HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 16/99/ i .002 °o,�N� �., , � ; �% �. � ; - REPORT TO CUUNCIL , . � . :i' '. - . . � � .. . .. FROM: Neil CarroU DATE: October 5,1999 Qlrecror of Planning PLANNIN(3 REPORT NUMBER: 16•99 'SUBJECT: Regional Ofiicial Plen Amendment Application 99-005/D Region Initinted . Communal Systems in the Rurul Area Region of Durhnm RECOMMENDATIONS: I. 7'hat Council advise the Region of Durham thal it supporls the use of new Regiounlly owded and operated communal syslems for water end/or snnitary sewage in ruml seltlemenis to deal with heulth or environmental problems; 2. Thnt Cauncil advise ihe Region of Durhwn thnt OPA 99-005/D as curtcnqy worded is loo restrictive, and should be rovised lo re(lect the Tomi's position thnt privately owncd nnd operated communnl systems should mceive equal cansidemtion with nll othcr vinbic mwns of scrvicing epproprinte fortns of devclopment in thc twal area; and 3. That the Town Clerk bc direcicd to fonvard a copy of Planning Rcport No. 16•9910 the Region of Durham. ORI(3IN: The proposed nntcndment to ihe Durham Regional Oflicial Plan was initiatcd by Regional Council on May 5,1999. On Mey 27,1999, lhc Town received wrtcspondcncc from lhe Region requesting commenis and recommendations on the proposed amendment. AUTHORITY; Thc Planning Act, R,S.0.1990, chepter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No diact costs to the Town ere anticipnted es a rcsult of this proposed amendment to the Durham Regional OfTcial Plan. EXECUT7VE SUMMARY: The Rcgion of Durham has proposed an emendment to tts Officiul Plen lo pertnit the use of communel water and sewage systems to servlce development in the cural nrea, but only under very apecific circumstances. 1'he emendment would permit Regionally owned and opernted '. wmmunel sy�tems as a last resod In rural setUemenis if the nrca is facing hcallh problems or eqvironmrntel degradatioq duo to fdled cxisling syslems. The amcndment would dso permit ; piiVatoly owned end operated communal ayetems for a Itmited numbcr of developmcnts thet are : of :'signilicent benefit to the Reglon", provided the proposed devclopment is nol locnted on lends .� }' . ` designated 0a1: Ridges Moraine or Permanept Agdculturai Reservc. . ��' ,�'� � r?�? .. . _ _ � . . , . � . . . � . ;: ' 'PLANNINaTiEPORTNUMBERI6-99 -0clobcr5,1999 �n3 Regional Officiet Plan Amendment OPA 99-005/D Pege 2 Although stafl' agrca that wmmwal systems should �be wnsidered with some cnution, thc Region's proposod policy is tao restricqve end may prcclude olherwise desirable developmenU, If a proposed development rcprescnts "good planning", and is techn(cally aupportable, il shoulJ not bc denied slmply because it proposes thc usc of communal aystems. Accordingly, sinR rccommend that Council edvise the Region of llurham ihet it supports the use of privately owned and operated communnl systems os a means oFservicing desirable developmcnt with(n the turel area BACKaROUND: 1.0 ve ' Communal systems are smali-scnle water supply ar snnilnry sewage syslems, which servc more than one owner, nnd are not part of n ccutraliud wnler supply or sanilary sewagc syslem. They are lypically utiliud in cumi nreas, were an utbnn municipul wntedsanitnry system is not available. Under U�e "Infraslruclurc" scctiun of thc Provinciul Policy Stalement, communul sctvices ` arc idenlified as bcing the ptefecrcd menns oCservicing development in nreos wherc full municipai sewage and wntcr scrvices nre not, or cannot be, providcd, The 5tatemenl ndds lhut if communnl scrviccs are not fcusible, individunl on•silc syslcros nrc thc prcfcrced nitemate. The predominant mcthod of servicing lands in thc ruml ercas of Durham Region is with private individual wells ond scptic tnnks. Curtentiy, n fcw communnl wntcr supply systems er operating in lhe Region, but there are no existing communul snnilary sewage systems. The Rcgion of Durham has pro�wscd an nmendmcnt to its Official Pinn to permit Uie use oFcommunal watcr and snwuge systems lo scrvicc dcvclopment in Ihc rurnl nren, but only under very specific circumstances. 'fhis Rcport examincs the merits of thc proposed , officinl pinn amendmont. 1.1 Communel Services Technical Fcasibility ludv The Region's inlerest in communal scrvicing originatcs wilh seclion 5.3.29 of Ihc Durhnm Regional O�cinl Pinn. The policy stales Ihut Rcgionul Council will undcrlakc a fensibility sludy w31h rcspect to the provision of communal systems to hamlets, country residcntinl developments, rurnl empioyment nreae, and regional nodes in the ruml urea. The Region retatned Prator & Redfem Limited to undertnkc thc work, and n Tri-Commitlee of the Regional Works, Plenning and Finnnce Committees was estab(ished to shepherd Ihe projcct. In lete 1998, the Communel Services Technicai Feasibiliry Study was completed and fonvurded to the Region, The Study reviewed the following mntters related to communal systertus: • policies in other jurisdicdons; • design end operntionel issues; • sewage collecllon, trenUnent nnd disposal; , ` 4• ' ' . water suPP�Y� � r % • groundwetsr proteclion; • wst eslimala; • lcgal issues; and 4 health and environmenW issues. _ � � i�� ;�, �,�"1 3JT .