HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 107/98'66 �� OF p4 �O ��f W CY F a REPORT TO COUI�TCIL FROM: Denisc Bye DATE: October 28,1998 Manager, Legul Secvices REPORT NUMBER: L 107/98 SUBIECT: Purt Lot Control By-Luw - Cougs Investments - E31ock 30, Plan 40M-1689, Pickering - File: P4101.189 RECOMMENDATION: A Part Lot Control Dy-Lnw should be cnactcd to exempt Dlock 30, Plan 40M-1689, Pickering, from thc subdivision control provisions of thc Planning Acl. ORIGIN: I. Regisimtion of Plnn 40M-1689. 2. Request Gom Caugs Investmcnts. AUTHORITY: PlanningAcJ, R.S.O, 1990, chaptcr P.13, section 50. DACKGROUND; When Plan 40M-1689 was developed by Cougs lnvestments, Block 30 wns rcscrved as n future development block to be developcd in conjunction wilh thc lands to thc north, which Innds arc now being developed by Murshall }lomcs through Draft Plan 18T-89117. To ossist the orderly devclopment of the blocks on ench plan while mnintaining nppropriute planning controls, ihc developers hnve ogreed to a Innd exchange between them oncc DruR Plan 18T-89117 is registercd. They huve rcquested ihat part lot cantrol be lifted on Block 30, Plun 40M-1689, in order to creute full development blocks bctween the two plans (Block 39, Plan 40M-1669 und Blocks 30, 31 and 32, of DraR Plan 18T-89117). Council should note Aiet the developers have requestecl thet purt lot cantrol be IiIIcd prior to thc foundntions of the units being poured, which vnries from usuul Town prnctice. The devclopers hnve agreed however thal the land exchanges between them will occur immediately following the registrntian of Dre(t Plan 18T-891 l7, nnd lhe conveyunce of tfie lands into separatc owncrship will occur prior to the Town repenlling the purt lot control by-luw from title (within 6 months of thc registration of tha by-Iaw). Attached hereto is o draR by-law, enactment of whi�h will exempt thesc lands from thc part lot control provisions of the Pfanning Ac�, thus pennitting transfers of thosc units into scpnrntc ownership. This byluw is in the form usually employed in such cases, RcpotttoCouncilL107/98 Octobcr28,1998 6� Subject:Part Lot Control By-law Pagc 2 Cougs Imcsiments ATTACHMENTS: l. DmR bylew. 2. Site Sketch/Location Mep. Prepared/Approved by: Denise B e ` DB:ljm Altachments Copy: Gencml Mnnagcr Director of Planning Recommended for the considerotion of Pickering Town Council � c<�/� omas ]. mn, encra agcr !'� I 68 • " � �. � • � _ • �► � ; IY��I\."i�,�� Being a by-(aw �o exemp� Block 30, Plan 40M-1689, Plckering, from par� lo� control. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13, the council of the municipnlity may by by-law provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not npply to ccrtain lands within a plan of subdivision designnted in thc by-Inw; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of T'he Corporation of ihe Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I.. Section 50(5) of the Pfanning Arr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, does not apply to the lands described us follows: Block 30, Plan 40M-�689, Pickcring. 2. This byInw shall remain in force and effect for n period of six months from Ihe Jate of the passing of this by-law und shall cxpirc on Junc 2l, 1999. BY-LAW rcad n first, second und �hird time and finally ��ssed this 21st day of December,1998. PIIOI.IM � � . .. � .. �.,�ti �.. � � . . . . .. ''i�. . . . . .. - � � � - Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk f •