HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 03/992. a��°�� � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; Thomac J, Quinn DA7'E: March 26,1999 Chiof Administredve O�ar REPORTNUMBER: CA003•99 SUBIEC'f: ORC / Agricultural Easements - Memocandum of Understanding - File: PL 5030 and OPA 96-014 RECOMMENDA770N: 1. Thet Report to Council CAO 03-99 be reccived, which report concems the imposition of agricultural eesements on lands within thc Town's Agricultural Assembly, and provides infarmetion on e draft Memorondum of Understending between the Town, the Rcgion and the Ontario Realty Corporation. 2. That the Memorandum of Understending attached us Atwchmrnt No. I to this report be endorsed in principle av the basis for n utticment agreement conccming the upcoming Onterio Municipel Board hearing scheduled to commence on May I Oth. 3. Thet stnl'f be directed to review thc Memorendum of Undersmnding in detail, and circulnte it to the other panies end participants to the Ontario Municipal Dourd henring, and advisc Council of any technical, legal or other concems and comments, prior to it being finnliud. ORIaINc Discussions bctween the Town, tha Region and the Ontario Realry Corporadon wnceming a potendal settlement agrcement rcluted to Durha�n Regionel Oflicial Plan Amendment OPA 96-014, which amendment has been eppealed to the Ontario Municipal Board for a hearing. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.0.1990 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no financial implicadons associated with the adoption of these recommendations, However, there mey be some financiet savings to the Town should a serilement agreement bc reached end en Onterio Municipal Board hearing avoided, Therc mey be some finencfel costs to the Town essociated with the esWblishment of agricultural easemenls, as well es the monitodng nnd enfarcemcnt of the easements. F��a .. . . . .. . � i� � � .. . . . . .. . .. � .. '[upert to Council dM 03-99 Murch 26,1999 ORC / Agr3cultural Eesemeats - Araft Memorandum of Understending Page 2 EXGCUIIVE SUMMARY: This Report deals with a dreft Memorandum of Understanding (MOIn betwan ihe Town, ihe Region end the Ontario Realty CorporaUon (ORC). The draft MOU ouUlnes thc terms end condidons of a potendel settlement agrcement between the pariies, concerning the imposition of agriculturel easements on certain agricultural lands sold by ORC wiUun the Town. Agreement 3s being sought in en efTort to evoid an Ontario Municipal Bor-c hearing scheduled W commence on May 10,1999. ORC hes indicated that it accepts ihe general principles :u�d intent of the MOU, but wishes to discuss some specific implementation issues. Regional Council hos endorsed the MOU. In order to kcep the setUement process moving forward and bring olher affected pariies and pariicipants into the discussion, it is rccommended that Town Council endorse the MOU in principle, and dircct steti to review it in detail, and circulate it to the other parties and panicipants to the upcoming hearing. BACKdROUND: On Decenber 21, 1998, Council edopted Resolution No. 249/98, setting out thc Town's position wilh regards to a possible setQement agreement with 1he Ontario Realty Corporntion (ORC). The resoludon confirmed Council's support of en amendment to the Durhem Regionnl Officinl Plan submitted by ORC, allowing the crcation of lo�s Iess thnn 40 hectnres within the Agriculturnl Assembly, subject to verious conditions. The resolution also supported the use of Crown Right to divide the Innds, providing ORC agrees to the establishment of agricuiturel easements, and euthoriud the Meyor and Clerk to enter into an appropriate Memorandum of Understanding (MO[� with ORC and the Region oF Durham conceming thesc matters. it was initielly anticipated thet agrecment on an MOU would bc rcached cnrlier this yenr. However, this was not the case, and a pro•henring conferencc was held on Junuary 12, 1999, to clerify issues, and identify pazties end participants to the hearing. Five purties were identified (the Town, the Region, ORC, thc (3mn Door Allience, and Sendy Rider from Whitevale), and 27 perticipants. Following thc pre•hearing conference, Brian end Geraldinc Hollinger have also requested party stutus, The hearing is scheduled to commence on May 10, t999. In its pro•hearing decision, the Onterio Municipal Board noted that if scttlement amangst the parties could be rcached, the hearing may bc canceled or the need for a fuil hearing may be substentielly reduced. 