HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 002/99. 9� �a OF p� ,u � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denise Bye DATE: Janunry I8, 1999 Munager, Legal Scrvices RGPORT NUMBER: L 002199 SUB)ECT: Part Lot Control ByLaw - Ballantry Homcs - Blocks 16, 17, IS and 19, Plnn 40M•1887, Pickering -File: P4101.19i RECOMMENDATION: A PuA Lot Control Dy-Law should bc enncted to excmpt Dlocks 16, 17, IS and 19, Plnn AOM•1887, Pickcring, from thc subdivision control provisions of thc Plunning Acr. ORIGIN: Requcst Gom Onllanlry Homcs dntcd Jamiary i], 1999. AUTHORI7Y: Plunning Acl, R.S.U. 1990, chaptcr P.13, scction 50. DACKGROUND: Thc nbovc•mcntioncd lands nrc bcing dcvclopcd in nccordancc with thc npproprialc Subdivision Agreement and Zoning Dy-Law, in such a manner Ihal morc thnn onc dwclling unit is bcing constructed on cach lot rcfcrrsd to. Auached herclo is n Ernft byIcw, cnaclment of which will excmpt Ihcsc lands from Ihe paA lot wntrol provisions of th= Plmining Acr, thus pertnitting Imnskrs of thase units iuto scparotc owncrship. This by- luw is in thc form usunlly employcd in such cascs. ATTACFIMENTS: I. DmR by-Inw. 2. Sitc Sketch/Location Mnp. Prcpnred/Appraved by: �CS! • � ' Denise Uye DD:ijm Attachments Copy: ChicfAdministretive0flicer Direcror of Plenning Recommended for t:w consideretion of Plckering Town Counctl , �`�/ 9 ' mwJ. nn,Chf Adm(m IvoOflicer ,; >ii . ., . _. . . � . � � . � � . ... . . . � .� _ . . . . • ATTACHMENT k_f .,_ TO R@POATM�j9 TfiE CORPORAT'ION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERMG 9� BY-LAW N0. Betng a by-law lo exenipt Bfocks /6, l7, l8 and 19, Plan 40M- 1887, Plcke�ing, from par! !ol conlrol. WHEREAS pursuant lo the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Acr, R,S.O. 1990, chaplcr P.13, Ihe council of lhe municipaliry may by bq•law provide ihat section 50(5) of the Act das not apply to certain lunds within a pinn of subdivision designated in the by-law; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporntion of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Section 50(5) of the Plmudng Act, R.S.O. 1990, chopter P.13, dces nat npply to the Innds described us follows: Dlocks 16, 17, I8 end 19, Plan -0OM-1887, Pickcring. 2. 7tiis byInw shall rcmnin in forcc and effect for a period of six monlhs Gom thc datc of the passing of Ihis bylaw and shall expirc on August I, 1999. BY•LAW read e first, sccond and tliird limc ond finnlly passcd this I st day of fcbruary, 1999. Waync Arthurs, Ata�or Druce Taylor, Clerk MI01.191 � � � � . .. . � . . � � . . . . ,�,. . . ' . � � � , � .. . _ � � -. � .. . ..