�. �. . . . . . .. . . . .... .. : 004 •' 'PLANNWd REPORTNUMEER 16-99 Regionel Ofticial Plen Amendmcnt OPA 99•005/D i October 5,1999 Pagc 3 Regional staff prcpercd a, roport for the Trt-Committee (Commiasionera RepoR No.98-.1•29), which awnmariud the wnclusfons of the Study, The Tri•Committee Ropott iJentificd the following mein polnls: , • tha Region would have ultimnte responsibility for any communal aystem instelled in Durham (if a system feils, thc Regfion is rcquired by Icgisiatfon to ensure the health nnd well-being of the al'fected rcsidents); • thero are moro thun adcqunle development opportunities within the esleblished rural setUement st,�vcture of the Regional Onciel Plan without the necd of pertnitqng eddiqonol niml dcvelopment on communel systems; • rurnl development on properly designed, constructed and operated individunl p:ivale wells and septic syslems is the least expensive servicing appronch, where environmental conditions ere suitable for development; • the cost of servicing low-density rcsidentinl developmcnt on communal systcros is much higher ihnn servicing with individunl privete systems or urban muuicipal systems; • use of communal systems owncd and operntcd by the Region could huvc u significant overnll impact on ihe Region's uniform developmcnt c6ntges and user rntes; • permitting turel developments on communnl servicing syslems such ns "Lifestyle" communities or othcr largc sculc developments would undcrminc both lhe urban and nuul siructure established in thc Regional Official Plnn, by directing growth from utban amas and encouraging unplanned growth in rurul nreas; and • the usc of communal systems mny bc approprintc as a lust resort to remedy a hcalth problem or rectify environmcntal degradation, but only ntler nll othcr methods to rectify problems with existing privatc systems havc been exhausted. 1.2 Rcgionnl OtTicial Plan Amcndment 99•OOSN Thc conclusions drawn from thc Communnl Scrvices Tcchnicnl Pcusibilily Study by thc Tri-Committea led to the propurntion of a proposcd umcndmcnt to Ihc Rcgional Of[icial Plan. Thc amendment consists of Ihrcc mnin componcnts (n copy of thc wncndmcnl is included as Atwchment #1 to this Rcport). The first mein component of' thc nmendment would permil the limited use of new Reg(onolly owned And operatcd communal systems for water supply und/or sanilnry sewege in rural settlemcnls wherc Councii deems it necessury to deal with a henith or cnvironmental problcm. The second component of Ihe amendment would pecmit, on a case by case bosis and by amendment to the Regionnl Plnn, the npprovnl of privatcly owncd and operaled communal syslems for water supply nnd/or sanitnry sewage. Privnle communal systems would only be perniitted in limited circumslances when Councii deems the devclopment proposel to be of "significant benefit" W the Region. This second component of the nmendment provides a de6nition for "significant benefiC', and it stales that communal services are not to be permilled for development on Innds designated Oak ftidges Moraine or Permenent Agricultural Reserve, It dso esleblishes : , criteria for evaluating the uppropriateness of communal aystems for proposed development. Further, if lhe use of communal systems wlth a development proposal is deemed to h- 9ppropriete, the amendment specifies that the proponent must entcr into a Responsibil�ty, Agrcement wilh the Region: Thc Agreemrnt will specify ,design and consiruct(on standerds, requfre finnnciul guarantees; end establish opernUon end meintenance standerds. The third wmponent of the wnendmcnt tnvolves s sedcs of minor tcvisions to tho Regional Plen to nflect lhe new policies on communel eys[ems. , �; ; •, .,j :' -4` �, . � � � . ''PLANNINd REPORT NUMBER 16-99 October 5,1999 Regional Oliicisl Plen Amendment OPA 99-005/D Pagc 4 ;; . 2.0 pj�yl�p: The Region hes undertaken this rovfew et an opportune time, as wmmunal syaleme , wnllnue to cvolve os a via6le means of servicing rural lands. Thc technologies employed can provide far an effecUve and efficient supply of polable water and thc trealment of sanitery sewege, et increaaingly competitive rnics, It is clear the Region is cautiously approaching the ndvent of �ommunal systems in , Durham, and this caution is evident in the significant restrictions thc proposed amendment would plaa on apportuniUes for communal systems, Such caudon end scnrtiny, however, should b: focused on individual developmcnt proposuls — nol thc various means of potenUully servicing the development. In Feb�vaiy 1999, staft provided commenis to thc Region on Tri•Committee Report No. 98-]-29 (see Attachment #2). At that point, we noted to the Resiou that it appenrcd lhe Communal Se, eicts Technical Feasibiliry Study hnd facused on delenaining the most wst-effcctive method of servi�}ng nual development, mther than aasessing the wnditions under which tho use of commJ�ial systcros woulC be most oppropriate. We agrce thnt private