71�e Board encotuaged the pariics to continue negotiations in order to see ' if a setUement could be achieved. To this end, discussions between the Town, thc Region and ORC have continued. Recently, Regional staf'f papnred end circulated e ccvised draft MOU to the Town end ORC (sec Attachment No. l). On Merch 23, 1999, a letter was received from ORC indicating that the gcnerol principles and intent of the MOU ere in accardence with the Province's dircctive, nithough certuin lmplementetion deteils still need to be finelized (see Attachment No. 2). On March 24,1999, Regionel Council considered ihe matter, end egreed to tha nvised MOU. At the meedng, it wes indicated that the Town's concurrence with the MOU bc obtained, and thet lhe olher parties and participants to the heering be advised of the content of ihe MOU at thc earliest approprlete opportuniry. i: s�,,. _ : �`— - - -- . .. �, ' RepoR to Council aM 03-99 . March 26,1999 ,� �RC / Agricultural Easaments -- Drnt� Memorandum of Undecstanding ' Pege 3 ,,a Some of the key provtstons of the MOU Include: : • ORC would bo allowed to proceed wfth the wnveyence of loro with(n the Agriculturel Aeumbly using Crown Right, so lona as it egrae to ihe esteblishment of agricultural �axments. Conveyences shell generally conform with en egrced to lottfng pattem. • Agriculwrel easemenb would be estebitshed on ell egriculturel percels grcater then 5 ecrcs in siu, ihet aro sold by ORC efter ihe egmment is entercd into. Fasements would not be established for those properties lhat ORC hes elrcady entereJ into en ofkr of pumhese and sele. • Agricultural eaumenb would be entercd into betwan thc Town end tho purchaur of the properry and would be binding on title. • Any time after the Sth anniversary dale of the egreement, ORC may advise the Town and Region thet it beliaves the egrament frusUates its nttempts ta sell lands. Should the Town and Region agreo wilh this, ORC would be rcleased from the egrcement. Should either the Town or Region not egree, thc issue would be rcferr�d to the Onterio Municipel Board for arbitretion pursuant to tha Munlclpa/Ac�, or ihc Ontario Alunlcipaf BoardAcr. RECOMMENDATTON It is recommended that in on effort to kecp the settlement process moving forwnrd, nnd in light of the Town's earlier position on the matter, Council should endorse thd MOU in principle, and direct statf to circulate it for comment to lhe other parties end puriicipants to the Onturio Municipul Board hearing. Should Cowcil agree with this rccommendation, steff will immediately contact the othcr parties to the henring nnd artange e mating to discuss ihe MOU. At the semc time, staff will also send a capy of the MOU to all participants to the henring for their information end commcnt. Council shnll be adviscd of eny comments or concems arising from furthcr swtf and community rcview of tho MOU. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Memorandum of Understanding 2. I.ctter from ORC dnted March 23,1999 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Th mas E. ely) uilc Exewtive Cooy6inator TEM: Attachmenis Thomes J. Quinn Chief Administradve Officer Rewmmended for ihe cansideration oF Pickering Town Council � �,.� ,� 9y : omas J. Qutnn hief A iniatrah ice � THIS AOREEMENT m�d� thb d�y of , �pgp, 5 , BE7WEEN: ATTACHMfMN � TQIlEt0ltTNcr�.c�'' HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO aa roprosented by tha Chalr of the Manapement Board of Cabinet, by ita authorized apent, Onta�lo Really Coryoradon (herefnaRer called 'ORC� ' - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM (hereinaRer catled the 'Reglon� - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING (here(nafter called the Towr� 1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT ORC ia the owner of certaln landa in the Town of Pickering, which land is genarally locatad In Lota 24 to 35, Concession 2, Lots 25 to 35, Conceaslon 3, Lota 27 to 35 Conoessbn 4, Lota 32 to 35, Concesalon 5, and Lots 34 8 35, Conceasion 8, heroaRer deacribed as the'Agdcultural Assembly', and Illuatrated fn Schedule'A' to this Agreement. ORC w(ahea to convay the lands within the Agdcuftural Asaembly to pdvate ownarehfp for condnued agricuRural use. To achbve thia, ORC roqulroa an amendment to the Durham Repional OfRcial Plan to partnk certafn land, wh(ch is wkh(n Apdcukural Aaaembly, to be divided fnto parcela of leaa than 40 hectarea in size. In addiNon, the Region requlres that ORC agree to certe(n condkfons regerding conveyance of the land, as set aut in th(s Agreement. The Region, ae the deiageted consent authority under the Planning Acf, in fuil canaultation and aflroemant with the Town, haa agreed to allow ORC to proceed wNh the conveyance of lob withfn tha Agdcuftural Asaembty uafng Crown Right, purouant to ORC'a Claas Envlronmental Assesament, aubjact to the terme of thia Agreement. RwWd MuM iBIOC � ��;" � � - .. � ' � � � .. -� � . ,. . . . tr� ' . . . . . . .. . . . � . . . . . . . � . � t, s P� Z :.� : 2. AMENDMENT TO THE DURHAM REOIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The partiea aQroe that the Repion aholl have cartiape of aeekinp approv�l M(he Amendment 38 to the Ourh�m O�Icial Plan Amendment, aa aet out in ScheduN . "B'to thia Agreement, which b currendy beforo the Ontarlo Municipol Baard u a roeutt of an appeal 8bd by ORC. The Amendment eatabliehea e policy th�t expleina why the croeGon of lote of leaa than 40 hectaroa in aize ia being permitted for land in the Agricultural Asaembly. 