited scopc of the Rcvicw, and thc inclusion of four public workshops / open houscs, n stcering committec is not proposed, Howcvcr, slnff �vill bc nvailable to mcet with resident working groups ns necessury. Access to thc nrea via Liverpool Road, nnd Ihc ability to tie into the Millennium Square project nre good points that cnn be used as input to the discussion of opportunitics and construints for development at the enJ of Livemool Road. Dut, thcy arc not mattcrs to be nddressed on iheir o�m. The environmentully sensitive marshes at ihe nodh end of the Bay would be discussed as part of thc context for the study nrea. The arca wcst of Pairview Avcnuc, nround Browning Avenue, and nlong Front Street norlh of Commercc Strcct has quite a dif�erent set of opportunities, construints, and issues. Staff does not support including these lands (somc of which havc bcen reccntly rezoncd) within this study arcu. ShoulJ Council scc mcrit in studying thesc lands, a separnte revicw should bc initinted nt onothcr time, The Inst pnragmph in the Icuer rcfcrs to n matter arising nl the Octobcr 12, 1999, Gxccutive Committcc Mccling. These Tcrms of Rcfcrence wcrc not considcrcd nt that mcNinµ. 7'his appears to be refercing to anothcr mauer respccling thc Waterfront TmIL A copy of PESCA's comments has becn fonvnrdcd to the Dircclor of Operntions and Gmcrgency Services for n response. ADDENDI iM TO PLANNINa REPORT NUMBER 20•99 Datc; Novcmbcr 30, 1999 � Subject: Terms of Refcrcncc Page 4 DeWiled Rcview of thc Liverpool Road South Aren APPENDIX: I. Proposed Rcvision to Novcmber 16, 1999, Tcrms of Rcfcrencc for the Dctailed Revicw of thc Livcrpool Rond South Arcn ATTACHMGNTS: I. Lcttcr Gom Pickering Eost Shorc Community Associaiion dated November 29, 1999. Prepared By: Approved / GnJorsed by: / ���� � _ Cutherinc L. Rosc Ncil Cart I Manngcr, Policy Divisimi Dircclor, ' ig und Dcvclopmcnt CLR/kb . ' Attnchments Copy: Evcrett Duntsma, Dircclor, Operalions and Gmergcncy 5ervices Gillis Patcrson, Dircctor, Corpomtc Services & 1'reasurer Richard Flolborn, Division licad, Municipal Property anJ Gnginccring Recommended for the considemtion of Pickcring To�m Cou i ' ,� � � ` ���. yy o a5,. Q�in Chief Adminisirativc 011iccr ,�, � io APPENDIX AI TO ADDGNDUM TO PLANNINd RGPORT N0, 20•99 RECOMMF.NDED REVISION TO THE NOVEMBER 16,1999 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE DETAILED REVIEIV OF TNE LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA Revise the November 16, 1999, Terms of Reference for the Detailcd Review of the Livcrpool Road South Study, by ndding u new section 7, ns follows, nnJ renumbcring the rcmaining scctions accordingly: 7.0 CONSULTATION As nn integrnl part of the Revicw process, the Town Planning staiT will undertake a communiry consullation proccss to share knowlcdge on existing conditions nnd ide��s on future directions, The consultation proccss will reach out to, u; Ieast the following, persons and orgunizntions: Ihe May�r und \lcmbers of Council; rcleeant commitlecs of Council including the Waterfront Co-ordinaling Committec anJ Ihe Millcnnium Trail Ad-Hoc Commiltee; senior'Po«n stafT; conservation aulhoriry nnd olher key agency rcpresentatives; community associalions; study nrca landowncrs, residents, business-operitors, ond devclopers; lundowners abulting the sludy tucn; and other interestcd indiviJunls and