individunl serviccs are and will continue to be thc predominanl � fortn of nval secvicicg. While the swdy oppcars to idcntify advmtages oF, and opportuniUes fur the use of communnl systems (they may be technicnlly superior, the low end of lhe cost cange for communal systems overlaps with the high end of the cost range for pdvete services; and wndominium tenure devclonmcnts oller legal and financiel . opportunllies for iheir usc), thc ]oinl Report �ppenrs to quickly dismiss nny selecliva or site-specific application Cor communal systems. This restrictive approach townrds thc use oC communnl systems is re(lected in the wording oF thc proposcd of[icini plan wncndmcnt, As dctnilcd in scction 1.2 of this Repott, communnl systema would essentiolly only be permilicd: • as a I�t resort, in rural sctAcments if thc eren is fecing hcalth problcros or environmenlal degrndution due to failed existing systems; and • for u limited number of privute devclopmenls thnt are of "significant benefit lo Aie Region", and are not located on Innds designated Oek Ridges Moraine or Permanent Agricultwal Raerve (each proposal for private communal systems would require a Regiannl olTicial plen amendment). The restrictions are due primarily to two wncems; first, ihat ihc Region will becomc exposcd to significanl coss associatcd wilh the owncrship, opemtion and maintcnance of communal systcros; and second, thc use of communal systems will lead to a prolifcmlion of urbun•style development in thc nuul area, O(?5 With cespect to the firsl concem, we agree that aplacing feiled watedseptic systems in rural setUements wfth communel systems may be an expensive proposition for the Region. The Region sho�ild indeed approach that situaUon (Regional ownaahip end operelion), cau8ausly. However, we are wntident thero ere legel vehicles evelleble (finencial egreements wilh condominium cotporadons, co-operative ventun;s, owners of ' rental prope.rUcs) that cen nearly absolve the Region of any fincnclal exposure ro pdvetely owned communal syatems. We do t�ot agrce wilh the Region's second pr3mary concern — thet the use of communal systeme wlll lead to a proliferation of unplanned urban-sryla developmen: in tho wal eree. V✓hen conaidedng development proposed for the rural erea, tha focus should be on the proposed use, not tde intended mearu of servicfng, If a proposal fits w(lhln an Officiel Plan'e gods, objcedves end poltcies, it shouid not be arbttrarily rojceted because •�"' '.: tt propo�ea;to use communal ryeteme.; Implementadan of en Otiicial Plan whlch fealura ' : a strong pollcy fremnvork,for l�a preacrvaUon of agricultutel lends, healthy nirel �; ;,, ' Q� S ••PLANNM(3 REPORT NUMBER 16•99 October 5,1999 Regional Oificial Plan Amcndment OPA 99-005/D Pege S: . —' settlemenls and nuat gcowlh menagement (i.e. tho Pickering Ofticial Plen), con produco a healthy, vieble nual erea, rcgatdless of what servicing syatertu ere employed, � Tho Region's Study hav determined that communal syslcros cun scrv(ce lends more efficienQy end effecQvely lhan individunl privato wells and septics. But the slringent tequlamenis of tho Region's proposed emendment could preclude fortns of development ihat mey othanviso be deemed as desirnbie, such es a multI-unit seniors tesidence, or smell•scalc commerclal enterprises within a hamlet. If thc vlebilily of thesc uses depend on communal systems, the proposed Regional policies would not permit them, If a proposed development represrnts "good planning", is technically supportablc, and proposes the use of communal systems, it shouid be permitted subject to the applicunt entering into standard development and finencial agrcements. Accordingly, stnli recommend thet Council advlse tha Reg(on that it supports tha use of privately owned and operated communul systems as a menns of se�vicing de�imbie development within the �urel erea ATTACHM6'NTS: L Regionel Official Plen Amendment Application 99-005/D 2. Staff Comments on Tri-Commitlee Report No. 98-]-29 P�P�d BY� Approved / Endorsed by: �� d c ight Plenner 2 " � �/C lheri • L. ose r, Policy Division �,iC� � � �� r „ aM/ab : Altachments • Recommonded fot the consideration of Pickering Town Co ,, _ � � . I, J. Quinn, 4 r� ' Chlef Adminlstretive Officer � . �, � r.; , - :, : ,:�:_ <. :: . , Y.. ' O\.� .. � . . -, . .. , + 7 �� � � �. '.. . . . �� . , . . �, ATTACHMENT N.,,L70 _ PLANNINO REPORT 1 ��"�g �� � ,� � Attanliment 8 - DFtAFTAMENDMENT Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to provfde Reglonal pol(cles for lhe . consideralion of the use of communal systems by Regional Council. , Besis: The Durham Regional OKcial Plan provides for lhe undertaking of a study to InvesOgale the teasibflity of allowing rural developme�l an communal systems. For purposes of this study and the proposed amendment, communal systems are defined as •small scale weter supply or sanitary sewerage systoms, servicing more lhan one lot/un(t, that are not part of a centraflzed (urban munlcfpal) water supply or sanftary sewerage systam.' _ To satisfy lhls provis(on, the Regfon