3. CONVEYANCES INTO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP All conveyancea ehall gene�ally conform with tha Conceptual Lot Plan, conteined in Schedub 'A' to th(a Agreement Nothing (n this Agreement ahail provent tha conveyance of lenda, at any dme, to a public authority fur any publ(c uae, indudfng roada, �ail Iines, pipelinea, hydro tranemfssbn corridors and subata8ons, telecommunfcadon facllitlea, pubHc and (nsGtudonel buiidinga, 4. LANDDEDICATION A. ORC ahall convey: (i) to the Toronto and Repion ConservaUon Authorily (herefnefter referred to aa'TRCA7, that portion of the Apricuftural Asaembly compr(s(np the West Duflina Creek and PetGcoat Creek valleys, and the weUand compbx located noM of Teunton Roed end weat of Altona Roed, ea IdenHAed on Schedub'A'to thie Agreement; (ii) to the Region, the Regional road wideninge IdentHied on Schedule 'A" to thia Agreement; and (i(i) to lhe Town, the local road wfden(nga ider,Uffed on S�hedule'A". B. (i) All lenda ahall be conveyed, hee and clear of all encumbrances, provided lhat if any road wldening impinyea upon a houae, the wtdening shell axclude the houae by aurveyinp 0.3 mefre from the outer pe�imeter of tha hause; R�vu�d MuM I ef0i . .. ., . . , .. � ��� .. . I . ai`� ._ . . '?" . . . . � . . . . . . � . . . � . . Pap� 3 � (ii) Ii land to be dedic�ted, other thm � ro�d wideninp, hae been � fmproved w(th , houee or olher et�ucturo, fhe tnnaferee �hall compenaats ORC for lhe appra(aed value ot the houee or atrueture; (i(i) The land to be dedicated will be roquired at the Gme of aale of the abutNnp land; and (iv) Paragraph (b)(ili) does not apply to a ro�d wfdening where the Regfon or the Town has prepared a plan of aurvey. C. (i) ORC agreea to survey the land to be dedicated, at ORC's cost, and proparo and rogfater the reference plana requ(red to aHect the conveyances;and • (fi) Surveyfng ahall not be requited pdor to the sale of the land abutdng the land to be dedicated. 5. CONSERVATION EASEMENTS A. To enaure the bng term protection of natural heritege features wfthfn the , AgricuRural Aasembty, ORC wiil convey ConservaUon Easements to the TRCA for ell auch features illuatrated on Schedule'A' to thia Agreement. The ConaervaHon Easement ahail be In the form contained in Schedule "C" to thls Agreement In !he abaence of g clearfy deflned creek chennel, ORC ehell provide a 15 metro setbadc from e drainepe courae. B. ORC ahall not be requlred to convey the Coneervadon Easement undl ORC hae entarod into an Agreement of Purchaee and Sale for tho tand subJect ta the Easement. • 8. AGRICULTURAL EASEMENTS A. For each lot to ba conveyed Into pfirate ownarohip, whfch ta zoned agricultural, In whote or In pa�, and fa preater then 5 ac�es in afze, ORC ahall require the purohaser, aa a conditlon of !he sale of tha land, to a.,�u.a M.rcn �eroo ,'�'. PW�� ' 8 exscuM �n AprkuRunl E�een�nt, in hvour ol the Town, In the fortn �� �� • aet out in Schedule'D' to thie Apraement. 8, Thfs condiNon ahall be fnae�ted into the Ayreement of Purchaae and 3�k, with the inMnt thet the Aprfcultu�al Eeaement ahall be reglaterod on the tkle of the lot immediately aRer the reg(etraGon of the conveyance to the purohaaer. 7. FEES Tha applicabb feea for conaent appi(caUona will be paid by ORC for each propoaed lot when aubmitted to the Tachnk;al Steff Committee. No other feea will be payebla by ORC, except as apeci8ed in this Agreement. 8. PARKLAND DEDICATION ORC agrees to adviae the purchasers of vacant lots, whfch can be used for rosidential purpoaea, that the Town wiil require payment of ks stendard Plenning Acf parkland levy at tho tlme the purchaser seeka a bu(Idtng pertnit. 9. TECHNICAL STAFF COMMITTEE A. A Techn(cal SteH Committee ehall be eatabtiahed, compdsed of 1 representettve of each of the pardea, to undeRake the following pracesa of lot craadon: (i) ORC shall aend a w�tten deecripdon of each lot propoaal, which may cona(at of one or moro propceed lots, wkh a aketch plan, to the Committee, with a request (or camments wfthfn 3 weeka, At that t(me, ORC shell aubmit the applicable cansent appl(cation fee to the Region; (il) Tha Committee ahall review lhe lot proposal againet the Conceptual Lot Plan, in Schedule'A' to thie Agreement, and the Technical Checkliat, in Schadule'E'to th(s Apreement; and, R�vUW Mucli 19A0 f �� , �. . � . . ' � . ._�.: . r : . . . _ . . . . . P'�• a g (Ili) The Committee ah�ll meet, or teleconferonce, wfthln 1 month ol � roceiviny the lot propoaal to conflrtn generel conformity wilh the Conceptuel Lot Plan, and campl;ance wfth the Technical Checklf�t. B. If the Committee cannot rooch a conaensus on a proposed lof, the matter may be roferrod to the Ontario Munfcipel Board for arbitradon, purauant to either Sectlon 188 olfho MunklpalAct ar Section 54(1)(i) of the Ontado Munlclpel Board Acf. 10. TERM A The paRiea acknowfedge that ORC ts concemed that the Agricultural Easement, es cantemplated tn Secdon 8 of