groups. At Ihc start of lhc Revicw, and al all kcy points in thc Rcvicw, lhc consulmtion proccss will includc at Icnst Ihc follo���ing ty�s of notices: Jircct mailings to lando�mers in, and wilhin 120 metres of, �he study aren; dircct mailing to Town officiuls, kcy Town stn�; kcy rcvicw agcncics, nll ratcpaycr associntions, and nll others who indicnte nn intcrest in ihis Rcvie�e; and notices in the ncwspaper on ihc community pagc. The consultalion process will include oppartunities for communily nnJ ngency input ihrough Open Flouses / Workshops, mcetings of Gxccutivc Commitlee and Council, wrilten responscs, e•mail, one•on-onc or small group mcetings, by tcicphone, or otl�er means, as necessnry, to mect the nceJs of die individuol or group that is commenting. It is anticipatcJ Ihat Reports will be avnilnblc about a weck uhend of the second, third and fourth a�orkshops / open houses, with at lenst a two-week comment period following ihc workshop / open house. �` �. . , AttacFment N 1 to Addenchnn to � 1 Planning Report Nunber 20-99 � �l(i�lllg '� .�' ]D10 Lqll(TIlCII�Y i�OCJc'ilal Novembcr 29,1999 RECE I V E D CathedneRose NOV 2 9 1999 Managcr J'olicy Division T7HNOFPICIIEPIIIp City of Pickering PLANNINOOEVMiYE1R Re: UraftTertnsofReference-Novem6er4,1999 Liverpuol Raad South-Detailed ReviewArea Dcar Ms, Rose: The following are comments from the Pickering Gasl Shore Comrc�uniry Association (PGSCA) on the dmR Tcrms of Itefcrence for the Livcrpool Road Soulli rcvicw arcu. PGSCA is oFthc opinion thnt the twa proposed dcvclapments nrc not in linc wilh thc vision for the wutcdront nor with the exi�ding developm�:nL All devclopment must tuke into account thc nuture of thc community and thc substuntinl cffon �nd ideus put forth by vurious wutcrfront committecs ovcr the pnst scvcml ycars, Sp:cific commcnis !o lhc Tcrtns of Rcfcrencc: o D�:tuiled rr,vicw arcu: thc urcn shauld bc cxpandcd. to includc propertirs on Uic wcst sidc of fairvicw Avcnu: south lo Drowning Avcnuc, cusl along lirowning nnd Ihcn sbuth to Commcrcc Strccl incluJing properlics on bolh sidcs of f�ront Strcct.'{'his cxpandcd arca would includc morc of lhc sensiti� c marslilund of thc Day. o �iask IJ,I; udd NI0,13ay infill (unlcss that Ihc seme ns N9- lakefill ). lt is noted tliat "significant IukclilP' is rcquircd tu support thc dr.vclopmcnt on Ihc wcst side uf ' Livcrpool.. o Task 1,I,I: add IJ1 I, ncccss to thc wntcdront vin Livcrpool. Livcrpool Rond is h�rdly ''designcd to handle large volumcs of visitor trnffic nor thc construction trnlTic that will : be gcnernled by the proposcd Jevclopmcnts. o Tosk Ll,l: add #12, tic in to Millcnium Squnn:. o Tasks 1.1.4, 2.1.3 & 2.2.2: spccific timcframe � far gathcring community input should I ' be statcd - 2 we:ks is a minimum (as an cxamplc, only one weck wns originnlly . allottcd to respond to the drnII Terms of Rcfcrcncc). In addition the Public Mectings � � should be aJvediscd to all residents of Pickering. , o' The rolc of thc community, politicinns and de �clopers should bc clearly stated. � Will thcre bc a role for u Working Committec7 Finully, we hnve reccivcd comments from people who uttended the Public mccting of October 12'� that, although thcy IcP. their name and uddross, thcy hnvc nol rcceived any further infartnatiiin, specificnlly lhe Draft Terms of tefcn:nce, Regncds; Terry WheaUey 5ecretniy YE5CA -