arranged for lhe preparation of lhe "Communal Services Technical Feasib(lity Study" whlch canflrmed that new development on properly deslgned, conslructed, and operaled individual privale water and sewer systems in the rural area (s a ,echnically and financially acceptable servic(ng approach where � ern(ronmental conditions are suitahle. However, depending on the site apeciflc environmentai conditions and lhe nature of the proposed development, communal systems may be more secure and rellabie � and offer a higher degree o� env(ronmental and publ(c health protectfon. The h(gh cost of Installalfon and ma(ntenance of communal systems, potenfial Reg(onal Ifability for privately owned aystems, and potent(al (mplicatfons (rom a land use, growth management and • environmenfal•perspective of the wide-spread use of communal systems In the niral area are issues that must be lhoroughly exemined prior to the approval of communal systems, ��'�� Recognfzing lhese concems, lhe proposed communal servfcing policy provides that the Region may conslder Iimited use of communai systems to service development. Regfonal Councii mey deem (t necessary to install a communal system tb deal wilh a heallh or � environmental problem in a rural setGement. Council may atso ' consider, on a case by case basfs and by amendment to lhe Reg(onal " OHicfa) Plan, the use o(ptivetely owned and operated communal syatems for development that Regionei Coundl deems will be of ' s(gnfticant bepefit to the Reglon. ; . j` 71 �, ys ��•8 � ' ' ATfACNMENTI.�,Tp'/. p , PIANNINO REPORT 1._.l,�';�/ r, ,. .� ' REVISED , 2 Aclual , • Amendment: The Durham Reglonal Ofiiclal Plan Is hereby amended by: A) deleting Sectlon 5.3.29, which provldea tor the preparadon of a commur�al syatems feasibllity atudy, in its enUrety, and replacing it wtth the following new policy: `6.3,29"" Regional Council may consider the limited use of new Reg(onelly ' owned and operated communal systems for water supply and/or sanitary sewerage in rural settiements where Council deems it �, neceasary to deal with a heailh or environmental problem, The Installatlon of a communal system in thls ciroumstance shal� be subJect to lhe pr(ncipies of Sectlons 13.3.12 end 13.3.13. B) renumbering policlea 5.3.30, 6.3.31 and 6.3.32 and adding a new SecUon 6.3.30 as followe: "5.3.30 Reglonai Council mey also consider, on a case by case besis and by amendment to ihfs plan, the approval ot a privately owned and operated communal system for water supply and/or sanitery sewerage (n Iim(ted dreumstances where Councfl deems that the development will be of significant benefit to lhe Region. , ; Fo�pUrposes of th�s policy; sighiticent bene,fit to the'Reglor� deac�{jtie� p�jrt�ary,,;paes that;ar9 new,,.high quality�destlrie!Jorj reaolU�eCyeat(ohaj/tou J�;,Uaes�t�et�e;�Jtence;the'phestige:u,f,ttl};� �gioj(��eBer�te��p.jo�ant, �ania�;�nvas�Mant;;djv_�,�s��y,u,$ Re��al;�db�ortilb b�ge,�regufre ait��fative noh-urb�n'locatidhs �nd mplem�tft tlie character of the natUral ahd cultu�al rOral �' � lendecape Small scaie res(do�tial condomipium developmept�may, : be coneidered as secondary to an eateblished prt,mary Use:A'Sc�le �` s�allpe,dQtemijnedacons(dering the�atze oi,hamlets,us the � , prec+ominant locc�tion'(or;rutai settlemeht; how,Well the ' deYelopment inteprates with the primary use, and flts the�netUia� :,;' envlronment end character oi the Nral landacepe; and the,v(ebility � of the proJect. ::;} . �- • . � ,r2 r°� . . .:r _::, . .�;;� . . . . - . . . �y;� ;..�� .. . � . � � . . � .Y.�� ��', r .. ... ,.r ��� O�V , . A7JACHMENTp� TO • PIANNINO REPOqr �r�9 ' , � � /.'.. . , . . �� :�i � � � � . . .' _ _ : , . _ . . • REVISED 3 The canslderalion of development on a pdvately owned and operated system shall be subject to lhe following; �, a) the proposed development not being located on the Oak Ridges Moraine;and,t�ie,�Perrtianent�Agricultu�allRB'sdtve; � b) the epplication befng eccompanied by a report prepared by a qualifled profeas(onal prov(ding: t) an evalualion of Ihe benefils of the proposed development to lhe Rogion; ,, • ii) e land use impact assessment addressing the mattera fdentitied in Section 13,3.6; fii) an evaluatfon of altemal(ves for servlcfng the site; iv) en inventory of the enviropmental charec(er(sUcs of the site and possiblo impacts trom lhe proposed servicea; v) an evaluation of lhe suftability of ihe sfte for communel syslems (ncluding the capability of the solls lo aupport lhe safe and long-term use of private sewerage aystems and �' the long•term avallab(lity of water of sufficient qualfty and quantity withoul adversely affecting ex(sNng wells; vi) en evaluation of altemative communel systems; ' vii) a preliminary deaign of the preferred communel system, '`• . Including collecflon and distributfon systems, water treatment, sewerage trealment and diaposel systema to munidpel stendarda; � � � vill) systems malntenanca and operetiona procedures and �. �. protocols, mon(torfng program and syetem failure ' ' , ` contingency plan; end, , ?