thia Agreement, may Gushate fts ettempta to diveat ibeH of the land k owns in the Ag�icultural Assembly. In the event that ORC believea that such Is the cass, ORC ahall be pertnitted to so notNy the Region and the To�vn any tlme after the 5th anniversary of this agteemenL B. In the event that the Ragbn and the Town both agree with ORC's positlon on thfs matter, ORC'a obUgeUon to convey AgdcuRural Eaaemenb, ea requ(red under Section e ot lhis Agreement, shall termfnate. C, It efther or both the Region or the Town do not so agree, or have not communicated their apreement within 1 manth of ORC's noUflcgtion, then the fsaue ehall be rofemed to tha Ontedo Municfpal Board far arbitraUon, pursuant to Sectlon 198 of the hfunklpel Acf, or Section 54(1)(i) of fhe Onfado Munkipa/8oerd Act. If the Ontario Municipal Board determinea that ORC'a poaidon fa comsct, ORC's obligadan to convay Ag�icukural Easementa, as requited under SecHon 8 ot thfa Agreement, shell terminate. D. If ORC'a obligallon to convey Agdcultural Easements termfnates under either SacUona 128 or 12 C abova, lhe Ragfan ahall be entitled to reconaider its dec(aion to allow ORC to wnvey land us(ng Crown Right. RwluO MuM 1LiG -..... Y�'. : � . . . . . . � 10 . . . r,o. e ��� E. S�vs and exapt for thoie circumabna� not�d ebovs, thi� Apre�msnt ' �hell tsrtnln�ta on the d�ts on whkh the lut pucal of I�nd owned by ORC fn tha AQricultural Auembly haa b�en dlepoeed of. 11. INTERPRETATION Except aa othervviee noted here(n, thfa Apreoment appliea to all land� owned by ORC within the Agdcuku�al Asaembly, and not Juat to those porGons that aro to be co�veyed tnto pfirete ovmerohip. Thts Agreement doas not apply to an)� landa outsida tha Apricufturol Assembly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF fhe parttea heroto have caueed this Aproeme�t to be exeartad by afixing thetr respedhre corporote aeab ettested to by the aignatures of their proper officers duly aufhodzed fn thet behaH. ONTARIO REALIY GORPORATION Per. Date: Bany Crowe Vka Prstldent Red EtWs 8ronch I have Ihe suthaily lo bMd Ihs Crxporatlon THE CORPORATION OF THB REOIONAI. MUNICIPAUTY OF DURHAM Per. Date: RoporMdenai RepbtW Chalr Per. D�te: Pot M. Madip Repbnal Ck�k THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINO Per. Dato; Wayne AAhun Maya Per. D�ts: Brucs Taybr Clerk Rwwd Wrdi tENG . a� � rr , � ' i - � . . � . . . � . � � � . � �s . �. � . . � . . ` , ' - u�ascn.aW«roma��.�c Il � _ scheauN.•A• - cono�plu.� �a Fl�n Sch�duN'B' • ArtNndm�nt 38 fo th� Dufi�m Repbnal OfAcl�l Plan 3chedul�'C' - Con�erwtlon E�ment Schedub'D' - Apricultural Eaerrient � Schedub'E' - Technk�l Chedcltst ;, nw�.e � �e�or - .� i ;, 'U' 12 i . . � . M X . . . . . . Sch�dul� A CONGEPTUAL LOT PLAN Schedule "2", 13 � A�ENCIMENT N0. 38 TO THE DUR HAM REQIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Purposo: The pu�pose of this amendment is to pertnit the Onterio Realty Corporatlon to dispose of approximately 2,000 hecterea ot land by pertnittinp the creation ot lots lesa lhan 40 hecteres in s(ze in the Permenent Agricultural • Reserve designaUon, and lo recogn(ze exlsting legal non-canfortning uses as ot the date of adoption oi this Amendment, within the Town of Pfckaring, Location: Lands aHected by this Amendment are those lands owned by the Ontario Reaftyr Co�poratfon, in Lots 24 to 35, Conce:sion 2, Lots 25 to 35, Concession 3, Lats 27 to 35, Concessfon 4, Lots 32 to 35, Concession 5, and Lots 34 8 35, Concession B, located west of West Duffins Creek and north of CP Rail, fn the Tawn of Pickering, Basis: The proposed amendment will not change the Pertnanent Agricultural Reserve deaignation at the subject area. It will facilitate lhe Aale of Provincialiy-owned lands to tenants, former owners and othere, and encourage (nvestment in existing buildings and stewerdship of land for agriculturel end fertn-related activitfes. Actual Amendment: The Durham Regianal ONicial Plan is hereby amended as follows: By addfng new Policy 12.3.17: "12,3.17 Notwilhatand(ng Sectfon 12.3.10, the creatian oi lots less than 40 hectarea in aize tor agriculture and tartn-related usea, and rural res(denUai and legal non-confortning commercial uses in existence at the lime of lhis Amendment be(ng epproved, may be pertnitted, fn those portions af Lob 24 to 35, Cancesalon 2, Lots 25 to 35, Concession 3, Lots 27 to 35, Concession 4, Lols 32 to 35, Cancession 5, and Lots 34 & 35, Concesalon 8, located west of Weat Du(fina Creek and north oi CP Rail, In lhe Town of Plckering, to facilitate the sale ot Provincially-owned land, subject to sat(sfactory arrangements with the Town oi Pickering, lhe Toronto and Reg(on Conservation Authority and the Region. The creat(on ot lots shali ensure the foilowing: aj ag�icultu�ai parcels are of e size which encourapes conpnuation of ag�iculture and tartn•related uses; emMwwo iub, ia� .,, , .. 1�� b) lot boundada� follow lhs iimit� of environmenfal resource�; ' c) late recognize the boundariea of exiel(ng occupied leaaeholde, whero poaaible; and d) pr(or to lot creatian north of Whitevale Road, a lot plen ahall , • be prepared that incorporatea the provisions of a), b) and c) � above, to the seUefacGon of the Town oi Pickering, the Toronto and Reglon Conservapon Authority end the Region." Implementa8on: The provisiona set forth in the Dufiam Regional Offic(al Plan regard(ng the implementatlon oi the Plan ahall apply in regard to th(s amendment. . intecpretaUon: The provfsions set forth in the Dufiam Regional Offtcial Plan regarding the interpretetion af the Plan ahall apply tn regard to this amendment. _ . � . . � . emNUr.o ��. � � . . � � . . Mw„s�ry r. it ,,5 , ,.. . .. . .. . . . 3 .. ... .. . � . � � � 1�= . . . � . . . . � . � . , . � Sch�dul� ����� ' �5 CONlCAVATfON iA�iM�NT f 'fHi! AO�l/81�BNi MAD81i� 7�h Aiy of lulY. 199t, u as�werar: ONTAWO REALTY CORtOINTlON (H�r�LuAr niknd W u "O1tC') t .�d. TORONTO AND RTGION CON9DlVATION AUTHORITY . .(Hadruno nferted w u ° .I'RCA'� W17't1lsiis'iBAT wBSRLAls . A. ORC b th� n�laNnd ownr In Cea dn+pb ol th� Land; u�d J. O1tC hu tsrMd to �nnt W'.TRCA �n Pwmenc over the Landi �nd to aUV into a RatrkUw Covawnt In retp�ct of the L�ndi (wll�etlwty, th� "Consarvatfon Saiemrnt'� In ordr to afl�a their wnurv�tion; NOW 'I'HlRiTOII! ia eonddnation of Ihe sum of Two Dotlus (52.00) �nd lbr ather �ood ud wluaW� oowidKailon. iM nedD� uid w�Ida�ry of whleh b h�reby �cknowieda�d, �od punuuu eo �M Caasuv�tbn L�nd Ad, ORC does Iwnby pant to .TRG, tu iuoeeaian and �edan�, � eonwevNlon �unnwk owr Ur t.end� olth� natvn �nd duraetr ud to U» acunt henln�A�r sK fbrth: 1. .7'R,CA'� �mployw, spnt�, wv�nh, workerti aonwewn�, oRte�n �nd d(raeton, �nd thdt iupplla, equlpmrnt, rtwtwid, m�chtn�ry u�d v�hi�u nuy ant�r on �nd haw �ccw w� Lnda �� nuon�bb �Jmu for th� fbllowin/ puryosu: <�) I�uP�aloe�: (b) f0 CtfTy O{t[ �tlr OOMINCUOfI. 11Y:nl�n�nu, uuntlon, npdr, Improvun��r, Iru�dlado� w wwk ruwnably nquind In ih� opfnion oIMTIICA. �nd wl�ly �c th� aou of: .TRCh !br tM purpow of: Htovon eontroi, Aood eontroi, mainnnanw of w�nt aounµ �truma �nd w�tet qudity �nd b�nk mWlisaUon and �nvlronm�nW fnu�rity; (e) for di p�rpo�u reuonrbly n�ewary or Ineldanul �o the exarelu of th� ri`hu . ha�by wuted or rel�tad to �ny of Ih� fongoln� purpo�u, (eollwt(vdy th� •Sawm�ot'�. Provld�d Ih�t dl of th� fbn4otn0 b dan� n �h� iol� ucp�rue of .• fRCA and pravlJed Iha! In �h� exercla oCwch dphtr, .TRCA �nd lu �uaeumn �nd ud�nb n Ih� e�u may � b�. �hd1: (I) fbnhwiih npdr �ny d�m�p� dana or uu�ed tu Iha Laodi or I�ndt �buuins th�nlo u �hdr aMpmw, (iij auuna It�biti�y �nJ obliy�don for �ny �nd dl ta�, dunay� or inJury Qneludina dauh) to pu�an� or prop�ny Ih�t would not hwe h�pp�n�d but for �h� �x�rd�e af tueh riphu; ,.'.` _ � tl.�.... .. ...�:.' . . . . ... . . . . .. _.... _._ 1 . • . . . . . . . . � . ��. . . . - . . . . . .. . � , is . �' i� piq ind�mnly ORC'��s�irut �mr eldm�, �dioni ar Jud�m�nu in niput ol a�h lott, d�m�p ar 4Qury; (iv) obtafa mmpnhwJv� ��ntn� Ii�billry Iniu�e� in rap�et o[rueh wunwf lubility �nd obllptioa tn en �mount of�a Iw thu ihru Mililon AoU�n (J7,OOq,000.00) pr oeamne� or In wah otMr �mount or Ianu u OIIC� ' iti iuouuon or wisnr, or �� kwatw th�ntrom may nuonubly raqutn Rom Wne w etm�, Oud on Ur �mount or amu wrhtoh a pruGnt owna wouid obtain to protoel iw!lundv itm(Lr drwmstaneu; uid (v) provld� rwanabl� notta in �ha au of�eeeu unda claufe 1(a) �nd fourtun (11) d�y�' written noqa In the we of �eeui !br �ny oth�r purpor, includlna surv�yina; u� pwvid�d Ih�t Ilu mUu provid�d for hwin iMll daeribe the natun seop�, da(p�, IooUa�, QrtwhWti wtda�a that tlu (nrwenp Kotudd u In plau and nlll valld �nd uiy , othr nutwlal up�et o[�lw ulfvtty propoad. 2. fn ordx to protea ud �iv� aflb�t to �h� Bawment, and InwtYr u th�y shall no� aA�et �h� oontltwatlon of mduln� eulUvuton of the Ludi noi th� auLu�n�nce or mtnor msemdon, aJ,us�rn�nt or replaament of exlain` pniotu�u on th� Lnd� (u otA�nvlu p�mJtted . unda ' TRCA9 n�ul�tfoni), ORC abo �geet to the foliowln� ratrlcdw coven�nb in rupKt oCthe Lndr (�) no flll or wU �haU b� pl�esd, Eump�d, brouoht onto, depodted oa or undw or re�wved trom Ur Lnda or ury� p�rt ih�roQ and no «eawtlon� �hall b� m�da on a ftom tM Ludr or �ny put th�nof; (b) no eh�n{er w1U M mad� W ury nd�1(n� jnd� w landreap(ns of t!u Lndi w arty part tlwnoP, • (o) �o asd'an or eonatruellon of �ny butldtnst, �tructurai or Improvemaal� �h�ll b� p�m+lltd on a undo ih� Land� or ury put therwQ (di IMn �haL b� no: ' (I) �tral�Mrnin�, eh�naln�, divatin�, In�vArin�'wt�h or dt��ln� �ny w�ta eaurw� o (1� dralnL-.