� ix) an economiclfiacal Impect enelys(s addresaing the provislona of Secpon e, F {, r/ �1 .��ir .. i .,� , .. . � . � :. , . . « ..�.��..�. _..,_ x�.i,� , .,.�,�. i.,,.::.�: ; . --..�� -..._�. 0 �� ATTACHMCMT rl._�,10 q , • , n��rwi �n � ��r�om w_�6_q 1 . ,. , � :� REVISED 4 c) the owner entering inlo a Reaponsibility Agreement wilh ihe . Reglon provfdfng for, among other maKers; i) design and construction of the communel system to ' Regfonal and the Minlstry of lhe Environment standards; ";;•� ii) financial guarantees to ensure lhat no Regional funds ere required for the construcQon, maintenance, operatlon, repalr, replacement or upprading af the communel system(s) in the event oi default by the owner and to " m(Ugate �(sk assoclated wilh envlronmenfel Ilability; (Iq a deflnlUon of default; end (v) operation and maintenance sfandards to the setfsfaction of the Region and lhe Min}atry of the Environment tncluding � easements, rights ot entry tor (nspecNon and mon(toring." C) In Ilght of the new SecUon 6.3.29, which enablea the conaideraUon of Communal Systems for rural eettlements, and new SecUon 6.3.30, which enablea the constderaGon, on a case by case basis, of the use ot privately ownod and oporated communal syatems, deleGnp parts of tha sacond aentenca of ' SecUon 13.3.6, which are no langer roqufred, such that the Sectlon nov� raads as followa: `13.3.6 Development w(th(n hamlets shall be indfvidually serviced with pr(vale drilled welis and private sewage disposel systems where ' groundwater qUantity and quality pertnits end (n compliance wilh '• ' lhe standarda of the Region and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy. 6trYbJeeHe�6eellen�5:339; developrner►Fmey�eeettron eemmnneFeystems. Municipal weter aervlce may be extended to e' '. hamlet, wfthout an emendment to thla Pian or the erea municipel official plan, in eccordence w(th Seclions 13;3.11 end 13.3,12 end provided a setGement capacity eludy es auAined in Section 13,3,8 hae been undertake�, ln addlHon, notwflhstanding'nny other , �: provielons ot thfs Plan, where municipal water is to be extended, ' lhe capecity ot such service eheli be designed to eorvice only the �� �:: hemlet erea dellneated in the area municipal oPoclal plan' :;' �� �� ` o�� G HI�I. N la'�'1 ' I.:10 NWNf�INU NL•i�uiil ,7��9 4' ._ . REVISED . • • 5 D) in Iight ot the new Secdon 6.3.29, which enables the consideratlon af Communal Syatema tor rural settlementa, and new Sectton 6.3.30, which enables the conaideradon, on a case by case baels, of the uso of prfvately owned and operated communal ayetema, deleUng aubsecGon i) in SecOon 13.3.8, which la no longer required, and renumbering aubaection J) to i) such that the Sectlon now roads as follows: "13.3,8 The del(neatian of the Iimits of a hamlet, and the details af the land uses to be permitled within a hamlet shall be incorporated (n tne are� municipal ofiicfal plan following the conclusfona end recommendat(ons oi a settlement capacity study to the satlsfacUon oi lhe Reg(on, the conservaqon aulhority and the Mfnistriea at the Environment and Energy and Nalural Resources which ahall Include a cumulalive impact assessmen: of the following: a) an enalysis of lhe hydrogeolog(cal regime in lhe area to determine the availabllity and.quality of groundwater on a long- term basls; b) an assessment af lhe fmpact of future development an existfng groundwater quentity and quality and on exisUng sources ot drinE:'.ng water, (ncluding municipal, communal and prfvate wells; , c) an assesament of lhe long-term suitebilfty of lhe so�i condiAons • for the effective operaUon of pdvate sewage disposal syatems; d) en identi}ica8on of any ex(sNng restrictions to future devetopment; ,, . e) en assesament of surface drainage; `, n an inventory of cultural heritage resaurcea and en esaesament ot how new growth will be comp�emenfery to, and consiatent with, the histaric character ot the area; � g) an environmental inventory end asaeeamant ot the impact oi ' ;; new`growlh on the nalural, bullt and cultural environmenls; �{ , ;= , �15 ==��s_ . , . _. � . . . : � ' ' . . - ... rt ._.._ . - , :��� � ATTACNMfiIJI :_ �._l� FIJ.NNINQ fiEPOHi p� . REVISED . , 8 . h) a statement of wnformHy with the Agricultutal Code of PrecQce; (eing-ellePrtathrea-sdelras-eemmnrte! � ay�lems�end j) an assessment of the impact on agrir.ulturat lands end IdenGQcaGon oi dfrections for growlh whlch wili minimize euch Impacta.' E) in Ilpht oi the new Sectlon 6.3.30, whfch enables the 1 considaration, on a caae by caso baale, of the uae of privately . owned and operated communal ayatems, deloGng the second sontence of SecUon 13.3.20, whlch is no longer required, euch that the SecQon now reada as followe: �.'13.3.20 Country res(dential subdivislona ahall be indivfdually servlced with . ddlled weils and pr(vate sewage disposel syatems which compiy with the stendards of the Regfon and Ministry of lhe Environment and Energy. 