� or arry �IuW� wl�hln �M Lnd� M ury m�nn�r; (Itl) inlvMin/ witU �ny dntnq� hdlfUa �wl¢ing ih� Land� or �ny put ihueof; Qv) ob�tnudns of th� n�mrd flow of w�tu ova, unQer, 4om or to �h� Lndi or �ny p�rt thenoQ (v) dofns �ny1Nn� whioh would muvialty �RKt �h� qu�ndiy o� qudi�y of ih• w�nr an or Aowin� owr or und�r th� Gndi or �ny pan �h�nof; or , (vi) remov�l at�rccr, wilhow �h� pAor wAtun conwn� of TRC� whleh eonun� thall not b� nuon�bly wl�hhdd (aollaiiwly �h� "rt�nrtalva Covmant"). y4 '� . �: 17 i 7. ORC r«rva to I�HIG �nd fe �u �aan �nd u+t�ni u+d uiy �nndYn. ���een, ep d�hu umuin/ IFom lu oanw+hiP o[�h� Gndh ineiudin� �n� ri�ht te uyap 4+ er p�emit . a Imtu ah.n ro.npp� In �II u�N of Iht Gndt lhat �n not aprudy Zrohtbiud hwdn w/ no d�At ot�oa�u bY Uw ��nl publ(o ro�ny ponbn of Ih� Lnd� oonwY�d hu�bY. _� ,� T�iW�Os COIIta11Nd �11 llli� � OONfN� t0 Nllit� ':i�'A Of �b NOC�flO.•� Of Lf�jM eo bini ury anlae ��Ina ORC, Iu �ueeu�oa ar udW or �+y uu+�ferew ihentrom, !br uiyWury to or chanp In IM Lnd� nn�ltini trom uuw 6�yond th� wntrol of ORC or p� rueeuwn or wl�n�, or u�ndk�u tha�hort4 ie�eh+din� �Athout IIMt�qan, Ar4 pood, norm mnd unh awvanru. or ftom �ny prudsat �etion ulcm by l�RC undv ama�ency eondldon� to p►w�nt, �b�tR or miqjur d{niAe�nt f�ury ta the Landi or to , I�nd� �bu�MS �hwca ru,it4y hom �uh cawa. !. 1'or th� purposa ol� Bawmnt u�d A�rWdlw Covaunt: (�) noMt6u�ndln� �M Coro�rvnb� Lnd Ant t!w aauur and wlpu ol ;TACA ihall b� rMVtct�d to tM?own ofPleWrins aed lu munkipal aa.ason �nd to �ny ux.ucrnpt, noo-pro6t body mtutorily ahu=ed wtth Ih� oons�rvadon or prw�rv�We ot4rd; (b) `Lndi" raoan� tM landi daw{bed in eox (!) oC�h� TnnidNDa�d ofGnd a wfiieh ihia Seh�dul� It �ttaMd; (e) '�sistGy" � dulnj �t �M drtM th� Buem�+u uid 1Wtrletlw Cov�runt u� anautb. 6. TM BawaMt and th� AaolGlw Cavaw�l �hatl nis avlth th� L+nds tn pnp�wlty or untii rueh tYM u: d[iCA w lu �ueauon or udpu authoris� � nlau otsueh rauietlau wd tM b�e�Ct tlw+of �luQ 6e wwond w�nd run with dl oth�t lu�da end Inareu In landi owned, ocwpf�d or ut�d pY' :TACA and Iu awiwrs ud u�ipu. R( Wi'{iVI.7� WIIERlO} OAC �nd TRCA h�w uueuted �hL Corwrntlon HwrtNn! u�� Uw� du� M�t �bon wrlu�n. � � � i '� � , , , '�h"' 18N � S<h�dule ��D" '{ � j ua�Fr • ! �c�cut.�rv�L a�s�►�Nr � THIS A�GREF:AgNT MADE THE X d�y o( X, 1999. . B• TWEEN: �7�If ('Owaer') - aad - T�COit�'ORATiON OF TE� T�dWN OF PICl�tII1(} (•the Toavu") • 1. 'R'�RBAS the Orv�cs b the teglsteceII a�waer d certiln l�ads �.ad premfsea ia tbe . Town of Piel�ric� in t6e Ra�ian�l Muaicipallry d Dur4�m waiposed d +pproRha�ety X bedua aad mora Wrtkvlr�rb de�albed la ScLodulo 'A' atucLed ' husoo (�ad becdn+�s te�tred to u tbo •PropatY�T i , 2. I W�tREAS tAe Piopaty L loaoed ia the ues knorvn a� the AA�rrirulmol Auembxy, i whkh kodi us laaDod wlt6fu the ua asst of tbe REtt Du�ia �eek wd aotth d + the C.P. (Bellevllle)'r�il Une: ind 3. f Wi�REAS tbe A�ricalaual Anembty L dal�ted la the lbava o[ Piciaerin; �ORicW Plao primuDy u m•Ajrfculnu�l An�a', �ad h L the Tava'� Inteodoa to m+tanln thi� de�oitioo, �od txp ths ua v6bk Nr �iaildir�! iad tel�0ed � P�P�� � 4. ! 6V�A.9 t!r Oatarb Ratry Cocporuloa w(ihe+ w oo¢►ey laads �vithln the � A�ladtunl Asrembly oo priwoe oavronhip, �nd to ttdi eod. ia uow prepuod to , ; camry the Pcopercy w�jea to �he teims ot dil� Apicularal F,ucmeiu; �ad 3. � W�RF.AS in eoavryhs� tLe Ptopetty, the Uwuer L� a�sed to eater into cm+en�on � �' �nd euanec�o whh rb 'lbwn bc tEe pucpou� of eo�av�doo. T• t..— +±�^�^'�, is�ooruioa oe eah�oeemeM � che Propeny� iud 1w �reed oo �Caat a rtjht to eatsr o�o � Prapeaty ia aeder w pmvid� tbr �ae pu�po�, �od �e �rameat d the eaen�cn �ud euemean u daer�cd hetela (coUadvety� 1!r 'ASricular�l I ��")� � • � � � Iwf JlritA R 1H/ ' I � I � ' � � � �� � . 6. 1 AiYD W�t8A91d i A�ta�tusl E�naeat �hW bt wed w pcotect �d prektre . � rhe u�e �od apbWty d �he Prop�rry lbr �rkularl p�uyoia�� �od dull be b{odtq i t on ali Nnue a+voet� of dr Ptoperty. • f ' TE�RBPORS m couiaa.don a m. aun a nw �!ouut cu.ao) .oa A�r otba �ooa �. nlu�ble comidandoo. tbt naipt �od euleeieo�,y af whkb t� harby acJmoafed�ed. . � w t6e Cautniatian Lmd Aet, the Owm doa haeby �ee w aod das mnt to �'lb�m� iRt :p►oceboe �d wipu, t4s caveww �nd ewmmts in tespeet ol the • Pccpesry u beseia�tter set btth: . ; � i ' ��� � . 1. 1 For tbe pucpou, or mb A�e�eae, the 1buo� �,ad �e, ,h�U ha�e �5e ! ��,� �ps '. ( � •Act' maas the Cc'vua�m/a�lm�d.Acr. RSQ 1990� a20; as �meaded by S.R �1994. a27. i.28 (1): wd (2�ad u4' stinue t}ui mry 6e en�xod to modify ot tepLce the tama . �� "A�reemeat' maaoi thL A�i�nu�1 F.a�ent A►zoemeat tad thc tchedula amcLed haeto +u rt the d�ae hrrof and u �meaded fk�am dme to ttme. . . r • � �QWOOI' IDC�D/ fbO 1b0V0 OiIDld �i iAd /� plfiOU �YZIO iL i� [�G10 �i%1' � IL'j�if�1i�00 0� f$�f M,�,I,O,��.µ. Q�IDCS tb0 ['!� O�YOCi' Oi Ii10 �OjfQflj� Ot � 1 Qi[t (:IOf00iC! �"^".""Y �tOft Il1Cit�4 �Cit1�0i �l�j i RWLOQ bD[ i� ' t beaeACi�l oNOE[ Oi I� �Y• . , ; , � '0opatY- mew the LmO� �od p�emiia d tho Owaer ttmuo In tbo Pcwlnoe o[ . �Omcb eud mo�e pttdail� dnalbed la 3eheduk �a marbed heteto ud inelude� as� bulldlap. amcauet md tm�aemeab oow ai� or camtnoeted : � cee oe:m d rhii A�a. � r � "?awn• meaa�, m. cwpohtion a �ne 'lbav„ ar Pteberin{ �oa ,ny sucee,,sor � . I �� ���a . � . ' ! • � , ' � i a�y� �r.r x.n� R �u� ' t ; :';i� � "t � ;� l��x �� .f .4,�t . {Yr:s.. .. n, .-:{ , ,., e.. < r . . , .. � ._ . , ,�f . , .. . ' 't 2� �� 3 � �( RJ�OSE I 1. � It t� th� pmpou ol thii �rictdtuN anmeot to eomer+e �ad aulat�ia ibe Ptttp�ty bc �riadau�l u� �od ao ea�ble �e t�atondoa �od to6raoemrac of th� Anpnty ��• � bf PnMn'io� �od Deoae�i t�e �a�latnl e�p�bl�Nb d t6r �0l1 �od tbr e�neoeti Pooa�W �ad �ul tue d tb� P�opeety !br r,�ia4m�, iod m ptewat asqr � af td Fcopeety thu Maild �poiAuaq�r {m�p(r a later6n � �idr �t puipora 7b td a�t duu �e comav�t(� d mdtal �ad c�peu �p�ce �Me� of th� Pmp�ty b eouriaeat wtth �ch �kvlanl nxa, h L wtthla the � D�D� � thL �riculau�l akmeat o� prooea thae v�Wa d tha J�nd. . � . 3. 'f0e Propat�r ia amtatb beiq aed u blb�: (a o dacti6ed in a schodub uhched.) 4. s. ; I i I � The Oavnrr d the P�opetqr �11 mt cammit a pe�it, aq sct or �tivlry tfut m�y d�tecao�q��lo�ir�or 3�oerlae � tlr ca�t+llh7', eMc��oee', Po�ad+l os kaul a� d t6e Prop�cry �r Ayda�aml Aupow, Wfihau tim�iq t5e �r d the b�e�adq tLe Pt�opaty t6�I1 not be aiod dur iay on or aedvity euept the Pamft0e4 Ura 1Lted in Sc6rdvb'B' �tac6ed 6enao. '� P�+ ��, ��'1m me pr{� w�t� �p�wl K me 1bwn, t6e � 6onorviq was md � ri�ei ihell 6e pmhlbioed on th� Arope:ty: (� fQPCt000 Ol' �IOC� t�t �[ i 1lYQ�000 bt' i�•t01tfM � �i��i ro� we eoorc�,x�on oc im�ow�oe or ua pavl�, m.a: cuk� ta a«ha �tm1Ls Scllityc (c) commercial•naeadon�t uta, iactudto� tolt cauties rod drivini r++i�a+t (di oo bulldiop a othu �at�mra �U b� coortru�tad or ereaed �zeept lb� Ihofe buildicy oad mucoue� roqu4nd lbr the pucpoxi set out !n � �B�i , � ' t i • a�{parr.re,��, t� . i � , ;- x tr � =, �{� ° :G x - t:, . � S ., . . .. . f ; � OMrI' 1 � �, �+ ` (e) �pa mlatn{ oc actrutloo ot peu, �ure�re� o� minenb lbr commereW . P��po�p� ' , i0 t6r nmw� M topwil e�ocept � nuutry ot Incid�nu! W the wp permhqd on Scbe�l�'B•c or i ,� ! (� t6e dumpia� oe �eamail�don af soll, All, aarm, equipment, pmducu md . , muecWt, imfa� u�acluod �vith a pamtued ase. �nd la �aotdoace ah6 tU . � �pUcable I�. i • ' 6. i NatEto{ !a p�c�paQ6� 2 or 3�I! pm�eat the use of the Pmperty (yr aay use t6u I i eai�ted a� lepl noa�co�ormi� use withtn tLe ma� ot �.34(9) al the PI�nN� j : � Act RS.Q 1990� aP.13 u �t th� date af tLii Apameas, tad which hat continoed • �t meh. Thi burdea dpiovto� the exisomce and canda� f d a k�al aoo- � coofiamftK u�e shtn test �vhh OMm d tbe Properir . , � . OV�'f�t'3 RIGHTS MID OBLIGATIONS • . � • 7. i 1'he Owncr rex�ei ro h�elf� �nd to tbe Ow�r's sucauott ind aulans� �nd anY . � oraa�tes the�Om. �ll ci�lm acauloi Som owtrctshfp dtM Ptopecty that ue Dot � 6�omLant wlth a apast7 p�offibhed q' tht+ A�eemeat. No ci�Lt af accest oo . I We �eaer�l Public oo � Po�tlon d ths P�e�tY it comeyed bp tLtt A� md . • � no rr�a a.00a. b• coc�eyed oo �he 'm�m exxpc in u��d�ro atm ��a�apb �o. a.' 'I�e avvna,asfat,u te�onribukla ma,n�u ear �ll caa, �aa �+nbmna af,� ' � kind teltud to thr a�na�hip, opaxdon. uP6eeP �ad m�ooe � tho PtopecRy. �imludtr� th6 pqmeat at u� aad all ta�oa, u�nmmb. ba �ad cLupo levtod bp oompeo�t auhotfrY m me Fmpeny or oe thL A�ctculartil enemeat. ' 9. i 7b OMar �il Loid bumla�. lademali :ad dd:od the Tavn ikom aod �ptlmt dl WMlidn� caa,lo�w, d�mqa. �cpe�a, auw al �aioo, cla4oe or Jad�ean, !, iacdidta�. reuom�b kpl oow, oanldo� �ow iqY �ct. amiyion, caaditian. or f othse mattsr reland w or oaurrinj on oe about t6e Prapccry. . ; I � � ' � , � ; � � � ; o►wtrrtr.n� � r� I , ; , , � � I � _ � , yi �'1 2�n« ..� ..s . . .. , � . . , . � . . .. . . � �''' .� � ��, � ' 22 °� � �� AC�:SS �ND ENi�0RCD1�V1' 1 1: � ia oedee w provide +aeu w the Panpetry Ibr che (n�pecdoa �od eadoccemect d the maictioo� Iu paeynphi 1 �od 2, i!u'foavn'� euplarw, +�wa, sen'uu�� n�orf�», � wairncwn. olffcen �ad dl:tcooe a6�11 be peimfaed: • +(i) at all ta�ombb dmei� to eafer apon aad intpecc tbn Pcopecty or � � aoctk d u� laa 24 bauss w t�h� Ow�t; aoxpc dnt � t �erent ths 7bua hu Rasombk uuu w belleWe Uut the �ecros of c6t� A�eemeat luv�e boen oc uc ' � be{r� violaoed. ic mry eota upau and in:poct the Ptoyetty or � ptemitat � lo�ced on tLo Ptoperty, orber than � dwellic`, Mithout.vcittea pdor aotke to � tde Oavoer; �od (b) ia tbe tyeat r vblttlou � Lo�nd, to eooer apon �nd raaom thc Propetry ud uq' Fremi�a•loeated au tbe Fcvpecty, incA�q t6e amwal of such Premises. In order w cormt ury vloladon of ttiis A��oem,at, �tter ptwldiq wtit[m mtbe to the Orvar d the vIola6on �nd �QoMini thi�tY (30) d+4's 6oc tLe Owuer to wrtat the violuton. 11n lbwa �ha11 be reimbmted by tLe Owtar Lor �ll oottt iacurrcd by thc lbam o0 eorroct a violatlaa d tM� Ajceemeos. i2�ume � aa�, �a me cr� ���� a� u�. ��t, Apeement or thu a viol�don b thmuaed, the'lbwn m�y yire wcIaea notke to tho O�vacn of mcL'vtol�doa tnd c{ema� cotsecdve �aion wfficieot ro cure d�e � viovtlon and to �esrote U�e pordcn d the Ptopaty w iqf urod. Il thn Orvner 8W ro �wr� tho vFoladoa wit6in �7 i�) 4+4� �r rocolpt at uotler the:+ea� IIvm the .. '!h�vn. the Toava m�y Drto� �c �cdoa u lnv or !n oqutry in � eourt ot competeat JurbdiNoa to eaiota tL� 1pm1 of t64 /I�roameat �d to ie�ton tho Propert,y fc die eoadfdoa a� priot ro �fie violuion. 