6nbJeeHa-eompleHon-ofihe-{easib{IRyatady-wilh respeet-lo-lhe-provls(orraHnlForpa�f al-eommnrta Fsyalemrin .. , tedng-wkMn-eennlry residant(aF mbdhri�lons-mey-be-eneanreged-lo-ellow-toroenking by�eommane�weter-end-sewege-systems�end-as-�means-o( proleeNng-crnironmentaHeeldres"; end �y� Fj tn Iipht ot the new Sectlon 6.3.30, which enables the ; I considera8on, on a caae by caoe baala, of the use ot privatefy owned and operated communal ayateme, deleGng the aecond se ntence of Se cUon 16.2.4 w , hich e o I I n o e n r ., . � g requlred, such that the Section now reada as followe; "16,2,4 . Reglonal Nodes within rural areas shall be serviced wflh p�ivate drilled'wa�ls and e prfvate waste dlsposa! system. Hewever, RegioneMlodemre�rb�el ,, ,. lema�w tde k. �� ho-faealbiH , ; fi:�9.' • },. � , ,, � �r� ��f . ���....t, . �rs } c� �� 1t : !4 ' {r' 7� fa I - ?, � � s � k � ,,; _ 0�3, k { f� � •. } � ` _,. • -. .. .. IF5 t , r ��? { ; AT7ACHMENT7 I Tp PIAM��IrIfS liEPORT p�q '.} `, ' i+ �- + t � a � '! � ' ''i ,'t � i }; ii: - -s . . . � t} :i � �M1: ' REVISED � . �` , � ;, lrnplementatfon: The provisions set forth fn lhe Durham Reglonal Ofticiai Plan, as amended, regarding the ImplementeNon of the Plan ehall epply in regard to lhis Amendment. Interpretapon: The prov(siona eet forth in lhe Durham Reglanel 0�iclal Pian, as � - amended, regerding the fnte�pretation of the Pien shall epply in , regard to this Amendment. �; ,,; ' j � ��' - F ..... . \� _ y �: _ - i _ - ¢ �.�� � ' � . .' � ` ..7 �� t Y _ . . } _L _ �" f t }'. 1 a .. . ; ' t j _ .. 4 � # r ; _ t � > . y i s t :, i r ��. _. � Y t,t�3� 1 � . C3 k��.x _ � � � � ,{ . . � 'X s s �- � � f : # � ar K. 3s .. �l . � a 1s } �Pf ' x �, �y r) �� t ,;t c-, a ; i 1 � r K a � << � V ��e_,"� . � :.. f , . . „_ . , ��A!� , !'.,4 � i �tis5 .� .i. �,i _ . . ... . _ . .. .. . �i :i � 5 '� � � . - � r •F `. � 6�4' , , ' � ATTACHMENTI� TO" t PI.ANNINO REPORT I� _ 'S � r-_ . . . S 1� _ �- '` . . .... I ..' 1 .. .. . ..... . ..�� �� . ' . . . � � ... �.. . .. .. . . .'.. . � " ' � . . -._ , � :��� ''. " . ... ����.�� . :.�. . . . � . Februory 25, 1999 :Mr, Alex deorgieff , CommfuionerofPlenning Durham Regionel hlenning DepaAment 105 Coneumers Dl�ve, Whitby, Ontado � Dear Mr, Cfeorgiefli ' RE: P(cker(ng Planning Depadment CommeN� on the Communel Services Tahn(cai Feasibiliry Study Td•Commiuee Repod No. 98•1•29 At s rccent Planning Dircctor's Meelins, Regtonal slnfi' prov(Jed arcn munlcipal Plonning Dircclon wilh n copy of Iho above•noled Tri•Commillea Rcporl No, 98•J•`19. An (nvfietion was extendcd to provide Reg(onal staff wlqi eny commenls wc hed on the Report. it (s my underolending Ihat thi� Report woa refcrced back lo ataff w(Ih a subsequmt Report to bo prcparcd for prcsental(on in february. Il ie now my underslnnd(ng Uiet the metler mny bo coming back before e Tri•Commilleo MeeHng scheduled for Merch 3,1999. • Wo hnve had on oppottunlly lo rovicw Ihe Rc�wd, rh!sh rofercncc� - ' inPormalion from a Study prcparcd by Proclor dc Redfcm Lim(ted. We have aome gonerel commonb end obseryat(on� which ero deWfled below. (!�her moro detailed .�� commenu and abservotion� aro proviJcA in an allachment Cfenerol Commenla end Observat(one ' � Our batic observepon ie Ihat Ihn Study eppenro to havc set out lo answer Ihe questfon "iYhaf is the mart cwt•eJfecltve and ejJfclent melhod oj aervlcing amall developmenls !n ilie'rura! area oJ Durliam Reglon7" rather Aian "Under what �, cond(flana and aub/ecl �o , whaJ c�Uerfa tvadd ►he ure oJ eommunaf sysfenu be conxldered in Durham Reglon7" ,,,. _ . K ' We cancur IhnE private Individual aerv(cw aro and will conHnuc to bo Ihe predominent form of rural servic(ng. While l6e Swdy eppean ro(drntffy adv�ntega of, end opponunitiee for the use communal syaloms (Ihey may bo techn(cally auper(or, � ' Ihe low end of the coat rengo for communel ey�lem� overlaps w(lh the high end of qie "' cost rnnge for pr(vete perviaa; end cundomfnium tenuro devolopmenW offer legel end �;'r , tinencial oppopun(Ila for thcir uu), the )o(nt Report eppean to qu(ckly di�mlu �ny aalect(vo or iUaapeciflc appliceqon, teking an eli•ar•nothing epproech. - ' . � �,w � � � � continued,,, z __r s,;�� - '`�� r .:f�� � ;� t . j4. r `� . . . . . . . .� . .. . .. . . _ .. . . �� f 5 i �% ; ` a.'� Qj5 { r , : ''' ,. AT1At:HMENTM� TO��q/�L1 , , , PLANNINO REPORT r �r 1 / , . , , .. ' .t i. � r �� A. deorgief( Pege 2 Communal Scrvtees; Tri-Commilteo Report No. 98•J-29 �ebruary 25,1999 . Thie ell•ornolhing epproach is evideat in rcading Ihe concluding atalemenis in vadous parte of the Repod, Tho Re�rort eppean to rcach ils concluaion against Iho use of communal syslem� except ee a last rcsort to rcmedy e heallh problem or rcclify environmentel degradeUon, based on the extrcme eituation when lhero is e � "pro�iferetion of end "dependence on" Iho "widesprcad use of Reg(onally-owned and operoted" wmmunal ayateme permfiting nn "undeterm(ned emount af rurol r�sidenital developmenl". We egrce Ihet under such exlreme condilione, Ihe use of communel servicing ; could have aignificant eost implications and would be against Iho puqwse and intent of � Regtonal plann(ng poltcy. Ifowever, we believo that any new Regtonul policy should prov(de Ihe oppoAuniry for iho