13 !n the ewnt at i coaflk� b�+ea tho pcwLiom ot chl� AReeanot affi aqy �tameat. coven�nt or ease� w�da the Conrowtton Lmid Acr� reQiscecod on I titk in �wur ot �he 7bronto �ad Retion ConservaUoa AuB�odry prIor to �ba ttra,e of ; nYtauulon ot thb A�reemeat, the provblon� M wch pdoc R{Istccod �reemenc � tlull �ovean. 14� No 1lttuce on the put af �tre 7brvc to mm�tu, �nd uo deisy in eucebtni, �Y � � uoder thi� Apeemeat �6aU operua w w�iw or a�do�ubh such d4hei oor ihall ury ' pud�l atrci�a of ury cijltt uodec tlil� A�eeemeat pRCNde auy other or t1utD�r � exstciw Qmol, or tbe exerc&a af �oy o�her ri�ht. A±1ii6w11farA� tftf ' � i „';`. s � M1�f f��� � . . . 1 �� i � . ti��� 7 '3�{/t�5 - ( 1 l�� ��. ,� ` �. .1 � ' 3 . � 1 .. , ^�i�..a�i.,�Yati C.'�.l�S.�r, . .-f..� :; �. :� .:�t . �� �t.i , t.' „� {'4 " ...,... .... ._.!..,. f . . f � �� .. ��� '� �� �� .. :1 f l ...;._` . ` �:I . . � � � ' � . • _ , c�►rr e : 23 ' � . '� f. '< i�.; [Joda: A�r oodc« aqu�.a uoa�e d� Ap.�oc,ern b� a.ura.a to qnon a i I�ot by p�p�id a�i!�d mdl �edrmMd m� pada a td es�etln dQ+ww � . �'�t ous Etlo�c iu ��ct tbt aoda ��ac bf D� iM� �� �� b� dimd to hM bo�s notir�d aa tb bu� bwlea� dq bUo�vi�q{ tb� d�►' oa �hleb ,. I td ooda �w �at �� . . ' J W dn owms: f : J� i , � . : � � ro� m� �,,,n: , . ' � � � i o�,�� . r�� o�cto � tiv � ' Att�don: 'I�a solkhoc . ' 16 Ahi�tlos: Tfd� A�ntmoot �mll be rq�iased an tlde oo�the Plopaqr by t6e ' 1bwn.17ro �� �hil be �apa�orlbM �c � oow cdqed ro r�doa d tha A�rMmeot oa dtle. � �: 17 Bq amcudnj �nd detiveia� thi� /��rm�, ac� d t6e putia lncwdt to craci bacb a ca�cc �ad � deed �vwd aod delireted amdu inl. It b tbo tateatloa d t�e patle� t�t cho oorm�ap � wemem he�la �h�ll nm �vGh td Ptop�rry In � ��i�pe�1N�, p�wmn, a�ron, ioa�ero��ioe aui�„ � . � P� ��1 �i m0' idae�t m ib Aapaqc .I . Ii I ; ' : A�/�.w,�.���f�f i i� i � � . : ;��. � � � � .. ' �� ; a � , : , °� , , : t �_ , , , � , t �.� r� kf s f7 t � ' , f ' F � M+, ' , a, a r��'� 7y'-��+� Yi'�s� r'`� i. � E{� r`� ' r� �' � 1 } '.�Xm� �I�L.t� � K Px. , ::.s t ,. � .[, .,. ..., , . . � ... . � . 4. t. .... .. , , .. . _ . ,,; , fi . , , . �„e � ,_ . :, , 24 ! '� iN �YRNY9 NI�EO! Ib1 p�Wl Fnrr aaeu�d Ibll Ajl�mint Y u IM dM1 !lt�t ' . ' Nrlt�s: � �R (O�r) •, � N�mr. • . � _ I � , ! 7H8 COIWORKiION OF T� U[UM(�LYCY OP?�'lGrWN OF PIt�IIV(i ' Per: N� �Vlq� Arl�m � Zble: M�yor . ' Flr: . . Idax Hlua'�q1or - — 1lUx Clak ' ' � � I i f _ , • � . , � . � . i I . , � � ' a�;Rr.r�..��,a� , ! • . I , ( � � � _: x� � � „' ' , ����` �� F � � � � f � ' - Y a �ah W Y '1. y 4!r - r -�. ; � 5 i H. . ��� !{ 1 � x ' � �� fi + � � t �'i�y'a� �'( r �, ., t `C :, a ��:��. � t C a i �, �! � . -�, rr r . Y. it�aic�.+.t_r��d.Yt.Ax,�,:- ..rl.... . F...... C.i ,. r. �.. ... ,.... �. . t�.l... ......, A. ,.. ai. ,,.. .; �• �i : , ,� � a�►rr e � schedul. "A" � 25 : �(� . ��on���� . , _ ! ' � �� «g� , i, . tha PlamiCed oa We Peopeeq . i , . . ' � ' 1• )' A�CY �iwla�l wa, mrb o: . f� S�i �� au�r7 �nd ho�darlwnl croPs. . , 6) r�iiia� lfveubck �ad othK �aim�l�. faclu� Pooln7 a� Ml�. • � e) � ���4 m�Pb �P P�. � � 8tm-rolamd raidmd+�l daallfap� adtdo� inrlW Kr3deotW dw�eLia�, a nes► t re�ldead�l dpelBa� on a vrant lot, . ! e) h000e oa�tion. , . Z. i•CamPlemem�rY iad �ppocKw e�riailatnl nra. arch a: � +� �i�l�c�l �aie�, . i b) dome burta�nn, ' e) Oitm-roLood but�aw Paod�d� taia�toa�1 pcodu� Eram lf�m . I ppClftjppf, �1Cb Y V�p�Od�fG� i0� DiC� O�C�it�O� OL . ' � �IO�ICU� (O�dbO p[O�II:Y In0411'd�pj Qi'Od� �001 f 6�mic� apd�ioa�. mm vkatJoa� u p.ct d. b� ope�adoa, md . . cottrye wtmcia proauiq peod�w �om lonl �mh� op�oc�, �� othes Eeno-�Ldd Dndaeue�. ah e� Lase ihah �ad ridh� a600b, iad � aucdos� d Oum Rod�a, llwwck iod qulpmaat a a oom�aoant d a , j �� � �• ; Opa► sFtce �nd pubUe udlidet, �ueh a: ' U eor.sarvarloa wv�umrcncs! pr000ctton� rata�don, aduadun. pudMe + . � cectadon. : b) so�d�, tall Ibw� Dtpelt�. hydro waanlalan cotridoet �ad iubu�tloen, , � taleeommutUeadoot I1cUldd, munklp�l bulfdlap �od beUitia. .. I ��MdxrrA�,1!!f . � t � , I � . . � � IP�Y /1 .�t f . / ) %� t ; �'� i y+4�� �, � : t F � t �,J � _ �.�.• � t'� �1'� . � r � Y �,� z � . } : i } . ; vl � ,} i t ' } • � <� { �' � r: ( .1� :, , _ ,, ''' 4 3 '' f ,�" '` `;`n� � � ���� a ' �, _ � ��'� �,�? 6 � �'� � ����' ` � 9 �. � ._..r._.�e�v f ,..�..�P -,.r.� r� � r� f � ` l'/�.✓ / � � � �,,,,� , � � � � � ,:i.., ,; - ������ ;. �,;: ,> 1 .� � a # 4 � i..! 4 . 1 J.�� '&' ! G . ''Tf . ` � � S - f - / � ; � � ��� 5 '.l � p L m . r 3, 1 7 f �i k t �. r 1 � S 7 1 p �_t ' ` . . 1 -�: 41 � . ; L 4 . ,( ; 1 � I:J � 1 '�[ �r a '' .� t�.. �rJ, Ft I4 . t r s sj� t r r r �'� '�� t� ' t k t t� ... ! ;' + r .�t 1 �4 i r s ( S 5 '� t � � 3 -r'..s x a� 'i �.. i i k , � `� t P '�1 1 t ( 7 7 t �^�"�� Ftf) f S':: 1� `3.�,--�f � ._ 3 __ t{ -1 ,.;'t � � �' �, . 2.ii'*. i : �:: . ., .. . � � .. �,.� 5,.�. . ._ .� . . . . ._ . . ..