scicctivo usc of communoi scrvicin�, nnd quest(on , wheqier Ihi: op�adunity wu edequnlcly exomined. Deta(led Commenu end Observel(ons Some fuAher commenb nnd observalione of e more delailed neluro aro • wnteined on en eltachment for your rovtew and considerotion. Wo hope theso eommenis providc aome essistancc end direclfon in prcpadng your next Jolnt Repod of the Commissionen af Planning, Works, finence, end Medical Officer of Health, Please do not hesitela to conlact me or Miu Cetherine , Rose of my steff if you wish to dfscuss these comment� (n fudher detnil. :,', Youn very Ituly, • . ���� . CLR/bo'c Nell Carroll ��^N^'���oo Dlrccfor of Plenning Atlachmentl �. a.c.: MayorArlhurs � CounciliorDickerson . T. J, Quinn, Chief Adminiatrotivc Otiicer � � ,;� � � i ' I ,.r,'., � , ��v ,� - . - . .. . . ra � y. ir �yi� t �4�!Y � '� 1 IF � '� 7 f + � . . �'�� � ^� { �r � 4 , h 4 " . . . . . , " , � � . Y �.: c ,+°"y F ' ; 7 — . . e r k � + t ' {� 1 " :' � � � ` � , , r : , ` ATTACHMENT NS_,TO `'r PLANNINO REPORT M.�� _ �� � Atteehment to I.etler to A. dwrgieff' Page 1 Communal Servicing: Joint Report No. 98-1-29 tebruary 25,1999 Town of Plckedng Planning Department Detailed Comments and Observalions on thc ' Joint Report of the Commissioners of Planning, Works, Finnncc and Medica�l Officer of Health Td-Commilta Report No. 98•J•29 Dated: December 9,1998 SubJech Communal Sarvlces T��chnicnl Pensi511i1y Sludy, tile No.: 2,8,3.2 : � Proposal to Amend the Durhnm Regionel O�cinl Plan ras� z, ,��o�a �A�c��n: an nssumplion is bcins mndc thul usc of wmmunal systems is lo jusQfy additional rurnl growth, rothcr thnt cxploring optiona b use communal systems os on allemntive servicing artangemcnl to a development that hes otherw9se been detertnined oppropriale; Paao 2, ai:lh paragraph: will rcfusing lo considet communal syslems prevent applicntions for lifesryle communitics? Page 3, ecctlon 2.1�1: g(ven thc prcdominete Gcehold uwnership tn lhe ruml ' � nren, using privnte indivldual services makcs ihe most sense; however, olher ownerehip ertangemcnts (condominium or rcnlal) may requiro other serv3cing options; the Region should exploro in mom delnil Ihe usc af cammunol scrviccs under non•freehold ownership ortnngements; Page 4, eeclion 2.13: the Provinciai Policy Statenient identifies the usa of communel services as tha�� rep ferted means of secvicing mulliple lots/units in areas whoro full municipal services ere not provided, but permits individual on•sito (privatc well and septic) systems whero 1he use of communal aystems are not feaslble; who defines feesible7 the Report ie making a policy decision ro defne femiblc; cons3deraQon ahould be given b allowing a proponent lo '• demonslmtofeasibility; Page 5, �ecUon 2.2.2: the informatian prcsented on�the experienco of the othet � Regions' polictea for communal systema ahows more pertnit considerolfon of wmmunal rystems, than ouldght prohibit them; further, the approaches seem to be besed very much on a�cese by case bnsis; perhaps aimflar consideretion ehould be examined for burhem Region; .' .' � cont(nued.,. , s � � ,'_ .. . " .. .. , '?`'; - --- . . ie ; �; � �..; � :�'.. �._ .1y . �� ! ATiACHMENTI + + PLANNIN� REPO�T,u,��� ..J �� Attachmcnt ro Letter to A. deorgieff page 2 Communnl Servicing: Joint Reporl No. 98-]-29 �ebruary 25,1999 In addilion, the base assumption in thc Report is thet such facililies would be owned and opernted by the Region; Ihis mny have Icd to a relevunt area of research being ovcrtookcd: did thc Sludy examinc privatcly�owned nnd operated fnctitious using wmmunal systems in Southem Onlario und essess their advanteges and disndvantages7 Pagc 6, aeclion 2,2.4 AnJ tollorv(ng: thc discussion of Ihc lsclinical fcasibilily of develop(ng a sustainnble communnl system eddtesses combined waler end septic systoms; consideration should be given to ditTbrcntialing belween whelher the ttquesl is for just communni walcr, just communal sanilnry serv(ces, or both; for exemple, a concem may adse thnt a communul wnter supply coupled wilh priv.n� septics mny lead to waler over•use end thus failure of the septic systems; by conlrnst, privntc wnlcr supply wilh communnl sanilary services would not prcsent tlic samc sct of issue�; Paga 10, acction 2.2.10: given Ihc h(gli cost cstimnles for communal systems in ell but (deal situalions, and given the few enticipated opporlunities Ihnt would mect Ihc ideul situations, isn't the use of communnl systems go(ng to be somewhnt aclf•rcgulating7 Page 11, aectton 2.2.11: thc assumption agoin is thnt lhe communol systems � are owned and opemled by tha Region; arc thore not any altemalives such as the abilily to enler into agreemenis to hnve irihers own and opernte Ihe feciliry (as noted later on Page 15)7 Pagc 12/13, acctton 2.2.13/1.2.14: Ihc ralc of developmcnt assumed for Ihese . cost impoct calculatioru is 2,500 new detached dwellings over 20 years, which equals 125 unila per ywr,�'given Ihe rural growth tales noted in seclion 3.2.2 (20 unifs per yeur in hemiets, plus 10 units per year in country �esidcntial lots), the essumplion of 125 units per year on communal servias sams somewhat high, leading to 1n0ated wst implications; � `'• ` Page 15, iection 2.2.17: lhe Study presents informaUon atating thnt the Region has the abiUly to onter into egreements wilh thc pdvatc seclor- for the constNClfon, financing and operetion of communnl systems; the Sludy Nrther notes thet this ofi'ers s s(gnificant opportunily for the Region to pass the dsk and liebility on to tho proponent in tha case of a condomin(um dcvelopment; howevcr, the Report does not prcsenl any discussion on Ih(s Issue; perhaps Ihis a+pect could bo ettplorcd in moro dete(I; :� � 4 . wntinued,.. k:"I � � . - . . Y� SF ' �};) c *$.u. r �_ �. . . .'4F � _. � - .. .;., _., . , . t ���T �. � ..'. . . � � . . �•; ,' .. ��..-. � ,-. ' r ��. g • � � { . .� . . . ATTACHMENT� T0 '' PLANNINO REPORT N� �f, ;< AQschment to Letter to A. Qeorgieff Page 3 Communal Servicing: loint Reporl No. 98-]-29 Pebruary 25,1999 PAga 15, aecqon 2.2.19: the Study concludes thet propedy des(gned, operated and mnfntained private on•site syslems with suituble soils is the preferrcd option for rurnl nreas; this conclusion ignorcs Ihe resulling mismalch belween the large-lot chnracter of new deveiopmcnt (as much aa 0,6 of a heclorc, ddvcn by txhnical requirements) ond thc smail-lot character of existing devclopmenh, perheps greater consideretion should be given to the opportunity for communal , systems to provide for an improved fil between new and existing devclopmenl in hamlets; Further, by rcducing Ihe nmount of land consumed for privale omsitc sepdc syslems, grcater densities may bc acliieved on less Innd, nnd n widcr ronga of servicc uses (such as rcslaurenis), may be possiblc; such oppodunities would assist in mcet(ng the Rcgional policy objcclfvcs of hamicts bcing Ilic primnry lowdon for growth, nnd providing grcalcr hous(ng supply by lypc and lenuro; perhaps Ihc opportunity for communnl scrvicing to assist in achieving lhesc exisling Regionnl policy abJectives should be explored in grcater delail; Page I5, acction 2.1.19: thc Repod notes that communai syslcros nro considercd to bc more sccure and rclinble and o(fer a highcr degrca of - environmental and public hcallh prolcclion; yet, ihe Report concludes against lhem; perhaps greater weight should be given i� this atlribute of communal : • syslcros; Pagc 16, acciton 2.2.20: we agrcc ihat whcre thcre is n hcallh problem, or thc �: need lo rcctify environmental dcgroJntion, the communal systcro should bc Rcgionallyowned nnd opemled; however, as notcd in earlier commcnls, it ,�`t appearo thero could bc greater considemUon of selecled clrcumsinnces wherc � oppodunities exist for the u'se communal systems; ;, fj . Page 18, eection 3.2.2: the Depadmenfs rccent experiancc with a proposed seltlement capacity study for a hamlet expansion was that it was perceived to ba cost-prohibilive given the likely rosulting numbcr of unils to be developed; `• thus, it would eppenr such studies to ennble achievement oC Reg(onel policy will only be done with sign(ficnnl municipnl or Regionnl ILnding; perhaps grcater wns(deration ahould be given to lhe oppodunity communal urvicing , could provide to essiat in ach(ev(ng growlh in hemlels; P�ge 19, uclinn 3.2.Sa lhc Iteport idcntifies a,number of effcets qint ;', �' - �permluing en "undeterm(ned" emount:af rurol. rcsidenUol devclopment on ; communai ecrvlcea wlil have; why ia tho e�sumpHon being mndo that tha , ` amount of growlh in undetermincdl : ' ;,� conHnued ,., ;' �., �� r , 1.i} ... . P . . . .. . . . .� .:��t'' S ry t {- 1 .. . .., � y z . : �. . � . iktit �s � i �. .;. - ' �. n . j 4 �� J • , ATTACHMENTq�TO p� <,; PLANNINO REPORT p,� " � p` }a� i� ; ,:T . `'-� r .. i - . . . . �} 1 t � . ;t' . . . - ' . . : Allechment to Letter to A. deorgieff Paga 4 Communel Servicing: Joint Reporl No. 98•]-29 Cebruary 25, l999 ' Perheps considemtion should be given to requiring eny such dcvclopment proposed on communel services (iCconsidered Cor approvol) to be within bolh lha Regionnl end arca municipal rural growlh largels, and to be consistent wilh the broad framework for rurnl dcvelopmcnl; if Ihere is a wnam with artnin types of appliwtions that may rcquest use of communal sorvices, perhaps lhe Region should initiate a rurol settiement policy rovlew; fuAhertnorc, perhaps wnsidcrnlion shauld bc given to sepnrnting thc typc of growih pertnissible in the ruml arca from (u proposed fonn of scrvicing;. Pngo 21, Conclusion�: wc agrcc Ihnt individual on-sile walcr supply and seplics will rcmuin Ihe prcdominanl fortn of scrvicing for frcehald ownership in tha rural nrca; however, the Reporl closcs Ihe door on a Icchnologically- �ueptable oplian which mny be approprialo in selected cit,;�t:�slonccs; grcatcr considetation should bc given to adding thc oppoAuniry for communal scrviccs � to the implementetion "too) kit", and defining moro prcciscly 1he conditions and cdleda under wh(ch communul srnices mny be coneidercd. � _ �' 4 i� i : i t s . 4 ...t _ � . _ �� p `r � ,.� 4 a.+ > ra , y�?��� � � ° � � ���—t ` --